_ � �� �:�F _ .,, �y„%J � - . ... \ ~ - } y _.
<br /> • . _
<br /> -i:�1/ - ' — 't ° ____ _ __ '_ _ . , -� �
<br /> _ ��r r�
<br /> �til S _ .. -� . . ' _'__._ . — __' . .—_' . . _ . ._
<br /> ��trt�t� _ . ' . . . _ .. � _ .. � .'- . . ' . _-
<br /> _ - Q98 � < < .
<br /> . � � .
<br /> ' ; �;o�a►���. �`��ao�������r�y eo�ow���t��o�er�
<br /> appcv�rsl wQieh 36all aot b�luueasonaDly witlibekl. If BoROµ�er f�'ts to�in coreroge descdhed:�buvt:Lender may.at •
<br /> � L,aodes�s optian.o6yia coverage m'prolect Lead�er�rights ia tbe P[openy in accecd�e�itt�paragr.�ph 7. �
<br /> � - . All insurat�e polzcxs and ieeewals s1�11 be aoce�e to Lender and stnll inctude a��c�i mortgage clause_ E.ender �
<br /> _ _�— —------- . — _
<br /> e n ioTibtd�ti�ie��ti� _ tia�a�s-stratt • - , �
<br /> nf mid erert�iums � ' _Iat�e�'EOt�f 1�SS.$�Ef-s631l-Eti�e�[OmptDOi�iY LR.tII��DStiI3ttC�.1�SC�A�.� .
<br /> ,_� .
<br /> -- �_-.. . . . . _
<br /> L.eader. Lender may�alce PmQf of loss if tlot ntad�P�!P�Y bY B.�� _
<br /> Qnkss Lader and$arawer otherwisc 3gioe in v�mting,ins�dnae proceeds shalt be applied to restaratian or cepa'v of `"
<br /> _ ' the Ptope�ty d�, if the restotatkn�oc re�ur u eoaamieally fcasibk and lueacier�security is not tesseneA. [f ti�e , .
<br /> restaration or repair is aot ecaddmic::ily feasibk or Leader's sectueiy wouid be tessene�the ins�r,usce grocceds sdalt 6e �
<br /> - applied to the sums secuced by this Security Inswmen�whetl�er os na tfien due.with any ca�cess p�id to Bomawe� If _--
<br /> Bormwex ab�odoas the Roperty.a does uot aasv►'ex within 30 days�naticc bvm Le�xfer that the inwrance carricr has --
<br /> offeRd w settk a claim.then I.euder may coltect the insurance pmceeds. Lender may usc the proaeds[o rq�air or restore --
<br /> --- - tIx Pmpetty or to pay sums securcd by this Serurit�r Insuument,whet6er or ant ther�due. The 30�day penad witt begin wisen: . .
<br /> tbe�t#c��s:pivgn. _ — . .... _ --.. _--
<br /> - � -_--
<br /> . -
<br /> r��� � . - -,. -�:Unkss T:�fdef:and Barower oihecwi5e agnee ia writ��,.•anJt�PPliq6on o�—^- to pnnc�pal shatl naY.ez�
<br /> ''�ast�a�dfe due daie af If�montlilY paymeats ref'emxt io in pnragiapits 1•and 2�or change the�maunt af ti�e payr�.,1f
<br /> a
<br /> unde��h.Z1.IH�Fmpe�ty is aoquic�ed by:bender.B'a�sawer's:d�ta tm,�r insurance po�icies and pmce�s.resuitirr� . . _
<br /> r .fm�ir.dama fa:tlt�Rope�ty prior to the acquisIdnrt.shall pass tu�Letrdcrta ih��r�;'.tent oi the sums secureQ by�thLk Security� `"` _
<br />,ryJ .,: ... 1tis��v��Y P�W the acqu�iuoo. , ':���';•' , : - ..' ' ��'��``� --
<br /> 6..;!�Cp P�ration, Maintena�cs and.F�`���P�rh�+ Borrmve�;s l.os� Applicatian; � :� ;
<br /> i 1,e�:��Il occltpy.estaMisl►.at��e/1� `�rs�e��r a�'�mw�x's principat reside�tce a�ihin sixty dayr�:�,f#er �-�= _
<br /> �
<br /> the execti�Y:3��;�:'��ss�ry L�suument and shalL;os�L�is�eta��s�'�,P.c�ty�as Borrowers principal nxidence�'ar•ei. �, �'.��`_
<br /> ' k�st�a�e���si+-;n'���`'�'rz.�ciate af occuper�c�. tmx�.ss'��eni�Jar odi�iwis�"�iii'�s in writin�. which consent stiall riot iie . ;..,,-- �,_��_
<br /> <<, ��:' �+ '...�• el �.'unless eatenuaun cit�eti�i5tsi�es e�st which aie" odd Hoirower:s control. Borrower shait na�,,.;f�:r'.. ;: ���_°T--
<br /> �.�-c�i.�.;` 8 � �
<br /> . destro����:•�r the 1'�operty.altow the tn'�otate.ar commit waste on the Ptopetty. Bortower stt�`,� - ,�.;�-
<br /> 6e ia de�ZitztY,nF,any forfeituie acGon or pcoeeeding.pw��ci�^�:os criminal.is begun that in Lender's-gaod faitb judgm��.. ,.,• �._��-` -
<br /> could �esutt in farfeiture of the Propercy or otfieerw4s�maipciatty'impair the lien created by tAis Secunty Inswment �r. . ; ��_f.":`- _
<br /> o r � h 18,b causin the xtion ,��;:�:
<br /> ----- 1.enderssecuaryintecest.Horso�recmaycuresuct��tdefbult�ttdr�instate.aspmvided P�S*aP Y 8 .:;�;.�.�,•.:,jr�-`Y�'���' . _:
<br /> `°r or praoeeding to 6e dismicsed�vith a ruling tha�in i.ender's gaod faith detem�ination.pmctudes forfei[ure of the Sarrower's ��.r_...;:..� ; ,
<br /> . interest in the PtopectY ar other material impaittnenl.nf th� lien created by�ttis Secu6ty inn�ument or l.enders security - ' `_--
<br /> inte�.;�:�otrawer shall also be in default if H6rm�cr, dutrttg iiic ta�n applicaticm pra�ess. �srs materially faise ar . ., .. -„
<br />- � inaccu�S�e ariTprmation or statements to Lender(or failed ta pravide l.ender with any matenal informalionl in wnnectian with . , `,•�-�
<br /> , the ta�':ecy23enced}�y the iVote, ineluding,but nat liinited ta, representation.c conceming Borcouer's occupancy af the ',._.- ����.�� '-
<br /> f• . :_;:
<br /> , pnoperty as'ii p�i,paS,t,esidence. If this Security Instrument.is on a leasehat���arroweF shall comply with all the provicions ,: ;���._�� :._
<br /> � o f t h e k�r e:�J f S o r n u w e r a c q u i r e s f e e t i U e t a t h e P r o p e r t y,t h e l e a s e ba l d a n d i i�e f�g tide�hali not me r ge unless l.ender a g rc es �ti,. *� :_
<br /> ' ;� to tht�'���in�writing. . • ,� � � { '
<br /> 7 Y�citectioa o�Lender'g Rights in the Progetty, 't� H"►Fn►wer;fnil.v,'���perfnna the ravenanu an¢a$ree�tieiatc,� . ��iW�{_�..'.S.JM�,?
<br /> .��, cont�rc�1 y?c.`+his Security In�trument.or there is a lefial�ttceeedin thn< qtA �i ifi " �" �"" w+,y .`_
<br /> � y.�:Sn ca�i�g affect l.enderb rs�ts�''in t�r� �� . „
<br /> Ptc�on.��such as a praceeding in bankruptcy.pmbate.for cat�dzmautian nr fotf'ainsre os ta engome law�oT cwgt?��~rmn:;".iher�::: Y��,_:,--
<br /> Lendei i�ay do and pay for whatever iv necec�ary to pmtece the vaWe cit the'Prdperty and Lender's rigta�s ac�tF�e�trtipeibj.' - - • _-
<br /> � ,�`��� l.endzt's'aclions may inelude paying any.umz�ecured by a tien which hac�pri�niy mrer this Security Inspru�e.�:�,�is�ng � •
<br /> io ooutt;,�}ing reasonabte attameys'fees and entering on thc i'raperty ta mate rcpais�.Although l.ender may take,$cl�afe � �-
<br /> �r {�.•: under ttiis��ragraPG 7.i.ender does not have ta do yo. - �
<br /> '* _ "_•= My aiteounts di.tibursed by Leader under thi�paragnpb 1r;i(al16e�:ome:cdditiona)debt af Boaower�ecured by:1l'ies �. ,
<br /> . �' Security la�uument. Unless Baaawer and Lender agree ta othcr termc of payment.the�c amaunx��hall bear interc�t fra�e ehe -�_
<br /> • , date os dicbu�;em�n�At the Note rate and shall be payabte.�vith interc+�,upan ttvurc from l.ender to 8otrower tequesting' '�`_
<br /> . �- ' payment. � -_
<br /> .. ��: . S. Mortp,age lnsurartce. If l.ender reyuired mortgagc in.rurance.�c a cpnditinn ai making the trvan cecured by thic ' `', .•' � ,=`
<br />_ � z•; Security Intilrument,Boaower�ha1i pay the prcmiums reyuired sa maintain the moagage ia�umnce in et'fect. )F,for any � •� �;:',;�y;.�,;� .r
<br /> ••T.�a ��=' reawn. the moA • c imutance covert� e re ui�ed h Lxnd��r ta ycs or ccaceti ta he in elfccl. 8arrawcr�hall th: - • 'r�1�;•; =�
<br /> ` r, . S�S � N Y fi PaY (; �'�� frf.:�
<br /> �. ptemiqttts rcyuired ta obtain coverage yub�tantially equivalent ic�•thr mart�age in�uranco ptevioucly in c(fec�, a� � r�� , ' ..
<br /> ''., � ., ... '
<br /> � � °, �.. ' ,,r,utxtantiuUy equivalent to the co.rt io Barrower oS tha,+a�^tAa�e msurance pr�rtously in effect.iram an aitemate mcmgart : •�� ' ,
<br /> ..' Ynsurer appraved by Lcnder. If�ub�tantially cyuiv�tt�nt m��t�ge iu�uamre ca��u�gc i�nat a�ailabte.Bnrrower yhali pa�;io, : '� • � r=_
<br /> lxnder each month a sum cyurl to onc-twclftb��f the y�arlt•.mqttg��c in+urnncc prcmium t►eing paid by Bonowcr wlr;n,t�e• . � .„ , _
<br /> , . � in�r`,�rt:r covcmgc lap�cd�r cea�ed to he in effcu. l.cactcr,v:i1l�'ccepG u+c and retain t�ese paymen��ati a la�s resen•e in fiers' � . , T
<br /> , of r.xq�.�s�;e insurancc. Lac�re�crve paymentti may no tin�cr f+e scquired,a��hc urtinn uf l.endcr,if murtgage ins:uance � ; :� �_
<br />- • • , . caver.:.�;�(in the amaunt And fc►r the period�hat Lcnd.r'requrr:�=�pmv,ded hy an in.urer appru�•c0 hy l.endcr again t�y-smac' �''' -_
<br /> �' �'•_��`• availa��e and is obtaincd.8arruwer�h;IH pay Ihc premiumr�rquired u�maintuan m<�qgage in�urunrc in citect.or ta pro��ids a ; " . . .'r:
<br /> , ;;:�;}:;�;: � � , ,
<br />• ,,•,..ft,z, .�m:.�;�,,, <, �, ,,�c�SSreserve.until the requirement for martguge in�urance end�in acrord:inrr wiih any �critten agreement I+ete•een Bnr�;iv�r � ,
<br /> � �� r•�'�,,'.,_ •,;�iJ;�f�t�f�rmupplicablcla�v. .
<br /> �' '-at�';�i. . ;�.'. ��., ;° '�:. f�tspectiun. l.cnder�u it�agent may makc rc:��una?�ls.entric.up��n:md in,Exctiun.uf�hc F'rupcny. L.endee;�Fr;;II i •
<br />:, -;�: ',�. , , , .,., �i : : .
<br /> ,;r�...r:.�.� : .,:.. -,: , .
<br /> , ,,,,y�; ,,.,s�n�l�-rn�3vet nutire ut the dme uf ar pric�r tn sin i�y+ection�pccjfying tea�un;ibfe r.iu�c i��r thr impect un. ,
<br /> y��•� � .�1:(1"it"ondemnation. The r�xecds c�f an aic,>>�t�r cL•�im for d:m�a�c�,dircct or cun�c ucnlial,in c��muction�ti•ith an• �
<br /> ;r> �, ' , .� p } . � N , S
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<br />� . a:'ir.:. t?„�. . . . � . .:i,',`'�i .r � , :�• '
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