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<br /> ,pplicabie aaN►'m.y tpecify ra�eimwemece}b4fa�a�a6 de�roQe�w.p�su�c m�nY P.��F�0°�°0�;m�6is
<br /> ' Seprity iroaaeKn�a lb)awY of�jud�eofacin�tbas Sa�Y�uuxat- Thos�canditiaas at th�t Bormvrac: (s?
<br /> l.eader�alt wnn w6ich theaE.waWd 6e doe aeder 8us SeauitY tn�md the Natt�s i��no acoeter�tioe t�d
<br /> _ _.._ . P„�,Ya�...rt����,�Y-�faoict�an�r�e�Y�os a�e�►��)PaYS��P�s!��ia enffo�cing this 5tcoritY. - --
<br /> \P/ . _. _ � . �. _—..
<br /> - ta�ns�o�.inciudin=.but noc b�no�to►reasoa� e auaraeYs'f-ax andE 8omn�. �X.
<br /> a� e
<br /> --- -- -� - - i�u������'•��`�'•�;;cw•���nt�ument.�.endeFl�-tigirta-ituhe-Ptc�pat�r �obL'g,tian tf�_.._�----- �.
<br /> � aumt sewned bY t6is,Secuei�y.Tn.stnune�t shalt �in�e �ch�8�. Upon�+eu�statea�eat by Bamwer this Secvrity
<br /> I�mt�ad the obUptioes secue�hRebY sii�p tem�ut fultg eBective as if ao"accfIetatit�had oce�ce� Howevec.t�tis -- - ------
<br /> righ ta neia�sbali not sppty m t6e case oiaooelaa�t uoder p�gipb 17. ` wuh tfiis Security .
<br /> - 1lr. Salt�f N�Ci�e d Lor Servioer. 'IUe Nox a z peaiai inte�st ut the Note(togelheE-,'
<br /> =`•` tasaumeat)may be sdd oae a mae times witliout prior mticc to Boa�wer. A sak may tesute ia a cinoge in the m6tg • ____-
<br /> ^--- - • (koo�as tbe"1.a�nSetvioeE"1 tl�t coIbcts aiootbly pagnr.a�s d�under ti�e Node md this Secm6ty�e�. 'ibece aLso•�
<br /> ` � may be aoe et ma�e c6�ges of t�l�n Sesvi�xt������.is a c�ge af ths Loau Saviceir. _—
<br /> < Bam�rer�I be giveo wtitte�notice af th�ch�ge- 14 a6ove aorl�ipQticaD�iaw. 'il�e nolice- - - --
<br /> --r�t stst�sbe�at��ss o8 t!�oavv Loa�e Senicer�ffi�ess to vrhich�y�ts�be modG The�atice will r�
<br /> �r--,� --- ilso carain mY ad►ainfamatim roquired bl►�pWicabk�a' ��g�,or tele�e of any • �.. --
<br /> -�-_�` 2� RstaMoas S�ces Ba�ovrer sha11 not cause a permit tUe p�esenc0.use.disposai, ___.__. _���_ ,
<br /> � , ; - yazudais Snbstances oa or in Ehe Roge�tS►. Burtuwa stait nat do.nor allo� anyoae eLSe to da,anyt6ing aff�in8�e •'�` -°.."'"-"`'`°�_
<br /> '� - pmpe�ty that is in viotatim of my�►viromnental Iaw 1be p[CCediag two sentaxxs sh�lt ao[apply to.ihe presax:e.use.or 1��r,i'��,.�..-�:_':
<br /> s
<br /> g s.o�pr♦p�g��e�n�n�.t�e-t3�n���{ ty of sm�u qm_oearks of wr�idoas sa�s tdu aze ge4erauy remgnizod w he a�pmPnate t°"aRn'al FS`,� _---_.
<br /> :�! 1 �. LC`r11�111Y-��7Y���{n .�Yi�.��. ��lG7��l+M�,�WW���`.\711ifJ�.liDQ-�� �. ..1 �q'�' Y���r� _ —_.
<br /> �; • ,` • ;Haaewer sliatt prompdY S�YC l�emiec vvriiten i�Opca�anY uyvesa8ata°• :, � -
<br /> esa
<br /> , ,- �''���y�y�p��•�uty i�ivnlvLog ttie Pkopaty and any H�:�f�b�1i�:ac�itvit�er�� � �����,- _
<br /> .. ';' ';;.;1� `����h �CtW� ��Y� ''��4[LOW�I'�i flt4.a[IS ilO�J�G�-�/r.� $��lftf� 'x-�.�t4rt=r;'
<br /> $OROWQ�ILS �'''� .SI1bSG'111QC i1ffCCdD$i�..'����'�WCT . r
<br /> �, ��F ;;;�` k • a�ha�i�y�t�t any rernoval a all�et c�eaiexlitU�lart of any Iiaza�do��� . ,.;:- . -_,
<br /> 7f ,�s nmedisi actfons u►acc��d�uroe �., . '��'�;�' -
<br /> sh�!}pvmptiy talce aU neeess�y �Substa�ces are those substan�es def�aed as toaic a��r+dons subst�n�xs by. • ?�;�'�•�
<br /> �h�, As used�n Q�s P�S�A�� toaic . .. ,��.�` -
<br /> . �' � Enviranme�al Law and the foUmving substances: �awW�e.ketosene.other�flammable ot toxic pe�roleum pmducts: t „
<br /> ___ �` her6icides,volAb'2e solveMS.materials ca�tainiog acbestns ar f�Ide�d�aacf tadioactive tr.ateTia1s• As , _'.,c65�N;;,;..��::._:-_-
<br /> � pesticiAes atd ,-
<br /> used in this para 211."EnvirunmanEal Law"means federal laws and laws of the jiuisdlcdan wfiere the Property is tocated `;�;�l��-. :-. _
<br /> . .. ' that reiate w�s�fety a a►vironrr�ental pmtxdon. - ____
<br />_ _ " NON-UNtFOIiM COVENANTS. Bomowec and Lenda fuAher covea�nt aad aga as follows: :`..... .:." � . .�
<br /> ea n
<br /> 21. Aoeda�ioai R�edie9. 1.endee's�118tve notia to 8arrower prior to acedas�tlod loUowin�BorroWer's ; '.. �
<br /> 6naclt o�sry ous�a�t or�ee�t i�tbis Sccatit�r ItatrauKat(��Pslos to siooderatbn uadec p a r�►p 1 t 17 ,.r, : •: .,.�e
<br /> " �applieaMe,�Cir pso�rides aMer�rise). 'f6e iotice��ys U)tl�e ddaWt;.l�e1 tLe pction reqafred�aure tiK �`, .��':`�_ =-
<br /> `�• 6y rrbicb tMe deCp��tiast be •'�%��^�;_.... y:_
<br /> defa�i�(c)a�d�;.ad ks's;�saa 30 ds�s finm tUe d�e�e nolioe ts�iivves to Ba�s+d�er. � �; , -
<br /> � FE� ��,` �. craMi a�d id)1�tl�e�#u'i�a[�e t�e�ls�ptE aa ar 6;e��a+efiBe date speclfied'm t�e�.tr�tiix msJ�it ia ac�e'kcsitioa�t ,.'r�
<br /> , r�'� � i�e . 'i'he notia�:.�'.�ia.�.fwt4ieridtorm Bae�+unrer ot �`� ___
<br /> _,�;;° t Stt tbt s�sea�u�ed by t!b Sec�vi!'�aa�eaE and sa�:�i �A�Y __.--
<br /> �•,,:!;..
<br /> 9n ..Y�u,�? :t
<br /> Il!!1'�1 11 b�lIIW�tE fRlt s�lIl�tIOA 7lqd fll!�B��C�v DIIA$A�Ad�011 to�!1'd.3I18 pA3�tC1.�CA0!Ot�dl��qll Or ,,:::'��f ';'-,;:`;,_,--°_-
<br /> Wa
<br /> `' '� � s,ay a�aeren9e or eo�o��r�o ace�a��aa s r�,-i r m�a e r�u���c ti,�a a p n o r e e r o�e t�a s u s p e c u t e a i n ,.. ,����, -
<br /> . m� -
<br /> "� tfre notice.l.ender at its optiM���luke immediate'paymeat in tWl af Ail saa�s se�ed by t6is 3eauity lastramrait ' �j -x` �'. �
<br /> y� ���Y. ;1.:q��i;`-;',:E�v.. �i Q_�
<br /> �.'�.i �.��,., witMoot turt6ec de�aand�9aaY iavoke tde pnWCS mf sak and aoy otUer ambdks Permitted by appUcable ,�..�:::� - : ,�_;_
<br /> .`;. Leeder shaO br eetitkd to onikct a11 expeases incuned in pursufia8 the rsmedies Provlded in tbic pu��apb 21 ;;:,`,.�:,
<br /> - � : 'lr .,: s �-._: .�:5�: .i.�
<br /> ,�. `�,;'� �~Y ..••. � tacladl��,bat nat UmitM ta reasonabie atiorneys'tas a n d ca�ts o f t i t k ev l d eaca :: �-
<br /> ,;.,:. ,.
<br />- ..,.{�;,:^` r;;:�. If the pc�icerd sak is invoked.7tasttr stnll reoord a notia otdefault iq t9ch eoanty io Wbkb at�y patrt aiti�e , . '�` ,. `�`
<br /> .... ,,,.,�; k ka6k 4w to Borro�rer aa�f to
<br />. Properiy�v lo�at�and sbap m�i1 copies af such noticeia the�aaaaer prescri6ed by aPP� .n,ana siwll ghra P�blic ,. „ ,
<br /> t6e o16er �'suf�s esc►ibed by applka6le taw Afte�r'tbe fimr reynirzd by ppplkabk Uw. , ,,'� . :�,.
<br /> ^ _�YJ pC 'M1 � and in the a�er�pr-�eA bp appllcsbk law 7Ynstee.witboai Aemaad on�Bo�rower. %%�.:,:;; :�`�_-
<br /> ' rY•`� �V{�►i N�W�� �.
<br /> . - �'�;_;" s�ali selt tfie 1"R+nperty at pabik auctian ta ih!�r��b�dder ae the time aad place and under the tera�de.a3�qaateA ia , ,''�,:�i;,��,r. . '�'r,:.'<
<br /> ��` �•`�S'`;,` ia oae oe mane rais�dl ia au�i�sder 7Y�ustee dete�mine�7fustee r�wy po5tpone sak o�.�ar any ,�::?�;�:r'�. • .'�y;:�3�''_:..
<br /> ;;,.;; �•:z"x,•... tl�e natiadsqle PA a a r,nr it� . `` ti r•:' , ,
<br /> t pascel ot the Property by pubNc annaaneement�t,the time and plaee o�s�ny previauly�3�1e. I� . �. r•4 Y�;,. :nk`.r�
<br /> `� '� daiseee msy Parc�e the g+'�ertY a!any sak. e . � . , , :�•�� ��� 1;�4�;t;�;:•: ; ..;,��w
<br /> . - Upon reaipt ot paymme d thc prke bid,71ra�tee shall ddirer to the pucdi�:�'��d����'�8 t� . j�{�,;,�°�#�•. . 5#�.�:
<br /> , .. : propert' TLe recitab in t�'lfrusta's detd sAall be pstnra ts�cie evidcnce ot tirla�d#{�hff�'�e�edtsmr�e�erein. ,,' E�•��,�{ � .k-�;�_
<br />- ° - 7fustee s6a11 sPWY��Pr�s o�the sak in the idlowieg arder: lal to ail costs�d expen�'�+l'i:t,rrcfi�tj�tlie power :�,";.,�,�r.. , :a�• ��°
<br /> ,� , ' ,-,� ,
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