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7:=-:•s+'- -_�':�'`t-�i` �. . ;,,,� <br /> `�,,�: _—_= - •• • �� ' • .:..°:r.= <br /> 17.'[Y�tdbr�t die �r�r a MdkW lri/r'�M 4��•�6e�red aod�u�7�t i N- . <br /> M�old or t�nfe�rod�et N U b�a�lfd�t in1�t ia lonowe�b�old ar <br /> Lwii�'s prior .rrit�au wnr.iit. i.a��,y� =t �sa apt�+oa. . ee i�dl�e b lks�!d� a�as�� :- . <br />- _ � �rity G�u w o N t.M�n r.t 1�n aptioa�i i t a 5�a r�e��y i.a�d a r i�e u n r�'w r w v i n.�i:v�i�-:�r k�L-ii 1rw�ai1Ls� ,-- <br /> td IW Sac�Lrlty 1�nppeM. � , <br /> ' tf i�a�der e�nci�a ti�it uptioe.l a d e r�6�1 1 w B a r o w e r a o t f�o e o t a o o e i w a t i o n.7 1 r N o t i a�h�l a p a i M o l'�e R . <br /> �i ao e <br /> lea dwn 30 dsy�firom tha dw die nodon u del iverod nr m�ilod witlda w�hidi Bonowar m�w p�y d �um�earod by Ws <br /> Sequity I�arumint.If BonDwa'fdl�W p��he�e 1wd W the e�tpintion of this period��ler aoy�inw*a�oy�a�redNs <br /> ao <br /> �1by thia �wMhout� ar daioaaM oa Bona�►�er. <br /> i�. �erow�r'� M IWY�tWe. U Botroaer meou �main oonditio�a. Hamwa �hal1 irvo the d�Not Io dMo <br /> adauanaK of t6is Saaufty l�tnune�t ditooatiaued a��wy �me to the arBer of: (a)S�n��(ar 9uch other perYod s4 . <br /> �pp�inbb law m�Y �pec�ty' ta aa a of We conainad in dda <br /> for ndn�ta�anarN) bd'ore We ot tbe y W�w�w Y Po� <br /> Securtty I�umeat:or lbl a�ry'uf a jiud�me�M eafordo�tf�Sacurity inqrumau.Thc�e aondltia�s�ro tlu�t Bora�wx:(�)pys <br /> Lender all soms whid�Ibea wauld be due under this SeaultY L�umeat and tbo Note�If ao�ooder�tion hd ooa�med:lb) <br /> cures a�y defwlt ot my dher oaven�ume or�oemawt (�)P�y���P�+��+inwrned in atfotdnj thia Sowdty I�uumait. <br /> including, but not limitod to. nb�sxauiblo�ttoma�yra'faest�nd (d)taka such aGlon u La�der m�y rauon�bly roquire w actwo <br /> Ih�l tiio lien of trifs 5ocudty In�ruatau,Lander s right�in the Property�nd 8or�t�war'a obligation to paiy tho awas cecurod by <br /> thii Savdty Inarumd�t thall ooatinue�unchangod. Upon � by Bomower. lhis Sew�ity Instrur►xat �ad d►a <br /> obli4�daaa secured Uereby�all�in fiilly eft'ocNve as if ao aooelaation had oocumed. Howevar.�6ia ci�ht to m1n�e alNll <br /> nd�ppfy in Ihc a�o of aoaler�tiou under p�gnph 17. <br /> 1!.S�k at Natei Cl�ule ot i.u� 3a�vioa'. The Note ar a putW inet+est fa tha No�e(wge�hor with ttiia Securiq► <br /> Inadumeat)m�y be sold ono or monc tima without prior noticc to Hon+uwer. A aak mnpr n�it in R�in the aaity(known <br /> �Ihc"Loan Servicfr')tlut oollecl�mont6ly paymau�due unda�tlie Nate aed ihis Secwity Imnummt.7tierc also may be ae <br /> or mo�e d�an�es of tha La�n Serviar unml�ted ta a sale of�he Nae.If there is a chu�e of t6e Laa Saviar.Hocrower wiU ba <br /> -- -- - �iven written r�tioa af�ha change in rocmdanoe wiih par�Br�ph 14 abo�re�►irl�p�ik�b�e kw.Thc rtotioe wi4 smte d�c�aad <br /> ddrcas of�he rkw L.o�n 5ervlar u�d the addrcu to which p�Ya�enu�hwid be m�de.7Le�wtloe vrill also oontaia airy otAer <br /> infam�tbn roquirod�yr applicablo Ipw. <br /> 20.Haarda�e$u6aance�. Borrower siwll not an�sc os permit the pnaenoe. use. disposrl. stor�8e, or trkase of iay► <br />= N�antaua Subst�oes on or in the Property. Horrowa sf�ll �ot do, aor allow anyonc else to do. my�h�ng affecting ihe <br /> prnpertyr tl�at ic in violotion of any Enviromm��tal 7frc p�ecaling two sentenxs shall not�pply to the pteseooe.use.or <br /> �- Kcxnge on the of smAll qu�ntities oi Hazan�ous S�bstano�that ore�a�errlly rcaognlzad to br��prnprlate w nonad <br /> tesidential uses to meinteaance of the Pnoperiy. <br /> Borrower shall promptly R�ve Lenda writteA n�ice of any invest�gadon,cl�im. demand. lxwsuit nr other action by my <br /> _. govcmmental or regul�tory ageacy or priv+te WutY involving the Property and+u�y Hazwdi�us Svbstanoe or Environmental I.�w <br />— of which Borrower has actual Icn�wiodge.If Borrower is notifiod by any governrr�er+tal or rcgulatory auU�oriry. tGat <br /> any�emoval or aher nmadiation of any Naiardaus Substanoe afl'octing thc P�oQe�ty is necessary.Borrower sl�ll promptly W�e <br /> -= dl nxesswry rcmedi�l Actions in aaoriiance with Environmental Lsw. <br /> -'� Rg�e�;��h.��ragrad�20. "Ha�rdaus Substances" ar�e those substences definod as tosic or hazardou�substanees by <br />�r,;:' Environmentel !aw aad the following substances: gaso�ine, kerosene, other 8ammable or to�ic petroleum Qroducts, Wuic <br />•:�. pes�icides and herDicides.volatile solvents,materiels rnntaining asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and radioactive matenWs.As usod in <br /> •` this �raph 20. "6nvironnxntao" mean.g federal laws and lows of the jurisdiction where the Propeny is located that <br />``:�'r relote t�o health.sefety or environn�tal protcction. . <br /> �� • NON-UNIFQRM COVBNANTS.BomoK•er and I.ender further covenant and agroe as follows: - <br /> `� 21.AacelerAtloni Remedies.Lxnder slwYl g���e notice to Borrower prlor to aoceleratlon folbw�Botrower's breach <br /> o[ony eoveoant ar �r+eanent in this Securi4y Instn�ment (but rwt prlor to wxderation under �wragrapd 17 ualesa <br /> ' `:'� p�IICi�W!IAW �1t+DVIdlS OlI1C1'WIS!). 77ie notice slwll specify: lw)the detaulh, lbl Lhe s�ctlon required to cure the defaulh <br /> �(y�;�i:. (c)a dsite, aot I�s thon 30 days fram the date the nutice is giveo to Borrower,by whi�h the detaWt must be cured; and <br /> ` (d)Ilwt fnilure to cure the dei'aWl on or betore the date specifled In the notice rru►y�result in accelerptbn of d�e sums <br />�� secured by this Security Instnunent nnd s�le v�'the Property The notice shnll iurther infortn Borrower ot t4e right to <br /> � reinatate aRer accelemtlon And the rlght to brjng a court action to asserl the non-existeace of a default or t�ny otber <br /> �i� �ii�kj detense of Bor�+ower to ucceleratlon and s�le. 16 the deiault!s not cured on or before the date specliied in the notke, <br /> , ;�'4a�'''V��,;N [.ender.nt its option.mwy nquire immediate pnyment i� iull ot all sums secured by this Security Instn�ment without <br /> t:��. . <br /> � '��+�`-yts•'� � further dempnd and moy invoke the powcr of rale un�an� other remedics permitted by Applicable law. Lendcr shWl be <br /> :.�:�.;��J1�4-.r;a y*'• e�Illtled to collect all e!cpenses incurred in purJUing ihe rett�ev�lic�provlded in this pa�raph 21,including,but aot limited <br /> � ' `� ;=•••°�. • to�reasonable attorncys'�ees and costs nP Nlk evidence. <br /> ��; ' �``�-s".`•�- "" If thepower ot'sa9e is�r sha11 record a mrlice of defpult in each county in which any p��t of Ihe <br /> -,'��t ' •�":��' Property is I�nted anti shall muil caples ai sw�h notice tn the mwnner prescribed by epplicable law to Borrower and to <br /> �`".'%"' !' theother pensnns pr�rlbed bc uppflcable law.After the dmr requircd by npplicable luw�Trustee shall give publ(c notke <br />'":�.�' �;�,�,,�;;••� ,, of sale to the persons and in the manner prcsc�ibed by applkablc law�.Trustcr, withoW demand un Borrower. shall sell <br /> �+ry�,<I�ff,- �;. the Property ut public auction to the highest bidder ut the time and plece and under the ternw desigoated in the m►tice of _ <br /> 111 :.,, � �y'#'`jS;''° �,� sale In one or more parcels and in u�n,v order Trustee deterniine4.Tru�tee may pnstpnne rale of all or aay parcel o�tbe <br /> -. •;; i�Y ��!`v��!+�`�`�'' � b ublic announcement at the Ilme and place of ony previousl,r �ch�Yiuled!�ulc. I.en�er or its designee may <br /> ;r,r��•. ��' �r�}{%�1?'F�y' ''� �1��' Y P <br /> .� r'r ;i• purcMese the Propertv at wny su'e. <br /> i� •Ir ��,��i�:!t��/� . <br />- 1'.re�'��.)��� . <br />.�''��• �'� '""-`-�' - Porm 3026 9180 - <br />_ 'i 1.•, 1�,r ' :_'_' <br /> ��. ., " D�gn 6 0l fl — <br />..� , ,�:.�.`.:(,:t�: �U � _. <br /> '..';.�iii';�[:. <br /> ..r`e'2��,l�.P�:� ' <br /> i l�, <br /> - i P7 t��^�� . ' <br /> � 5"ti��( l�+i ..,,c' , . -� - , -.;r. �..?(`f i;� . � '• - :'�"►�`,.ti.;7y.i'�tPl'��1'�4�1r."•,!T,%�['l�SC.s:�6lM'rA(#�lt'�i�.�aT+I��S��Rr.:s'�!'•17'!!4r <br /> �- fi, c�� ,i-� .r i ,. „ ,�,,(t'- - , �•. <br /> ( t qr q� _ .I .. .�q. � t. . i�; ( ,�5.�. <br /> d� •'����" '. � , . .. ' :���i' . 1� .'ti, '^��'•:tt�� ; f� t <br /> � r. �, ;• . � .y ,y,.,,.1u �_ I', <br /> .�21�t. i`S��%���:�� ,'V(•o• . , . • . 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