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_ __ _.�_____..� . . <br /> �_____ _ _ ___ _ ___ ___ ' :�-., <br /> � 93- �� - � -�- : <br /> H.Tr..�hC.r a�e or.1�NkW�.een�t b w�w+�.�r d�a prt or�he cx My�ra�4 b <br /> � k wW or c�farred(or it a�baie cW bMae�t ia Aoea�rar i��dd oc trao�kned and�b not��ud prr�)wMlroMt <br /> Lender'.prior�niam aa�K. l.aider urY� M in aptba. � lmmedWe p�Ya�eat ia fWl ot tl�+um� �aia�d by d� <br /> • S�by i�at.Hawevor.tvio c�tfwi�iwtl�wt 4i o�r�J�e�i y Le.�ii wc�J�e b�ratiit,�ud by t�.ia��14w�art t�d� :. <br /> � °f t4L Securhy 1°rte'ua°°°t' <br /> If Lenda e�a+cisas�s opNon. l,�ndor�b�ll�ive Bort�wer aotioe ot aoodet�tion.The nalice�ull idv�periad of uot <br /> a <br /> leas tb�a 30 da}n from tbe d�te the uotke it ddivared ar mdbd wi�thln whkh Bntrower rowt py d wtat�ea�rod by s� <br /> Secu�ity Instrumau.If Bomower fiils lo p�y tbae�pcbr to�ho expiratioa oi thii period.La�der rtyY invoko aay raaadia <br /> pendtted by this Sa;ud I�Nwrna�t N1tNoW f lurtha notiae or denrod oa Borenv��. <br /> ls. Borrower'o �Mt to ReJrMate. If Bormwer me�ts �ettain oonditims. Borrower �ludl havo the �i�ht W have <br /> enforcemau of thi:Seaaity T�utnin�ent dlwantfaued�t ury time{Mor ta the eatiier of: (�)S dqn(or w�d�oti�perloci wr <br /> �pplicablo I�w m�y epecif�► for r�ein�utemar) betoro eak of the P�ope�ty pu�wra w �uy power of Wo oonqined ia �hit <br /> Socu�ty Unnumeat:or N)enuY of s�Judgmuu enfq�ring this Security Ieuuument.Tl�asa caditiau aro th�t Bomuwer:(�)pa�n <br /> l,ender all swns which tbat would be due uadet this Socurlty Insuutnra�t and the Noto as if no�aulwation hd aocurrod; (b) <br /> cuns any default of any otikr aavemnte or+�+xma►ts: (c)WY�all expen�es ineurred in enfa+cing thi�Socurity In�tn�ment. <br /> ineluding. but nat limited to,rasotwbte arorna�a' fas;+ud(d)takes sueh aetlon a�I.ander tnay r�e�co�ubly rcquiro to ocsurc <br /> tt�at th�Ifen of this Security Instrumem. L.ender e rights in the Properly wd Borrower's obligAtian W pay Iho sum:securod by - <br /> ��is Secur�ty Instrument siwll condnue unchanged. Upon rcinstaternent by Bartower. this Socunty i�suument and Ihe <br /> dbligadans securad he�+mDy sMll remain fLlly ef'fxtive aa if no axeleration had a�ocucrod. However. tbis t�Ae 1u rein�pte�II <br /> '.•.. p�arapply i�a tbe c�se of aocde�ation wdet p�ragreph 17. <br /> �. 1�.;�at Notr;(.'i��e ot l�o�n Servk�r. Tha Note or a pautial interest in the Nate (togetAer with tGis Saurjqr <br /> �Inswmertt7 ms1 be wW a�e or more times witAout prior notice to Bo�aawer.A sale may resWt in A in We eatity Ilroowa <br /> As tl�c"Luaa Seavicer')tlwt cullects monthlY W-�Yments dne under the Note aad this Sacunty I�nvment�hem dso m�ry bo one <br /> pc more changes of the Loa�Strvioer w�rel�tad to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Serviar,Honower wil�Oe <br /> �iven written notico af the ehange in�000nd�noe with Qaregreph 14 ahove and�►plicabie law.The notice will sttte the n�me and <br /> nddress of th�new I.oan Servicxr and ti�e address co which payments siwuid be mede. The rwdve wili�iso eontain any atlin' <br /> inforn�ation requircd by applicable law. <br /> 2p, H�ardo��s Sub�ncer. Borrower shall not¢ause or permlt thc presence, use. disposal, storage.or release of smy <br /> Nazandous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrowe� shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the <br /> ,4'roperty that is in violadon of any Environn�ntal I.uK�. The preceding two sentences shall not apply w Ihe�rese�ce.use. or <br /> •� s�orage on the Property of small quantities of He7ardous Substunces that are generally rocognized ta be appropri�te ta nor»�I <br /> rc�idential uses and to maintenence of 1he Properry. <br /> Borrower shull promptly giv¢Lender wrinen notice of any investigation, claim,demand.lawsuit or ather Action by Any <br /> goveriunentul or regulatory agency or private party involving the Properry and any Hazurdous Substnnce.or F.m�irom�ental Law <br /> of whic�Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by any govenunental or regulatary authuNty, that <br /> • sny removal ar ather remediation of siny Hozardous Substance Offecting the Prapeny is nxessary,BoROwer shall promptly talce . <br /> afl�Rnry remedial•ictions in uccordance with Envi�ar►mental Lsw, _ <br /> Aa osed in rhi��+aragral,h 20. "Hazardous 5ubstances" are�hose sub�tunces Jzfined as toxic or hazardaus xubstanoes by � <br /> �nvironmentul l.uw and the following substances: gasoline, keroxene, other 1lammuble or toxic penoleum products� taaic <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volutile solvents.muterials canwining ae'hestas ar fonnaldehyde,and rudioactrve matenals.As usecl in <br /> this parngraph 20, "Envfmnmental [.aw" means federal luws and�luw�of the Jurisdiction where the Pr�riy ls lorated that <br /> rslntc to health.sufety or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lcnder further covcnant and ugree us follows: <br /> 2A.Acccleradon;Remedies.Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's b.�tch _ <br /> of any covenant or agreement In this Securlty Instrument (but nat prlor to acccleratlon under peragraph 17 unl�s <br /> Applkable law provides otherwiRe).The notice xhall speciiy: (a)the defanit; (b)the action requlred to cure the default; <br /> (c)A date,not less than 3Q days f'rom the date the notice is glven to whkh the deiault mwst be cured=aad <br /> (d) thwt fidlure to cure the detenit on o�before the dote speci8ed in the notice may result in acceleration of the swns <br /> secured by this Security Inslrument uad�+ale oP the Property. Thc noticc nhatl further inform Borrower oP the rlgbt to <br /> reinstate after Accele�tlon and thc right to brinR a caurt action to assert the non-exlstence of a default or eny otl�er <br /> defense ot Borrower to acceleratlon and sale. If the defeult is not cured on or bePore the date specified in the notiee, — <br /> Lender,at its optfon. mwy requlre Immedl�te payment in iull of all sums secured by this Security Instrument wlthout <br /> turther deriwnd and may invokc the powe�ot Rele and any othcr remedies pern�itted by applicable law.Lender sha11 be <br /> entitled to rnllect all expen�c Incurred in pursuing the remedlex provWed in thfs parasraph 21� includlnQ.but not limited <br /> to,reasons�ble Altorneys'fecc and costs ot title evidence. <br /> If thepo wer of sale Is invaked, Trurtce shall record a notice uf dePuult in cach rnunty in whlcM uny paet ot the <br /> Prnperty Is located And shall mafl cnpl�of such notice in the manner prrscribed by applirable law to Borrower and to <br /> the other per�ons prGCC�lhed F.y applkuble law.ARer the time required by epplicable law.Trustce shall give publtc notice <br /> of sele to the per.a►ns and in the ms�pner prescril►ed by applicablc law. Trustee. without demand on Borrower. shall sell <br /> the Property pt public auctton to the hi�hest bidder at the time and plaec und undcr the termx designoted in the notke of _ <br /> sale in one or more parcels nnd in any order Trustee determines.Trustee muy pn+tpone+ale of all or any perccl of the <br /> Property by public aonaunrement at the time and p1ucN of any prevG�usly schedul��d sule. IAnder nr its decisnee�noy <br /> pur+chase the Property at uny sale. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 _ <br /> Pps b o�6 <br /> �^^^s'+S((1 ����4�?"�t , f � +�%�� � �i�`i: <br /> n , �1� t �, .���� ��.'i� ! -�. 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