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�'�.,.q�r,_ ��+t __ _.._..._ _' w-- <br /> -":,. r ' � :__� <br />--- W- - -- - -�'�". <br /> , � <br /> . 93- io� <br /> p�iod�drt t�aaear�quaa. The irou�aoa cu�p�nv{�ipa tb inwr�noe�IWI ba cbo«o by Bpnowe�wbjea ta Lena.rti <br />- - _ ��!!�l�d1�nt M w�rrr�iy�vidield. if Hoaowar Giiia to��aiu cavora$e dricribed ibor�.I.ender et'�yr�at . <br /> � Lw�d�rti optioe,a6Wa ow�r�e to paea LeuderY a�in a�e in.QOExd.noe with prynpb 7. <br /> x <br /> All huur�noe policia u�d ieaalv�ls�li be a o o q�t a b la w �nd�hall�nclude s q�ndrd a4a�t�a�o clw�o. Leidet <br /> �II hNVe the rl�ht to hold�he polk�a and n�awal�. �e Lender roquiroi�Aorrower�hdl P'�'�P�Y�ve to Lendar aU reoelpb <br /> ot pW prcatiums�atd tennwd nalloa. In tUe evem of bu,Barower�lull�ivo pnompt notioe to da i�wua�os carrkr wd <br /> Lender. Laidcr may m�ke proof of law it nd made P�M�Y by Ba�mwer. <br /> Uaksa Lendcr and Bomowerr aherwi�s�aroe in wridng,ine�uanoe shdl be�pplied w�wration or�ir oP <br /> �Prope�ty du�ad. iP tlw �estorndon or npair is eoonamicdly fe�bb�ad Lendcr9�acurity i�not le�oned. V�ho <br /> ion ar is not occaanicdly fe�uibb or i.eodark �aa�ity would be les�enod,tMo incuwr�co procood��II be <br /> �pplied to the wau�ecurod by this Smcu�ity Insnurnenti whether or aot tha�duc. wlth�ny exa�a p�id W Batmwer. If <br /> Borrowet+�b�Mo�u the Prope�ty.or doei not�nswer within 30 d�yt�notioe from Lender th�t 1he inwnurco cutier hiu <br /> of�'erod to aeple s c1�im.then Lender maq coUoct the in�w�ncn proceeda. l.andcr muy u�c the pmceeds w re�tr ur� <br /> tho Property a to pay�wmt�ecwnd by thi�Security 1�strument.wi�ther or not then due. T4e 30�d�y period w�U be�in when <br /> tho notfce ta given. <br /> Unless Le�cter uid Botmwer othewrise�gnee in writin�.�ay qiplicadoa of pracoeds w priocipd aiWl not e�e�ead ar <br /> P��P��due d�te of the monthlY P�Y�Ns�efemed to in pu�gr�pF�c 1�od 2 or chanRe the�atoa►t of the pay�aaw�. lf <br /> wKkr puagraph 21 tl�e ProP�nY�+�1�69 l.�der.Bortower��ight ro aay mawanoe po�ie��ad pno�e�.raw�ng <br /> from dnmRga to the Pt�ope�ty prior to�he iccNnitioa s1uiU pu4 m l.eadex w We�tent of d�e waaa aecw+ed by rk�ix Seao�ity <br /> InurumeM imnedi�uely prior w the aequisicioo. . <br /> 6. Oeeopwac� P�tbw, M�NNe�nce And Protectios at the Propatyi �n�''s I.a�w A'N�aqiaai <br /> I,wehold�. Borrower�ull�bl3xh,�nd use the Pmperty as Barrowa'�prLicipd nesidena wltdltl� days dtKr <br /> ----_= ehe ezxtnian of thle Securiry Instrumerat�nd rhaii c�rtimus m�py the Pmrerty a�Borrowur x priacip�l�far�t <br /> least onc yeu afta the dxte of oocupancy, unlcss Lender othenviso �g�exs in wridng. which coaseint shAll not be <br /> unneasonably withheld.or unleaa eztenwting circum�t�nces exist which are beyand Bor�owerk caad�ol. Baro�er�aU not <br /> destroy,danwge or impair the Prope�ty.allow the Property w deteRorate,ar commit waste o�the Prope�ty. t3�arrower shall <br /> be in default iP any forfeinu�e�on a proceeding,w6edier civil or crlmin�l.i�be�un that in l.ende{h good fiiith judgmant <br />- could rcsult in forFeiwn of the P�oparty or otherwise materially Lnpafr the lien c�eated by thia Seeurlty Inrctrumait a <br />- - _ l.ender's secwiry ir►tercs� Botrower may cu�+e auch a default u�d minstate.ns provided in pvagrap.'k!8.bY��►�tde actia�e - <br /> .:"°�'�=:--. or procading to ba dismissed with a�uUng th� L.ender�s good faith determination�p�cludes�'axtertwc of the Bartowerk <br />'�'.�"�%r'���7:>� interest in the Pnepnty or other matedel imp�icment of the Iten crcated by this Security inatihimarw�a�.eader�i aecurity <br /> `'_ �� ` _ inteiest. Bortowar shall nlsa 6e in default if Bomower. du�ing the toan applicatfote prooess, gave mutar.inlly fal�e or <br /> - inaccurate informedon or statements to L.endcr(ar faited to provide Lender with any rn�terlal infannadon)ia connectlon with <br /> " !he low�evidenced by the Nou. including,but not limited to,representetions concerning 8a�rrrqwar�s oocupancy of the <br /> - Property�s a prL�cipW�+esidence. If this Security Tnstrument is on a leasehold�Hwmwer sh�li anmply wlth nll the pmv�iau <br /> of the lease. If Bamwcr aoquiros fee ride ta die Property,the leasehold and the fee titk siull not mer�e unless�.eoda agroes <br />- to the merger in writing. <br /> �r� 7. Protectbn ot l�cader'a Ri�hf�in Ibe Pr�pert�a If Borrower fails to perFom� thc covenants and agroema�ts <br /> �,� contained in lhis Secudty Inswment, or the�e js a legal proceed'ang that may signiFcendy uffect Lenderh rights in the <br /> •ri:: Property(such as a procading in ba�.�reaptcy,probate.for candemaadon or forfeiture or to enforce laws or�gulations),then <br /> �''� Lender may do and pay for whatever is neceuary w protect thc valuc of the Propeny nnd Lender's rights in the P�peRy. <br /> :�� � Lender's actions may include paying any sums secu�d by a lien which has prioriry aver this Security Insaument,appe�uing <br /> ' 'y��y in court,paying reasonnble attorneys'fees and enteri�g on the Property to malco repairs.Although Lender may wlce aetlon <br /> under this parograph 7,Lender dces not have to do so. <br />` Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under thia paragraph 7 shall bocome additionsl debt of Borrower secured by U�is <br /> — ° � Security lnsuument. Unless Bomower umd L.ender agrce to other tcrms of payment.these amounis shall bear Intercst from the <br />_ date of disbursement nt the Note rate and shdl bc payable,with intercst.upon notice from Lendcr to Borrower rcquesting <br /> PaYmen� <br /> 8. Mo�igage Insurance. If Lender rcquored mortgage insurance ns a condition vF inaking the loan secu►ed by this <br />. Secudty Insuument,Borrower shnll pay�he premiums roquired to maintain the mortgage insurence in effect. If,for any <br /> _ ,. ren.wn, the mortgage insurance coverage requjred by I.ender lapses or ceuses to be in effect, Bomower shall pay the <br /> � ' premiums mquired to obtain coverage subsunaally equivnlen[to the mortgage insurance previously in effxt, ut A cost <br /> ,� i,.. <br /> '•�s '�:t;��;>���s, substantial9y equivelenc to the cnst to Borrower of 1he mortga�e insurunce previously in aifPCt,from nn altemate mortgage <br /> �i.�';`=^ { '3'*���� ' insurer a roved b Lender. If substantiall uivalent mon a e insurance covera e is nat uvailable,8orrower shall a to - <br /> a tf:.: ,c;� � PP Y Ye9 B 8 F P Y <br /> .1. tdti^��. � � <br /> . r;F.},yr,;�, ��4�i , � Lender euch month a sum equal to one-twelflh of the yearly mongage insurunce prerniurn being paid by Borrower when the <br />_ •� �' �.L��r;;! � insurance covetage lapsed or ceased to he in eftect. Lender will uccept,use and retuin�hese payments as a loss rcserve in lieu <br /> ,r:;:•,.�f . of mor+tg�ee insurance. Loss reserve pAyments rnay no longer be required,at the opion of Lender,if mortgage insurance <br /> �,:��. � <br /> 1�f,.,t, i coverage(in the amount end for the period that l..ender requires)provided by un insurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> �,�,.,� �''t' 'i,�;� available and is obtained.Borrower sfia11 pay the premiums nequired to mninlAin mortgage insurnnce in effect,or to provide a <br /> ,.,., � <br /> ;s ��. ' loss reserve,until the requiremenl for mongage i�surnnce ends in accordance wi�h any wri�ten Agreement between Borrower " <br />-:�� ,U.:�p�fi••;;'�� i and Lender orapplicnble law. <br /> '. �3c�� s;,;�;;1�� i 9. Inspection. i.ender or its agent may make reasonuble entries upon:uid inspections of the Property. Lender shall - <br />•�� �� ':f.'��? give Bortower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonuble cau,e for the inspection. <br /> .tic�.. ��t:.;:.; . <br /> �:,,a,�__;�,��y;�: � � 10. Condemnotion. The proceeds of any aword or cluim for dwnuges,direct or constc�uential,in connection with any <br /> 'a p, <br /> . , �r�3'•���7};I Sfngk Famfly•-Fmnk M�e/Fhddle M�c UNIFORM INSTRUMa1�7••Uni(orm favenm�c 9/90 1(MJ(P 3 nJ(�/4lKPS) `- <br /> ' ' . ..;i=;%.���'�' � '.•!;�.,�` Grcx Wn BuW�os Fmn.Inc■ - <br /> y:,'_i �• l <br /> '' r•-��1-, � ;{i'�f,:1. to o�tiv CvL•Ii0U830Y.'iW O PAX 61&7814131 <br /> ���,t `�`5�;� iy'1.1�(�1�1�: , _- <br />".:��, � :�!(i ��1.�1;;C�'? _- <br /> "f';r : �t � },f ,. <br /> � '14�{,L� 1'%'`ir,}: <br /> ��' �r��� ����r,�'{� � •��tt1 ,t.r,i.�:`�;µ.�i.:;:� 1���y�'ti���%'� ' �• ,, . , . ' . ��-•`- <br /> _, '� / �� r � ' � • ! . a° �. <br /> � ` �' '���t �Sf`i;�` � .' •'�i --- + �-�z^�(,��t' r �: � : Vf_!,?�,,�y '�j' ' � <br /> �- . St .�� .. . 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