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__ __ _ _ __ ___ . <br /> �...�� . ,�---�^.^-- '__ _ �' <br /> ii � - : .. <br /> � ' �� . <br /> 7�OCi$7��R W��Il I�O iA�tqyl►af belOiROf OTOCfOd oll lllo pfO�Of[y��YI �e�10111��,� • <br /> Mld/IiM1�M IIOW Of f111�i{�t O�lht�. l�lu 1'O��IWII�Mfit)Nt��Utl���� �i <br /> Tp�lliqllal�. Al�0�iQ0�OIOtOIK�11��fI0d ID ul •�Op11�lY�111111111101M�t 1�10"PIO�yN <br /> BQRItOW�t COVBNA[�1'S that Bartowar i�I�wfWly sei�ed of tho auue harebY conveyed�nd hiu tha d4ht�o�rant <br /> �nd caave ihe �nd dut d�a Propnty ie unencumberod,axcapt for encumb�nce�of rocord. Barrower wart�nt��nd <br /> wW detae�d��thle to the Property�inu�11 cldm��nd deaw�d�,wbject to�ny oncumbnu�oo�oi rocard. <br /> THtS SB�C[IRITY INSIRUMRNT aombines uniform coven�nu fa natlanal uie and nomunifam covan�nu with <br /> ��ed��riWons by juri�iction to co�ul�tute a uniform�xu�ity instrument coverina rcu propetly. -- <br /> �pp�y Cp�►gN�NTg. Borrowee ud l.ender cova��nt and a�nee u tollowr. whan dun Ihe <br /> 1. Payta�nt ot Pr4iciP�1�ud I�terati proMY�t�ad Late Ch�a. Bottowar ah�ll praimM�Y WY <br /> �ot�ad intcrast an the dcbt cvidet�ced by Ihe[Votc and enY PKWYment and i�te chnrges due under 1he Note. <br /> �y�(�1l���d Iaa�ance. Subjxt to�pplicAblo law or to�wrltten wuver by Lender.Bo�mwcr shdl p�y to <br /> ����y montbly pwyrnenta wre duo utider tho Note.untfl thc Nac is paid in full,a eum("i�nd�")for.(A)yeuly <br /> uxea n��sse�menu which aa�ty ottain Pdority over Wis Security lnsltument ac a Ik�on�he Pr�perty:(b)Yeuly leruehold <br /> WY� a ��rant an tl�e PropeitY•if r�ny; lc) YeulY h�u,ard ar property inwranca pr+emiume� (d) yearly flood <br /> iasu�moe premiwms.if�ny:(e)Yeuiy matWiB�inswa�� P�iuma,if any: And(� an9 �a PpYable by Bomower to <br /> �����C wlth the povislons oi p�u�gr�ph 8,in lieu af tthee p�yment of moRgage insurance{�emiums. 7Lese <br /> items�u�e c�lled"Esetaw Items." Lender may,at Any tirtrc�rnlkct�nd hold Funds in en umount nw to eaceed lhe maximum <br /> �mount A lender for a federally Rlaad mongage loan m�y requiro far Ra�uwer�s escrow account under�he federal Real <br /> Ipw tt�t appl��se�s�lesseramoun��n�lc-�may at uny cime.cdlx�t aad Shdd�wH�ndsPn„an amount�noth o <br /> excr�l�he lecce��wu�. l.ecnde�' may esdmate the s�mount of timcic due on the ba•.�s of cument dala snd reu�ble <br /> aitim�tea of oxpenditunea of futun Escraw[tems or otherwise in accondeace with applica�k law. <br /> 'ltie Funds shall be held in an inatitudom whoso deposits are insured by a federAl aRency. instrumentality,or entity <br /> (including l.ender,if l.ender is such an instimaan)or in uny Federal Home l.oan Bank. [.ender shall epply the Funds to pay <br /> the �scrow Items. Lender may not char8e Borrower for holding and applying the FY�nds, annually annlYzing the escrow <br /> accr�nt, or verifying the Fscrc�w Items. unkss l.ender pays Borrower interest on thc �unds and applicAble law pertnits <br /> Leraclet w make such a charge. However,l.ender may reqairo Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indepen�lenl resil <br /> estate tax neporting service used by l.ender in c�onnecdon with Ihls loan,unless applicable law provides otherwise. l)r�l�ss an <br /> ng�nent is made or applicaWe low requires ir�terest ta be paid.L.endor shall�ot be required w pay Borrower any interest or <br /> ecuainge on the PWnds• Borrowe�and Lend�r mAy agree in wrfdng.however.that intcrest shell be paid on�he Funds. I..ender <br /> purpo e fa wl�iich exh debit to the�eFknds wac m�dB 'i'he Fu�ndshare pledged as jadd�tia�a�l saurity for�all sumsn ecur d by <br /> thi�5ccurity Insdumen� <br /> !f the PUnde heid by I.ender ea��i t� amatmt� persntticd to Ix ixld by app!lcab!=Inw, Lender chail account to <br /> Bormwer for the eacess Funds in accotdance�vi�h the requ�rements of a�plicable law. If the unoun�ot the FYinds hald by <br /> Lender at any dme ia rwt sufticirnt to pay 1he Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borro�ti-�r in <br /> sucf+case Borrower shall ppy to Lender Ihe amount neccss� to meke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the <br /> �f iciency In no moro thon twelve monlhly�.ender sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all surns secured by this Securiry Instrument.L.ender shall prompdy nefund to Barrower any <br /> eale of thle Pro�n�h�e dl r an�F�nds held by Lender atihe time of acquirsit on or sak as a�credit gaina uithc sums <br /> �m�• �y <br /> secured by this Security Inswment. <br /> a� �Pa��on ot p�ymeots. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all paymeMS received by Le AbJe under <br /> P�rAgrnpt�:� and 2 shall be opplied: fi�rst,to any prepayment charges due under the Note; amounts pc�y <br /> peragriph 2;thi�d,to inurest principal due;and last,to any late cherges due under the Note. <br /> 4. Chsu^�es; Lieas. Bo�rower shall ptiy all tuxes, assessments, charges, Mes and impasidons attributable to the <br /> property which may attain prioriry over this Secu�lty Inswment,and leasehold payments or gound rents,if�ny. Horrower <br /> sha��pAy lhese oblig�ttons in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or lf na paid in that manner,Borrower shul!puy ihem on <br /> time directly to ttie person owed payment. Borrower sh�l1 promptly fumish to Lender all notices of omounls to be puid under <br /> tP�is paragreph. If Borrower makes these payments directly. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender reeeipts evidencing <br /> the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Securiry Inswment unless Bomower:(a)agrees <br />- in wridng to the payment of Ihe oblig�t�on secured by Ihe lien In a munner accaptable to Lender,(b)contests in gaod faith the <br /> lien by,or defends against enforcement of the Ilen in,legal proceeciings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the _ <br /> enff�rcemant of the Iicn;or(c)saures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisf:�cc►ry to Lender subordinating�he lien <br /> ta this Security Instrument. If I.ender determines that any prn of the Propeny is subjec►�o a lien which may Atl�in prlority <br />- dver ihis Security Inatrument,Lender may give Horrower a no�ice identifying the lien. Botrower shali satisfy the lier�or take <br />- one or ma�e of the acttons sd fath above within 10 days of the giving of nouce. <br /> S. H�ard or Property Insuronce. Bvrrower shall keep the improvements now exis�ing or herea(ter erected on ihe <br /> Property insured ugainst loss by fire,huzards included wilhin the term"extcnded covernge"and uny other hAZ�rds,including <br /> fl�or flooding.for which Lender reyuires insurance. This insutunce sl�all be maintained in the amounts and for ihe <br />_ Form J02s 9/96 �lwRe 1 oj o paRtt► ` <br /> �4 <br /> — - , � �. <br /> ��;;�..;. <br /> -- � . r t.:y��..,.. ,.. .s i l �.�,f',. <br /> :t�, .:.,� ��.,r ,p;;_�,. .� , r,.�,,.,;..� <br /> ' `dirl3�s'�._ _'� _ ; ' �l� ' � `'��� '��1,�-�!. � .l'!'. l. }.� �� �. �%1,:f:'.. <br /> �7q� ��y--;y� �ti::..: . . y�.�.n:'�i� 11� •i . :S J:;'v}��I� �...�;�5.�...,.A . •.o .,����...+` <br /> -�'�'L��7�'fj��" `+- .... ..,r . .. i� '��f,� �'�11.\J).i�{i, �1.iflu14���51'i �'+'Y� ..a,b�br+u.+..,..r�yi\���j.•...r:�..t.�� ..•!::,i'_.. <br /> .. __. .�'rl�l�♦ . l . ��}ff� )- i }'�- S�I r�,t. , . . 1P�:'.•� �.:.c._ 7-..;f.� . _ !• ...�r:�. _ �,,��f���� , <br /> .F�S1L��iiG:1[,.. ,�_ .y.t. ,tiiYJ�1L4}1{�;.�f i5l„r t�4�'aCi�l`!. •'at!1�:.•mL�i.�iiw`�;:SaK"`.wd-TS1E�.�.�etr:r <br /> r i i{v��t ` .�'"�–, – � :S�1 � 1�(ti�_ "�=y�Y-�:�'"i'`"� '[�i�`} -ax%�{'i"�`'1�.,�.:.�:aT— .. `!••'�.. _ . �a �.� <br /> �r-.�.Z. )t�� r,. ��. �� t 1 . �� ��.'� g . ..r.L�=` F7r.��t7 � 1����t�,�il'..� . . ... . .. _ .... <br /> .{ Y!� �, i .�- } [�( 'S�'t^�l�V ' . - .. • . • . - <br /> _ - �ac l k��R • .�'� :i,t��F•d� . �� ��n , , , ,_ <br /> _ _ — - ��t+r-}�_..iY��.�t�,in}ri fuif�i�'+'{„ ., ? ���� � �� — <br /> • .�_ .�_ .. _ " t_ ' '... �_' _ . . _'_ .. <br /> .. __�c�+auv :( _ .."-"� "`�t1' . ��—�T'1) .r'4:""'T— . . —._ , ._-,� ' '— ' <br /> .s�.l,��"i.�i�,i.'^.1,t �;� ... � � r � . .. . .. • <br /> "__' -..'��3`1*- -�' �� - ' - .�.. 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