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<br /> i _ �_ ,��,�r -
<br /> -��ti,�-` ' , ...__ � ��Xa Ic..� • . - - - -�_- .��-...� --- - -- - �
<br /> V� �. .
<br /> �r�t�t i� '�_'1_.. ' .� - . � , . . ' . . _- ... _•r. . .. i - •. .. . .. - ` � ".
<br /> -� . " .. �. - .. , . . . . ' _. - '. S
<br /> - . : . - � ,_ - � .. .: �� 1 a3098 ,-
<br /> ' Of aR�lOi � t1f�Ily QaII Of l�lC�10pt[tx.Of fOr QOIIYC]l�t1CC UI�t�Y O�CYM�����1.A[C�l'L'���� ,
<br /> f0�f1ih011 �� . .
<br /> Shi��Q�[O�.�li�.� - -�•.
<br /> (n the tvent_of'a tt�t�l.,t�king of the Pt�opetty.thC pioceeds shall be applied to the sums securcd hy�this 5ecuricy
<br /> --- ___:_ . (�t;wixther_a.aai dRet�due with ariy exccss paid to Bacow�er. tn the event of a pariial taking of the PropertY in.
<br /> - --- ' ' befi�r�tS�taL�gi�cc��!ta�Scea�r-�t tt��me�t►tof�he r.oms - -- -
<br /> • w[uch-Q�l�(r-ntaket��-af - � � -°
<br /> -- ----•=s-- thss Secun',t r.Incuument immediIIOety Eefote the tating.onless Borrawer and l.ender wi�erwise�a�ree in writiag,
<br /> °�-�--
<br /> t6e stmis�6Y t�s"�Sec�r'►Y-Tas�u���di ... _ ' .���nt�g t�prac�m4�ItiQtied h�t ihe.fotiowing _ .._
<br /> frartion: fa)dit taai amount of tbe sv�secured a�nnedrrufy befo�the taJiing:divided hy!b1 the f�r market valiic o��e --
<br /> - a
<br /> - - ptope�ty immediaut}befo�the talcing. Aay batanoe shall 6e paid w Bortower: In the event oi a partial ta)cing of ihe
<br /> - p�vpe�tg in whidt the f�ir maricet value of the Ptopeicy immediately before the taking is tess than the amount of the sums
<br /> - secwed immediateiy befo�tbe t�ing.unless Borrower and Lender atherwise agree u� K�riting or untess applicaUte law
<br /> �se prnvide�the pr�ceeds shall 6e spptied to the sums secured 6y this Securit}lnsmuuent whether or not the sums arc .
<br /> ''� �U�P�operty is ab:u�doaed by Bor�qwer,or if.after notice b7[Lender.ia�Botnawe�that:ihc.catdem»or.otfers.to malce. , —
<br /> `''� , � an awazd sx settk a ctaim foc damages.Barnwer t'aits to respnnd tu T�withln 30 cl�ys after thc•i�rte t�e-rnntice is�ive».. .
<br /> _ ____
<br /> T_ __
<br /> _•.� Lend�r is authorized to oottect and appty the pnxeeds,ai i�:�.eiil�er iQ�tDrnl3nn or rgpair af t3�e FGa�e�.y ar ta.tfie -_ ----
<br /> sums secaned by ttiis Seauily Instrumen4 whetherortiaYt�a dtie.. :;- : . . ---- -
<br /> - - Unlesx l.eoder aad Boaower othecwise a�e irt�v�iting.�t►Y aPPlica6ria af praoeeds tv pru►ciPat s6atl na�extend or. ; - -
<br /> postpone ttie due,d�e of tbe monthlY P�X�!ts teferx�l icf in paEagz'.►pt�s i and 2 or.cl�anpe the amour►t of sweir.payments: . v - _ -
<br /> 11. Barroker Not Rdessed;.Eor.U+�t�i�rr=By t.ender Not a Waiver. Faiiension of thc time fcir payment ar �v �
<br /> ' modification of amortirrtiun of the sums.secured iiy this Security Insuument gramed by Leadci-ta�ny succes.wr in�nteres� �� - -
<br /> , •t .� . _�af Bartawer s1r�q nat aperace to�elea�e the,IiaM'U �:,of_the ori ' Borruwer ar 8ormwers.�-uccessors in,interest.Leniler '"`:.,�,,,,°
<br /> 'tY S� t�s � �'°- -
<br /> .' shall not bc required to`commer�cc p n x e e d inL.�a g a i�t a�►Y s u c c e s w r i ri i nt e r e s t or;refuse�ta�eacend ri�rir far payment or ,� _.
<br /> ]G'C Ia
<br />- � :. otherwise modify amorti7ation of the�sitms'4ecur�i i�.liiis Sccuriry Insuumen�p�ten�on of any demaad made.6y the originaf . �c�
<br /> ,.�-::`� Boimwer a Barrowerk successa�s ar finereb-i:.:J�i}?f�ctiearance by Lender in:ex�asiaing ang nght or rein�d:x d'r,sJl nat 6e a sf�1�__.
<br /> - :��waive.�.aE+txproeludetlieexet�iseof�iiy:�giit`ot��t ' . ' °;. :.: ' 'saftfits �-°y —
<br /> . ��� ��.`�i�-'_�'+,ncressas aad�Buund;'lo�afdi�t Sevctai�Lf�iilll�t Co�s�ners. 'fhe'cavcp�ms arrd.�rn�1.: ;s�
<br /> SecuNy t.i�stiCment�hall bind and 6enefii the successors aad�ig�.�of I.eqder and Bortuwcti:�ibjeca w the�vvi4ipt�;a�; , r
<br /> . - .. ;pat�g�?h;&7�.�Barrower's covenants and agceemeci�sh�il be iauie���several.Any Barrower who ca-:�ipr.r.f�ii�;G�:' .� �-y.` %:'-
<br /> - ` Insuumesii�iut daes�rot execut�the Note: (a)is co-s�.�img this Security tasttumgnt uniy to mortgage•graat�.ci��?.c�.'_a'e"�` - , _
<br /> .� `"` Bocmwer's inserest in the Rvperty under the terras c��";,�is Securiry Instiument (�P a�not peswnalty abligaced tm�t.itrr.suct��. ` .
<br /> 'a�,;�,,. � =5ecured by this Sec�uity lnnrument;and(e��gcees th�i l.ende�and any ather Borr�uc�er may agree to extend.m�y.farC�,
<br /> sec
<br /> ` or make any accommodations with reg�s3 ta the terms of tfiis Serurity Instrtiment or the Note without that.8oueaers f�%. T,�n�
<br /> . .,r a .4e� � _-�—.
<br /> " --�a' �i COflSCAL �. .'.�.. • ' t -
<br /> ' , 13. l,oan Chacges. If the loan"sei�ct i�j^tlfis Security Instrumcnt is s:�18:E to a law whiCh sets�aA�?�111Re loan f,; . ;4
<br /> ' .'.. ' �,��o:6 a r ges.and that law is finalty interpreted so tha>t�te iaserest or other!am ehar��c��;lected or to be coltee"u����innection • : . ., �-:;::-
<br /> � •� ' `�•� with the loan excced the pem►itted limits,then: ta!aP�'�suc h laan c harge.h a l l b r e�a d�c e d b y t h e a m o u n t n e c e�.c A's y t d r e d u c e �' ' � _
<br /> {�� �..; s �,�}ihe chatge.to the pemtitteA limix and{b)any stmrsaL�+dy collected fmm Born�ve�rwbicb ezceeQed nermitted limits wil!tae.. y.;,}�,� fT�---
<br /> >':.,��+; : - re t u s t d e i i"ua�asrower.l.en de r m a y c h o p s e t a m�t c,t h i�.c e f u n d b y�e d u c i n g t h�p t i r�4�i p a 1 a w e d u rt d e r t i�e 1 Y a t e u r b y ma{:ico�a ,��r .. __
<br /> 1 :'- ' ,- d'�ef pajruue*�t tu Bom>wer. If a refund ceduce�ps�cipal,the redurtion wiq 6e created ac a panial prepaymem w�thout any ;`;
<br /> �� • . y `; . ` prePaYmen{charge undE�r the Note. .� ;. ; . • ' ` +, � ,
<br /> . . .'.z�,•:..•• � , ,
<br /> ,;�,F,P� ., 14. NoNces. Any siolice to Boirouer pravided for in thi�Securit}In�t�m�r►c,hall be given by delivering it or by � � '3�'�.-
<br /> , '•";;as, • mailing it by first cfasc mail unless apati:,able la�v requ'u�es use of anather method.The notice shafl be directeA eo the Properiy -.. 4l`, ,�r-�
<br /> � •:7':A'��r��. Address or an other address Horrov��;r�esignates by nntice ta I.ender. Any notite to l.ender shal!be given by fir:st clacs , ,„s�__
<br /> s,.,� s;,;,. Y .. . , -
<br /> ;.�• mail w LencMrs addmss stated herein��r any other addre�s Lender detiignates by natire to BoROHer. Any notice provided far .�;v�,��
<br /> • '�" in this 5ecurity Instrument �hall bv d�emed to have Ixen givcn ta �rrow•er pr t.ender+chen given a.� pravided in this ; . ,_;F-�__�
<br /> " 1'�^O'^�• a. �-�.:•.�`��.1.—
<br /> . 15. t',uvuning Law; Severability. 'fhi�Security Inscrument shals De govcmeQ by fedcral law and the law of the : �.._
<br /> , - �� � jurisdiction in which the Praperty is tocated. in the event that any provi�ion ar clauye of this Secariry Inclrumem ar the Note .� . �j;=_.-_
<br /> `� ` - -�'*.=��*• � - ca�l lis t s w i E h ap�3ica b t e l a w.s u c fi c a n f t i c i s h a l l n a t a f f e c t o t h e r p r a v i c i o n.s o f�h i+S e c u ri ry I n s t r u m e n�o f�he Nole which can , _ : -y?:?� --
<br />..,. .,: T__ , �.• ,. - _, •.,
<br /> -,• '•'• be given�effect withoue the conflictiiig�ttovisinn. Ta t1�iti end the proL i�iam of�hiy 5ecurity Instrument and thc 1�Iote are.. :.' . , :
<br /> ', ` ; '"� ' ,.declared r��severable. '' . � , ., i� . '�
<br /> 16. BoROwer's�:opy. Born�.c�f�r s;�aU be given ane canfarm��i capy of thq Note and of�hix Securiry l�ctrument. . �r` + �i"��-
<br /> l7 Transfer atthe�.�r�'&aeticlAl lntert�t in BnrroNer. l f u��¢+c any part af the�'ropeny or any intere.t in �. �';r �.�_; ;
<br /> � ;,. it is wld or transferred i�nr if a 5w��e.ficla�G�niereic.ira Borrowcr is+ald or trin�f�nr��si und gunower is no�a na[uraf person) •� $�". .. .
<br /> � without l.ender's prior writier�cc�n�weni.i�:�nder may.A1 Itg Op1t�0.rcyuirc immed'ts�T:p�yment ia full ni a0 sums scrured by �* . � �"� �'�'
<br /> ;;
<br /> � •� . •� this Security lnxtrument. How�u��;"ih"ss a�ticro shall not Gc exerci.cd hy Lendcr ii excrri.ce�-�pax�l��ibited hy federal law as af �� . ."';��;_
<br /> �� thcdateafthiaSecurity;dn:.saMe:n�.;. . _
<br /> * .;,�_ .
<br /> . . ••, � !f Lender exerris��hc���civraT���y�er shall�:ive Naaower n�tice��f acccteratiari. T1�: n.�i�;.�shall r;L��ide a perlod nf ;. ". � .',. _•
<br /> . not less than 30 days fno�r c;���aCa ahe n�uce i�dclivercd��r muited wilhin which B��rro�cer r,rs.<:�Say.�ll�a�nw�rcured by this . ,
<br /> �: "�.':�;;'� � . 5ecurity Instnrment. pi�c�r�uu•ea'f�ic6• ca pay thccc �um+prior w Ihc cvpiratinn of thiti�sLirtd.Lender n�ay invoke any �. • �.
<br /> .r:..•-. � .
<br /> :,t='y�;�•��:,;+�r ' , :� �`ccme�u:c.'S 4x,rnitted by this 5ecur�zrt llE�tement�vi�h��ut further notice or demanQ un H��rroa�r. •
<br /> :. •. • � �E�. 13i��oweo s�tlght to#C��ur�ate. lf H��rr�►�vcr mret.r ccrtain rnnditinn�. Hora�w�r>hall havc ihe risht to ita�e
<br /> �.. ,;.'�;,.' .c�it'`icuni c,of this Scx�itiry fnsti'�:nem ditiranlinucd ut:ury timr priat tn thc•rurtisr af: lai 5 day�tur wch otb�r�{i�t��xi;a4. ,
<br /> �.:--�,.�:� ;.�,. P : „,n. . .
<br /> �.,,,,.�:�:` � . . , . . . . . .r •
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