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_ _ __ _�_ _ <br /> ___ __ . .. . <br /> . . ,_ .. . . , �r: ;.•,: :-:�T-= _ � <br /> , . „ . . :1 . ..�,.-_-- <br /> �,p�y ao b�x ife .ac d�e qK3oa af laoiia�.lt+NO�q�i�uwor aov����yw�e1N . . - <br /> i�t!� wqriirwl prsvi�b�ia i���rwd ly[�+fwi�a 6�ooars��ihl�r�ad b ab�d.ilKa�w�t iMi� <br /> �ia�w�i�asw�iwd rn�ii�oeq��.i ti�.t■�a yi�a#�i!�ir�serre.e�9l�C��i�t..-�_ �: <br /> MwNMI��i��aadi�o�wi�l(4►MniMM��nt dMw�beRt�ar�r r Lw�dec ar�b M�r. . _ <br /> !.Ilr�e/iN.L�der oa W Il�t�m�io�n�rord��ri���d i�p�ctio�a�th�P�aMery.i+�r i�M/ht ' <br /> aonower�alioe�t{ib tiaae of ar piioir b�n i�p�u�oa�po�dfyia�nro�il�c�Ibr tbe irp�ttioe. ,. <br /> l�. C�i�11M. The pooeeds ot�oy nr�nd ar ddaa for daM{a.di�x cr aopreqw�dr�ia aoaoe�xia wllY� . <br /> �a ad�r W�iu�o�iy�et o�dN P�ape�ty.a tor oo�r�yaaa ia tM�af ao�d�da�,N��'�p a�M/�ril�1ii <br /> eh�N be p�M eo i.cnAer. <br /> 1�tW ewaat ot��oW tdrla�of tht Prop�ty.die p�oceed��Il be�pplied to the waan*eGprrd by thh Seautlty Ie4f+�M�t. <br /> �al�e�or not then due. rvitY any e�wa�pid w Bono�.In tUo avaM of�patti�l pJ�af the PropeAy in�the 4ir <br /> m�icet vBUe of the Pnopdrty iaomedLtdy ta•la.z tbe nldn�U eqwl w or��eMer du�n tbe amuum of!he weu ioau+ed by d� <br /> Secvtity latrumant immedi�oly bdae the t�in�.nnlea AaroMer sad t.onder otl�awiwe a�nae i4 aritin�.die�una�ea�rod Sy <br /> d�is Sav�ity Inwuman �lull be tedixed by tla anount uf tha prooeod� multiplied by 1be followiej f�ction: (�) tbe totd <br /> a�oount of the sunu�ea�rod innnedi�ody bcfona the t�ing�dfvided by(b)the fait m�rfca wlue of tue Prop�a�ty 1ma�edi�Wy <br /> 'before ehe Wcin�. My b�laioe tJWI ba ptid to Bomnwer. la the ermt of a paALl t�of tbe Pro�rty in wh{c6 tthse Qdr <br /> oa�icet value af oYe Pruparty immediudy before tb tald.�is las tP�a t4e�a�oupt of the wua�ecurod imaedl�tdy betoro 1be <br /> hiclog,unlen Botm�re+r and I,ender atliavvi�o a�tee in��iRi�ar ueia�s appllcabk law atber�vl�e povlde�,Wo prooeod��11 <br /> be appliod to the wimt securod by�hi�Sopirity Ia�bnunent�rl�ar or mt tbc�ros�to U�ea doe. <br /> If tbe Propert,�is�6audoned 6y Borrower.or if. �flcr aotico by lsader eo B�,xrnwer tbat the miadanmor vlRie to�mke aa <br /> aMnud or w1k a d�fm far dmm�es. Hama�er Gil� 10 respo�d w A.arles w�ithia 30 drys dlar �e d�Me Ire ootioe is�ivan� <br /> I.eadar i��uth�rixo�i w unliod�u,d�piY�lwc pr�woodz.w ics ap[lon,dtber to tawation or�ir of t��t+opatp or oo the suan _ <br /> �eaa�ed by this Secv�ry InshtanaM.w�r or ao1 tbeat due. <br /> Ualeas Leader md Bmrowa��agrx?in writln8. +pY �PP��� �P�'�s� Pn�iP�►�aluill aa e�claad or <br /> po4tpone the due dato of tl�nanthly pryp�dnts iefurod w in para�raphs 1 ond 2 or dtange the�of snch pya�mts. <br /> 11.Donowa�Not Rde�ned;Fq'ba��puoe By i.eader Not a Watver.Fana�ion of tUe time for paymeot or modificatlaa <br /> of amo�on af tha surt�sxurod b th�x�xuriry Insuumeat ganted by L.ender w any suooes�or in i�of Hono�xer sbwll <br /> not apaste w relaise the Ii�biUty of�odgiaal Bon�ower or Bomnwer's suooaco�s in i�rterat.l.encla sh�ll not be roquirod W <br /> oomm�d�oe qoceedingc aigainst any cu�oessor in interest or refuse to e�ctend time for payma�t or otderrv�se modify �umo��ation <br /> of tho sum� �cu�ed by tLls Soarity Inat�w�cnt� reason of ury drnuu�d made by �he origlaat Bormwer oF Aonower's <br /> suocasora ia inte�est. My forbe��oe by Lender i�i exencWn�any dght or rcir�edy nbwll not be s w�iva o�'or p�¢ <br /> • .axa�cise of nny right or remedy. . , <br /> 2Z. �trc�ar�s�r! A�B,m�sd: lafai aasl 3,cvcxs! l.�yi �s�az• '!'he ra��a�x�ss of s�s <br /> ' Secudty Lt�aument shall bind end benefit 1he succeasors and aasig�n of Lender and Borrower.�subjopt ta n�e provisiona oP <br /> ..• p�ragraph l7. Bornower's covtt�nts atd agroemtnts shall be joint wd several. My Bormwer'who.casi�aa this Sxudty = <br /> � Insnument Iwt does not�exswte t6e Nate: (a) is ca-sdgriing this Se,curity Insuwr�ent only to mcirtgAge.g�nt md oonvey th�t <br /> Borrower's interest in tbe i'ruperty under the te�ms of this Serudty l�me�►;(b)is not persoreull�obltgated W p�y the sw�u <br /> secured by this Sacudty Iastnunenr,and(c)ag��ees that.l.ender and any other Bornuwer may agree+to�extend,modify,forbear or <br /> mako any axommodetla�as with negard to�he terms of t5is Security Instrument or the Note wilhout that Borrower's rnnsent. <br /> 13.La�a C6ar�es. Iff the loan secured by this Security Instn�ment is subJxt to a law which sets marimurn laui chugea, <br /> end that law is tinally interprcted so that the intercst or other loan charges rnllectod or to be rnlloctad in can�ction with the — <br /> loan eaaead the permitted limits.then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary w reduce the charge <br /> w the permitted limit; w�d Ib)any sums alceady collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted Ilmits will be refunded to <br /> Horrower. Lender may choose to make U�is rcfund by reducing the princi�wl owed under the Noto or by making a dirat <br /> payment to Borrower. If a r�efund reduoes principnl, the reduction will be tr�eated as a partial piepayment wfthout any — <br /> prcpayment charge under t5�e Note. _- <br /> 14.Notkes.Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivedng it or by mailing <br /> it by first class mail unless applirable law requires use oi another method.The notice shall be dirocted to the Property Address <br /> or any other eddress Borroaer designates by nd�ice to I.ender. Any notice to I.ender shall be given by tirst class rtwil to <br /> Lender's addrcss stated fierein or uny other uldreac I_ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any naice provided for in thia <br /> Secudty Instnunent slwll be deemod to have been given io Borrawcr or I.ender when given as providrd in this paragwph. <br /> 15.Governing Severabflity. Tbis Savriry Instrument �holl be govemed by federal law and Ihe luw of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Propeny is lacated.[n the evmt that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> canfliMS with applicable law,such mntlict shal l not afFen other pmvisions of this Security Instrument ar the Note which can be <br /> given effect wlthout the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note are declered <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16.&�a�+�ower's Copy.Horrower shall be given one conforn�ed copy of the Note and of this 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> Form 3028 8/80 � <br /> Pp�4 016 <br /> ' ._ <br /> -�=f1 PfLIICS"':� T - � ♦ e b�}, „KS1�r'!1��/f`�tt11�E/.l{hliL' }1�8 � � �f.`.��.• �� {�`'��� l: <br /> �� 1�in�51• r�' � - `� I (i1�N - . (�. 1.}.,. .`, r��ph�.�r�{`�'{�,;' ,.�( �}Gl;� l'.".'�"'..��. <br /> 1G _.t!��::{T�[f. . -_' +`.� , ��r�•��5 . . i,�'. 1 . � � � • . . .f;.l �t.,•��� �`�)L�1 Gy+l�`�{�7 �.��M1,J„Jh�tV,i;li:f{J7� �l•'_ <br /> fb + <br /> c;lbfi 7'i 1Yi{� ll � , f�,�ry'•��\i.� '�.i�. '� �2t i. .t�- „ t'�j',.'4. � r ���, ��'�-�- ` �'. <br /> -��.�w:`��..,v41'..i_ ,��i� ! �� ,.� � y � d��.•�! � �il• !- �'".• ' � !1 . <br /> -- - =Yf�iilili����_y� _',4�k�lEtr4li+'cen��?ta�c.�'4Lcl_,.�„17i:i��1t`[�:r:ia:n���ku�1.�. �;v��S.4��. �'n�.,�1.(-,:���iL�ic_,i��_�4��'�3�!!rE'1�lrr.,�. <br /> , �-, �;:-�--;�,� �i�gx - ; •� t� - _ _ 1 ,! , �_ arapiti� r;' �r`' ' �i:�-. <br /> �Y_�� � � � � -f2 ��. �} �1j r+, • - ' . . .1 � ]'��Ytt�l��'<+r �� --� ' .�. r� � . <br /> .: .L � �F.fLF1��t��f f•�l���fpl . � � _ . -•1.' � �r��� 2 t Y1�7{-�� ���� -J - r i) � � - ,♦ <br /> :S,��FIc/Y{r.wjtls.r�s *!j��r��(��. . 5 tY�r`'�t f A� � . f <br /> � . .n•'. 1 t'A e F+iir�"� y� �y�L�.xn. � ii{ <br /> � _["iU N - . :a. __ _�...„'1' di'._ � '_ f��.i...�hl�Ai.N�F Y�i:� . f } !4 � ! 5-l_ <br /> - '�- 1�U.:i.3�_°���:irr���°� � y, • , . . . �7�.�C`� v[°- — _ 1,'1�:'7�._''"' _' ' ^� 1 ._-' <br /> q ' �.Sc It�_n So`{f..+n�- i. � . . .. . ��:i� YI ��� f�x��'�. <br /> �:�g•3'ch �`� '�"'��?Di�S?d.,..K ,.d .� �N,t� � �. I�tiZ:•> <br /> ... "'_' •i:r�u'; , , i).'.� . ._ <br />` - - _ �. •'r" ..'� ' .. . � .. „ _ � • _ ' .' � �y . - , <br />���,�,�� �.�� . �, " . .. • • y.. ' , ... .. .... ,' . <br /> .�"f�'1 n�'�Y . ._. � ..� . �... � . . .. - , _ O `vl� +.y.�f,,' t. _. _ . <br /> :°� ♦,aY ° ' . ••). - � �` � � -- � . _ . 1� �\1'•'�P,'�!'��,���`.'1 1Y�., ..t., � <br /> � -~�Y� G.,t Y� � /�.��.. ���>u.L1���yl'�. .. � �_. ... . -rc ''l. ,(��ZrW�r' . <br /> . • � . �t. � . 1 . . �'/l�Siw.alia. ' <br /> .��"., .._'.'�_`,IIY'(. tsf_.Y.S�n fd11...}�"aise.l�t.�_� �,-. ��� . . ,t}�;d.1fIC^eY3Ya'4�.�" ii�YL�us ��1i�ii4...v,.... • <br /> -�"tY. " ..�1� u. .. � ���.�•� 1 ��y . . . . . .. - t . , ..� ��.::.. �1e1�'���1..>.Y... . _ <br /> � �' , .. . . �.t7'�'?m�'.aw%�1I��. v . . • . >. .. 1 . . • .. .. ... � <br /> .C" . - .� � �. ... �:a����:�S3i�i�h.1..� . . .... d�. "'" . � .. ..� ._.. . ._'._._._.iA__...__...__ .��___`—_ _- ( <br />