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�� io�sz <br /> ' ;pplie�bie iaw e+�y�pec�r ror�)btare .�.d d�e P,�ape�ey wnu�nt�o ny vovra oI u�e cont�inea in thi. <br /> fMwri�hw��1i ar(b]w�y af��al�w�t��t��Y� 'lloo�o oomdltioe�s�ne tl�t Borrowa (�1 <br /> ' py/L�sier atl wms whidi dKa wauld 6e dqe moet mn�y� �d tbo Noie ss i(�su�ccc{u�ton had <br /> aa�rod;(b)cu��eqr ddsWit otaay adMr ooveww ot y�eemee�s;(c)P�ri��P�iacunod ia anEo�in�tbls Sec�y <br /> �a�ma�t.iuci�;,b�M od Ijmi�ed�o.raiaon�bk atwmays'te0s:wd(d)plma wch�ctbn ai I.ender cnay e�enon�MY <br /> _ � wq�e a.�e dw me tiea d aiL saw+�y[�aa,Naent,t.eoda'b�Aa ia wo PropatY wa e«mwert obu�atia►a v�y tha <br /> .� �ec�d by d� S�ec�rity lawunent alul! a�ntloue � UP� � bY ��• tWs Sec�rity <br /> i�atiuoei�t aral�ha ubli�sdons sayued 6etebY adall rem:ie fully d'�ecdve�s if no acoeleratlan b�d oocuned. However.�his <br /> right 10 rdnttalo tl�all not�pply in the c�e d aaelauim uoder p�ra�n�ph 17. with thi�SocWity <br /> 1�1 5Me d N�le�CM��f I.�Ser+ber. Tde Nate a a prtt�l i�uarse in�e No�e(cogal�er <br /> �ms7 be�oW ore a aaoce dumKS witlroW prior eotice ta Botmwer. A sde may rewlt in a clunge ia the eatity <br /> (knoMn�s tbo"l.o�n Saviar")tlW oolleca mootWy p+�yma+ts due uoder tbe Nwe aod this Saurity lnatrument. 'I'Ircre dso <br /> m�y Ee a`o or more cl�anfes of the I.o�n Savlox w�el�ted w�sale of the Note. It tlKre is a change of tha l.o�n Servlaer. <br /> Ba�o�rat wiU be�iras wtiqm ooRia of t6e chn�o in�ocadanoe with qragrspA 14 above w�d applicabie law. 7Ue notice <br /> �riil woe dx a�are aod add�ess ot the n�w Lo�t Savica aod Ihe ddress�o which paymdus�Iwuld be made. The noliue wUl <br /> ala oo�ain�qy otber inform�tion�eqWred bY applic+bk law. or relesse of�n <br /> �M, 1#�uraa�a�t S�baanoat. Batovrer�Il oot cause or permit tbe presence.use.dispoea�.awrage. Y <br /> Hax�rdo�s Subennas m or ia tbe Pmpaty. Bortower shall nat d0.�wr altow anyone dse w do.anydiing affecting tbo <br /> propaity @at is in vidatioa of aoy 6avi�oarna�W l.�w. T6e pit�oodin$cwo�sfWl not apply a the p�esa�a,use.or <br /> :Wwje m the Pfropaty ot snull quanddes of Hvaidous Substanoes tdat aro ga�en�1Y roe�niud to b�appropia�e a namd <br /> r�identi�l uses a�d to n�io��ca of tbs Propacy. <br /> Hortower sl�ll pc�aopdY Bire l�eader writt�n notioe oi�ny investigatbn.cls�n.dea�od.lawsuit a olher actim by aay <br /> g�^��B�Y�&�Y a Pr►Y�P�Y���'�S��Y and auY Hr�ardous Substancc or Envim�unenta! <br /> r. w of wt�icd Acxcowr�r t�as�ctwl knowledge. IF Ro:mwa lean�. a is notiflod by Any gavemme� ar regufuary <br /> wthaity.thu�ny�emoval or oth�r�mediuion of u�y H��{ous Subsronoe attecting the Ptopaty i:nxesAary.Barrower <br /> �P�i�Y qke all c�oxss�r�►rcmaclial actions in accondancc with 8nvitonmaual Law. <br /> M used in this p�rs�graPh 20."Huardous Su6�ances"w�e tfiose substw�oes defubd as wxic or hazardous subsaoces by <br /> F�vlm+�enu!l,�w uxl the iollowing su6atances: gasoline.kemsene.other tlxmmeble or toaic petroleum products.toxic <br /> pesdcides�ad he�bicides.volatik solvents. nwterids containing asbestos or farm�ldehyde.w�d radicwctive muedals. As <br /> used in this p�an�a1�20."F�vLonmenW Law"mans federal laws and lavw of the juricdiction where Ihe Propercy is located <br /> tlut reWe w hWth.r�t'eh'at atvfmnmetN�l p�otectfon. <br /> NON-UNIFORM CUVENANTS. Bomower wtd Lender fudher coven�nt sud agree as follows: <br /> tl. Aeoekrstla�:Re�aedks. I.eeder sUall give notke W Borrower ptbr to acakr�allou followi�Borrower'& <br /> brati�a�ay oo�e�ut or a�reea�ent io thb Sea�ritq lastrumeat(but not p�ior to accelerptio�u�der puaSraPh 17 <br /> ���I�le Iav provides otYerwi�el. 7Ue ootice sMap cPecif3': ta)the dePaWt:lb)tbe�ctio�raNired W cure tbic <br /> de�wit;(c)a date,dot less thaa�0 days flrow tl�e date the aaice Is given to wi�ich tl�e 3eiauii mad� <br /> cnredi+�ad(d)tbst taUure W care the ddault oa or betore�he date specilted in the notice mms�yy resnit ta seoekr�tlon at <br /> the ann�secu�d by tbis Secudly IastrumeM�d sale ot the Pmperty. 17�e nodce s�wll iLrfher intorm Barrower af <br /> t6e rf�t to reinstat�alter aeodKadon aad t6e rig6t to bring u a�oprt Aclba to asseK tbe noa-exLgtence o��defaWt ar <br /> aoy otber defqise ot Barrower to aocekratba aad sAle. If tbe dc�fi�ult B aot cured on or bef'ore tl�e date sp�cified in <br /> tl�e potioe,l.ender at itc optbn raRy reqaire tu�mediate paymcnt Ia full otall sums securcd bs tdts Security Iaslrumeat <br /> w�it6out Ibrlper demand wid msy invoke the power of sale a�d pny other remedies permitted by spplipWe�1�;; <br /> l.eader stull 6e eafitkd to ca11M All expeases tncurred in pursuing the remedies provlded ia tbts para�raP <br /> includidg,but oot Iimihd tq reasoapbk attaneya'tees and costs of tNle evidence. <br /> It the power of s�le ts Mvoked,7Y�Wee sh�ll re�cord a notice ot default in eacd county iu wdkb any part of the <br /> property is loqted�ad slwll mail coptas of sucb notice in the msmner presc�ibed by ppplicabk law to Borrower aad to _ <br /> �6e M6er pe�soas presc�ibed by Appllcable I�w Af�er Ihe time required by applicable IAw,7�usta shaU give public <br />; notioe of sak to the persons and in the maaaer prescribed by applkable law 7lrustee,without demaad oa Borrowtr, <br />� sh�U se1�the propeKy M publk auctlon to tlie 6ighest bidder ut the Nme and place nnd under the terms de.sigoated in <br />' t6e noqce o�stle in o�re o�morc parcels and tn pny order 7lrustee dNe�mines 'I�ustee mny postPo�e s�le ot'aW a anY <br />' paral af We Prnperty by public nnnauacement�t the Nme aod place of any previously schedukd sWe. Lender ar its <br />` dai�oee may put+chwse the Properly At any s�{e. <br />' Upon neeeipt of pnyment ot the price bid,7Yustee sMll deliver to the pvrchase�'llrustce's deed canveying the <br /> property. 77m recitals in!he'llrustee's deed shaN be p�ima facie evidence oP Ihe truth ot the stAlements made thercin. <br /> '/irusta einN apply lhe proceeds ot the sole ia t6e�ollowing order: (a110 all cosls and expenses of exerc�g the power <br />, <br />, Fam J02N 9/90 I p+Re s nj n pu�e:� _ <br /> ----- _—.�.. � � ..,�..,r•- _. • ' . � �i'•':a .Dt>.r. � t9i:l�i' <br /> __.�,._.. m�ri.` -t':�• ''t'��x�d" .,4�� � •�:j,+' �-�. - '�' .;�. ,, }. <br /> —===-4.;.�� . . e1;i>.,,,�$�. 1 � r . . _. �,,yt:, ��'n.�, <br /> � . <br /> .-: . • '. . <br /> ..:, .-. . . <br /> ��+X1 Ir f,,. �r.P"; '• ' '. . :•it�':5�� i�it:,�i,1,�;�;iS SA''[2YL1/.:�_ . . V: . ,,���-: <br /> °—�6�']ID+L}.^'�f..�,. _ dr I"'i'(")�/� '-�'l����) h't4u`�''s<�a,.a•, -`' . ;J,��`.,� . -'(��:.. <br /> ��in1�1;�Tw- �? ._�L_�,r.�.�..Yfa-. _ _"ti. _.3;!!k�1lF_1fAi�L��W.�1�f// i.'t •H��s��.'�Sl�'�I�S��7.�+� <br /> �,�, — -r_: ._� . :_ ._ _.'__:_„�,. T _.. __ '_._. •�i�7 r �T'_.4.._�j��jr _ <br /> .I ir/� }T(i���r11��� � �!i ��Tt �r�/� �l � �i�ljy�4"."9rrx� �R�I�'�4`Tp`, . .y�i i `• _�S[�__ <br /> .y'4�S.fii �'� .l J.�', ��:� � ' . . ����)�t�1`�r�'1'_51f�}�1 i �� ��'�' y � �1'Tp �-r 't 7� r.%,\��} ,c_. <br /> ���5�C��(�,: - . ,r� '.�`� . '. • :�. ��:i'1�.�� c �.r....,.;. 2 - <br /> _• �Yra.r�t y�l�i�.l�. 1. i�x3:- . - !i' ;'.� �r: ` � „'o!'.. . a . . y . � ' -' . <br /> nYI�IMU1fui�M 7-7 , • . - - i•:.:' - - � ^ . - • <br /> .—�.,�,.c's:�ti � t`p}� S3 �. .. . g� . 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