� �: . .<
<br /> ,,� ; . . _
<br /> • �} ' _ i r�
<br /> } �� Y �
<br /> �k§:�� - �, _,_.•i'.:� -s :..�. -- _ _ -�-_ -
<br /> _:� } _.___ �..�.- • ' . — - - _ -�-- -
<br /> �t`1. . . .. . '� _ �
<br /> . � : , . a . s�
<br /> . - _�� . •. . � . . ���.� ��t7���� ;. . : ... :
<br /> p�riads thaCLentler�equiits.. '!be iastuapcx.cairicr p�ovid,'utg tAe ins�it�nce sls�li Ix eAasea by Barower suDje�to Leadqry
<br /> app�avaY:rhich sh:tl�ot be vncea�y witl�NeW. [f�Borsower ftils ro cnaiatain crnrerrge dacc�'bed�bove.Le+der m�y.at
<br /> :;Lendtra o{rtion.obtain coveragc top[ate�t Leadec's rfgtus ia t�e PmpertY in,acrnrdance vvitb p�ag�h T- _—
<br /> = — All iaswance policies acd renev►als sAal[6e ac�epcable to i.ender and sGatt inchrde a staridazd atortgage ctause. l.ender --- --
<br /> � — ._._.____.,1�1i{favethe�ttaiwt�tt�r�x�tictiessnc��znewsds..if�e�krm�uins;Barrow�eriitaiiprompt[yr8i`etoLeneTeraiireceipts --
<br /> ium. �f-n�tice.k-tn thae�rcnt�£ta�.�tow�shal!_gir•e pcom�notis�to the_�nsurance c.vrrier,aad
<br /> --- ---�- -�E��f� �w`' —-- _
<br /> I.rnder leoder may rt�atce proof of la;s if not ir.ade pc�omptt�r�y Bo►tower.
<br /> . Uniess La�da an�$o�rovrrer otAenvise agree in wnting.ia.�uaz�ce proceeds s!�}!be sppti�to�aration or rewir of
<br /> ° — , die ptoperty damagtd.if tb��estorauan or eepair is�c�lt� feasibie and Lender's s�rity is not lessened. if!he
<br /> -- ` `� cestontioat a zepair is not ecanom,icailly feasibie or Leader's seauity wcoWd be tessened,t1x insutance procYeds shaU be
<br /> �pp����s�ms s�umd by this Sccurity Instrumen�.whether or not then due with any euess p�id to Borrower: tf
<br /> - BaROVrrer abandons the Prope�ty.or does�ae aasw�er within 30 days�ratice fram.l.gnder that tIx iasur.utc�e caaier t�
<br /> = offerod to senk a cL�im,thea Lender may coUert the insnrrnce prix.�eeds..I.etidss may use the pm�ceeds to�epair or mstame •
<br /> ' tLc p�ope�tY ur to pay stims'secured 6y Wis Secarity Insbument:whett�erornot the�t dt�. 'IT�e 3U-dax pertod v�rill begin wl�en ___
<br /> ° thenoticeis�iveo. . ...�-= ------. -..- . . - __ .,
<br /> ltntess Lender and Bormwa otf�wise agne in,-r�tini�.�Y�PP��n of pnoc�Yn pri�ipat shal{not eatend os- _
<br /> , . postpone tho due date of the.tuor►thlY WYtnents refetr�ro itt patagFaphs t and 2 ac cbange.t6e amounL uf ttte paYmeats. If =-
<br /> uttttet parag.+�b 21 tii�Pto{xr�is acqrme�-by txader.Borrowec's•cigfu to acty insnranc�e poliities.and.priisecsLs resuiting ��
<br /> _ _ ��Se�-��OP�P�to the scqutsuioa shall pass tn Lender to the e�tt of the sums s��u�if.hy thls Security -,l _
<br /> � : •in.urumesttimmediaicly pciar.tn tlic acquisi6on. - �-•'
<br /> .:�` ' � �, QtesetR�ima:Majataiaoee aad ProtecNort uf.the Propectv; Borrawes's Laa�g Applicat�; `` =:'•`•yV�=.� -
<br /> �-; esta6tisd.and use the as F�'aaower s i i resfdeac wiihm sixt da s afteF;:. :. . _ �---
<br />'i•;,r,. �, Lesse6oldt Bottawe�siralfoccupy. p►'�� P�W1 � Y Y _,°:_A
<br /> .,` r-r` the exocutiort of titis�'L�'��stmmc�c[t at�shall cominue w occupy tb�c Property as Boaowec's princip:t!cesidence for at ":Y"
<br /> : .::�:�..':•_
<br /> �.. � `� teast one ye�.after ihe d�i�!Af oeeaP�cy ualess Ixnder aherwis���gree.4 in.xveting.which consenE shall not be , ._.-<. .__j..._.
<br /> h
<br /> •'�� unceaspaably withheld,ar ti�s extenaating ciscumstances exist which at�beycxid Li'ois�wer's camm�l. Bortower st�all not . � ' ��-.�.�'
<br /> :;;,,y.,_.,_..;.
<br /> • ' � deslmy.damagc cx impair the Pmper�`•allow the E'ropertY to deteriotate.or commiE vaia�te c�n the PtopeaS'. Barrower sis�l� .::,i���';,,-�.
<br /> ..- 6e in default ff any forfeiptre acti�ar pracceding,whed�civil or criminsl.is beguti c�iat en L�s gaod f�itb judgmeat _ V_�""•:, �
<br /> .-� -�.....: _ ____
<br /> '�'•���;
<br /> � � coatd result.irt forfeiture of the Ptnperty or otherwise materially impair the lien crea� by tbi�security ►nsuument or , -'''ti:•':.-- :--
<br /> _.>-•- ''r . � L,ender's securety(�tecest B6e,'mwer may cure such a defa�{it and reinstate.as pro�ided in p�agr.�ts 38.6y causing the aciion _. . __
<br /> � r��`� or praceeding to 6e disznis�d�th a ruling that.irt L.�,ti�'s gaod fait6 determi�iatia�i;:piecludes.forfeiwre of th�Boaower:s ,;t � -�°�`�_
<br /> ��. > interest in �he Froperty ar acFier material impairtnepL��f`t�e lien created by tfdti 5e�-urity Inctrument or Lender:s security - .s
<br />' • " � � intenest: Borrower sGal! also be in defautt if Ba's�u,�.'during the toan appli�.,tTC�n pracess, gave materiaUy faise or � . '��•--
<br /> _ �:"' . ::.'.�. ...'` �;.=�
<br /> � inaccurate�ufom�ation or statemenu to l�v3er f or faiti�:Ei pzovide t:�ir`s;�r with any�riateaal infomaat�on)in connectian with � '„eA__.
<br /> s �- -' - the•loart�cxd�ered by the Nate. inc[wfiii•r�,but not limited to.c�i,t.�;t�tiotr.s roncemit�e 6.oi�u�ePs cxcuPan�Y �f the ,.:-., .. � �`'__
<br /> ` � r.:; property asa principal tesidence. If thf�.��aritq lnsttument iti an a�rrs�ii:#3c�c�'r�v��e�;hail cu.�y with all the provisions- , - _ . , , . , ----
<br /> of th:lease. if Botrowecacq�ires fee t'st5e'w t�e Propect�r.the leas'ehaIil''�i�u:'C�ti t�ttli��liail not merge unless Lender agrees ;�f`� �%---
<br /> t�.'. � �I�;: '- �� -
<br /> .,: _-:� ta the merger in writing. . ;. . �` � ,: •.�;�. :. � �fr _�'_
<br /> ��-�';- 7. 1'roteetian ot fam��?sp��,� �ta•ihe Prap�eity. If Barnnwer f�itx�i,��;it�:�,r,,? the covenants and agreements , �tt:;�'k,!:- ' _ `:
<br />_ .,A�.Y.`� . '!!bY"�!... : ' . ':.-:-.
<br /> �� .: .+��t,;` : wntained in this Securi "�L`►�ririuitr.�is''•�;i1`,�;';is a le 1 ra�eedi that ma s=� .�� ��.`i�t i.ender:ri hts in the `� ''vy;�}q�,:�h�,��.-.
<br /> , •s,....f r. /�,,� t5'�;`-•.� . y'��,Y � ^ €� P �S Y�-!�,. .�� p � ��+'r'l��;� :.�':� E ,�
<br /> [-!{� rt �l P �W7�.1���it_ � D �'�..�ti�,.`f .,l�t
<br /> r=, -;s.•,�,-. pe y t-uch as a (OC2��7Jii i7S.� �(IIlBT�.for candemnatioa or forfeitut,�or,o���;i�wz or re ulatians),then •�• t� • _
<br /> ',�. � ,f�f.«�: �...::;�-=::_
<br /> - . Lender may da and pay.�i:�,�u��a::i�;a�:w.a�:��acy t��n.�..tect the value af 1he Property,ziai�;��`s rightv in the Propetty. f`'{ , _
<br />. ,'� £-�.'-- =-z ' y `'�.^�� -' .:,'� • • '%s's: P t} . � tY PP� S . ��;i:`�:���i.�.' _.. :,
<br /> 4,ender's actions ma in-rfi�u_r�yy:c�xc �,-an+Secu??-S i' �a liert tivhich has riori •ave�this Si�.sri lnrtrumenb a rin
<br /> , :!� ..:J r�:--�"� in court,Qaying rea�ona�1���;�n"�'eys fc'.s and ent�.+�,��i�i;the Property u�make repwirc. ;4tthaugb l.ender may takc action 'i��yi:1+;�;' '��
<br /> . P�'� p 'c�snot:��,,> � .�.,�« • :..��,
<br /> -. • - under Ihis ra h 7,f.i��r:�:.r a ,to do so`i��=
<br /> :-;:�:,. , ' '��-;m'. Any �mkq�r6s di�b;i�3 by Lend�t.�i;t�er thi�pa.•agrnph 7.ha[f:l�ome sdditional debt of Borrawer.ecured by thiti � •
<br />'`�`..,i;:'�,{ '"`•:.-#• ,�. Security irt��:ni. Uu%�s�orrawer art�txnder agree ta other tercns,��f�{taymcttt.the+e s�mounts shall hear intcrest from the '�` :.,��.' -�'.,,.,-'.
<br /> �; ; %� ,�;_;;� date af disbunement ae t�:;��Ce rate and sha11 hc payable, with inte:��t�t�pan s�,ai�a:p`cam l.cnder to Bcrrrower reyuesting � ,�
<br /> � - �. ` . �: . .•• ;. ., ' ` ��y'�j) t' .
<br /> �i, �'.'.'rd':Yi11CIll. ... . , l
<br /> • , S. Mortgage Insuimr.� If l.ender reyuired mongage in�urance ar:�co.�i,iSaFa�s��:�:naking Ihe toan secured by thi� , '; -�;hs�;.��� � • ,
<br /> � •:,�'� ,'.,���- � . �:�inwr.�ncc in cffect. If,for an • '� F%���;_>. �
<br /> ; .. , �.,.-.S'�udty lnstrument.Rotrawer`hall pa�c th�Pui ed b�rLende rla.rc�or�ccahe�'i�iir m �t�a.�:;.Bnrrower shaA a �he � :';'��ep:'+`�� , :;�j��11t,=.�'
<br /> Ff�i;'r�•:•r ;•�_'-�•` �yr,a.�. ;�reason. �he mortgagc in�urancc co ec;�;�i. cq 9 P . P�Y : ;�,���1^�, J1 �,��:,
<br />�f�..,/:��..r :.-i..:�; � . ��- � �
<br />:,_�::t�1�;S;�� :�j.:;,�:�u,:;�t . ., .,::::�remium.c reyuited ta abtain coverace�::bstantially equivalcnt tu thr mortgagt i,�:,�ia:ar�rxtn�ia�Sy in effecl, at a� cotit � :��f,";t • , f��
<br /> r.;;.t4,,� •-;;.,, _ ;_.�Jt��, ,:..,,. .;. ,�bstantially eyuivatent to the co�t ta Borrawer�►�the,:r��trtgage in�urancc pmvioy�I;F..���-;se.;.�;n�n un altemate mnngagc ' ,�yL:';:•,.a', , • • •
<br /> -f i-u •_. .� • , ..
<br />, ,r .. .,,= , ,:,•'.' ussurer approved by Len�ec_. f�+ubstantially equivUte,�:�.��;�tgugc intiuranrc racrr,�e ia;int avaitatife.8arrow•er,4haA pay to . � ' sYs��;,��rE •• .
<br /> �. .E°;�� ' . , 4J..yj ,"'`-;'_3,%.
<br /> ��,�;,,�f. �;,.. p.`ndcr each man�h a�ar1s�a�L;al to one-avclftb of;thr;rewi� murt�gc intiuranc� p��am heing puid by$a:r5�?�a:t'•�vhen the " , ���l,�',�•, :;.r,�,'�
<br /> �"'�:+=�� . •. msuranee cvvera ge Ia p s eA�tceaxed tr�he in effect. t.ertG�'�will accept.u.rr un�i n�ain lhe�e paymentti as a tas4�:v:rse in licu , ,,.��'�Y�.F' y;.:-.�.;
<br /> --�z._:.� ; . . . ...-,.t... .
<br /> ���,,.;;1 ` of martga�e in.�urance. Lors re�er�•c payt��:nt.may no tungen c�r��.uirud.at the upti�n of I.cnder.if inurtguge in.urancm.` �:.�•,.•��"".,t�. .
<br /> � �'q��'`- ' cmerage tin Ihr amaum and for the pensxi that l.cnder require�►protiidcd by an in�un:r appruved by Lencler again hecame� ' � •
<br />. . �� ..,. .
<br /> '•?-�"•`, �• �;.�vailabfc:�nJ i.c+btainccf..$orro«rr+h•rll pay�hc prcm:u:nti rcquircd tn maintain murlga�c intiurancc in cffect.or tn pmvidc a - , �4.�,
<br />' - `�� . lii•:s reserve.until Ihe reKciremen�for nxmgage in�ae.ui«�nd.in��ccordancr�ti ith:m•��cittrn a reemcm bei«rcn Rorrow•er `k'°+��•,.� �
<br /> � 5 S �:�j.y;;��,y.
<br /> %' . • . �.nsri3lxnderor applicablc law. , ',t.-,,1,.,. .� .
<br /> . f�,;,... ' ' � 9 #�.;pt�Uun. Lcndcr or its ascr.t,may mahr rca;onablc cmri�•.apun and in.prctiun,ui thc Propcny. l.rnd�r�h:ill �'{';a 1:t : ;�.;.;;,,
<br /> . '." . �ive Ba�rci�e�iioticc at ihc�imc of ur priur t��an inti�xc�ion.�xcif�•inr rcu,onaMr rau�r t"or thc in.yrr.�tiun. y;%�;r j:r ,,,�;��,;`;:;la,
<br /> •+�'::_. . ,�•i•;°f`y`� �,,�,,,t,.:,�.;,�.
<br /> t0. �:o�tdemnali�►n. 7'hc puxc�Jti af any uuurd��r claim f��r damagrr.Qircrt ur can.cyuctuis�;.in connccti�,n with any ���E;t I.I?(�• 'V ��f��,�.t,yr
<br /> �t..���- . . . �
<br /> ��h�s'('.:•
<br /> ' . timet�1•em�l tannk�laetr�dieNarl'�IFIlIt�11�ti'1"Ni t/F�T--t nitormCu�F+r.ml. 9:911 �p�icr.{.,jr,p„c�.i 1•"ftr..f�,r1y 'it��
<br /> g::�'�, _. } Gn•.tl latr.kccr,n�Fnrm..Inr � f 7t\i' , '
<br /> �„''i 11'1��;:•' . ' . � f..i[�rt�,a9 IdA+U.:ib!1 i �., . .
<br />.,,�titi�f�;;'y' , . , l:s'. t 1\bll:i�fl t1�s1 . , .
<br />:+5��.; .'t}� '.i `�`" . _ • ' ' I � '
<br /> I�;I;jr�'t�,'.�� f,��'� _ .. I, .
<br /> . ,� i.7�it1��' .. ' .., :.a.,,vL:.=.._ . . .. . . . .. . . . . � . ' . . ... . . . . . • _:.. . _— ' .
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