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.__. �Y4ur'_. - �� urrwrvMM�Mr��.... .. . � .. . .,.;'."s +--rr>qr•rl ���_ F� '`.4F4 i -' <br /> . . --. . ... . - ._ . . . . Y:'A....-t�"�'IC .... <br /> � . � . ' ' . " �� . ���� . <br /> . Y'vGB1!!l�N►!'IH dl�M id�oyww�q�ea'br hwMllet wrcMb�nn IM� .Md�p a�ww�.a�w�ait. <br /> . . _ ,,.aniffWi�i�1�w ar�i1����_�:_ w�tliW��isl��trr■.�.�r_..�.�► . .. <br /> T�di�. �ilta[�1bt�r�t�8'1�Ot�d 10�t tW�Ir�i[y iod�nwt�s IMe"Propaty.` � - <br /> SORROrVBR�OV$NANT'S!hc BorroN�'i�1,�.rf�11y rei�od d�!p l�aca�0{tiby COqYayq�l�ud I�i lb0�i�c bD�nr� <br /> rrd ooavey�[topaty�ed th�t die'AlpperiY i,s unena�a�Aa�ed.ea�agc Fvr e�ambraooes d mct�. �rowa warr�s atl <br /> . wW�nd p�lly d�e dde b dr l�w�eety�t alA cW�ad�es�a,Nbject Iu�ny�n d nead. <br /> -- 'L�pS SBCIiM'Y INSIRUIr�iMP c�ombiae� �dtaui ooveaao�a fa a�timd we �ad nr�wwi�o�cora�s wuh <br /> liWt!v�iMi��Dy j�ri�icoiae o0 oontipWe�neiRp�ao��ecwity ipwu�neiaat cave�rin�nal property.•� <br /> LJl�i1FORMf70VBNAM'S. BoRO�ru�d I�idaraa�. �qd!�beMtoilow,�: <br /> l. la��M�nt M'hl�'IMI Md IMlerert3��peri��ufd l++�i$.Cbtlrrs. Ba�rnwa�11 Pr?mP�Y P�Y whep due dkt ''��-`.�.;'.�ri1.:r� <br /> �os#1�►d inarat oa d�a. ovtda�bed by d�e Naq4 laqd�at�Y�?�1�Y�.�qd We charjes�unda�the No�e. � ' '.�..; <br /> �As far�'�pcei.ilhd�iainae,.Sub,�ect w y�ptic�blr-taw:brtca"a icrlttea w�ivcr by,1.�,Barrower�d�1!P�Y to :,�'.° ��',..,�:: <br /> Le�tder an4�tha.�►y'MOqih1Y�ayit�c±�te aro,t�ae w�der tha Note.unW thA NeKe 1� �`ip tY�11,s a�mh("Fm�s")fa: (�)Y�Y ;;� ,,��,�`. <br /> tuea a�'a9s�ss�n��ts.w1�c}a aoay amtn priairy over thie Securiry Iusuumax as a lieri on We Arope�ty�(�)Y�Y k� <br /> p� a� �toimd Kr►t�'an the Praperty.if �ay: (c) Y�Y �•�'P�P�+Y �� P��t(d) y+ flood <br /> ii p[a�urn�, if aay: (e)Year1Y moR�age iasunacx pn�nium9,�f�oy: �ad (��r►Y+�P�Y�bY e�rr to <br />�coaalaoce wid�the provlsia�s ot p�n�raph 8.ia liw of the p�ymeat af a�ortgage?uonMdu�ce premiww. 'Chaio <br /> Ikms�ro pllod"F.amw Ioan�." [.rnder tray�at ay timo.colkct u�!dold Ru�ds in�n�tnount not w ezc�ed the rn�xb�ua <br /> amount�koder far a faderaUy �elatad malp�e loan may roquiro fm Banowal�e�crow�ocount wida tbe tedenl Rad <br /> Bwte SeplanaK�Procedura Act ot 1974�s Nnended from dmo w Hme,12 U.S.C.;?b01 et aep.("RESP�►").unles�a�od�a <br /> law Ihaat applies w the Wnd�rets a la��rnow�t U w.L.ender rtuy.u�ny dme�collect uid hold Ru�d�io�n anwunt nat to <br /> ----_- e�cwd I!M br�er amouM. l.�Mr nu�r whn�Ne ths.mount d Fiaid� dae on tbo bai�d cunrat d�W �nd nauomble <br /> Ntlau�ta otex twr�ot fuwro&crow ttans ar oU�awiso in�ccond��co wllh�ppllc�bk law. <br /> The �hdl be heW in�n Inuitudan whose depoda ae inwrod by �fedenl a�cy�inwumentallty. or entity <br /> (includlnj Londer.U L,ender i�such an intt(pulon)ar in�ny Falet�l Hamo Lan Buik. L.ender shdl apply Ihe Pbr�w DoY <br /> Ihe B�crow Itenu. Lender rmy not cturye Bonower tar holdiny and�pplyla�the Rind�.�nnwlly�lyx{q the acrow <br /> acoount.or vedfyin� tha Bicrow Itertu� unkis l,entier p�ya Bomower intercst on tho Pbndn and �pplic+iWe law perrNts <br /> l.eoder to nvlce wch a ch+ir�e However. i,ender mayrequire Bamwer w pay a one•Ume char�e far�n independeot ral <br /> ewte tu repoAln�xrvlco used by Lender in connocdan wilh this loan.untw app1icable 1�w provides ahetwise. Unks��n <br /> a�roert�aK u m�de or applic�bk I�w requires Interost to be p�id.I.aider dwll ant 6e n�quirod w psy Bortowu aqy inte�at a <br /> e�unings oe tho Phnds. Barower u�d Lender may�g�ae in writing,however,Uw inte�ct stW I be�an the Fiuida. l.ender <br /> stu�ll give to Barowor.witlwut charge.�n annual accounting of the F�tMs.�av�ng crodits and bics w the Fi�nds md tAe <br /> purpose fot which ach debit to the Wnds wu mode. 71�e Am�ue pkdged ss�diNa�al socuriry for�11 cwns secunod by <br /> thit Security Insuum�t. <br /> If the F�Und� Netd by Lender eacxed tbe amount�permilted to be held 6y Applicable (�w.Lender shaU acoount to � <br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accordana:e wilh the requiRmenta of qppUabk law. !f the amount of the E�nds held by <br /> I..etider at any tlme ic rtot sufticient to pay the f?scrow Items when due,L.etder may so notlfy Horrower in w�idng,u� <br /> such caso Borrower ehall pAy to[.ender the arnount necessary to malce up�he defickncy. Horrower shaU mrke up the <br /> deiiciency in no maro Ihan twelve monthly Lenderh solc discreNm. <br /> Up��payment in full of all sums secwed by this Secutity Instrument,Lender shall prompdy refund to Horrower any <br /> FUnds held by Lender. if,under paragrrph 21, Lender shall acquirc or sell Uie Property.Lendcr.prior to ihe acquisition or <br /> sale of thc Prope�ty,shall apply eny Funds held by i.ender at tho time of�cquiaitton or sale as a credit Againat the suma <br /> secured by this Security instrument. <br /> 3. AppNcatlon of Payments. Unless uppUcable lew provides otherwise,all payments received by I.ender under <br /> p�regraphs 1 und 2 shall be applied: any prepayment charges due under thc Note; amounts payabk under <br /> puagraph 2;third,to interest due;founh,to principal due;and Ia.Qt,lo Any latechurges due under the Nate. <br /> - 4. Cherges; Liena Borrower shall pay all taaes. avsessments,ch�es,fines and imposidons attribwable to the <br /> Property whloh may attain prlority over this Secudty lnsnument,and leesehold payments or ground rents.iF any. Bomower <br />_"— ahell pay these obllgations in the manner provided in paragrAph 2,or if not paid in tha�manner,Bomower shall pay them on = <br /> timo directly to the person owed payment. Bomower shull promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> _ — thie peragrnph. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Boaawer shall prornptly fumish to Lender recripts evidencing <br />-�.� the payments, <br /> _�,. Borrower shell prompUy discharge any lien which has pnoriry over�his Secuciry lnstrument unless Bcxrower.(a1 agrees <br />=�'`:� in writing to the payment of the obligation secured M�r the lien in a mnnner acceptable to Lender,(b)contesrs in good ftith the <br /> �_� lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in.Icgal pmceedings which in the Lender s opinion operate to preve�rt lhe <br />- enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the Iien an agreerr�ent satisfactory to Lender subordinating the 3ien <br />";"�'� to this Security Instrument. If Lender cletcrmines�hst any part af the Property is subject to a lien which rnay attain priority <br /> �# over Ihis Security Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying Ihe lien. Borrower shWl satisfy the lien a tai:e <br /> � one or more of the actions set for�h above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> , S. Haz�rd or Property Insnrance. Borrower shull keep the improvtments naw existing or hereafter erected ar cAe - <br /> . ' Prope�ty iasured against loss by fite.hazards included within the term"excendecl coverage"and any other haznrds,including <br />. ;�: floods or flooding. for which Lender requircs insuronce. This insurance shilt be maintained in the amounts aod for die <br /> -;� <br /> -•= Fbrm3028 !'!� (pol4rSofE/�oRea) <br />`�r'��Y� . � <br /> a.. . <br /> '�y . <br /> •�.� ., <br />-.•�4,j; . <br /> �._rw _...-y: _ _. __- -__...-��_..�.�z'-?��� . .� ..�:.i'L. ..� rq,Dr;`w_!' .��.�.r,!-�..�. �.�..�-,.�.-^" ��_- <br /> _ _�\F „ �� �7Yn. .. ' . . , � "- ; } .._ '' _ . � <br /> ', " <br /> =�.3-c_.e.,i.� � <br /> alr.w,i'_.\7.:FS:. .-_.�L:dC� 1.�".v_ ._�".__"'� �. i tll_ v�:LL�..___._ _ <br /> . . _ ___.__ .___._.. ._"_"_�- <br /> "__.__ "___ "___ t'__ _ <br /> :. -__:.-_ -_:--__- __-___.-_ _ - __ <br /> -"-_"____._-_ ""__'_-._-____"-_"_ "_ _ <br /> .._"..___._"_""____ __-_"_ <br /> ..- "_-..._ _ ._"_"__-_- <br /> �=.i•ori� SC.�. .', _-_- "-_"._- s� .. :j... . . ___"_ "_ _ _ <br /> i.1.:..�;� "� ' - � . � <br /> __.��•JS�:I w . . 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