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_ _ _ _ __ <br />__ ___ _ ____ _ , , ._ <br /> . . , •. ,;... . .. <br /> � . ��� 1�� _ , ,--= <br /> . p�rioa.dw UadK nqu+�.. 'Iti+i�nr�no�r�ni�r p�cvid�iM{th.faw�aot.iMu!a aho�a►by 6arow�r p��o l...a�rr <br /> �ppowwat�ici��Wl�ot-6awwMOriiy wW�Yid. 1f aan�wc GiW 1a.mRinWn oova�d�cribod�br,w.ta�d�r p�ri+�t � . <br /> ' L��derti option.obt�ls top�cMct L�nderY�In ihe�ty ia�oaonl�noe wid�p�raptpi�7. <br /> Aq i�r�noe palicie��i�aoew�4 aiwU 6e�aoepnWe{o rtd dtAll tuclude�qaadad mo�t�e eUu�r. t.e�d�' <br /> �II bave the ri�ht w hdd tlie poflcia u�d rooew�. U l.adar�equi�.Bon�o��!1 pto�nptlY dva w La�Aer YI reoeipt� <br /> d pdd praniunW iqd renewal mMba, �tbe avant of loa,BoKOwer tlWl siva prompt mtloe so�M tawnnoe cir�ler and <br /> iw�der. La�der euy mdce p+oof of taq!t'not m�d�P'anpUy bY Barower. <br /> Unlee.,l.n�der�nd Barawer otibrwl�e apee in wtitins,inwranoepooe���hall be applied w naua�atlar ar repdr ot <br /> da !f tbe �totatlon ar repdr i� aoonomically [auibla aad I.enderti�ecurlty U nat lewenod. U the <br /> �t�or r is not oca�antcally feuibla a Laderti,�ecurity would 6e leu�ed�the inwnace pa�eed�vWl be <br /> •,pplied to the suau sa�rod by tbis Sxurity In�aumad. whett�r or na then dua, wlth�ny excc�s p�id w Bonowar. 1P <br /> Barow�er�bmdona the P�ope�ty�or doas not�mwer wlthin 30 d�ys�nottce from Lander thu Ilte inwra�oe cyrier hu <br /> offaed�u seple q cl�ir�.then Lender may ooUect 1ho insur�nce pro�eedo. Lander m�y usa the pmceadQ w rep�ir or rawre <br /> d�Pbope�ty or to p�y wma�ecv�nd by duia Socurity inWurnent,whather or tat Ibo�due. 7Le 30�d�y period will beain when <br /> die naicc I.v given. <br /> Unlese I.eider aad Hanow�er otbetwi�e e�nee in wrltlag,+�ny licNion of procoods w priacipl alull nw ex�end or <br /> paatpor�p�he dur,due of the rnonthly WYments�efe�d to in pwa�1 uid 2 ar clw�ge tho ana�nt of tho paymenw. If <br /> under pr�r�gr+q�h 21 Ibe Ptopeuy ia �uired by Lcndcr,Barowark daht to any insu�mx pdicies and p��ocoeds rosuking <br /> from dwo�ge to td�o Propeiiv pia w thse aoqui�itioa olull pius w I.ender w tbe ex�ent of�be swa:secu�ed by thi�Security <br /> Inoaument immediuely prior m the tior�. <br /> 6�. oecnp�� kreser..tloa,��R��aoe aNd rraecNoe ot ene Properil: HornoWer'� I.o� Appl�flon: <br /> ' I.easeh�uNls. Botrpr�r shaU occupy.atablish.u�0 use die P�operty as Borrowcr�ptincip�l residence wlthit�sixty dAya�fter <br /> the enecution of tAis Secusity Insuumrnt and aintlt camiueee!o accupy 1he Hvperly aH Romower:c prlaciN+1 renidenc+a fat at <br /> least ane year after die dote of oa�upancy. unless�der Mt�erwis� �8� in writIag, which co�sent shall �rot be <br /> ' unreasonably withheW,or ualess eR����uuing circumstanccs exi�t whjch a�e beyand Ro�w-er�coatrol. Bmrower s4�ail:not <br /> ' deslnay.damage or iunp�ir the Pt�►�erty,aUow tha Propetty m deutiwatc,ar canmit waste on the Prope�¢y. borrower shal! <br /> be in default if ony Por���e �ction orprnaeding.whethercivil or crimmul, is begun ihet ln l.ender�good fA1tt�judgment <br /> could rewlt in forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materially impair eJ�e lien creAted by thia Security Instr+a'raent or <br /> l.enderls security�nteRSt Boiraw•e�mwy cwe such a defwult and providod in pare 18,by cAUSmg the s��.ion <br /> or proceeding to be dismissal wath a Nling that,in Lender's gaod faith determination,pr�eclu es forfelpuo of tho BorQO�verS� <br /> interest in 1he Property or other niataial impairtnent of the lien cr�eated by this Secwity lnspument or L.enderti si�cu�dty <br /> interesG Bomower slwll also be ln default if Barower,during the loaa ApplicAtion process, gove materially fuDse or <br /> inaccurate info�on or sutemer�ts W L.ender(or failed to provide L.ender wayh any materiel infomiation)in connecHoo with <br /> the loan evide�ced by the Note.nnduding. but na limited to,representatiivns FwKxmi�g eorrower�s occupancy af�the <br /> Property oa a principal nesidence_ l��thia Sxuriry Instrument is on a leasehold.Barrawer shall comply with all die proyisians <br /> of 1he lease. If Borrower acquires fee�tle to the Propetty,the ieus$hold ard the fpe dtle shaU not merge uMess i.ender•agrees <br /> w the merger in writLig. <br /> 7. Protectbn ot I.ender's Ri�hts lo the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenents and agrxments <br /> contafned in this Securiry Inat[ument,or fiere is a legal proceeding that mey signiticantly efFect Lender�a rights in the <br /> Property(such as a proceeding in bankmptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiturc or to enforce laws or regulstions),then <br /> Lender may do and pay for whatevar fe nocessury to !xotect thc value of the Property and Lender§rights iri tho Prapeny. <br /> Lender�s acttons may include paying eny sums securcd by a licn which has pr�orlty over this Security InRaument,oppearing <br /> in court,paying�zuxonable attorneys'fees and entering on�he Property w make repairs. Although Lender may teke action <br /> under thia paragraph 7,l.endcr does not heve to do so. <br /> Any amou�ts disbursed 6y I.ender under�his parageaph 7 shall become addidonel debt of Borrower secu�+ed by Ihis <br /> Security Instrument. Unlcss Borrower u�d Lcnder agree to other terms of payment.thesc amounts shall bear intercst from the <br /> dote of disbursement at thc Nae rate nd shall be payable,with intcr�est,upon notice fiom Lendcr to Borrower aqueating <br /> paymen�. <br /> 8. Mortgage Insurw�ee. If Lrnder requined mortsage insurance as a condition ot making the loan secured by this <br /> Securiry Insuumem,Borrower sha11•pey the prcmiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for Any <br /> reasop, the mortgage insurance coverege required by I..ender lapsea or ceases to be in eft'ect, Bomowor shall pay tha <br /> premiums required �o o�tain coverage substanUally equivalent [o the rnortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cast <br /> sub4tan�iaNy equivulent ta the cosi to Borrower of the mongage insurance pneviously in effect.from an altemate mottguge <br /> insurer npproved by Lender. 1(substantially equivalent mortguge insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shup pay to <br /> Lender each month a sum equ�l to ane•twelfth of Ihe yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insurance coverage lapsed or cea.�ed to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retnin these pt�yments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of mortguge insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required, nt the option of lxnder. lf mongage insurance <br /> coverage(in the amount and for the perial that Lender requires)provided by on insurer nppraved by Lender again becomes <br /> available and is obtc►ined.Borrow•er shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortgnge insutance in effect,or to pravide a <br /> loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgage inaurance ends in accordonce wilh ony wriuen egreement between Borrower <br /> and Lender or npplicable Issw. <br /> 9. Inspection. l.ender or i�s ngent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall <br /> give Bomower noti�e At the time of or prior to an inspection xpecifying rensonnble cnuse for the inspection. <br /> 10. Condewaatlon. The proceeds of any uwurd or claim for or consequential, in connection with nny <br /> SUgk Fami{y-•Foenk M�e/FYtddM Nlae UIVIFURM INSTRUMENT--Unitorm Covenams 9/90 (puge 3 njA pagtsl <br /> �xx�ru eu�riw vas,ae,■ - <br /> lo0nk►CM:1�8006'1i630.90 PAxq�1Y1•1131 <br /> -�...� sC'L- �'-'�t�`�b4�`�.�. s���,vv�ur�t?r: , �,^ �.�.. <br /> yltn Rlt'��,--- �=.-^,r ..,r, . rn V f���X �3 � { �.�t414Y(���.ira,�q?�(�+'iT� 'r�T-s�p�il.;lA^..-,f�*�-s�-�a.�wv� <br /> — ���k f� . l�� 1.r ;� { ��y)�' :' �,t���n - ,� � i 4�i ti�. <br /> � ^r�%-�t�_. .� __ � � ' �'1���()���. ..� �{, �) � <br /> —_ ,.f �• .t y.l _C]._ .:a1!iS17IY.t4.i:Y1. 1�1� <br /> . <br /> �r -- .�._ . _ . .. — __ ____— _ _-- _ .-_ _.___— _ _ _-.- .. �'. ._.� _._ '-_ _ —_ ._ `�. ___ "� <br /> .VlT'N - � 4- � l� � . � . � - �y1�r � . <br /> _ �('' 7�}2i+'st �''t � _ • , � ;� . �i�'+. �,'i •' <br /> -_ .1�U.t.�.�►tifW',�.r ,��. 4.;q.' r , . . l � .. - .. • . . .4:i]flp�bsr- <br /> ' r,yi `'t -;1�f1�dfiCC'�r':Nllck�,.�: .��r.\. ..w...(.•�.. 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