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___ __ ______ _ <br /> : . � _ _ <br /> - - - <br /> . . .. ..x. ....,..�=F:�= - <br /> . ____. ... Y:._ <br /> .. . . .. ---.. ..rr <br /> • ,.���� <br /> .pp�lc�ble tm►aMr N�uY�w••nMn�mt)bton,�la a tbe Phope�ty punwat 10�ur po�at..M ooMd�.e tn dli. � <br /> �9a�y i�ar t!►�sa�r o�a��-tfd��ts�srbyr����ta iirst�(�? - - - <br /> p.p. l.�naer�i�wna w�iob tb�e .roala be aue a�aer dd�9aa�rby rn�awaent mu�e 1�ra.a� U hr,�oo�l.�.uari Ma . • <br /> oocwrodi(b)curo��ey dafwR of+�nJr vtkr ooven��ar�.lc)py�dl expwi�incurnd h1 enliorol�y tYs�o�ky <br /> I�trwn�M.laoludby�but not Ihniled w. �aw�Nble�ponMys't�;an�l(dl Wca wob�ctlon at�ndrr�wgr�o�bly �• . <br /> �.o��awn�.uw�ne iwn�r����,t.e.aerr r��a��ne Pr�op�ny ra�o�ti oeu�e a, rn.. <br /> ��.ne 1be� � �a+�n�I� can�w w�aw�pa. upou nYwwn�t by scnv.wr, ,M{. �► . <br /> Oo rNMa1e iA�p�aot���ecu�ad Mrby vWl n�ada fWly�R�tive w It n��ood�lae hd aa.'iM+rd. Hew�e+�al�Ihis <br /> 1 � iPP�Y b the c�af�ooelarMlaa wrder pra��h 17. �afe�hw'with dds 5eaudry <br />. 1!. 8d�af lWMi L1�N ef I.w 8�rniar. 71fe Na1e ar•p�dd iraa�t in tAe IVate <br /> 1nqrument)tn��be�old ane ar more dma wlMout priar notivo w�. A uilo nury�uit in a cl�o in the cndry <br /> (kn�wa a the l.a�n Servfra"1 tluu colbat�maMh19 P+�Y�t�dre under�he No�e�nd f�ls Secnriry lr�wment. 71�ro�la � <br /> m�y bo ane or maro ch�n�os of tho 3uvlaa unrol�tod a a c�le of the Note. If dbro i��clu�a�o of the La�n Senrloer. <br /> Barower will Ue glven writte�t MNioe oi Ihe ch�nAo in�000�d�noe wlth pua�ph 14�bove�nd y�plipbk l�w, Tho ndloe <br /> will sUte the�wne�nd�ddreu of the naw l.,o�n Setviar and�ha�ddro��ta whkh P�Ymrnts ehould be m�de. Thc nadoe wIU <br /> also conain�ny otiaer infoim�Uao roquital by�pplic�bk I�w. <br /> � f1�aMau Subat��oa. Bonowor�11 not c�use ar pamit the pmaen�e,uce,di:po�al.uonige.or rokase of my <br /> H�za�dou:SubctuKxa on or in Iha Proporty, Barowa atull not do,nor dlow �nyone el�e W du.mythin�tlf'eding d�e <br /> Prnpaty tlu�t io ia violWon of any Envi�o�ana►tal Law. The prooeding lwo saxences ah�ll not aPP�Y��P��or <br /> stota�e on da Pmpetty of sm�ll quu�dtia of H�.adout Subu�thn a�e�eneraUy roco�nized w be�propri�te to no�m�l <br /> naidenN�l tues�nd to m�ipteaance of the Prnpaty. <br /> Homnwa shdl P�'nroP�Y Sjve Lender written notica of�ny investigation,cl+�im,deawr�d.lxwcuit or aher�clion by�uy <br />. govcmmentel or rcSulatary agency or priva�c party involving the Property wid any Hvardwr Subua�.�e a Bnviraamawl <br /> law of which Hormwer has actupi knowlodga If 8ormwer leama. ar is notl(ied by any govem�nenql pr�+agulatay <br /> Authority.that any�moval or oth�r nmedl�dan of eny HazaMoua Substqnve�'ecdn8 the PropertY�nooeuary. Bomower <br /> c1u11 promptlY tnke nil necessary remedlal acdons In accondanoe with F.nvironmental Law. <br /> As used In thic paragrxph 20."Hauidoue Substances"a�those subatances dafinad u tuxic ar hazardous subsqnoes by <br /> Envlronmenta!Law and the following subslwnces: gasollne,ketnsene,athcr flammable or wxic pettnlwm producu,Wxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides.volatik solvents�materials containing asbeatos Qr fomu�ldehyde.and�adioactive m�terWs. Ar <br /> used in thia paragraph 2Q,"Envi�onmental L.ew"means federAl Iwvw and I�ws of the juricd�tion wbens tho property Is locxed <br /> th�t r+elotc w health�aafcty,or covironmental proteclion. :�•,;. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender fuRher oovewwt and agree as follows; <br /> 21. AcceterAqoa; Remedies. I.ender slwp �tve nodae to Barowe�prior to acoela�atton tdbwto�Borrower+e � <br /> brach of aay.covenrnt or s�+ament In tbis Security Instrument(but not priar W.�cekration under p�a�np6 N � <br /> uMess Appik�ble(aw.Pruvldes ot6erwite). TIfC pOHC!SIIAN 6plCII�• (�)t1m detault;(b)fbe actbn reQUired to are Ire <br /> d�t�it�t�j�d�dr,aoi ieav ibun 36 da�a from the data the nodoe i�given fo Borrower,by wbich the debWt mrst be <br /> cured;nnd(d)tbat tdlure to cure tfrc dc�Arlt on or betore Ihe date specifkd tn Ihe notke awy resWt in�aekrrHon ot <br /> the sum9 secured by Ibis Security Instrument nnnd sale of Ihe PropeMy. Tde notice elwll turlhe�inforro Barrower o� <br /> the rig6t to reinstate wlter acceleratioe wnd the right to bring a court action to s�sert the aon•existence ot A ddwlt or <br /> any ot6er detensc of Borrower to Accekradon and sWe. U the defau�t is not cured oa or betore the date specllled in <br /> t6e nodce.Lender at ifa option may require tm�aediate�yment in full ot a!I sums secured by t6is 3erurtty Inst�ur+neut <br /> wlthout turther demand and may invoke!he power ot snle and any�other remedles permitted by applkable In�r <br /> Leeder siwll be enNtled b collect �II expenses Incurred in pnrsuing the remedies provided ia thir pangraph 21. <br /> includlag,but not limited lo.reasonabk altorneys'fees and cosfs of tllle evldence. <br /> if the power ot swle ts invoked,7Fastee slwll record a noQce of detault in wch county in wbkh Any p�rt of 16e <br /> Property Is lacated and shall m�il rnpfes o/suc6 notice in the manner prescribed by applkabk Iqw to Borrower And lo ' <br /> the other persons prescrllxd by applicable Iqw Aiter the time required by applicabie IAw,7Fustee shaU eh•e�u61k <br /> notice oP snle to the pe�soas and in the mAnner prescribed by applicable low. 71�ustee.without demnod on Uorrower, <br /> s6�ll sell the Property At public auctlon to Ihe higi�est bldder at the time s�nd pl�ce aad undcr the terms dedg�wted in <br /> the nodoe of sale in ope or more parcels Aad in any order 7Fustee delermines. 71�ustee may posl�ope sale of all ar any <br /> parcel ot the P�qperly by public s�nnounceanent at the time And pla��e of any previoualy scheduie�sole. Leoder or tfs � <br /> dai�nee may purc�ase the Property At A�yeal�. <br />