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_ �..�-T�-T- . ... . .. <br /> --.—�—..�.--- — . . <br /> . � �g3' 1+0�3� <br /> onadem�don a aYr aI�M�at auy�wt d dM PtopMty.vr tar awwyao�la IMu of vo�d�tio�.�n l�nby wi�1�d . <br /> � �N 6s pid 10 UM��-, � <br /> In da�vaa d a Iot� nkin4 of the Pra�peAY.�he�'na� tlWl be qipliad lo d�e ana �oouted bjr 1hb S�► � <br /> ImtrunMnt.wlwh�ar nat�hca due, with�ny eaoc�p�io w Harower. lo tl�i evpM of M pRW tdcina or Iho PmpeRy ia i <br /> whkh t�e fi�ir m�ricet value at'tl�a P�u�paity immedi�toly 6etaro Uia ukta�i�equal w or pr�ter�a�he�maunt of the sunr <br /> �ecurod by d�is Socurity Inwament ImmedGiWY betae�Fio tvchy.unNs�BoRCwer md Lender otborwi�a�roe in wrltLy. <br /> ths wm��eamed by thit Sxudty Inawment�11 be roduoed by �he�mount of thopoo�d�awbiplbdby Ihe fdbwin= <br /> fraWoq: (a)du tam!�mount of tho eume�nnM immaqat�ly beforo th�uking.divided by Ib)the t�ir rtw�a vsiue af tba <br /> pinpwty itn�nedGuely betaro�he W�iog. Any M4noe�11 be paid lo Bon+nwer. In the event ot�qRW Wdni of�bo <br /> Pt�ope�ty in which the fiir muket vNue of tho P�opcny immedf�tcly before the t�kin�1.ku thm�he rn�unt of thO wm� <br /> iecuned immedi�tely batae the t�fcin unleu Bonower and l.endc�whe�vvlie �roe in wri�in�ar unles��pplicabb I�w <br /> o�tiawiee Pawides,die prooeeda�hall��pplied a the wms�ecu�od by thi�Sacut�ry Incpumont whalher or aot 1he sum.aro <br /> thai due. <br /> If tbe P�ope�ty is�b�ndaned by if.�fler notico b�r Lender to Ba�owcr�h�t the catdomnor offe�s to m�ke <br /> u��wud ar seplo A claim for dNm�ae�,Bormrver fi�ils to resRoed to LnKks w�hia i[I d�ya aflc�the d�te the ndite i�given. <br /> L.ender i�+�uthoda,ed w collect and apply tl�e pm9ood�.q ia aptian.eitl�r a rostontioa ar mpair af�Ma Ptr�perty a a die <br /> wms eecu�od by dti�3ecuriry Inw�unen�wMl�e�or not then dnc. <br /> Unk�l.cnder and Borrower whrrwise�roc in�r appli�uion of p0000ds�o ptiacip�L'sh�{1 wt e�uend ar <br /> po�tpa�e�he due due of the monthly PYa4eMs�rf�od to in par+�rap6s 1�nd 2 ar ch�rt�o tbe�mouq vt such piqm�s. <br /> li. Bom�wer Na Rekrcd� Forbe�raoce By i.�der N�1 � Walver. E+�tensian oi the tlmc fa p�maat ct <br /> d�odificatfon of a�atiz�on of the wmr cecu�ed by thi�Security Insduunent gro�nted by Lender lo�ny:uooessor in iMe�est <br /> of Barower slWl not aperau w rcle�se the liabifity of the orlginal Borrorrer or Barower�s swxessors in inrcn�.l.ader <br /> r�!!aat Oe�qssirec!to cna�ace p�a.�eedio�agni�t.ny �uaessor in inte��t or�efusc to catcrtd timc Por pa�or --- <br /> otherwico roodi�Y�no�tiz�io�of the sums securod by this Sa.-uriry Usaument by iea.wn of any dertwnd Rwde by Uhe originai <br /> Bomowa or Barowerlc sucoe.sso�s i�interc.w. My fcxbearancc by Lender in exercicing�ny�i�ht or nemedy sh�ll not be a <br /> watver of ar proclude tt�eae�ise of su►y right or rcmedy. <br /> 12. S�aeneors�wd Asc�a+Booad:Jdnt�wd&veral W6iWq:Co-si�nen. Thc covenams and a�groements of Ihis <br /> Security Inst�umrnt shall bind and bd�efit the s�nccess«s and acsigns of lrender und Bonnwer.subjoct w�he pmvisions o! <br /> p 17. Bornnwenc�ovemnts �nd ag�aents shall be joint�ud several. My Barrower who co-signs this Security <br /> � 1��t but doe�not execute tt�Note: (a)is co-signing this Securi�y Insuument aaly to mongage.g�ant and ca�vey that <br /> Bomowerla intemst In tha Property w�der the temis of this Security Insqumrnt: (b)is aot personal�y obl�gued to psy�he sums <br /> s�cu�ed by this Security Inswment;and(c)�gras that Lender and nny aher Botrower mey agroe to extend.modify.forbeu <br /> a m�CC any accommodwtion� with reg�d w the tem�s of this Seciuity Insqument a the Note wi�hout �t Bonower'� <br /> ca�uen� <br /> 13. CWrgn. If the lo�n secwed by this Securiry 1nstNment is subject to a law whlch seus maximum lou� <br /> chuges.ond thu law is fiaally interpreted so that the intettst or other loan charges cdlected or to be eoiiected in eaanccrioo <br /> wlth the loan excud the permitte�licnits,then: (a)any such laryn charge shall be reduced by 1he amount necesa�uy to rec�uee <br /> the charge w the permiued limlt;uuc�(b)a�sy sums alneady col�:cted from Borrower which exceeded pern�itted limits wiU be <br /> refunded to Barowe�. Lender may choose to muke this refund by nducing the principnl owed under the Note or by making a <br /> diact pnyrtknt to Bomower. If a rcfind rc.�luces principnl.the rcduction will be trcated as a partial prepaytnent w�thaut any <br /> p�ayrtient charge under the Notc. � <br /> !4. Nodces. My notia tc+ Barower provided for in �his Security Instrument sha1B be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by Pust class mail untess npplicuble law requires use of another method.The noticz shall be dirocted to the Raperty <br /> Addresc or any other addness 9orrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to I.ender shall be given by fitst class <br /> mdl w L,enderh�dd�ess stated herein or�ny aher add�ss l.ender design�tec by notice to Borrower. My notice provided for <br /> in this Securiry Insuument shall be deemed to hnve been giveo to Borrower or l.cndcr when given as provided in this <br /> �1�S�Coverui�; SevenabUity. This Security Insuument sh311 be governed by federal law and thc law of the <br /> jurisdictfon in which the Propent�:i+locuted. In�he event U�at any provision or clause of this Security Insuument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law,sueh conflict shull not uffect other provisions oi�his Securi�y lnstrument or the Note which can _ <br /> be given et'f'ect without the conflicting provisian. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note arc <br /> declarcd to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower�hall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Sec�arity 7nswment. <br /> 17, 7Y�aoster ot the Properta or A�enefictal lntere4t ia�lorrower. If nll or any piUt of�he Property or ony interest in — <br /> it is sold or vensfermd(or if a beneficiol interest in Borrowrr is sold or transfemed und fiorrower is not a nnturnl�erson) <br /> -•Hithaut I.ender's prior w�itten consent.Lender mpy,at its option, reyuire immediute pnyment in full of all sums secur�c�!by <br /> this Security InswmenG However,this option shull not be exercised by Lcnder if exeroise is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> the dtue of this Security Inshvment. <br /> If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Borrower notice of�+cceleretion. The notice shull provide n perial of <br /> not less than 30 deys from the date Ihe notice is delivered or mailed within wbich BuRawer must puy All sums secured by�his <br /> Socuriry Instrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to�he expiration af thi� period, Lender may invoke any _ <br /> remedies petmitted by�his Security instniment without furthcr notice or clemand on Borrower. _ <br /> � 1& Borruwur's Itlght to Reinstate. If Bortnwer meetx certuin canditions, eorrower shall have the right to have � <br /> enforcement af t�hu,Securiry Instrument Jiscantinued ut any time prior to the eurlier of: (a15 duy.r•tor such other period us <br /> Single Fanwly•-F�nai�1�tadl�Yeddk Nac UMF(1RM INS"fRUMENT••Un�form Covenanu 9/90 /page 4 aJe pag�sl _ <br /> - — --- - <br /> �z . : <br /> �_, <br /> - - Y +T �„-,� `-_ _ �: � wi:yi�c:�,V.ctry;;�'•i,. . - f,�: <br /> ( • 1 . ��\ � •n ..11 ♦ - <br /> ._�'—.Y._� ` - . _ .. 1-t��� ���`�� �_ . �*' } S�k�Lt':1�-. <br /> ��(- '.t r� �� _�}�� �,�`j::. <br /> _�.•���Ilitl�4�e::b..�Mxa._�..�,A�sy�.l.��_� -J i�f1',��l���k '1��Lt�� r �111R�WAt"' L.ML"J�/ <br /> . =.'AS t � ---� �-`- �-- ----' -- -i�,`7SSL r-_,.7` - . +��` ._ . . . _ . � u�e-�'a..;- ._ r.�-�` },,-ji�,,,. <br /> ���.,���,. � a. it ' ' u-' 1I�C�rt�'7� �', y . ., I �,�!�� �i1�R ����`y� � Lr ��'. � � - rt���� . <br /> Y : ' � .��, it[Srt.ti� K � ��1�3i�79A.�y1ii'41V�.M'S�5'!wM !s�+T� � r, i�s. <br /> 1,.,,\- . . . \`{�,- � A 1.11 4 -'� I <br /> - wx�, ta,� \� 1 Y � ;,�v �F � „�1\ �rr.�t���• c.rn.�'� -. � <br /> .—__ .� Yno.i/S.T J.:�".dt�`�.'i�.. 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