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. . � � _ __. <br /> . . � <br /> : �.,�►. :.,, , .. ; _ _ . .. ... .� . � .�.� r,�;. .. , .. . f .�.�N r- <br /> _ . . . , <br /> � .. ....., .»: . _� <br /> , �� <br /> a+�lww�don o►cMir t�tie�d aq pa.n!eM��Or mrr�er i�Mr�v4MA�liou�t�ibwl�r�'.- - --- <br /> �Mdf iw p�id taiw.�._ _ - _ _ . . _ ._. ... - �--- ,.. . ._. .._. �...:..� __�:.a:, ".: <br /> d t6� av�at nt s M�ut hkiy d tlM Nqwty. drp� �Mrl b��pptiei Ic i��rawd by�i��� <br /> �V <br /> Inlru�nt.wUaii�or�ot tlrn+du�.with�euaw p�id 1oA�somo■rer. Ia t6f�vwt oE s Prlld Wdy d�M�i� , <br /> which ibe fiir mrlcet value of IM Ptop�rty in�dlM�ly bKar�IM W�1nR(y equ�J q ar pwMf IhM tha rmornt d w�w <br /> rcund by tbi�S�urit�►ta�nwat l�dl�q�y bRan M pikie�.unlai Hanorre tad I.rd�t arnrwiN�I�tw ie w�Miy, ,. <br /> d�e sm��ecurod 6y thi�Sa�ority In�onwta�t�hall be n4�oed bp dM«rtiownt o�dr pooe�mWtipU�i b���IM� <br /> hactton: (a)We to�d wnouat at t1a w�aw creurad Gnr�adlate!y 6oturo tha wkL►a,d(vtaed bX(b)�a fi�r m�rltdtv�tae d�e ,� r . <br /> � P�oppty immediste�y befo�a d�e aJd�y. My balaioe�iW16a p�dd w�orrow�sr. In tM wwM o�a•p�dql a'(.,IMt <br /> Propaty in whioh the tdr a�tket v�lu�of the Pfropaty ima�edi�oaly bePoro the t�1�b�tb�a tbe aetaipt�woan � <br /> �ecmad�immedl�ely beforo the t�Jcin�, unleu Barowa �nd�dcr othatwi�e �la �rtl�a w�la��pplia�bie l�M ,. <br /> othotwi�e pravides�the pro�eed�aull bs appliad w tha ams�e�wrod by tdis S�cudty Irw�ummt wlietl�ar not dis�ua�e iau <br /> t6en due. � <br /> lf tiie Plropeaty i�ab�ndoeed by 8o�row�er.or if.afler notice by Lendor w Boltower dNt tta ca�leamor od�en w m�lcr <br /> �d�►wu�ar adtb a ch►im far daan�gcs,8arrower t�14 W r+espond w Lender within 30 days�ftet tf�e tWe the notk�b atve4 <br /> t.ender ie�a�od m oo�loct�ad�ppy wo pocoees.u ia ap�o�n,either a rwa�ation ar at�he ltiopa�ey oe b dM <br /> atan�ecw�ed by tbis 5ecurity Inetnmoeot.rri�dher a oot then duo. . �� � <br /> Unlers I.ender�ad Banowet oN�er+�i,�c�roe in writit�.�ny�ppliaitiaa of proceeds w pniaeipl�U not ez�pd ar,;•,' . <br /> pottpona tbe due d�te of d�o�thly p���:.:^.s.tefrnai a in.p�u��aphs 1�nd 2 or cb�n�e Wa anow�t d ach p�y�u. '�, `;` <br /> 11. Borrower' Nat �ltx� �brlbcs�aioce By� l��sder Not a Waiver. Exe►a�sion af the tuaoe far��nytrMat ar <br /> modiflcwibn of unatiz�lio�rof!ha suths:ectu�d ,I�hls•��carity Insttument�uqed'by l,e�to�ny s000�#xir`��YtMeneu <br /> of Hortower s1aiU not op��ruta�.td'�cka9e the lirbii�'�4i fhe"ai�l8uhower ot Norrrwerl�tuoa+it�pr�di iii�a�lii.I.a�dtt <br /> - - - �hllil not�to�rolMiatKx prrceai6i�1gA MQiiGI'uii W�y 61k�C�i�rur Gi�lnl'bvl ui,.jn�1iY�,1r►Cui�ltiil 13iiiC fGl'�C� <br /> otherwlce amo�tl�ation of Ihe aiuna sec�ed by ldi�5xudly liutr�urnet�t by x�a�x�tlf�nj�dqtitupd m�de b�!tlis arl�fn�l <br /> Barower or Bomower�s auccessots fn interes4 Any f�rbeazance by 1:enda'�p ex�itw�any r�ht�x raaedy�uilt,t�ot be� <br />_ w�iver of or preclude the exe�ise of Aay.dQht or nmedy, . . ' <br />- 1L Suocwon wd Asei�m Ba�adi Jdat and Skveral LI�biUtyi Co-�rs. Tho covau�nti�ad�{roeii'ie�M th4 , <br /> Socurity lnsuument ehall bind and benefit the auccessois end es�igns of Lender�and Borrower.subject w the ptnviRiope d�.�:t �.: <br /> 17.Bortower�a coverwnts unnd agrcements slWl be jofnt uid sevor�l. My Boanwer wAo co-�i�s t6b Sea�rity�.�.. ,.�� <br /> trumeM but docs not eaccute tho Note: (a)la co-si �5�" <br /> g�dng thfs Secudqr lnsuumcM only to ma� e.Br�nt�nd'coavey tb�. ; _ , <br /> 19brmaerh interest in the Property under the tarms of thie Secwity Inatrunwnt; (b�1e iwt pe m� y obli�ated to p�y U�e ua�f':'�; '"� . <br /> sxurcd by this Securlty Instrument;aod(c)agrces Ihat Lender and any other Homo�ver m�y awoa w extend,modify.fai�e�r �•�' ,�: <br /> or m�ke �ny accommadptbna wi�h ra�ard w the terna of�his 3avdry Inswrrant ar the Nota without thnt.Bano�rer�f'.'..ti. <br /> : cansem. •. �.'�.,�,�. <br /> -'�:fi !3, Laen Cher�e�, 1f the�kum cPO��rc.�hy thiA ce:curi�y inRtn�m�-nr #A�d+jACt to n Irw which xets auximum lo�ie•_ •,.;:.� <br /> -:-f:� charge�. and thu law is flnaliy ina�preted so Uwt�he interest or other loan ct�arges wlkcted or W be collected in oannectidn`'. '. <br /> - wlth the loan eaceed the pertnitted limlts.then: (a)any auch loan charge shall be roducod by 1he amount nxerwuyi to redua � ' <br /> --_= ihe chuge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums alrcady collected from Bortower whIch exceededpermiued Umits will 6e <br /> ---_ �funded to Bcxrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by rcducing the principal owed under the Note or by m�king t <br /> �-=�� di�ect payment to Bomower. If a rcfund reduces princip�l.the RducUon will be tratod iw�partial psepayment whhout any <br /> ____ p�payment chuge under the Note. <br /> ._.,..�...� 14. Notioes. Any notice �o Bortower provided for in�his Secur�ry Inswnxnt shall be givcn by deBverMg it or by <br /> _____,,� meiling it by tirst class mail unlegs upplicable law aquires usc of ar�other method.The natice shWl be dirccted to tha Poopetty <br /> �„_t,�� Addrcss or any other addresa Borrower designutes by rrotice ro Lender. Any noticc to L.cnder shall be given by first clea� <br /> mpil to Lenderk address stated herein or nny other uddresc Lender designates by nodce to Borrower. Any notice providad far <br /> _�•u t;_Py:� in thia Security Insuument shall bc deemed to havc been given to Bomower or Lcndcr when given as proWdt� in thi� <br /> - ._,____ p� h. <br /> -`�""','�,�:�. �"�;., 1� poverning; Severnbility. Thic Security Insdvment shnll be govemed by federal law end tho lew af thc <br /> :r �`rt���'' Jurisdiction in which the Property is locuted. In the evem thut any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br />.;��;;','_;:u ,. <br /> -_' � �`fl conflicts with applicable law,such conllict shull not affect other prnvixions of this Security Instrument or the Note which cen <br /> �'`^��'���� ' be given effect without the conflicting p�ovision. 'ib tkis end�he provisions of this Securiry Insdvment and tha NWC at�e <br /> -'`�;,, .,.:'!?.'. declared to be severable. <br /> � �i 5•���� 16. Borrower's Copy. BwYOwer shall he given one conformeJ copy of the Note and of this Security Inswment. <br /> - i•� ;,.��. <br /> � .�, 17. 7lransfer af the Properly or n Beneficial lnterest In Borrower. If all or any pan of the Property or any inteeest tp <br />-�j;_' " il is sold or trensferred(or if a beneficiul intcrest in Borcowcr i�sold or transferned and Bomower is not n nnwral person) <br /> r✓'��� '. without Lenderk prior written consent,Lender may,nt i�s op�ion,rcquire immediute puymem in full of oll sums securod by <br />=`'''�' �+;; � this Security Instrument. Hawever,this aption xhull nat be exereised by Lender if cxercise is prohibited by federal law as of <br />�.:._,,. <br />-_ ,�:�fi the dotc af this Security Instrumem. <br /> "�{+;'�: If Lender exerciges�his aption,Lrnder sholl give BoROw•er notice of accelerotion. The notice shall provide a period of <br /> � : �+'�r��!j not less thun 30 days from the date�he notice is deliveroJ or muiled widiin which Burmwer must puy all sums secured by this <br /> ,... <br /> ��,+���^�!''��'� ' Securn Instrument. lf Borrower fuil� to a thc�e sums rior tn the ex ira�ion of this nod, Lender ma mvoke an <br /> •,.,y; , Y P Y P P� Pe � Y � Y <br />:.•.:+�.,; :, '.�• remedie�permitted by this Securily Instrument withouT furllxr natice or demunJ on Burn►wcr. <br />",'.�,• �`•,�;�;« 18. Borrower's Riqht to Reinqtute. If Borrowcr mcet�ronuin c�mdition.. Borrowcr +hull hnve the rirht to have <br /> 'i' <br /> �'�r;��.: enforcement of�hi�Secnriry Instnunem�iiccan�inued at uny lin�c�ri��r to th�eurli�r i�t`. lul 5 dayx lor such other period uc <br /> �•"_.• <br /> �� ., ,:'1`:�;..!�i <br /> ! •�{•�!'-! ' SingleFamlly--Fannk!►lae/FYeddie�larCtilF1)Rb11NCTRl�NE�T--UnifixmCovenann 919P �pqgedijApuRea► <br /> , ;�,�. <br /> ;�.y�.: ,"" � <br /> :,� . , :z. - <br /> :. �:�; � . . <br /> � ,. t'`�#, ... _ _ <br /> �.�'�- - ti< Ir�"R+��;�+( � �rS:������fY;i{ytM�t►9f:e.�;i:..�v..w..,��:J;�.i;M��t�H'rh.4t'.yqy1'y�i;�.=r.�_.l�',�r�v�vs�.e�nnrn.r,r,sc.--r.,�.-�r�o�.�- <br /> ,, r,(�-�.ail',�. .. . .:f,t�li'.� �I\��. �i i . _ . 't• � ' .. '��F • 1. �. P� <br /> . <br /> . • t ._ • � <br /> �� 1 ' <br /> �.. 3c.. v ..y �,,���fc '�'i ;,' � '� ..� .;ta' ii`;_1 �, 1,� � +}� <br /> , <br /> . _n, „ , 1?.,'� <br /> -- ,�,�. -' ..�� <br /> . .--- -- 1 � ..` -- -_- "- - ' -•' ---"-- .r_..-_ . .----_.—�._.__,__�-r�_ -- <br /> , l� 1/ F <br /> .�:1.: -�!. . <br /> � �, -,- --- �}��cA�;�` ':r,� `�' .:��. . .. . . . � ,! ;,,.,. - --� .. <br /> -=._:� �..►r� ;, + � , � �', "�?" • � '�t . . <br /> - t, �(�!:��`,' ,�.• ',,,`� . ' .�\ � . <br /> .+r. .�{4�i';'�tv � . � _ � � ..�� ' . i',., �'''` '' , . ;i;.,��.' , • '�:;-�� . . . „ <br /> 'ti '�ii�'.b'�.:5�.�.� . <.I4�: ��ir,ll{;( . . • . <br /> .. _ . ___ ._ .. ._�.. . "y � ,, ..1 . . . . -1ur . <br /> 1 . .'1. .i:. . . � i;lt. .;( . �.� ,�,, � . .�. � �r. . , <br /> � -'Y'is�n.�' •- � ' �t ��' . {s �.. ' _ ,1�, • . � _ 1 :,'. 1 . , <br /> - . �� ;1. � .. • t �4t i� <br /> .' . ,� y :::t . 1� r b', •{�r� 't� <br /> • ,t'�T..J� - � . S�•,;;•; . . . .. � •, ;. �, �ilt� i•,t�i ,�� . • <br /> - �f . - � , .��A � �_���,�1��` �S 1{f ''� <br /> . . �^.i�� , , .. • ' �4�1 a� , r�{:_� . - � �l� !�, � � ��r�,�S�;Ir 5 - � . <br /> �t[ �� il�ii� .• { -Jl�l+ .�4' <br /> J. r��it �';,��.,, Ol, �� �. .a.,. <br /> ...,.�:;4r� , :` �!�?��� ,•`% . , .,�.... . ..,;�..Yi . <br /> �-' . . . , ...�. .. <br />.. � ` � . <br /> . - <br />� ' <br /> t w .., . <br />