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_ .:.___ . <br /> . . <br /> , .. ,. . ... <br /> . . .. . `i`F�w • .— <br /> . o � : <br /> -_---_ =- 'J-- _-, _ -. . ��. <br /> v�r��r�w����a,.e�opuon or t.enae�.it mort�e inun�ce cbv«.�e tio�o�n►�� �ue p�o�a <br /> . drt t.awfer roqutte�)povided by�n inw,��ppnovad by t.endir yaln beooma�v�iiabb�d it obW�ied.Bomo�er i.0 py <br /> - t�se p�tr�uirod to a��enott�e ieMUr�nos ie to provfda R lor reMn�.imtll t6a�equin�rot tor 1�v�tMM <br /> �� �iaw�ce andt ie�ooad�iaoe with�ny�vrit�n�ear�ent i+�tween ilaarower�ad 4nder or a�ppiiaiiio iaw. . - <br /> !. Lspeclk�. Lender or iu yaM nry m�lco reMawble enlrk�upon and inpeqla�u of�he Propetty. !� �11 jiw <br /> Hotrower natioe�t the dme ot or prfor to m in�pectlon�peelt�'inR ne�nonRble awe tor dw i�eetion. <br /> 1�. Curd�udiai. The pmi.�eed�af�ny�w�rd or eWm tar d�rtu�a.dinec�or onmeqt�ential. in aonnodfon wi�h any <br /> �or aher Wcia�of any prart af the Pmpeity.ot for oonveyanoe in lieu of onrdernaMion�u�e beroby rai{ned rd <br /> --- riwll be paid ta i.aider. <br /> ln the evau of�wtal Wclt�of tho Prope�ty.the procaed�t dull be applied to the cums�ocurod by thlo Searity IrWrumait, <br /> whether or not t1� dua, with any exoeu p�id to Bormwar. In the event of a putid uking of Ihe Property in which tbe fiir <br /> mwrlcd value of the Property immediately beforo the taking i�dqwl to or greater thu��he u�wunt af�he wnu saurad by th4 <br /> Secudry Mu�ument immediately bcfor+e the toking.unlesa Bomnwer and La�dcr othenviso qgrae in writing.lhe wm�sawrod by <br /> this Security Instmment shpll be roduced by the amount of the pr0000d� muldpUod by Ihe following fr�etion: (�)the tw�) <br /> amcwnt of the sums socurod immediotely befora tbe taking.divldal by(b)tho fair market value of the Property immediuely <br /> beforo thc takin�.Any balwnce ahAll bo pAid w Aamower. lo tha event oi'a partid tal�ing of�he Property in which the fufr <br /> 'm�rkd vatue of t6e Property immatytely befbre che wking is tesc thw the�naunt of tho srms sxu�+ed immedi�tely 6efom the <br /> qking.unless Aorrowa ud l.onder atlierwise ag�e+e in wriling or applicable law otberwice pmvides. Iho prooxcls+hall <br /> be�Qpliad to tho sums cecured by this Securityr Insaument whdl�er or not the sums are then due. <br /> If the Prope�ty is abrndoned by Borrower,or if,aRer notice by Lcnder to Borrower tl�t thc condemaor ofFera to make an <br /> award or settk a cls�im for damaga, Borrower fails to respond to I.ender within 30 daXs aflsr the date the notk�e Is given. <br /> - -- -- i.ender ie authorized w cotiect arKi�ppiy U�pruwc� ils uptiun.�Ither to restoradon or npai�of thc Propecty or to the autm - <br /> socu�od by this Savriry Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwisc agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shell not extend or <br />- postpone the due date of the monthly payments rcferced to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changc thc amount of such payments. <br /> Il. Borrowa�NM Rdeased;Forbeara�x�e By [.endcr Not a WAlver.Eatension of the time for payment ar madifiauion <br />- of amorti�etion of the sums sacured by this Security Instrume�granted by Lender to any Fuccessor in interest of Borrower slwll <br />- not opetate to release�he liability of the original Born�wer ar�orrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not 6o ra�ulred to <br />,- commence proceedings against any successor ia interest or reiu�e to extend time fur payment or othenvise modify unoni�ation <br /> of tho sums aecurcd by thia Security Inatrument by reasan of any demand made by the original Borrower or Barrower's <br /> succes,gors in interest.Any forbearance by Lcmle�in exeroising any right or remedy shel!not be a waivcr of or pretludc the <br /> - , exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> -- ,, — !t. Suoeessors �id Assiqns Aound; 3oiat and Siwera9 I.iabiiiiy: Co-sig�as..The coveima�s ami agronnan�s uf ihia <br />-'`��:j<s�;� ' Security Instrument shall bind nnd benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject ro the provisions of <br /> '�'' parngruph •17. Borrower's rnvenants and agreertxnts shull bc jaint and severnl. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securlty <br /> ` Instrumont but does not execute tbP l�Iote: (a) is co-wigning this Serurity Instrument only to mongage. grnnt und convey that <br />'"��� Borrower's interesl in the Property under�he terms of this Security instrument:(b)ix not persanally obligated to pay�he sums <br /> ^ s�cu�ed by this Securiry Instrument:and(c)ugn�es thnt Lender nnd nny other Borrower mny agree to extend, modify, forbPar or • <br /> make uny accommodations with regurd to the terms af this Security Insttument or the Noie without that Borrower's consent. <br /> !3. I.oaa Charges.If the loun secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject�o a luw which sets maximum bun churges. <br /> - � and that law is finally interpreteci so that the interest or nther loun churges collectod or to be collected in connection with the <br /> loan exceed the permi�ted limits, then: (a)uny such loan charge shull be reduced by the urnount necessary to reduce the char�e <br /> to the permiued limit;und(b)uny sums ulready�aUacted from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to -- <br />- � � Borrower. Lender may chc�ose to muke �his rcfund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> •�`• '{y;r; " 'k payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principul, the reducticm will be treated ati a p:utial prepayment without uny <br /> . prepayment aharga under the Note. <br /> �V .�r-� :y 14. Not�ms.Any notice lo&�rrc�wer prrn•iJed fiir in this Sr�curi�y Instrument,hall lk given by delivering it or by mniling <br /> '� it by first eluss mail unless upplieable law reyuim�use nf uncxher methucl. The notice shull be dirceted to the Property Address <br /> ��TM.y,,�;,;, or uny other address &►rrower detiignutes by noticc lo I.endcr. Any noticc to Lender �hAll bc given by first dass�nail to <br /> `�'�� I.ender'h uddresa stut�l herein ur any other udJretiti l.endcr designates by notice tu&irr��wer. Any notice provided for in this <br /> !,� � �•4�-?r°:���:. Security Instrument shull be deemed to huve bcen given tii Borrowcr��r Lendcr when givcn as providecl in this paragraph. -� <br /> •, `-�r-"' 1S.Governing Law; Severabflity. This Security Instrumcnt xhull bc g�n�emeJ hy fcdcral law and thc law of the <br />-. ..�,__"'�: jurisdiction in whirh�he Property is Icxuted. h�the event thut any prnviyion or clautie of thiti Securit} Instrumem��r the Note <br />-:��.i",l,t f .� _ <br /> ,;,,;, ?`"�� cooflicts with upplicable luw, such contlirt shull nut affect��ther provitii�in,of this Security Instrumern ix the Note which cun be <br /> �'���`>''� i '"' iven effect withaut the conflictin mvi,ion. To thix end Ihe rovisions of this Security Inctrun�ent arni the Ni�teareJeclared <br />_• ��4�s_y�,:t,:s:. ;r 8 R p P —. <br /> -, •t"•r••..•�•� .� to be severnble. <br /> ,>� �,A� <br />� `�� ����:- � • 16. Bornower's Co Bormwcr shull be iven onc cunlirnm�l co uf Ihe Nute unJ��f thi�Scrurn Intitrument. <br /> ��;�� ,��r ?•°:;<<�. pY• B P)' Y <br /> r,nrr,��,�-..;-� Porm 3028 9:90 - <br /> _ .� ;�,�i,,��.�, _ <br /> s�')`' ,r';i'.l r Paye�016 =. <br /> ���b.c.��{.:,�� „ : _ <br /> y �'3S'••'•���.h�,�•t_- _ <br /> 1.'� �`��'t t f'l;q'if3'�". = <br /> .i. 3� ��.� �.1, � .;� <br /> 1.l \(4 1/,)R�f, � r/���.�tt��i` <br /> � ,��n�s1 ,�'r , Lr ,r. , �t � .Y�a.�f�htti�it°���-"�e;�:�,�1���R'Sr�t'♦_ , ,•�.i.�e� �F. S�:'�'•`�t���eC•� � J}c((}�'OYyYur'��: <br /> _w� h�'� �.+;.�1., ,�\i -5 �� _ �' . . •F�1''�•!'�YI .. ,� ���1 . - , !i S.'5.,� - t y—� - :'�?5�41 � <br /> V...� ' � <br />- �l�fi(qhif .�3.�r�. ,�'�J�i t1i� ' •' y)iFi.��.�� �t�l 5��_j�ti . ��, .. .. �' Y1 : ; ���... -. . . (f,'�` +{4 -l+ 1 J`Y' <br /> r . ' <br /> .t ,. . ,'. '' <br /> -� _—_`'���±h'�t�:v.i � t' 's�--._s: �!;t�'� � '1_�c - .c, :..Y'�Jii�•►M_��ti 2:-` - -'- i1��r']�!�. <br /> _ -- ° - -- --• - —�- • - , <br /> R1 �+\�ff.i � 'f`� ` �-. �� 'rl� - _ � - - -- -- . %•in�'.;.i:�1Y.nL�i �1 ... < .t _. , r<� . .Jy <br /> y� t;l� . <br /> ,,1`�' 't'r o. �; . � .�i � . . .i.... � <br /> � � �X�l;'1 , �,,. •' ' � '' ' ..,t�i . 'y,.:. , . .. ,, _. , r... , <br /> ��y,{�$u� •�. ,•>t��'•` <br /> : <br /> _ — 1�K���f� -.Jhs.,� _ ... _ - . - <br /> _�.� , ._., ---"—-- �-'-- .. _ _ . ... . _ <br /> ... ., .,•c�r�.�—:—,--r�.---- ,.� � . .. . , . .. . . _ .. .. . . �- - - - � ' - -- - -- - --- <br /> r�,w . -r c . .. . <br /> -- �,.,�OCr� .� �'++t ' • � .. . � � . <br /> �y ,,vL. .. .... . . ._ ,i . � +:: .. <br /> �� � �.�Y- '�F��:. �` .. ' .. o � � ,j.. �1 ,<1... _ " .. . .. . 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