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T . _ . � . . �' ..._. :__ <br /> . ��w� i�r�e�. Ho�a� �! loeep dK►iaap�wn�ns� �ar���a��c . � <br /> tiapety lnwued a�t 14►10� M�.�i�d0�1 witWa tbe term''r�" �od au�o�r h�'d�. LeM!� <br /> !loa�or!laoAiu��ter�rl�tll!�te+;t�ir�!�^�.'l�Sb h�e shdl M�f�laYrd ip Dw a�o�n�M a�i loc 11i.�eriit . — <br />' eMt I+afder r�equira.Tbe�errier pvvldh�1h�iilnutooe�Inp be dx�n b�r�rowM��ubJect b[�M�dR'a�ppl�rd . <br /> rvhiab�iWl no� be unr�on�b1Y MItYMid. U llo�raw�a'GW w p�rlau�le aovar+�e�eufibed �b�o�rr�Iwidir wy���t.t.r1�r'� <br />, option� obWa oovar�e to p+nlect�r'r�ijhb M the Pro�pty ia�aoond�noe witb pa�qeapb 7. <br /> AU inwna�oe poflala WI ranarvds�Mp b�aooepl�ble w Lanter and�hrll b�dude a�da�d modt�e c�w�. K.Mder . <br /> NWI Su�ve dre d�t to hold Ibe po8cies md noeaMals.lf Lender requEra. Earr�er dril prompUy iive to l.ender�II t�eoeipl�d <br /> P�P�and ra�ewat nutbea.Ia the evew of lose.Borrowu ctWl�ivo ptr�aipt�wttoe w tAe l�uurancx cartler md i�nda. <br /> L,pde�riny a�ke proof ot la�it aot mde pndnpflY bY Bo�ro�ar. <br /> UNea I.ender�od Borrawer otUawiie�ea In wrldn�,lnwt�noe prnoeedi�MII be�pplied ta naaoAtion a rep�ir ot the <br /> 'proppty dpru�ed.if tho rawr�tbn or rop�ir b 000�ly faiaible md Lerider's secu�ity ir nat les�enad.If tha ro+�tontion or <br /> r�ir is not aoo�miwlly fasible or I.�vider's�ocu�ity would be les�aied�tho imur�noe prnoeedo�full be appltod w Ibe tum� <br /> �rod by ti� Sxurity I�aauma�t. wbdher or nat then dua. wkh wy eucw paid to Boemwer. If Bomnwer�ndona�tho <br /> Propaty�or does�wt�wer whhin 30 dny4 a r+oNoo from LaWcr thn tho inwranco carrier has of�'aod W uttle�cl�im.thm <br /> L,eader n�y oollect the insurmae p�ooeeds. Laider may uce tbe prooeed:w rqair or r�awro the Prope�ty or to py �+um . <br /> �eau�by thi�Socudty It�ctrurtwit.wh�er or not tMeen Qua.The 30-d�y perlod wlll begin whan the nolica ia givcm. <br /> Uaks� l,ea�der and Borm�rer othenriae qroe in writin8• �Y �PPliation ot pnoc�eeds W priacipl slull not e�ta�d or <br /> p�o�tporre�he due d�e oi the mon�Ny p�yments neferrod w in panlgr�Ql�s 1 and 2 0�cMnge tbo�unotuM of the paympMt. If <br />� uider p�gwpn z� We Property��oqn�noa by Lenacr.8ormwer��rlgbt w any inswanoe po�icia ma paoeo�a:raulaa�rro�a <br /> damye w tbe Pmpr,ny prior to!!�e se�pisition ebsll psae to Lender to�Me exknt of'Me wan�ecwd by thia Sewuiry IaY�umeot <br />, itm�ediaMely pioc w Ihe aoquisitioa. <br /> ,.: ' f.4aupnty.t'�er'vation,Malatea�ace I�od Protection ot tLe PrnpertY;Bomo�va'�Laaa Applicatlon;l.��e6oi�. <br /> , Bornoar�r shaU occupy,eatAblieh,ud usa tLee Pro,�7ty as Borrower's princlpal reaidenoe within sixty da�s�fter the execvtion of <br /> ' this�ecrrity Inchwna�t smd shall oontlnue to accuPY�p��Y as Borrower'e principal residenae i�►�sa l.east oae yar after <br /> the da�e�f accupaincy.uoless Lender otherwise��ees in wridag.wl�ich cot�sent shwll not be uhm�o�!9y withhdd. or unlaa <br /> axtenuatitig circwnatanas e�:t which are beym�d.�atmw�r's conUol. Borrower shall ant cleest�oy, alumage or impair We <br /> Property,allow the Propeity w deteriorate, or c�oaimit wqate on the Property. Bornower shali b��in Qe9ault if�ny forfeitu� <br /> aalon or pmoeoding,whether civil or crimirwl, is be�m that in I.ender's good f�ith}udgment coultl reauit in fodeitute of the <br /> Prnperty or otherwise mater��lly impair the lien cceated by thi4 Securiq Inswment or 1,endor's security inte�st. Borrower may <br /> cuie sueh�default and provided in paregrnph causing the action ar pracceding to bc dicmiaaad with�ruling <br /> thAt, in l,ender's gaad faith dete�ninatiun, prccludes forFeitune of the Hornower's interest in the Property or dber materW <br /> . impu3r��eqt of the liai created by�t#+is 5ecuricy I�ment or i.ender's securiry interes[. dorrower sha�i atiso be in deiauit if <br /> �..Borrowsr,during the loan epplicetlon proces.4,gave materially false or inaCCUrate inforn�ation or statements to Leoder(or fdlod <br /> to provide L.ender wi�h any rtwterial infarrtwtion)ln connection with the loiia evidenced by the Note.inc9uding. but not limited <br /> to,representetions concerning Bonower's occupancy of the Praperty as a princlpal rcsidence. If Ihis Securi4y Instrumc�nt is on a <br /> ieusehold, Borrower shall wmp)y wiU� ail the provfsiun� vi the lease. if Borrower acquires fee title W the PiopeRy. tbe <br /> leasehold anci the fea title shall not merge unless L;.nder egrees ta the merger in writing. <br /> 7. P�ota�ion ot Lender's Right�In the Property.If Borrower falis to perform the covenants and agrcements eonwined in <br /> thia Security Instrument.or thane is a legal praceeding that may signifloantJy affect I.ender's rights in the Property (swch as a <br /> procceding in bu�kruptcy, probate. for condemnatian or forFeitura or to enforce laws or regulatlons),then l.ender may do and <br /> pay for whatever ia necessary to pratect the value of the Property and I.ender's r�ghts in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> include payfng any sums secured by a lien which has priori[y over this Secur�ty Inaltument, appearing in oourt, paying <br /> rcasonable attomeys'fces und entering on the Pmperry to make repairs.Although L,ender may take aMion under this paragraph <br /> 7.Lender does not huve to do so. <br /> Any anaunta disbursed by I.ender under thi� parugruph 7 shall become additiontil debt of Barrower secured by this <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower ond Lender agree to ather terms of payment, these amaunts�hal) bear interest 1'rom the <br /> date oP disbursement at the Note rate und shall be payable, with irxerest, upon notice from I.ender ta Bortuwer requesting <br /> payment. <br /> S. Mortqpge In4umnce.If Lender requir+ed mortgvge insurnnce as a condition of muking the loan sccured by�his Security <br /> Instrument. Burrower shall pay the premiums required to muintain the mortgage insurance in effect. lf, for any reason, the <br /> moRgoge insurence coverage required by L.ender lapsex ur ceases io be in effect,Bnrcower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mongage insuranre previously in effect,nt n cust substanti�lly equivalent to the <br /> cost to Homower ot'the mongage insurunce previously in cfFect. from an alternote mortgage insurer npproved by Lender. if <br /> substan[ially equivatent mortgage insurence coveruge is not uvailable.Borrn�ver shull pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when thc insuran��r aiverage lap.r•ed or ceased to <br /> be in effect. I.ender will accept, use and retain these payments as a loss rcserve in lieu of mongage inaurance. Loss reserve r <br /> �sose e/ao <br /> P.n.ame — <br /> . .. , . .� r � � r • _. <br /> 3������ r��,F1�� '� i ,t . ' •I, �'�;5:. � ••�(�¢}�,�?�:'.��,�.,; l� ` .�� ; <br /> 7` ��iS t � l� 1 rl: , �1-v - - <br /> ti� }} t � � 1�1..� � ?i {i� , 1��s - ,^�� r�Pf�tii+� �t -�ti ; r,• . _, '. �. .. <br /> !11 � Y f I J �S . 1 - . lti.� . . <br /> 11__ - � � ' , - . - . <br /> _.... A 1 dw.;�e31.�w�t,y �tll .-� !�1- ' _ • f � � - '� . . . <br /> � <br /> --... .,,.��..�xr.�u�,.i�4L..�,i__i� .,�sn_. -- � ��-'- -�i' ��'s..-�,i�.i��J4.�r.�f���1{���:_�-}'i,-'-- -_,x._���D��:.r�.-�--ry+�L�i.9K..,a:• . <br /> il4lflu�+ct��t�lf �-�..... -_j-ri `_.°.- .�r-- . _.-..-. ----- �--- ---.-i7�T-� 1-i��t'`1 � i �t r.., . - , . _-• . <br /> I. �.�Lk_J hf'+:...L. . � �� . 1 ( �ft � , . . <br /> '- .t �' �1 - -���1 tiy �� ��(It <br /> r �r ������t��si , fe�,',�l�r i `� t � � � � . � . . _ . , <br /> i� r . <br /> �'t t�c�`ir=�{t�t ��`���` , ,� '.• .�`�S, iS•' . � ti� .1,i ,;; •,,1;�(�:,`tfttt}'*`�',;�.�' ., _ . <br /> r-i y�s}�IlS��Ld4���t.t—�`.j•-"•�w^.�;iY{c[!];.�..� ��l�.i��l�i� �._ -- �---� � �-'—" }� 1 ` ' ` - - ---- --- .— <br /> .�}���Q t 1+11,t�11� .:-'IIJS�I_��..�.. ---•Cr-' I , 11r ,i.. ' ' . . . . . <br /> '�R+tl�, . .. •. � .. - _ , _. r . <br /> 4 ����•J 1+} • . � .. � . � � , �� ' <br /> -� ��\ A"tlll ; � . � , ��. . _ . . . 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