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. � . � �" � � 88-' io�'1 <br /> ,�O�HBR wm�.0 d.�m..�ao�►ar b�n�«tia.a an tb.,�,►..�d�1 e�+��+w�o». <br /> /xaiw e1a�v or bawArt � pR af 1W p+op�ty. All r�plaoem�eb �d �dditiar �IWI dw 6s oorwr/ by INk lio�iy► <br /> - - �.�!!�lbe farejefr��s t�rle�tQ�t th3a�eep3'try&n�e!+r*�r►�+`��n;�ey.• . <br /> � soRRO711B�o�vBNANT�d�t lonow�r h tawlWly�ed at�be�sM MMdby c+o�wyMd rd b�.tW ei�Ac a pre�d <br /> oaewy dre lhrop�ty�!tbM Ihe P�o�tf h�mb�d�dxap�Ua�a�a�mbwno�s of r000rd.Borrowet w�ntrN�aNd wlr <br /> d.lfena�ene�at�y d�e dda w the P�+�peeey�ut.0 ewa�s ata dem.ea..wbjea ou�r►y�n�a ot reoo�d. <br /> 1'I�S SECURTfY INSTItUMBNT oombina uNfarm cova�tqs fc�r wtian�l �uo+�nd aon�wrfam covarnrs wfth Iimi4d <br /> vui�tk�n by,�iridldlon to ao�atitiMe�wdtatrn�ea�riry intruma�t oov�a�inQ ra1 ptq�arty. . � <br /> UNICaORA1 WVBNAM'S. 8oreow�r and L�der oova�ant and a�ree m follows: <br /> 1. Pl��t a�!'ti�lpd a�d idu�e�ti �7� �d I.Ne Cb�rsa. Bormwe�tlWl p�anptl9 i�Y'� d�o tde <br /> piadpl of aad inta�t on the dobt avldnioed by the Note md anY PnM9�+���a due uMer ihe Nota. <br /> Z.i4�for Taua��pd Iawtaaoe. Subjoct w�ppNcable I�w ar w a wriwai wdver by I.ender. Aonewer�11 p�y to <br /> l.ender oa the day monthly payme�a are due ur�der 1ho Nate.u�dl Ua Nde is pid in fi�ll.a wm<'�w�ds')for:(a)yar1Y Wta <br /> aW iutaaneaN�wbich m�y utWn pdorlty over thii Socu�ity Gmruma�t a a liai on the Pmpaty: (b)Yeuly le�uehald P�Y� <br /> or�mund raue un the Property.if anyt(c)Yeuly haz�M or praperty insuranoe prcaniuma:(d)Ysarly flood in�u�anoe Pcemiwn. <br /> iE mry:(e)YwrIY mott�+�e inwr,�ooe premiums. if an!':�nd(�mY��1'MY�Ie by Borrower to I.ender.ln aocadMC�e w� <br /> Mic p�o+ri�ions of p�qrapb 8.iuo litu of ihe paymeat of mortgago inwr+uioe praa�.11�eso ite�re c�Jled"Fscm�r haaat.' <br /> 1.endex e�Y. at say rimc.oollat �nd hold Fw�da in �n amount not to exoeod the a�ucimum �mouat� ladei for a�adaaMy <br /> rd�ed o�o�tgager bao any roquine for Bormwer'�escrow�oouunt under�l�e fader�J Ral Estate S�tlemmt Prooedu�es Act ot <br /> 197�as amadod from time w tlme, 12 U.S.C. Secdoa 2601 d seq. ('RE5PA'). wd�s+s Another 4w th�t+�pp�ies to�he I�ndi <br /> tea a la�amouat. Jt w. Lratda ury timC.oolloct�nd hold Fwnds ia ao amount not w exceed the leuer+�aiount. <br /> i.eoder mry ectia�te the artwunt of Rwds due on the basi4 of current d�a aad�acanabla aam�tes of expudiwrc�nf'� <br /> B�crow Itaoe or atherwl�e in aoco�du�ce with�pp8cs�ble law. <br /> • The Funds shull be held in m institutbn whose deposits ar�e insuoed by a federal agency. instrumGttality. or enWy <br /> (it�cludiag[.ender.if LeMa�is auch an it►stisWion)or in w�y Fedet�l Home Loan Bank.Letider shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow[tems.Lender may not ctyrge Borrower for holding�nd ap�plying the Funds,anr�a:illy analyzing the eacrow accourt,or <br /> verifying thc Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower intc�st o�the Funds and appii�:nt+le law pertnits Lender to owke such <br /> a dlorse.However,L,ender may requin Borrowtr to poy a ane-time charge for an indeperw�t rrsl estate tau rcporting servka <br /> used by�Lender in conoectjon wf� thh loan. unless applic�ble Iqw provides otherwise. Unless un agroement is made or <br /> �pplieable law reiq�aira inte�est to be paid, Lrnder shall not be roquirod w pay Borrower any imetrsa ar a.arnings on the Fu�is. <br /> Borrower and Lender may agrca in wri�ing.however,than inyerest siwll be pald on�he Funds. LRader s?n�i givc to Homnwer, <br /> without charge, ab uqnWd accountiag oi tho Funds. ahowiag cndits ond debite to the Fund� a�hd the pwpose for wlhich each <br /> , debit to tho Fund.v wus�ipde.The Funds ue piaiged as ac3ditianai socurity iur aii suii�n�:urad by�a>Secwky Insuu�. <br /> If the Funds hcicl by l,ender excoed the qmaunts pernuped to 6e heitl by applicable law.L.ender shaJl account to Borrower <br /> for the exass Fuhcls in sccordance with the requiremen�� of applicable law. If tt�e amount of the Funds held by L�eMer�t eny <br /> time is not sufticient to pay ttie�scrow i�ems when due,Lencler may so notify Borrower in writing,and. in such case 8orrower <br /> shall pay to[.ender lhe amaunt neassary to make up 1he deficiency. Borrower shall make up the det�ciency in nu moro ttwa <br /> twelve monthly i.encler s sok discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all surns secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall promptiy refund to Borrower any <br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21, I.ender shall acquire or sell the Property,[.ender. pdor to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by I.cnder at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agai�ut the sumg�ecured by <br /> thia Security Instrument. <br /> 3.AppNcatlon of Pnyments.Unless npplicable law provides otherwise.all payments received by I.ender under pnragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to any prcpayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounu payable under paragruph 2: <br /> interest due;Pourth,to principal due;und last,to any lute charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Clwrges; l,iens. Borrower shall pay all toxes,ussessments,charges, fines wid impositions nttribulable tn the Property <br /> which may attain priority over this Se�urity Intilrument, aud leas�hold paymcnts or ground rents, if any. Borrawer shall pay <br /> these obllgations in the manner provided in parc+grnph 2,or if not paid in that menner, Borrower sh�l l pay Ihem on time directly <br /> to the person owed payment. Barmwer shull promptly furnisb to Lender ull notices of amaunts to be pnid under thi�paragraph. <br /> lf Borrower mak�s these paymentk dlrectly, Bormwer slu�ll promptly furnisfi to I.ender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Borrower ahall promptly disclwge any lien which hax priori�y over thiti Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in <br /> writing to the payment of the obligalion secured by the lizn in a manner acreptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faitfi Ihe lien <br /> by, or defends against enforcement of ihe lien in, legal pr��cecdin�s which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> tnforcement of the lien;ot(c)secures from the halder of the lien un agreement tiutisfuctc�ry to Lr.nder subnrdirwting the lien to <br /> this Securiry Instrument. If L.enderdeterminex that uny part of the Propeny is subJect tn u lien whirh may ettnin priority over <br /> this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borr�iwcr�notice iJcntifying thr lirn. &�rr��wcr�hull wtisfy the lien or take ane or <br /> more of the actions set for�h above within 1 O Juys of thc giving nf natire. <br /> Form 3028 8l80 <br /> Pap�Z at 6 <br /> � �•�'�)7:(����'"�t.'�r.f's.'j11��SOr+y�((^y}p�itS4J�(`�}f p/' {t( 't a�1- .. �«v."e�irnwt`s�F*•'�- <br /> i � . � lla {:�S�G���+,�;: �� . �• ' " �1� � .�;;�1'• <br />.,.�'tl����, - _ .'x J . �t � :(�;,{(! ° >k �.,. .�, • a �:h�`;r�: � '',- ':��': �� t.'.r:•. <br />��- y.t.,, } : � , f� . �, r.� ..�.. , F y,�c,:� , , (:t,�i,:,r,. <br /> .J.,.x_... � � i t .+. `,.r a,���,(�)�,�� . , ..�, <br /> �-.�r/�=�.y.�••�i:.r.,''.t•�_�.s. • .�ti � ..��_su_����i5f I Srls'l_!_�Jtl.��1}i�:.�t�S1�fL'�s•��n�.St�1�9��iY�S.U�...i t��_.t��•�J':,t�}:��iiS. _ _7..��i�c��1G�.. <br /> �ni�yL i� -� ' -- ---- — . -iJ n`�rY;.,+I�1,�'1\Y: � �l��r� ){{`' it�r�l� r � ti 1' i . <br /> .,�• ' f . 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