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<br /> �or otC�tc taking nt�y p�t of the propeny.ar for acx��rcyuxY ia lieu af cor�demnation.are hereby a�ssigaea�and .
<br /> sSaU bepaud to t eador:
<br /> � i�t th�tveni O�a totat LaW[1g Of th4 PtapertY•Ihe p[aoCOd�S�fial1 6e 3pplied io the stmis secuie3 hy l6is Se«ity
<br /> U�uue�ent,wh�h�or tmt tha�due.with au3t eacess ptid to Bartov►�er iR tAe event of a partixl qking af the Ropc�ty�in
<br /> • _ . -whacit ti�r#ait�sarket vaI�ct€the P4vpect�immcdistety hefore 1he qking is�qual tv_u�r gteater than the amounr af the,snms - - --
<br /> --- - �
<br /> secured by this Security�t inunediuely befare the t3king.unless BorroWer a�Len�er otlie�itie agoC—m w--�r ing.
<br /> -- -__�ie��i bg`tt�s Sec�ity"�s�!�C-t�ed hY Be�amat�!c*f-!he}�nx�eedc.muttipl�odbg:the fot}�mg:- --.,. -. --- --
<br /> ,incrim (a�the tata)azt�ount of tt�e sums secured imnxdiatel}before the aking,divided by tb)the fais madcet v�[ue of the
<br /> _ Pmperty immediaul3►befoce the tatcing. Any 6alance sh�It be paid ta Borrower. In the event of��rrrtiai ta�i�tg af Ste- -
<br /> - Pnoperty w wtdsH the fair martiet va}ae of the Piupetts aumedi3tely before the tating is fess than the a�nount of the wms _
<br /> - - secured immodiauig befae the taking,unkss Borruwrr and Ex�er otherwise a�ree ia wTiting t►r unles.�a�ppticabte larv
<br /> ottkcwisc ptovides.the pmceeds sha116e applied to the sums secuied Ey this Securiry[nsYrument wnether or rtot thr wm�arc
<br /> :�:.'_: tLen due. '
<br /> . I€the l�ropenY is ab�ed bY BomoN•er a i����n�tice by Le»der[o Borrower that the condemnor offer.s to make
<br />__� an award or s�tle a claim for damages.Barower fails ta iespond to I.cnder within 30 day�after[he date tGe notice is given.
<br /> ' -'-.:> �er is a�o�z�io�Itcct and apply the prooaeds,at iU apteoc�.either to rectnration or repais of the Pcaperty or to the -_ -
<br />_';.=:._� - sums sentte�by tbis 5ecurity Iuscnunea�wfi�tlxr ar not then dne. . .
<br /> :. Unles�Lertder art�Boirawer otl�erwise ag�e in writing.any application of pmceeds to prinapak shnll rwrextend or� _ -
<br /> ;: �� nefemad to in I and?or cha�e[beamount of such payment�. .���--
<br /> p�ne t6e due dateof the rnantAlY PaY�& P�S�P� -_`:: -
<br /> .t�. Bocro�rtt IYot Rekased. �orbe#raace Bµ I.�d�Not.st•watver. ERteasioti of the t'rme for payment or «_;F=::==--
<br /> . modification of awo�tizaqon of the sums secu�f isy thls Security Tn�irumedt g,ranted by Lernter tn aay successor in imemtit fr����,�,,-_
<br /> • . � of Bamwer s6att ttot a�xrate to release the lia6r�iiy af the oripnat Bomnwer or Borrower:s success�rs in interes�ixrrder ,.Y�.--_ --
<br /> tto �_
<br /> s�all nnt 6e tequited ta mmmence praceedin&c a�Ci!�st�nY s��es-�in interest ar refuse to extend time far payment or �-~-
<br /> ' �q,,,��
<br /> ` ott�erwise modify atuwrtiaation of the sums secured by this$ecurity tnsnument by rcason af a�ryr demand m3de by tite origin�f ����
<br /> gom�wer or BormKer's successors in intercs� Arry fo�arance by Lendcr in eaerrising any right or remedy sha[!aoE he�. 7`��°��
<br /> . lude the eaeceise of an ri t ar remedy. • _ �:,f t:;�T
<br /> . wai�ceroforprec Y Sb ' . � • �.`=;"���-
<br /> 1Z Soaee�ars and Ass�ns 8arnd;Joint and Se�erall.is�bilRy+Ca-�pe+'s. 7'he covenantc aad agii�ments o19b�s:: :�_-
<br /> #;�,-.� -- •
<br />. �• 5erurity Insuumettt Slu+ll bind artd benefit the successor.s and assigns of Lem�and Bo�tuwer,subject ta c�i�;pcavi�ions of' , � 4;:.:..
<br /> SU .�' �
<br /> ;:� puagcaph�17. Borrower's covenanu and agreements xhall 6e joint and seveeai.:Any Barrower w�ho ca-�3a�:t��s 6ecurity ''� -
<br /> ;, �:<,.�'Fc„°`1,<�_
<br /> this Instsup?ent anl to mo¢�age.gr.lca�t;:�i-'ii wnvey that ��,��'� tr��--
<br /> .°..u..� It�sttm�ti�:iwt does Rot execute the Note: ta)ic co-signing Securiiy Y .,. " �• -
<br /> �...Y
<br /> � ' • Bncm�X�e��terest in the Property urider the tecros of this Seeurity Tnsuu�nent; 46)is not persxnia�3.,y,obli�utea to pay the sums E� .0_
<br /> ;xecure�Gy this Security Instn�men�aad t�)a�rees that Lender and any ather Bormwer rn:�;,s{�+�.��'r�exteati'.;modify.for6ear �:, _,._..�_
<br /> '. • r-�;:�, .or makt any accommadadons with regard t�Ihe tem�s of this Security lns�nt ort�i:�..,�i,,�t�wit5qu�'?J?�t Borrowerk �_ `'��`�;:j�'4{�:%`���
<br /> : ��� _ . ,, • ., . . , �{ <<� �` -
<br /> ' �' � _Kpa�ent. `
<br /> ,.., ,,..�=° ' � '•'` ` .�3,,�Loau Charges. If the loan se.cured hy tbis Seruri Instrument es.:wti:� to a taw which„�c��maximum loan �� "�` .�S,it �
<br /> �:; ` ;�'1� � ' i� ,,ti ,�,§d tbat law is finally interpreted�o thac the interest ar a�fter foan rtvt�'�collected or to be coAected in conne�Kioa ' .�f��;���r`j¢¢���; --
<br /> �F-} � �`' (
<br /> S :' ,�,,��:�: ',w��9ire 1i��exreed the permitted limixc.then: (a)an sucb loacv iis: e�hai[�.ssduced by the amount necessary ta reduce ,���/�y.� ,., �
<br /> Y• .� c �. r,;•{�rt/`'rv.
<br /> > � •' •���:` � . die:s�uss��iiJ the permitted limi�and{b)any xums aiready col[�-e�:t�trh Bni=;r;v�'4K.which exreeded permetted limits wi[[be ;;��y�';�ti ,��t�s f,� _
<br /> 3,13��3orro��..Lei►de�may choose to mat:e thi.r-refurtd�•+�y�-'in�..,r •Y.`,,,-,.�i 1 owed under the ti�.�:6 makin a' .�� ��i'?s�'�1��r�'e ,'�r :
<br /> ,r ' . *_zy _ •�;�� r ' 'tt'. Fh",�" Qa y � � ,+F
<br /> , t �j ti�'%.�t,t� �t�!}��
<br /> �ii�fi� � °iCflo�i���erst ta�ir�ia�ei If a refunci reduces peiiu:ipal.the re�3iciiun aT[C.i�.�.i.�;�(I:i.S a p'dRla}pf�'i6.'�.ti.l���W11IlOUi 3tl�i . :`;'F,�;f<�r�,rf�. ' � •�
<br /> ,3.'.: �- .{�j�E.!!��,'.jf�iE,��'�
<br /> r-r;?':;!, �t,� �.�1''�13':,rr,��cchargee»+�:t�ieNote. .. . . .. .� .:: ::•' .• ',�` '''��;%c '��.'1`F{%��f''�{i
<br /> ' ���.`�• ��1:'�tatiees. An notice ta �vvrrawer rovided far in thiv�ecurity In.ir;ii�nt shal[tiz zccen nc•;2etivering it ar by � , _
<br /> . �1��::'': . C- ;, Y P �• �' " {�;�":::� l� : ;,
<br /> d�fl._ �":`.at.�u��.�+,y first eta.cc mail unless:�spfieable Taw requims use af�rother methcxi.The notese�-w�;�?e drfceted to the PrapertS � �y�
<br /> .; �uitifiti��=�:c'any rnher addres�Barrdx,.�r designaees by noticc to tertder. Any ao�ice ta Lesji+'s-.��a0 be given by fint clacs � . ��"�" �
<br /> ... .��<..• , -.
<br /> � ' ' `•. rrraaT.n��:ender's addretis stated hcrein or uny o�h:�.�r�i.�lresti l.cnder dc.rignates by natice to Barn:'»er. Any nmice pravidtd for � , . . Y�
<br /> •, '�, � .' , :ic��tu4,5ecurity tn�trument �hall t+e deemed tis?.r•`�e bcen given to B�rrawer or Lender when given a+ provided in this �. ' _
<br /> �.. f . ';... "
<br /> . - , ��?�a:J�. . , -
<br /> ba:tr�veraiag law: Severabilify. 'I'hi.Security 1n�uusn,�t tih�ll bc gavcmed by federal law unJ thr law of the i �•'
<br /> .'.�. - - � .
<br /> ; jurisdi������in which the Fraperry i�:ic�cuted. In ihe event that��,:�?x*�vi.ian ar clau�e of this Secudty Instrument or the Nate � � -
<br /> . � • canfliccc tivith applicabte law.�uch canflict�hall not uifect otC�;.�r�n�-•irivm af thi.Secudty tn�trument or the Note which can �
<br /> � ��':'c�; � be given effect withe.��z,the conflicting pravision_ ,To this ei�,dc'3�7t�pravirionr af tbi�5ecurity lmirumeot and the Note are ! • .,
<br /> �',Jf .• __ , •' declared to be��er���,., ,.:; . .:.• `'� •• F . : `
<br /> , ` � '' lf�;ffir�t o�reR�1•�*t'pY• Barra«;cr�hull t��.��r��ae cunFrs*�,d rapy af rtl�:,Yate aaJ[�t thi:5ecurit��f:�sris*nent. ; f,.-..
<br /> >. . . ',1.�': �r`
<br /> , ' � �� , �;f°.�'caanster of�e Propest�cr�A Neneflci�'.�5�;nterest in.!�;3mower. If a!1 ur any p�an.�f�h�Pra�acci�.,nr��r:.g intereu..in' i ,,.,,,,;rt,,,,�e,�. ..
<br /> � -� . �`�� � it i4 sadi3S�x transferred'Inr if a b�,�a;liv.af interest in parro��cr'r`..nld��r tr.�nsfcrreJ and 1�m.�;},wt i�n�r=�,�ltural pers�m i j,� I�Y, ,'s ef :
<br /> ~ .f•; ;t•.: '
<br /> . •, �. . without Lender's privr writtcn rotry:v7�'I.ender may,rt itr npti�m.requirc immcdiate paS°*��1 brtnll�f�lt�am��erured by ,�.��f
<br /> .,�...k�`-r..�. �;:: F this Securiry lmtrument. Howcver.thls option shaU no1 hc excrci,cd hy l.cndcr if exerri,c��.�S:rihiNited br t�derAl law a�ai f _ '.;:rf4��:l:ron".•,':7'..:
<br /> ' " �'��'���� •r• the date of thiy Security 1n.rtrument. '"' � �
<br /> ' ti �� r � �,�,�.
<br /> . i�.'J•�'{:'•a. � . . � �:.
<br /> ��;_,,.;,� : (f�.ender exercises this apti�m.Leoder�hali givc 8uao«•cr nrnicc��t'arrelvr.�teon. The naticc�hatl�ni4•ide:�peti�x3 oF � '�•�.,;"'=" '
<br /> . ? '-'� nai tess;ifna�3(1 dayy Prom the dat�lhe notice i�detivered ar�r.r'c�!wi�hin�vbich Burrower muN a�sdl.tunc yecured 6�:sl;i_.� ''"'`�'4`:`.`
<br /> p } }„ �, , .t}€<ey,:
<br /> . Secuqly Gr�trument. If Bona��•er fait, to p�y these .rum�pri�:r�+5 thc rxpiratiun of�hi+�:rie�.Lender muy invok�:i!}y, i :. .;t;*''`
<br /> •� � � reme+ii��imitted by this 5ecurity Imtrumcm without funhc�c n�>ti�,:ar drmand��n N��nucccr. • %;':•..,; '
<br /> . '. ' � I�.`�f�oerowe�'s ItiRht tu Iteinstate. if 13unutiver mee��cenain cunditiun+. Nurru�cer•hall hace the right tu 7a�� !
<br /> ' ;r , _ enforce�tent af this Sccudry In�trument dik<mtinucd at any�timc priur to the cadirr uf: �a►5 day.lot�urh nthcr perioct ay i •
<br /> 4�. .��C.r•-.. . , .�'.
<br />. - ,:_�y��;��"'f�::, " ' � Sin;elrF.und��-FynnirSl�e�PreddieSt:kl.�iF1)p�/1�STR1qf.Yf 1'�:,��•ruil'u�en.mt. 4:41) rya�c�J„/��pai•�i.i � ,
<br /> ,<j`•j;'ts�;� .. , - . � f ?�����r,
<br /> ..�'�j{��"+(�i; i • , f _ . . . . ' ( ., ���i•
<br /> i . 1'..'��: , �,�J`ti�� � i� . . �. . . .
<br />_ . . . 3 . . /' - � . � � ' . .
<br />' - - . _ � . ..t. . , :<+. `'FJYt�' �.. . � � � �.. ���, - '�i''- � . - .. _._. .__. .._ -:- -.,b,..-ri � '-.t� ' ' ..
<br /> t� ~��,�:SI1�h � ''.��(�•�` 1 � . '
<br /> �y. � . .q., . � • '�.'i�:�� � ' �: .
<br /> . ., '�y ' . . - � • ' , • - . - �' ' � ' � .' r;.
<br /> . . :��-, , � � . . . ._ . . ' ' . � . . ' � . .
<br /> ..t`. . ' ��. . � . . . . . ' .
<br /> ,.t.' . . . . . . '. � . . . , . . ! �, � . . ' . � ,
<br /> �: ' . . " . . . .
<br /> . . . _ . ' . . . . ' - .. . . . .. . _��� . -.
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<br /> � t - ' .. _.' .
<br />