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<br /> - 22.Reo�e�a� UP�F�Y��all sums seciued by mis S�v�ity �-
<br /> - --- --=-Y---` ����is uec��'��11=s�ote�ev;amciee deb[,se4'�d this SeauitY
<br /> .
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<br /> ieaaIIY aotitied to i� Sac�pe�sm ar pasons s1�U pry any iecad�tian oosis. ssuoFes.wr trustoe ta
<br /> � SiMU■�e 7��ea i.ender,at ics aptiaa may fcam 6me to time ienwve'Dusac snd�ppoin!
<br /> m 'O�ustee appointed berennder by an ins�ent�ca�ded ui��y ia wdicA this Secwicy la�mm�ent is rxaded-
<br /> 11Y'y�out caareyana af-Yl�AeupertY.tbe sucassar uustee shall succoeci tn ail�x titie.Pawa and dudes canfemd upon
<br /> 7tusbe l�etein,aoa by app�licabl�1�+"► , .
<br /> ?A. teq�t toe'l�a�a`s����of tbe aotices of default and sote De san�t io Barower�addr�s.g.: . ..
<br /> �4ddress. •.
<br /> whi�hl4.iliaec�is Ni�Seat��if��'macz.��� �'ec artd icca�rded w�is�w'�� -
<br /> . jjj�&So�iy in�ttymepd,.f�oov�a��ts of each suctt ndcs'�T��Cnc�oratetEiuZCS�i i;na`u`�a.a�u
<br /> supp)p»ent th�corau�o��a�ts oi'ti�isSecurity�t�ume�tt as if tJ�r�da�f s}we[a a p�cc a€this S�curicy UaktartPnc-
<br /> (C'batc applicable 6oale's)I. . -
<br /> ��a��wu�� �eooa��x�a�
<br /> �1-4 Family Rides" - ` �
<br /> ::, , . .
<br />_ - �. : _ o��,�:;� - .; a�,�U��dop.���t _�Hiweei�y PiyrnentRide�'
<br />_ , Q " ; , Q Itate Impavement Rider �� �Secand Fi+atrje�tidcr
<br /> Btlkao Rider;;:.{� �
<br /> - ;�r-;�::>:.;� ,
<br /> _ �Ott,er(s)[spa�'g���Acknaul�edgment ,
<br /> _ .:�... :{.
<br />_ � ``' and agse�s ia tbeYerms�d cavenmKs cantained in dds Secw�ity InwuEmnt
<br />_ Bli SICiNING18ELUW.Bornower�ccepts
<br /> � and in aay ddec(s)acecuted bY Bormwer and ra�rrded with i�
<br /> ,. .
<br /> . Vlfimesses: �� ' � _ C.�" �� � .
<br /> ;�,� ;.' � 1 C i'� eort�a�w�r
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<br /> , y, ' . � (Seal) �
<br /> �:�nda R Campbell 'B0Q°""'
<br /> >
<br /> ' ' S'ocial Secnrity Number S'1�- �-6T�7 - _
<br /> f STA7'E OP NEBRASKA. , Hal l Counry s.s: -
<br /> . - pR� 1 Bth aay of PRay .ixfore me.t!�undetsigncd,a Not�ry Public ' -
<br /> .� d u t y c a m m issioned and 9aalified for said county.QersonallY came William Carl Campa�ll,and _
<br /> Li�da R Camp bell, husband and wife .c o m e k n o w n c o b e�h e _
<br /> . �� •� idauical peraonsts)v�'l�ase nart�e(s)a�subscribed ta ttie fp�ego�ng instrum�nt anp acknowledged the execution thereof ta . _
<br /> :f � thei� ; ' voluntary act and d�. ., :;'�"`:`::... , • " � =
<br /> � tness m hand and notarial seal at Grand Islanu brask in said counfy.;4h�e � �. � :�.:
<br /> , ,
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<br /> � MiiruM� �/�7Z ` :,;: '`;
<br /> :�. M issi � . tvotaiy Ya�tic•` . .
<br /> = II�QMa�4 1 , :
<br /> RE4UFSZ'FOR RECONVEYANCE . . : ,,� � . '
<br /> '1'OTRUS7' +E�: �-. ., � , . .; . . :•�,'
<br /> 'It�o urNtersigned is the hot¢�rril`'i�te ncne or natcs sec�f ti5?rlhis Qeed of 7}ust. Sai�noie os notes.tagether wiit��oull�`r � '
<br /> �' o�er indebtedness secured by,thi:,I�h.r�`of Thut.lu�ve been pait1'�in,F+�l1. You are Nereby dircc[ed to cancel said nate or t�ste��
<br />,;`"� ± ', and thls poed of 7tu�';;cvtit,ch aie del�vered herchy.and to recain�e.��;+Nithout,warranty.a1!the estate now held hy you under .
<br /> t�.t •• this Dad of'livst toi$:�17�'POn or persons�tegally entitled theraro. ' '�'. '
<br /> ,• `�,';• -
<br />'�>5, >' t . �• ' . � �
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