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.:� �Mi {.� �se,il:1.'..... �. Av: �(Y� � - . _ ___. <br /> "�.n..w.� , � . {. • •l' � ,L •� i�`�..,����kfA}Rf. � .. <br /> . . . Z�IU j�Ti� - r_.y. <br /> . ' �� n . ��'M1 , _,� <br /> _ .. - L�t}i:}.,��'�!�!!�!�!�lQ��r�l�.�i.�..._ . <br /> „ :�r�f1�MM�dM��f�rf�����q�fqr �1T�11���i��i11�Y�wi�iir.'��jt���._ .. .'°_:. <br /> iMw�. M dd�b+woMlR 4 nhmd to i�11�M 3�axMY�b�dw'�'Arop�h'•" , .� '"�'�, <br /> �OltROM�R t�M�3NAI�17'S tl�t Baro�er 1�bwNlly Miwd�af d�a awe hirely aoNVeyed�rnd b�r d�ri�hl•10 p�et ' <br /> �od catvtY!!�e' �ad d�t td°Pt'°p°nY�uneacurpbaad.esaept t a r�o f r e r o r d�• B a f r o w a r w e r l r M�e s a M <br /> wW d�faqd�ea�WM b d�Ptopaty�all claiim aod da�.��t q�ay aacumMt�ca at�ec�ed. <br /> 7'NIS S�CUR1'L'Y INSTRUt�1T oombina�anifarm oovaunq f a r �d o� �a � � � wYM <br /> Wnkod vui�don�bY ju�oe�10 oo�aaituta a uni[atm recurit�iaotnur�t coverir�rcAl propertY• <br /> UNIPORM ODV6NAM9: Horrower and L�ender covaqu�t afd apee s tdlows: <br /> i. 11���10�PrtNeip�1�M leterost;PrepyAat ud I.afe ClumiM. Barowar�!I P�PU�t�Y w�itea due dM . <br /> princi of md i�on da dd�t evWeo�ad by the Note�nd anY ProWY���d Wo c due undcr the Note. <br /> �Fiid�tor'nuce��d 1�araaae. Subjoct toapplic�ble luw or w a wriroan wdv�Lender�Borrowa shW�y oa, <br /> l.eader on the d�y monthlY WY��+iue due under the Note.undl d�a Noto i�paid in fuU���wn("Punda")for:(a)Y�Y <br /> ta�cea aad aeecsemenls which may uWa priarltY ovu thi�SecuritY Intuument u a Ilen on tha Propetty:(b)Yq+�r1Y k�sehold <br /> pymeats at�ound �a►ts oa die P�Qaty. if�u►Y: ls) Yarly h�urd ar property insur�nce premiums: (d)Yc�rir flaod <br /> �u�noe Paaiums. ii s�ar(o)Yar1Y mo�tp6e iaswu�oe p�emiums�iP any;sud(fl mY � p�►Y�by Banowrar b <br /> I.onrkr,io acoo�d�noo rvilA tho povIsia�of pWag�aph lieu of tho p�pme�tt of matg�ge iasur�x penuu�ru. 'llKae <br /> iteaw are c�llod"FscroM Itaas:'�fer may.�t�n►y tia►e.caUect�nd hold Eiuids in an amount not to excoed tbe m�ucimain <br /> amouat a laader for�foda�llY�eUUeA rtwt�t,a8e laxn mxy roqutro for Barowenc�s�crow axount wndetr ihe fede�al Real <br /> F.sate Seulement�Pnaoedu�es A�ct oi 197a�as umeddad froin time to time.t2 u.s.c.¢?b01 er seg.('�RESPA"),unless�nolha <br /> I�w tiuit�PP�ks w the Pund:4et9 A l�se,�r ilmount. lf so.�.endcr moy,at.�ny time,collcct�nd hold F1Nuia i��n amount not w <br /> c� the.icsset Amount, Lendcr may estimate.the Amount�11'A�e�due on t{�e�Cu�sis of Gtirr+eat il�a and t�nabk - <br /> : ,, � ', ; ::;estim�ate��dfexpeixlitutes df fultua Escrow items at.oti�rwise iti accortlance with applicabk l�W. . . <br /> 'ilie Fi�r+ds shall 6c beld in an 1nx�itutlon w�u¢e�tleposits ace insured by�'a.fedeca! pg�i�ay, instru�wliry.or endry ' •�,: <br /> {including 1.enUcr,.��'ixnder is sach un iastitudan)or ln ar�y�'�cicral Hame:L,oan 8ani:. Lender ahu11 apply.lhe P1u►ds to pa� <br /> the Esaow ftems, i.endei'.may nat char$e Borrori�er for holding an�applying t!x Furul�.u�mually anaiy�ing'thg`e�craW�. ..- <br /> � : '.accou�lt.or verifying�he P.scrow Itema,unkss Lendcr pnys Ho�rower intsreal on the FY�nds and appllcabie luw,pe�ts ,., ;. <br /> .i,ender to nwke such a charge. Mowever. Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-dme charge for an independen{rial . • <br /> �ate t�c�ep�rt�ng servlce used by Ixnde'r in connecHon with this loan.uNess applicable lAw provides othwwise. <br /> agrcament ir meda or appdcable law requirea+nteneat to be peid,l.ender shall not be�equirrd to pay Borrower any inlareat ar <br /> earningr on the Punds.Borrower and Lender may ag�+ee in w�ting,however.that interest shall be paid on the PUnds. [.cnder <br /> shall glve to Borrower,without annual accounNng of the Plmds.showing c�dits and debits to the Fande and�h� <br /> pu�poso for which each debit to the Funda wiu mede. The Nunds aro pledged n�addidonel secudty for all sum�aecured by <br /> thi�Se�udty Instrument. <br /> If the Fund�hakl by Lender eacad the amoun�a permiiled iu ix i�1d by opp{kaWe lasv. Lcndcr shal! �sts!o <br /> Borrower for the axcess I�unds in accordence with the requirementa oi applicAble I�w. If the amount of the Funds hald by <br /> t,ender at any time is not�uFficknt to pAy Nie Hscrow Items when due,Lendor mny so naify Bortower in writing,and,in <br /> �uch case Bonower +�hnll pay to I.ender tho amount neceasery to make up the deficiency. Bonower �holl malte up�he <br /> deflcicncy in na morc�han twelve monthlY l.cndcr's sole discrctian. <br /> Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by�hia Socu�ity Instn�ment.l.¢nder shall promptly roNnd to Borrower nny <br /> punds held by Lcnder. If,undcr paragroph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender,prior ta the acquiaition or <br /> �le of�he Prope�ty. s�w��opp�Y anY Fl�nds held by Lender���he time of acquisidon or sele as a crcdit against�he auma <br /> cecwod by this Securiry inswment. <br /> 3. Applkatbn ot PAymenta. Unless applicable lawpro vides otherwice. oll payments �ceived by I.ender under <br /> pnragmphr 1 and 2 slwll ba applled:firsb to any prcpayment chuges due under the Note:second,to amounte payable under <br /> paragraph 2;thW,to intereW due;fouith,to principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. C6orQes; Lkna Borrower shull pay all texes,assessments,charges. iines and impusitiona attributable to the <br /> property which may anain priodty over�his!'�ecurity InsUvmem,and laasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Bortower <br /> shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragrnph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Bonower shall pay Ihem on <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounla to be paid under <br /> this paregraph. li Borrower makes these nayments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipis evidencing <br /> the payments. <br /> Borrower sholl pmmp�ly dischArge nny lien which has priodty over this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> in writfng to the payment of the obligation secured by the Ilen in a manner ncceptable to Lender,(b)contesis in good fajth the _ <br /> lien by,or defends ageinst enforcement of the lien in,Icgal proceedings which in[he Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c) secures from the hoWer of the lien an s�greement sa�isfnetory to Lender subordinating the lien - <br /> to thia Security Inswment. If I.ender determines that any purt af Ihe Propehy is subject lo a lien which may attain priority <br /> over this Security Inspument,Lender may give Horrower a notice identifying the lien. Borro�ver shall satisfy the lien or take <br /> one or mor+e of the actions set forth nbove withfn 10 dAys af ihe giving of notice. <br /> S. Hw.�rd or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> prnperty insured against Mss by�re,haznrds included within the term"eztended covemge"and nny other hazurds,includfng : <br /> flooda or flooding. for which Lender requiros insurance. This insurnnce shall be maintuined in �he amoums and for the <br /> Porm J02S 9190 ryaRe 2 nf 6 pog�sl <br /> — --,.��IF sr. , ., .:--..—.'ic.w.t^i,..�.n.� ._ ------ti: -�-�,,,y�—� ,.r..r�•„q,....,.�...�...+�-.—t.....,,�.�.;�, <br />:a_�.,�};y�: � .' , .' -� ,r• .�'--Y.` _ '. . _ ' <br /> _—'-Ff.rm}°'M..:'h^r�ir��. � . . � ... .a �.a.. � � . . <br /> _ i <br />"._" ' .' <br /> �_. � ,.. <br /> -.�s v�.:.� :. � . -- •� � � _���..�_:i�',� ..r�'6�'s1A�.1S6�i��,� <br /> _r;'_ . .. .... , ��. . . �_ � - - . . . - . <br />:..r�..�r�.:1.iy.�;; . . . . , <br /> i'►�. J 1\t lY 4`..,_—" " ._ '" . . ;.I . . ` +1 y ' i , ' '_ . .' " _ ' ... • ._ ' •' "_ ' . <br /> 12{tf r��J'i!. . .�-d � _i ( � - . ' `I� �� ' <br /> � /, �., , � ,. • , 1_ � , . ,. : ,�.rr � r • � <br />.f�Yj i��,lJ�,�1����FF� }:��. - '..ri;�'� . � � 11+:� l ���� -`� f �. 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