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. ����.o,�� � <br /> eaadaa�Wloa or ather atdn�of any pat of the Prapmty�or tae aonvey�r�e in Ilw d crondaaruuian��ro he+ebY+�i�nad aad. -� _ . <br /> a!�bz p�d so Lr�dtr. � .. <br /> bl die event ot R coql qkinj o�Ua Pioperty. thepto�dt thd) ba�ppiied to ttie wtno wcu��d by Ibts 3ecartty <br /> In�a�unent,wholhor a ndt d�ea due�wlth�ny euoeu paid tu Bonawer. In tUe ovent of a p�rti�l Wcin�of theprop�ty in <br /> whlch tbe tdt miukat value oi tbe Pmpe�Y immedutely betae 1he Wcity{it eqwl w ar�,neNer tiun the unount of tfa -wm� <br /> eecuied by thi�Securiry la�dvment tmmodl�tely befae tha Wcin�.uolais Honower ond I.arder otherwl�e�oe in wridnj, <br /> tbe uaas�eauted by t6is Securi�Y Inwumant�116e roduoed by 1he�nxwutt ot 1he pooeed�maltiplled by the tdbwlnj <br /> fiac�kan: (�)the ta�!�mount ot the wm��acurod immedlately betom the tokin��div�ded by(b)the t�ir makat v�lue d the <br /> Pncperty bn�nedialely befae tho nkin�. Atiy b�noe�!!be p�id ta Barowar. In�he evont of� ppnid qicin ot�he <br /> Pnupeey in wbklt Ihe fiiir mulcat v�luo cf ttie H+apa�ty imniedi�tely befaro 11ie t�k1n�is la�dun tbe Nttount ot�wnu <br /> .a„�a i�,eat.�e�y�rore ua u�n g.unlea Bamnwer�nd l.eeder dherwi�e ag�e in writi�y or unla��pplic�bb law <br /> os�aa�u�e,p.ovwa,u�e p�noeed�.luiu'be�pp�iea to�he wau.ecwea by�hf.s.cwity In.nwna�t wned+er ar ea da.wm.�e <br /> dMn due. <br /> IP liie Pl+uperty b�bM�doned by Bonawer,ar iP.�notioe by I.�We�to Bonowe�ttui!�he candemnor otfe�s to mako <br /> �n awrrd at�eple�CWm for d�ur�a.Bort+ower f�ils to Kipond to Lender wl�hla 30 days�Rer�he due the naice ii Qiven, <br /> L.�!,wahorized a collac�.nd�pply ihe p+ocaed•,�t iu apUoo�eiU�er w Ruaraion a�ir d d�e Pmp�aey a w�Iww <br /> wms�ecurod by thfs 9ecurlly Lutnunent�wha�her or not that duo. <br /> Unkw Lender�nd Barower aheiwlce�gree in wriUa�.my�ppIk�don of piuc�ed�w princip�l shdl not ex�er�d or <br /> po�tpona the due d�te of th�e munthl9 paymenu rotemod ta io par��plu I and 2 or ch�n�e the�ntount of cuch payments. <br /> • 11. eorraw�r Nae Rde�d� F1oKbeaaaace By t.eeder Na ■ Wilver. Bxle�ian of the time fur payment ar <br /> moditiauian of�nw�dr�don of the wms secwed by thia 8ecurity lnsuument gr�nted by Lendar w�ny wcassor in inlercst <br /> of Bamwer�11 not operue to mka�e�he li�bility of tho ori�in�l Bomnwer or Bomnwert auoceswrs in interost.Lender <br /> shdl not 6c�eyulrod ta commencb prncoedin�s A��in+a any aucecs:ar in intercst or�efliae to exte�d time for psymeat or <br /> oUierwise mod fi y unortl�utlon of tho sums secuned by this Security insaument by�raeon of rny demand mwb by�ias original <br /> Banawer or Bomower�succeswrs in interes� My farbear�nce by Lender in oxerci�ing any d�ht a rernedy shall not be a <br /> w�iver of or p�eclude the eaerclse of�ny d�ht or remedy. <br /> 12. Suooasa^��ad A�s Bound=Jotat and Several Liability;Co-siQaera. 7he covenents ud agrcementa of this <br /> Security Initaunent alWl bind�nd benefit the succes�ors and assigns of Lender wnd Bortower.subjxt to the pmvieions of <br /> p 17.Borrowerb covenanta and ag�oements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs �his 3ecurfty <br /> L�t but does not execute the Note: (�►)is casigning this Secudty I�strument only to mortgage,grant end convey that <br /> Bort+owerk inte�esl in 1he Property under the temts of this Secu�ity Insuument; (b)is not petsonally obligated to pay the sums <br /> secured by thir Security Insuument;and(c)agrces�hat Lender and any other Borrower may agnee to extend modify.forbear <br /> or rtwlce nny�ccanmodatfans with regaN to the terms of this Secu�ity Insuument or the Nata without�hat Borrowerl� <br /> ca�senG <br /> 13. l.o�n Ciianes. If die loan securod by this Security Instmment is aubJect to which sets mwcimum loan <br /> ci�gi�.wid du�i 1nw Is finaliy inie�preied so itwt the ietereu or aihcr lous cha:g:.s:a!lxta!or to be colkcted in cannudoss <br /> with the Iwn exoeed Ihe permittai limits,then: (a)any such loan charga shall be reduced by ihe amount naxssary to oeduca = <br /> the chnrge to thc permiued Umi�and(b)any sums elready collectcd from Borrowsr which exceeded pcenitted Iimits will be <br /> oePonded to Borrower. Lender may chaose to make�his rcfund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by malcing a <br /> di�ect payment to Borrowee If u retund reduces principal,�he rcduction will 6e treated as a partial prepayment wfthout�ny <br /> prepayment charge under 1he Note. <br /> 14. NoHcea. Any notice to Barrawer provided for in this Sccur�ty Inswment shall ba given by deliveciqg it a by <br /> mafling it by fi�st class moil unless applicable Inw requir�es use of another methad.71ie nottce shall be d�rected to the Propaty <br /> Address or any other eddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice ta Le�der shuDl be given by first class <br /> mail to l.ender�s address xleted hercin or any other address l.ender designates by notice to Ba�o�4er. Any notice provided�or <br /> in thia Security Instrument shall be deemed to heve been given to Borrowcr or Lender at�en given as provided in this <br /> ra h <br /> �1S Governfng Lua; SeverabiUty. This Security Instrument shall 6e govcmed by federal I�w and the law�rf the � _ <br /> ju�isdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event that any provision or clause of Stirs'Security Inswment or the Note <br /> conflkts with applicable Inw.such coaflict shall no►affecc od�ex provi�ions of this Security Instn�ment or the Note whic6 can <br /> be given effect without the contlicting provision. To thi�s ead daz provisions of thfs Security insvument ond Ihe Note are <br /> declared to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be gaven�rw conformed copy of the Note and of this Socnrity lnswment. <br /> 17. 7hansfer of Ihe Property or a Beneflc�al laterest in Borrower. If•rll or any part of the Property or any intcrest in <br /> it is sold or transferred(or if u ben�ficial interest in Borrower is sald ar transferred ond Borrower ia not a natural person) <br /> without Lender's prior wdtten coasant,Lender muy,ut its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by <br /> this Secudty lnstrument. However,this option ahall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibikd by Federal law as of <br /> the date of this Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exercises�his option,Lender shull give Borrower notice of ucceleration. The notice shall provide u per�od of _ <br /> not less tban 3U days irom the date the no�ice iR delivered or muiled within which Bamwer must pay�II sums secured by this <br /> Security Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums priar to �he expiretion of this period, Lender may invoke any - <br /> rcmedies permitted by U�is Security Instrumenl without further notice or demund an Borrower. _ <br /> I8. Botrower's Rlght to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain condilions, Borrower shall hs�ve tFie right to I�ave <br /> enforcement of this Secudty lnstrument discontinued at nny time prior to�he e�rlier of: (a)5 days (or such other period as <br /> SInBk Famlly�••Ebdnk titae141�eddle bfac l:N{FQRM I�iSTRL'1lE:V1'•-UniFarm Coaenann R/90 (p..xe�J��jn pageal <br /> . „_: <br /> _-..,.a __ -r= .'-�+a/7Pr+1�i�1;�iAsjkr':W','!+'.i•,v . ,.__ . <br /> —_— _ 1Ta`�Ua71"i�.�Mi �'l_4 . '.. ' . . . ..: '.. .. . . . . <br /> - �� _i �.. ., , >'. ' , .�� ...:..:i:.1."•' ., - .. .�.>•� <br /> _*�- � . , � <br /> — .�:�:: , . � . . � • -- -._. . ., _ <br /> .�sf.a�i.�t ....Yt•�i.9.N��...'6'�`�^-Y_2 '_:1.'- - iL.�3e"sL•V'•:1.(av._'./Y ii.�rlS._4L1S� `�.p ati�� .` .:.i�1__ _/?Yt�.,r.�f:- �fr�`,W_.t4�T4.+ <br /> •I <br /> •• _� _ <br /> .� <br /> .- __ _ .... __ _ " � ._ ` _ _ <br /> .�TL==`TL.3°� _ _ _ ._ ____""_"__ _"_"__ _ _ _"___ _� � . • _ -__-_"' _ _ -__ _ -__-. -_ "_ " _-__ -_"_-_. . <br /> ,�N*. • . - .. ._ . 1_ ' ' . . 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