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,:.,,:� - <br /> .�- � .. <br /> �� _. . , , <br /> --;�.��. .�,.�� . .. - . _ <br /> _-__T.,_- � ; 93•"'so�.� <br /> � a. A�.r Pn�ty 8or� �h.0 keep �he Imp�ovaneat. euw e�t� ar han.n�e .na.e a� i. <br /> propKaty iawrod�int ba tiy Aro. f�d�ieclud�d widdn 1be te*m'exta�led oover�e'ind�ny wher lu�r�. iec�di�l� <br /> Ifoodr ar AoadUb. tor wl�id�lwndit erquirw iawrwo�. Tltls�aiNli Le a�i�d i�1b aaou�Me aa�l fur�porbil <br /> - - -- - — tMt l.e�der requiros. '1'de iawrarce arrier providla��ho inwnnoo sh�ll be chaen by Borrnwa wbJaat w t.or►der'a�pprovtl <br /> which � na bo unrc�onbly withbeld. If Bomuwa tail�a m�inulo oave�e deuxibed ahove. Lendor m�y. at 1�'R <br /> apion.obtaln awer�o to paoct Lenda's ri�hts fn the Prr�perty ln a000rdanoo w(th p�ra�rsph 7. <br /> All irouranoe policies ad renerv�dwll be aooeptable to L.enler ud�II Mdude a�t�ndae�d mo�a clw�e. Lmder <br /> siWl have the eight w 6old tbe polic�la wl rooe�wd�. !f l.aider coquira.Elarowex sh�ll Pi'nmptlY�ive w L�oadcr dl rooelpu ot <br /> P�P�Nuna atd re�r�!natloe�.ln the event o/loa.Bort+o�►�er shall�ive prompt ootios w�be inunnoe c�rrier aud l+eader. <br /> Irende�rn�y m�ke p�aof of!as if irot mde pwnpdy by Bortowe�. <br /> Unla�l.ade�and Bormwer othe�wi�e�*oe in wtltin�. lnwrutioe pr000eds duN be appNed to tawntian o�reqir af the <br /> Property dam�gai, if the rostar�tiat�ar rapair is aoo�anic�lly fasible aM Lra�der's recurky it not le�sened,lf the rastontlan a <br /> rep�ir ii not 000naric�lly fau�ible or l.eeder's ucudry would bo lessened.lhe incur�u�oe prnoead�dull be appiiad to the cwm <br /> securod by thia Sxurky In:hument. whether or nat tl�en due, wUh �ny exoaa p�id to Bomnwer. lf Bomowa ab�ndo��s�ho <br /> Property.or daes not u�wer within 30 dayi� ootica Ftom l.ender tlu�t the insunnoe cartier Iws affaod w satle�clafm. tFKn <br /> /render rtwy oolkct the i�uuranco prooeede. Lender may uso tho pr0000ds to �wir or rcstore the Property or ta p�y wau <br /> socurod by this Sa�u�ity Tnsl�ument.whdl�er ar nat then due.TNe 30�day period will begin when�he notioe is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrowor othawice Agroe in wridng, any AppNc�tion of prncaeda to principal slu�ll not eatend a <br /> _ postpone tho duo date of the monthly p�yments�ferrod to in puag�hs 1 and 2 ar changc the amount of the pay�. li <br /> wider parngraph 2! �he Property is acqufrod by Lender.Bomnwer'�rlght to any insu�noe poUciea aM proceed�rowltiqg fram <br /> -�� dan�e to the Property pdor to�he aoqulsition shdl pass to Lendcr to tho oatent ot the sums cxured by thi�Secudty Inqnuna�t <br /> _ ---- _.- — -- <br /> - -= irtunediately prior to the xquisition. <br /> ; 6.Oocnrymcy. P�+aservdioa,Mdatau�uce Aud PrvtecNoa ot tl�e ProP�KS'i Barower'�I.oan Applkstion:Lea�ebolds. <br />;;i �� Borrower sfwll occupy,establish,and use the Pnnperty ae Borrower's pr�ncipal residence within siaty days aHter the eaecution of <br />- •�,��I this Securlty Instmment ond shall continue to occupy the Properry es Borrower's princi�wl raidencx for�t leavt one yeu after <br />__°- ��r��! the date of occupancy,unless Lender atherwlse�grces in writing,which cansent shall �ot be um�rcasonably withhald. ot unkss <br />'�:�o i extenuating circumstenoes eaist whkh ere beyond BoROwer's control. Borrower shall nd destroy. damage or impair the <br /> =?kt�;Fk�� Property. allow the Properry to wmmit waste un the PropeRy. Baaower sh811 b.c !n default if any forFeiture <br />-',';r,•'��{�; � I action or praceeding, wbether civil or criminal, is begun that in I.ender's good fuitt�Judgmear c�uld rcsult in fort'eitur+e af the <br />-.-:�'..i3. <br />,...,.;. Prop'ert�r or atherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instniment ar l..ender s seiurity internst. Borrower m�y <br />""";,r f aure aueh A default and rcinstate,as provlded in parngrnph 18, by causing�I�e action ar praceed9ng ro be diemissed with a ruling <br />� '=-��i�� - t�al. �n Ixlxl!'r'a g�d faith determinatinn. preclude.c Pn�feftwe of ihe &�rmwer'c iniet�si in.the Property or other material �_ <br /> sa-_ <br />,,�;.:t� ���i; impairment of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or Lerder's security interest. Barower shall also be in default if . ._ <br />:.,��, . Borrower.during the loan application process,gove rnoterially ful�e or inaccurnte infamation ar slatements to L.ender(or failed <br /> �{. ., ,�;. ta provide Lender with any material inforntation)in connection wllh the loan evidenced by ihe Note.including, but not limited <br /> =°„� "�:i1j1�- 'to,repreaentations conceming Boirower's occupancy of the Properry as a principal residence.(f this Security Instrument is an a <br />..;:�� ''«'�,�.t <br />:;,,�� learehold, Barrower shell comply with nll Ihe provisions �f thc lc;ase. If Borrower acquires fee dtle to the Propetiy. iht <br />- ���°`-'t:. I�asehold and the Fee dtle shsll nut merge unless l.ender ugrees�o the merger in writ+ng. -- <br /> _�'`� . �:�:-., <br /> �-'�;: 7.Pmtection ot Lender's Rights la the Property. if Borrowcr fails to perform�he mvenanls and agreements contained in <br />:%7 , �•�. ', this Security instmment,or there is a legal proceeding that mny significuntly affect I.ender's rights in the Property(such as a <br /> =�'�� "'���, � <br /> .-,�,�� • �; procceding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forFei�ure or to enforce laws or regulationa),then L.ender may do nnd <br />�;,4, pay for whatever is necessary to procect the value of the Propeny and[.ender's rights in the Property. I.ender's actions�may <br /> -�; � ` include paying any sums securod by a lien which ha� prinrity over this Security Instrument, appe�ring in court, paying <br /> - reasonable attomeys' fees ond entering an the Prop�rty to make repains.Althnugh Lender may take action undcr this paragraph <br />.'s ��'�� 7.L.ender daes not huve to do so. <br /> �:�.: , �,�5- ,},. <br /> Any nmounts disbursed by [.endcr under this paragraph 7 shall becomc addi�ional debt of Born�wet secured by �his <br />:.,`{ ,- : ,,�}f,,;._ <br />-Ss; , • f�r��I��r' Security Mstrument. Unless Born►wer nn.i L.ender ogree to other tcrinx of payment. �hese amnunts shall bear interest from the <br /> :� •..X J�, , , <br /> ,.�,;ti;..;,�,,� date of disbursemem et the Note rote and shull 6e payable, with irneres�, upnn noifce from l.ender tn Borrower re:questing <br /> 'i'.r'"'�fa:x:'._�.,:.:: paYment. ,. <br /> ,,,, : <br />_::. '•� "•��"�'�"' 8.Mortgage 1�surance. If Lender required mortguge insurance us a randitinn o(muking thc loan secured by this Secu�ity �'� <br />'"•'' {�^li Instrument, Borrower siuill pay the prcmiums required to maintain the mortguge insuranre in effect. If, for any r�easun, the <br />';; �,'�r ' ' — <br /> t !e �[`,•;ytr, <br /> �.�,..,,�4,;�,� mortgage insurunce covernge required h}• Lender lapses or ce�.res to be in efPect,Be�rtower shall puy the premiums required to _ <br /> N..IJ� 1 <br />=_:� ,,. obtain rnveruge substantiaily equivalent to the mnrtgage insuranre previously in eFfec�, at u rnwt subswntiully equivalent to the — <br />- � �::� cast to Borrower of the martgugc insurance previously in effect, fmm un alternutc mimgage insurcr npproved by Lender. If � <br /> i�• �:.. rc <br /> __ �% -- • �' . � substantially equivalent mortgage insurance cuveruge is not available. Borrower shall pay to I.ender each momh a sum equal to <br /> -? `'`'" ane-twelfth of the earl mon a e insurance remium bein ri�i h� &�rruwer when the intiurance covcra e la sed or ceused to ` <br /> Y Y S B p RP' ) B p� <br />'`� , be in effoct. I.ender will accept,us.:ond retain th�tie paymems u, u li�a� rr�erve in lieu ol' nx�rtgage insurcince. Loss reserve - <br /> " ��',�'�'��—"' ,w' Form 3028 8180 <br /> "'�� ` �� : <br /> . '.(;;• •�•, , .�;� `: n,yaa ae — <br /> '.?�rr�•. '1'.i",•;"s�;• _ <br />�; �e�•'*,, ',.�`1; _ <br /> - }v54+���v�y1y�'rfi• ^n,,, -��h e.. �`�."."!"T,',;i f�'�y,i�'i,:::'. - - ., :r---�rl:i';,�r:- . �+ -n� . �.. • ����.�:�:f`^,'!p���;� .���.Sj( F��. <br /> t +iM�l,t �P+ ����M1�,S!; . ' ' `i$.: ;t, ,��;� , „��,' <br /> �� 'Y "Y,ti` .. � . F_ �,1 �1. , . . _ , ' •+'� 1{ .. <br /> � . .. <br /> `� �'i�'.t: <br /> - ' ., .. -. ...�[xcf.s.:.. , �. , � -��`._;�_�__ ' —.r�_:::L_. .`�il 1�11.1 <br /> .� <br />__._ - .� . „ —_. _._�_ . _ __ ___ , "_-. _- - , ___._ _'_.-.__ ".._ "'c_ _ �'__.�_ - ..���t. ____ - . <br /> "�}�..�.i; �F;.�7 - - 1% <br /> .ti� nP_u .._„ r� p ..... ,. . _�:: . . . . � ; ' - <br />._ � dYf.+ � ` + A' . ,. . . ... . . ,. ' <br /> ���• ;i <br /> � ._ _ , •-T--=r==^--___._—.—_�__. -. .'.' . _ . - .. . . . _ . . _ . ' ._.... . . . .. . <br /> _ "'Y��'!4�A!ri3LA4:..�:_._ ... .. . � ' .. 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