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_ _�. :'s . . .� _. . � . .. .. . ;___ <br /> ---- -__ - � � . Q� T'i � ' ,� _. ;..�.�•�-:, <br /> ��i� <br /> 7�0(38�W!'Pt��II OM improveneat�noM ar hurftr�nct�d oa the pnnpoity.�nd�11 ewm�Mr��.ad <br /> Atwrr �ow or bp+e�Aor • p�t't ot d�e prappity. /11! ropiaaemmts aad addltlaa �iall d�o be aovend by.tW �IONeidl <br /> �ma�.A!10!'d�o t�b rrlereed to!a s�Se�rfty��tho•Ptoptsty.• . <br /> � � �RROW�t COVBNAN'!'S tlNt 8on�b bnvfaify sei�ed af die e�te hereiq►ow�v�eyea�(os ihe ri�6c ro�ait aud <br /> � oonvry the ProQaty atd d�t d�e Pl�operty b unencumbeted.e�caepl tor�of teoo�d. Barruwer mrrants aad will <br /> d�taad�atier�lly the tit{e W 1l�e Propeety qairot tll cWms�nd doimnd��wbJax w a►y axwabranoes ot roar�d. <br /> 'fH13 SBCURITY INSTRUMBNT aombincs uniforni ooven�ata for mtioud we and aon-unifam aoveaala wit6limited <br /> vu�l�tians by jurfidictloa to oo�timte a uniform�acudty iratruma�t ooverin�ral propaty. � <br /> UMFORM COVBNAN7'S.Banowar atd L�ender cove�ant aM�roe�s fdlows: <br /> 1. P�y�e�t af PM�dpd �nd Inta+eMi �7� �d 1.Rte Clau*a. Bormwer slWl P��Y pY a►ben due ths <br /> ptit�cipd ot atd intaa�t on Ihe debt avida�oed by tho Note md an!►P�WYma�t uid lue cl�rgea dua onder the Notc. <br /> 2. Fnsdr tar T��od[awranoe.Stibjon to appUcablo law or to a written waiver by Leoder.Bon�nwer�hdl p�y to <br /> La�der on�ho day monthhlY p�ymema iuo due uudnr the Note.undi the Note is paid in full.�sum("Fw�do')for.(a)Y�Y� <br /> md a�ccswnent�which rnRy�ttrin priaity ova this 5a�urity I�spument as a Hen on�he Prnperty;(b)Ycarly ieuefwld peymenls <br /> ot g�ound ronts on�he Property, if an�y:(c)Ye�r#y twr�rd or pmpc�ty insun�noe premiums:(d)Yearly flood insut�noe pnmiumc� <br /> if any:(e)Ye�rly moAgage inarancr pren�iums.if any: md(�anY�P�Yable by Bornower to Lende�� in a000rd�nc�e with <br /> Iho pmvi�ions of p�graph liw of the paymmt of mortg�ge inwranoe pnaqiums.These items w�e called"Escrow Items" <br /> LeMer rtuy. u any time. oolloct�nd hoW Funde in an amount not to exoeed�do mweimum amount a lenda�for a foderaUy <br /> relatod mo�igage loan may requin for Borrower's escrow s�000unt under the feder�l Real Estete Setllement Provalures Act of <br /> 1974�s pmendod from Ume w time. 12 U.S.C.Soction 2601 a scq. ('RBSPA'). unkas anWher law tiwt appliea w tNe Fwds <br /> � aa�tss a lescu amount. If so.l.ender may. at any time, colkct md hotd Fwids in an amoant not to acoeed tho le�ser amoadt. <br /> -- Ixirtrr��wy natiuu�tC ti�w��u�1 0�Funds Jue on the ba,+is ui currenl J�•arnl re�onabie estimates of eapeadituas oi iwme � - <br /> E�crow Itar�c or Wherwise in accotd�noe with�pplicable law. • , � <br /> °- The Funds shall be held in an instltution whose depc�sits ue insurezl hy a fakrul agcncy. Instrurtxatality, or e�i�y . <br /> (including Le�der.if Lender is such an institution)or in any�c+�rrAl Home i.oan Bank. Lender siwll epply the Funds tci pay�the <br /> 6scrow Items.Lendcr may not charge Borrower for holdiog und applying thc Funds,annually analyzing thc esc�+nw aoawnt.or <br /> verifying the Fscrow Items.unless L.ender pAys 8orrawet�nterest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> a chargc.Hawever. Lender awy requirc Borrowc�to p�ay a ane-timc chorge for en indepenclent neal eswte Wx rcportin�service <br /> ucad by Lender in cannoction wi�h thia loan, �unlea4 applics�ble !uw provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is mode or <br /> applicablc law requires interest to be paid,l.endar shall not be rcyuired to pay Borrower any intcrest or eamings on the Fuads. <br /> Bornower and Lender:nay agae in w�ting, however,that inte�ost shall be paid on the Funds. [.ender shall give to Bo�mwer. <br /> withaut chuge, an annual acrnunting of the Funds, showing credils and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which e,ach <br />- debit to thc Funds was t�de.'It�e Funds nre pledged as additional secu�ity for all sums securcd by this Security Instrument. <br /> v� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicAble law. L.ender shall account to Borrower <br /> for the eacess Funds in ucrnrdance with the requirements of npplic�ble law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lende�at any <br />°� �;ir;; time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow]tems when duc.l.encicr may so natify 8orrower in w�lting. end,in such case Eli�r�ower <br /> - `�'�'`_'�"�--- shell pay ta L,ender the amount neressary ro make up the deficiency. Borrower shalll meke up the deFiciency in no mpre thon <br /> �M;� <br />-,r,v li twelve monthiy paymems, at L.cnder's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured hy this Securiry Instrument, l.ender shall promptly refund �o Borrower any <br /> Funds held by Lender. If, under puagrnph 21, Lender shull ucc�uire or sell the Propeny,[..ender.prior to t1u acquisi�ion or sale <br /> `; of the Property. shall npply any Funds held by l.ender nt the time of acquisition or sale as a credit aAainst the sums securod by <br /> - this Secudty lnstrument. <br />"r� 3.Applicadon of Payments.Unless applicable luw provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs <br /> 1 anci 2 shall be applied: first,to any prepuyment churges due under the Note;second, to umounts payable urder paragraph 2; <br />. ' lhird,to interest due;Pourth,to pdncipul due;and last,to any lute charges due under the Note. <br />= 4.Charges; Liettg. Burrower shnll puy all laxes,ttssessments,charges, fines and impositions attributebk to the Property <br />-:� which mny uttain prio�ity over this Security instniment, nnd leasehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borcower shall pay <br /> these obligations in the munner pmvided in parograph 2,or iP not paid in thut manner,Bormwer s6u11 pay them on time directly ! <br /> , � ,s,,;'. +` w the person nwed payment. &►nower shall prompNy furnish to L.cixicr all notices of amaums tu bc paid under this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower make�thcse paymenta directly,Boirow•er shull pramptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br />__� ;,�, , Borrower shall prompdy disc�harge any lien+vhich hax prio�iry over this Security Instrument unless Bomnwer. Iu1 agrees in � <br /> ,�fi��;. writing to the payment ot'thc obl igotion si.�ured hy the Ncn in u manncr ucceptublc to Lendcr,(b)contests in good faith the lien <br />— � ; ..,�.,s�,;��.���; by, or defends ugainst eniorcement ��f the lirn in. legul prcneedings which in the lxnder's opinion opera�e to prevent the <br />_ r�. ' �•�r��r� enforcement of thc lien; or(c)�tcures from the holder of the lien an�grerment wtisL•�ctory to l.cnder sulxirdinating the lien to <br />_ :,.�_. 'h�.•. . <br />_.� , "E;: f this Security Instrument. lf Lender detennines thut uny pan��f the Prcipeny iti suhjrc� to a lien whirh may ut�ain priority over <br />-- �;71 i,';,•(��t1.-.' <br /> - ' f. � �.:..., ,,.,..� this Security Inatrument. Lender mny give Burrower a notice identifyinE the lien. &�rrowrr,hall wti�fy the lien ur take one or __ <br /> •.�„�:r .�..,� . <br /> more of the uctians set forth utwve within 10 d•rys of tlx:gi�•ing ai�wtice. <br /> .�� _ <br /> 'a.��:'"f:r7-_. 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