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___-- . — -r, , a... <br />.. - _ __— ' ' ' " ' .�.___.7uY�1�..,. ..:iL'i ... v�el,f:11N,MeL4+/;N541k71!/1. I,.:��vw'r.a i,.:��,. "- .. ��°•� � . :t!�� s'.'i.�rc'.ta...._... ''�� ~�� �,_ _. . <br /> . . ',7. . � _' ' ' . - ����'. . .. �l <br /> � �������'�����•I����w����� , hr.-•1. <br /> _________�_ -- - _ #� �sIM�IIMI�. ��I�M���i..���_�.i-_=__ :; . <br /> -�!�w!w�iii�!�tlb}w�.�►el��"�� 8wri�' ;_. . <br /> �Lwwt aM �wWeM 11�M�M Iw ��W�o�q WMrr�tK wd Mie Moii�K�o �oNMiiiM 11i1 . <br /> . eoe�nw�!b)�w�r�NlMiM d+Yq�e�Mr aorw�ar yw�;l0)My��II�Morrad i��Io�pla�AY M� . . <br /> b�tnMeMt.N�ohdii�.bw�ot IMiMd IP��� 'II�;Nnd(Q11�woh�otbn M[.widr piqr twro� ., - <br /> �puin Mr ww�dMt qM IiiM at d�M�eMr lMtn�t,��ryhli i�d»trop�ely Md DarowKti oblyalloa a t1�1 . - <br /> waea ��ar�db�r dik �cwily h�rwn�nt �Mp ea�tNw� unoAMyid. llpan �t by domaw�r� d�h�i�eMp ' <br /> Itwtrnarnt+�tid 11�o Abt��tton�r�caued l�a�ebY�baU r�arh�lt�lip c!l�Cdve�a U�ioceler�tMn h�d aocwnd. Hawwwr,thh <br /> rybt on reimaur�il not piply In�he c�ue d�oce{entlon unde�p�rap�pli 1�. . <br /> 1!. $�M of lMolti CMyi d L�M 8rn'1oR� "I1N Nols ar� inute�l in the Note(to�aUle�witb thi�Sa�dty <br /> Gutnunent)m�y be wld aie or u�ors tlm��wttl�out Prla'nodce w�. A�le nwy erault in�ch�nja ia tM aqity <br /> (luwwn u�fie"Lou�3ervica")dwt ooUec�moid�lY P�Y�due uder tha Note wd thi�Secudty In�aumed. 7bero Uw <br /> mRy 6a one or moe�e clun�w ot d�e Lo�►�wvicec waeWed to�alo of t6e Nde. If tha�e i�a chmRe ot the Lo�n Servloer, <br /> 8ormwer wlll be Qiven wciaon n4dce ot the cbmge ia�ocarLnoe wlth �aph 14 sbove u�d�pplicable taw. Tha nodce <br /> wiU w�o die e�une and oddres�of the new LoAn Servlctr and tNo addm�a to afdd�psym�tq should be m�da. The notice will <br /> �ko 000uiia�ay od�er infarmatan requfied by�pplic�bb I�w. <br /> 2�. ll�siudew Srb�aca. Bornower�11 not c�uso or pern�lt tho presence.ute.dliPo�l��a�ge�or releue of any <br /> tiwrdaust Sabst�r�ees oa or in thc Pioperty. Bam�ra ah�ll �ot do�na wilow anyane etso w do.�nylhing dYoctin4 tbe <br /> Prope�ty th�t is in vlol�tion of�ny Envuionmenql l.�w. The p�arociin�two�enta�ces ehdl not y�ply to tbe�axx.we.or <br /> aonge on tfie Pmpmty of small qwotities af Hwrdous St+b�puioen th�t�re eenerally�iLed w be�pproTxi�te to�wrtMl <br /> �idcntid usa u►d w maiatenance of the Property. <br /> Bamwer ehdl prompUY giva Lender wrktrn ratjoe of any�im.clen►uad.lawauit or d6cr�cHon bY�Y <br /> gavrmmcnta!or�gulaWry Agency or pri�ate puty involving the Pmperiy end nny!la�uidaus Substsaece or Environment�! <br /> Law of whlch Bomnwer Iws achwl knawledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by �nY BoverrWneatal or RguWary <br /> -:�� wtho�ity.thet my t�emoval ar other temedlation of�ny Hazardous Substence•�ffadr�the P�opa'ty is neoesa�y,Bornowa - <br /> '�:�'�,.�� shaEt promPdY wke all necesscuy rc�edial actiona in Accordance with Fnvlronmental(..uw. � <br /> _��"'�= As used in thie paragraph 2�i."H�zudoua Substa�tces"s►ra,those wbaunces detiner7�s toaic ar h�za�douis auirauinces by <br /> .��`''� �n��ioanmantal Law end the following substences: gasoline,keroseae, other Ounmable or toxle petroleurn prochlcls.tusic <br /> � pesticides and heri�jcidas. vol�ttile solvents, materials containing asbestos ot fortnaldehyde.and redioactive maten�ll�.'A� , � <br /> used in�his pa�grnph 20,"Environmental Law"meons federal laws and lawa of the Jurlsdicdon where d�e PiroPMY ia�acated <br /> „.� that relate w h�u�th,eafary ar enviraimenlul prutection. ' <br /> ---�_-� • N4N-UNIFORM CUVEN�M'S. Botrower and[.ender futtliercovenpnt�nd agree as followe: <br /> :��•%��;i 21. Accekratiaa;Reme�lJrs. Leader alwll�ive aotice to Barower prlor to accekratbn taUowir�Ba*uwer's <br /> __„_�-�— <br /> :° — breach ot'�qy coveWint or agreeaknt In thf�Secu�ity�umeat IbW not prior to A.�ele�a�o�'W�'�Pb 1� <br /> _ u�1�ec,y�ic�hlr law pr�vlde.c olherwicel. The aoNce slwll sQecif,r. �al tbe defAUlti(b1 the�etioa required to cure the <br /> defnalt;(c)'A date,iiot less than 39 dAys flrom the dnk the aoUce is �Iven to Borrower,by whkh tbe dehult murt be <br /> curcd;and(d)Ibt�t tailut�e to care the defouk on or betore the d�te speciRed in tde notice may resnit In skcelerwNan of . . <br /> tde sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Pro�erty 7'he noUce shall further ia�orm Borrower oi <br /> the right to retnstate ARer Accelernlbn apd Ihe rlght to brtng p casrt actiou to�ssert the non-exfeteace vt a detault or <br /> any other defense of Borrower to occeleratbn and sale. I�the ddaull fs not cured on or be�ore tbe dah specifled in <br /> the notice�I.ender At ite option mwy requlre immediate paymeM in hall of sdl sums securcd by tdis Security Inatrumeal <br /> wlthout further demand aad may Invoke the power of sale wnd any other remedies permttted by wpplic�ble I�w <br /> Lender sholl be entided to collect all expawces Incun�ed in pursring the remedks provlded M IMis p�ra�rapb 21, <br /> Including,but not Ilmlted ta reasonable attarneys'feea and costs ef titk evldence. <br /> I�the power o�sole is invoked,7Fustee ahnll record u notice of deFeelt in each county in whk6 any p�rt of the <br /> _ — Property Is located And shall moil copies o�such notice In the mwnuer prescribed by epplkable Ipw to Borrower and to <br /> - � the other persons prescrlbed by applicable IAw After the time reyuired by applicable law.TraQtee sh�►M give publk <br /> �..�� notice ot sale to the persons end ta Ihe manner prescrlbed by Appllcable lew 'I�uatee,without demond on Borrower, <br />_._LL;__�:�:r�'"-- shall sell the Property at public auctbn to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms deslgnated in <br />_._ -���:_",�� the notice of sale in one or more pArcel�and in s�ny order 7Yustee determines. 7lrusfee ms�y postpone sale ot all or any <br />..�;;;;���; parcel of the Property by publlc annonncement at the time and ploce ot any previously scheduled sWe. I.ender or ifs <br />---==-�°- � designee mwy purchese the Property at any�le. <br /> ��"���'�""�°' Upon receipt of payment oP the prke bid.7Yustee shall deNver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying the <br /> :_:i+,_ . <br /> _~ � �''' Property. The reritals in the'I�ustee's deed shall be prima facie e�•klence oi the t�uth of the stAtements made fherein. <br /> _"'K��,>. .� <br /> �_%��,•"'��` 7lrustee shall apply Ihe proeerds oi the sale in the tolto�via�orde�:la)to all costs and expeases of exercisin�!ae power <br /> -''�.sirii�k::Y <br /> .��,��•[�'�� n =+;�."�� <br /> _.-.,t fl��'�� ,�. <br /> ,__P7C'^`.,'Z'� <br /> ,„,,,�„�,:.�,:- <br /> .,'`',n}�f��:_v. <br /> � y�'>�t:-1.. <br />.�::<%F�I���Si� .` <br />_�S.��1�i�.,,..�s.,. <br /> IK <br />-��'�lYL�Y.a.,_s'..` - <br /> �,,'Sr_'r'q^..,' <br /> rYl,})1,i.. 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