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93- so��B <br /> pdiod�tlut l,enaer nguira. 7be in�unrwe canier pmvldiny�ho insura�ce�bd�be cbosen ny ecnower Rubjecl m t.caaerti <br /> �pproval whic6�Il aot 6e uaaoa�o�hly wl�he{d. If Bo�s+nar.r fafle en�cavcrr�c dcs�r+trd abava�I.a�er <br /> Leoder�option�obtata cavera�La�snxct l.tnderS�ri�hts in tlEei�mpaty ht a�tbste-rri�p�te�eph 7. <br /> A!1 inwranco policia�uid renew�ls sh�ll be to adcr ud�1u111nclude�wnd�d mart��e clw�a l.ender <br /> ibaU bsve tha ri�6t to hold the policiet md�a�ew�ls�l.ender�equlns.Barower rh�U pron�{NIY Sive w l.ender dl�eoetp�s <br /> of p�W preadum��nd oenewal noikes. !n tho event of loss,Borrower sh�ll give pompt notieo to�ho Lwumoe e�erkr�ad <br /> Lender. L�ende,r may m�P�f of las it no1 m�de promptly by Bo�rmwer. <br /> Unkss lrendcr ti�id�mwer othe�wise��roe in wrlting,inwance�ahall be�pplied w ratorntioa ot reqi►of <br /> the Pt�petty dunNged� if the�estaatia► a rcp�ir is a�onmalcaUy feas ble md l.ender�a�►rity is not kuenod. 6f�ho <br /> . Rsta�tiot�a rep�ir 1�not eoonon►[c�Uy feasibb or I.enderb security would be k�uned.d�e it�suau�oe pmceed�shaU be <br /> �ppliod W the swns��urcd by this 5ecurity Insuuma�4 whetha ar na then due, wlth any exce.vs p�id w Bamwer. U <br /> ' • Bonowa�bandons the Pmperty.or does rat anrwa within 30 dsy�a naticx imm Lender tlwt tha inwnnoe cucier hu <br /> oPfeeod to settk a claim.then l.ender n�y collect the insuranca proceals. l.ender may tue the prooeeds to r or reswrc <br /> d�e R+�pe�ty or to pay wms secured by this Socurity Inurumeat. whetlKr or not tha�due. 7Tie 3aday period U bejln when <br /> iha notioe is givea. <br /> Lender end Ho:mwer aherwlse u�ree in writin�. any ppplication of proca�ds W principat clWl not oxtend or <br /> postpone the duc da�e of 1he monthly poyments�efemed to in pan�aph�I md 2 or chQn�e�he�nount ot�he p�y u, lf <br /> under paw�aph 2! tho P�operty ir acquirod by l.ender,Barowerk�iQh��o pny inauronce pollci�r and proceeda r�eiwltin� <br /> trom d�tn�e to Ihe PropeMy prior to Ihe acquirilion�11 pr� to Leoder lo Iho axtee�of Ihe sum�iecwed by thir 5eaurlry <br /> Inswmont imnxdl�tely�p�Ior w theacyuisilian. <br /> i. Occap�ACy� Praerr�tloa. M�iatenan��e aad P�oteclba of tMe Properlyi Borrower•s I.a� Applkatioai <br /> I,es�eMold�. Barower�h�ll aecupy.ntablirh,and use the PropeAy ox BaROwerk prlocipal rcsidence wilhin aixty days�fte� <br /> the executfa�aY Ihis Secudty In�trumenl And ah�ll eMNinue Io occupy tha Prnpeny+w licxmwer�prineipal�ideoce fa�t <br /> I�t u�� yr� �Itnr Ii� datc of�xw,•upsuKy. uni�a LCIltJil' WIICt WI�C Y rcr� in wriang. which cangent ahall nat be <br /> mreASOnxbly wi�hheld.or unless extenuating circumstances exist which ure�yond Ban�wer�s cantrol. Borrower shalf not <br /> destroy.damage a im�wir the Properiy,allow the Property ta detedorate,�x commit wastc on 1he Propeny. Borrower ahal! <br /> be in default if any farFeHur�e actlan or proceading.whether civil or begun that in Lender's good falth jud�ment <br /> could resuh in fafelturc oP the Property or materially impair�he lien created by this Security Insqument or <br /> Lender's security interes� Bomower may cure auch u defaulc and Rinsuue,ug provided in paragrnph cau.ging Ihe action <br /> a praceeding to be dismisscd with a ruling Lender's good failh determination,prec�udes forfeiture of the Borrowerh <br /> intercst in the Property or other muarial impairtnen[of the lien created by this Security Insaument or Lender's securiry <br /> interest. Bomnwer shall also be in def�ult if Borrower. during die loun upplicution pracess. gave materially false or <br /> , inaccu�ate inforn�ation or s�atements to Lender(or failed to prov ide Lender with eny material informotion)in connertion wfth <br /> thee toen evidenad by the Note. including, but not limited t�,representations concerning Borrower�s occupancy of the <br /> Property as a principal rcsidence. If this Secu�iry lnetrument is on a lea.cehold,Bomower shall comply with all the proviaions <br /> of ti�e kase. If B01'i01�8i iiCt�UIi25 f2C f1tIC i8 it1C I'fU}�..Icaschotd and ihc fec titla shslt iwi inerg�unloss�der agr�cs <br /> w the merger in wridng. <br /> 7. Protectbn ot Lender's Rights tn the Property. If Borrower fnils to perform the covenants end agreements <br /> � contained in this Security Insdument,or there is a legal proceeding that muy xignificantly effect l.enderh rights in the <br /> � Property(such as a p�oceeding in bankruptcy,probate.ior condemnatan or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulotlons),Ihen <br /> Lender may do and pay fa whatever is necegsary to protect�he value of the Properry and Lender�rights in the Prnpe�ty. <br /> Lender's actions may include pnying any sums secured by a 8en which ha4 priority over this Security Instr�menti appearing <br /> in court.paying rcasonnble anorneys'fees und entering an the Propeny to muke repnirx. Althaugh Lender mny take acdon <br /> under this pw�ugraph?,Lender dnes not h�ve to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under Ihis purugruph 7 �hall become ndditional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender ugree to other terms of'paymem,these amounts sholl benr interest from the <br /> dete of disbursement nt the Note rate wxl shall be payable.with interext.upon notice fram Lender to Norrower requesling <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Mortgage lnsurance. If Lcnder required mongAge insurnnce a�n candition of making the loan secuted by this <br /> Security Insuument. Borrower shnll pay the premiums reyuired to maintain the mortgage insw�ance in effect. If, for any <br /> rcason, the mortgnge insurance coverage required by Lender lupses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shull pay the <br /> premiums requirat to obtuin coverage subxtantinlly equivulent to the mortguRe insurunce previously in effect, ut u cost <br /> wbstantiully equivulent to the coxt to Borrower of Ihe mortgage insurunce previously in effect,fram un altemsue martgage <br /> insurcr approved by Lender. (f subatanliully equivalent mortguge insuru�xe covernge ix not nvailable. Bornower shaU pay to <br /> Lender euch monU� n sum eyual to one-twclfth of�he yeurly mongobe insumnre pnemium being puid by Borrower when the <br /> insuru�ce coverage lnpsed or ceaxed to be in effeet. Lender will uceept,u,e unJ re�ain the�e puyments us a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of mortgage inxumnce. l.oss reserve puyments muy no langer l+e reyuired,ut the option of l.ender, if monguge insurance <br /> mverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender reyuires)�xovideJ by un insurer upproved by Lender again becomes <br /> �vailable and is obtuined.Borrower shall puy the premium�myuired�o muintain mungage insurunce in effect,or to provide u <br /> bss reserve,until the reyuirement for mortgnge inxurance ends in acc�irdunce wi�h any written agreemem betwe�n Borrower <br /> Nd Lender or applicnble luw. <br /> 9. Inspectkrn. Lender or its agent may make reaxonable entrie+ upon unJ inxpectians of the Praperty. Lender xhnll <br /> glve Borrower natice at the time ot or prior to un inspectian�pecifying rca,onable cuu,c for Ihe intipection. <br /> 10. Conde�o�wtlon. The proceedx oF uny award or claim for damages,Jirect��r consequential,in connection wi�h any <br /> Smgle homdy••lbnnle D1oNhhddle Mac UN IF'lIRb11NtiTRUMl:IV'1 --Und�xm l'ovennm.r 9i�lA ipogr J�)n puRrs� <br /> Great I.Yces BwY�Yonar.Inc.■ <br /> m auQ c�:iaoosao�a�ai o vex et��uoai <br /> - ,.t-,.�... ... -.-.—.o--..rr.�..,..-•P.R,�, _ .. -- <br /> - �� S.l YIC rJ_ _II. .-- _ . , , r � . � � . i . . � . .� �' _ .. . � ' <br /> ...-iaa� .. -�" ' <br /> . ..' . <br /> �=�-^�7 . . v . .t: S �'��y�LL�. .� � .« . . . . <br /> . _ i_r �ti£��� . -.. . . � . . . <br /> • " <br /> — - <br /> ''acva#rau .t it'..:��_._:...:�!__ •� .. _�_." 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