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<br /> � - ..y�. - � .. . .. .�• {t��.:fiiS-iT''.:" :j - - _-
<br /> L�' , ..�_��'.�}. � .Y./� ��1M�i�^MCi�'� � ... .....r..�...� _ . _. � >._
<br /> . .. —Rlit�ifi , a ' ... . _. _
<br /> •....
<br /> ,�i�` � . .4� . .
<br /> �i:• , • .' •� �• _ .
<br /> -_: ��r.:... _ - _a � . �. � ,. : �, . .. . . . . . - � . j� -
<br /> . . ',
<br /> ,.- .:.: . : . _.. �� . ... :._.. . ..- ' . 1 [�
<br /> .— . . t.. ... , ._ : ���� i��V�� .. . . ...
<br /> i,�]'ICi�C�iW mia►S�OClfjt.fC[�0l���0[O S�!'Of't�ll.••rYr"',�QUlS���i Q01Yti O�S�C�ltl I�IIS
<br /> _ - Sa�ty In�u�en�or(D}tcutyr af a judpne�t eofoceing t�is 5ec+�iqr�. Those cond�tiaas aoe-th�t Bor�+nwet: (ak
<br /> pys l.aidec alt�4 w�icb tbeA woWd bc due undx tf�s SecuritY�umene and the Note a4 iE no acceleration had
<br /> _�;- -----�(D}cu;t4 an�r defsuItof�dlxrcovenants ar ag�e�nents�:(c)pays a11 eupea5es i��uted ineafo�+cing this Soeuiity
<br /> [n�oma�t,iaxluding,bu�noi lmviced co.ieasanabte aa«neps•fee.s:ana(�taYes sucii acaon��m�y�s�s�biY--= - --- - - -
<br /> - - __�--�— �ta�auce th�t t3�clsas�tl��,ritg-tacuu�IBOd��s_ng�igtl��v Y�d Bonower�uW�gat�on to pay tha - - - --
<br /> sums secoced by this 5au:iry Instnunent st�A caatinur vnchaaged Upoa reit�tatemrnt 6-y-i�ocio�-tlus�Sea�uritY-- -- =i
<br /> ins�t md tbt a6tigations saured ttecebg s6a1#rem�u�futi�t effective aq iE no�ceetetadan 6ad acceursd. Howtvci,this -- ----- -�-
<br /> rig�t to teinstau saaU eot apply in the case og acaleration imdea paragraph 17. � _
<br /> . 1!S�It d Natr,Cial�t o(I+o�Ses�ioeG 'li�Nute or a Qa�tial interrst in ti�e Note(togt�er with dtis Sep�riry =-
<br /> IostivIDeal)N3y bG SD1d oOe ac I�Oie tn�1l5 tNi1h0111 pflOf ilOtlCe tQ BOtTOwCf. A sate may result in a cbange in tha entiry „�_'.°
<br /> tlntown ac the"Lvan Servioer")t�t collais monthly WYments due under tha Note and this Sea�ity insuument Therz atso • �'--_—
<br /> •�- may 6��e�ma�e ch�nges of th�Laaa Servicer mmelated w a sak of th�Nae. If�m is a dwnge of the Loan Se�viar. .
<br /> � Laa �;,�_ =-
<br /> , Baruwer ailI b�givea writcea notice of We changr m aecord�noe with porigraph 14 above and applira6le taw T6e norice �--
<br /> r; r.�;ri.-��n-
<br /> w�t stats,tAe.m�and a�of tl�e new I.oan Secvicer a�the addtess to which payments should bt mad� 'l7te notice will , ���;�.�___�__
<br /> � "= H aL�:caodtai¢eayadgtutfbnrfadont�equindbgapplicablelaw. � �:; . - �-�r, - - --
<br /> ?�. Hargcdat4 Sub�s. Boc�owu shall not causc or pemut.tbo p�senc�:use.disposal,staaSe.or re�ease ofa� ��`<,�' ' � r
<br /> �acdous Substatues ntt or tn We P�ape�ty. Boaowe�shatl nat du..noralinu�� eise to do,anYtDinS aff�tia�tine c �• `��,�.:
<br /> anYa�` :���,f� �, t°-:
<br /> _ � prupec�,ti�t is ia;vii�ioa of any Envimamental Law. 11ie p�ecediag cwa senteuces sir�tt not apply to the pr�ertc�us�ar ,,r;,,�ti:�.,. s =
<br /> �'+: q� tobea �:�!;,� T ����
<br /> ,� � � swcage oa the Ri�uf smalt ti6es of Hazardous Substanoes that are generaiIY�ecogtiiud PP�Pn�tn nottaa[ ; ;.,�;` ��s.,._..,_
<br /> rtsidentiai ""` it :�. ;; ,{};:. ,`
<br /> �', . oses'�ip�i�naeaance of the Pnnperty. ; .,�,,;` ��
<br />� ,' �.,_, Botmwer�,��t]'��givel�enderwrittennoticeofanyim�estigatiou,ctai�.demaztd.laarsuitoroWerac�ion'dganY 'i :ri1:��- �:��=
<br /> ` � = gova�ameNat oz r�oig�axy ar Pm'ate Partq inv�nlvin�the Pioperty and aay I•La�tdars Snbsfmice ar Eavaaamcrrtat - .. '.',;� __
<br /> : '�"'����`:- i.aw of wttich �-c:i�;actual lawwledge. If Boccnwer tez�nts.ar is nobfied by any go�re�tst�rbgul�eocy � ; �r`,>��� ,_
<br /> ,� • , � autbdriey.th�t auyr��iQ`-�;'�r other temediation of any Haraidous Su6stance att'ecting the,Ptoperk�i,�rieeessary.Bo�mwer'�� �:� !'_
<br /> - sha11 P��PUY������al actions in ac�cadance with Favi�ocuaetu�l.#a�i. , " � ":� _
<br /> :� ..,..;�,;;;;`-;` As used in tLis p�:�."Hazardous Substances"are t6ose sabstaac�es defuts��.as toxic mr hazardous subsin�ices by �,:d; , _- -
<br /> . : t;'�f'`�`'�" � Eaviconmental Laar�il�.�:i��j��wing substa�kes: gasaline.icerosene,attigr fi J�or toxic peuoleum pini�s.`toxic ��::• -
<br /> �-,v—
<br /> ;__... pesticides and hec',tri�3�.yv+�i�le solvenss,materials containing asbes�s or fo�de`Fiyde.aad radioactive�Is. As • . �'..,`T--
<br /> . R...�.__:��_,- >:.�-_
<br /> . ased in this par�i�Js:.��irirann�itat Law"means feQe[a{laws an�II Tas�s of the juri�ction whete the Propetty:Ls tocated , . , . .
<br /> _ that relate to heaGd�:safeiyi,s�eaviranmental pro[eeaan. ; .,. , . � . . -
<br /> " • NON-UNI�'OAI4it3a�AN'fS. Bomnwer and l.ender fiather cavenant and agrec as follows: �` � . - f-�
<br /> . s�.�: • ,' Zl. Accekrat�oa:�paDies. Lender s6a11 give oMice to Barrawer priar to acederatton folbvriag aii�wer,s .. ,`��
<br /> , . _:,•-�. .` . . breaeh ot Any coveaaat+�i�p'amrnt in tl�Securlty I�rwpe�tt(but not priw to aocekmtion under�pb l7 . �..,;--
<br /> ;� :: ,rt j ,�,`�;; , wkss applicabk tavv ptv��itks otherwise). The notkt sUall specif�;�(al the defaW�(b)the actipn�eqo i r±e�.�t+EVre t�e � , , `
<br /> ,, s ' f de�satt:fcl��nat less tban 30 days ifroeu tiK date iMe nolicr i��en to Barmwer.by��e d�t mnsl6e . � �
<br /> �,f:j(`� s,{�<<,`��'�€r;(T`F;�' ��vre�z,bria�tgEh t�at tailare�acare tlre default oe or 6efare the date.y�ecif'Kd in the ootk�nGi��ia s+ov�tion of ' , _
<br />`.r;;f;��;�','.- �c� ..r,4 � ' Dy,tbis lostrumeataadsaifeat3�c 77�enoticea�Wtardli�infor�i4Tu�rssn�werat � ;.� � u
<br /> t_f. .;� ,,,,,;��;r�' , }tlk��� �J' �P�`� . _ �r ',
<br /> ' - =;�#�� s .i�e����tate aRes=tiaa��uiatbn And the rlgbt fRnil�i�4s court actba ta i�s+e+.t#l�e nan-existence uF;�d��ult or �>.��,k::'r<` „ 3
<br /> An
<br /> .t ��``a. :snc�'.��of Ba�er to acrekralloa and s�:�'t#rc detault is�ot�i a�os 6efore the Ante�ed in , , �y`� . Y`
<br /> �;{.,. ' •. ` � i�!i�m��rat i!s a�s�may require immMiate p��aeat im .�C&'a�all sQins secured by tbi�5ecudty lnstwment I i ���. • �r��+��`�
<br /> secu
<br /> ' �; � rrid�erct►t�:��iefiand aod may inrake the porver ot sale aa�.s�other remedks permided by applkable law �,.�•�;•
<br /> fi�er sLa�i�16e'satitkd to rnitecl all expeases incurred in pursuing thr remedies pravldcd io thts paragraph 21, � . . ,.:. .
<br /> iatidluding,but not limited to�rsamnable attorneys'tas and costs o�titk evidenc� • : �•
<br /> ' � If the pawee ot sale is invoked.'tlrustee sha0 recard a notke ot default in each catnty in whicb any part of the `
<br /> ' Property is tocated and shall mail eopie.c of sucb notice ie tLe manner prescribed by apptisable law ta Borrower and to '• `°, ;_
<br />, 3��•.;, . ' � , the otber pessonv prescribe�by appiicable law Atter the time required by anpUcabk taw,7Yusta RUall give pnbtic .;° `
<br /> � ,.: n o t i c e d s d e to t h e p ersons and in the manner prescri6ed b y a p plica6k law 7lrastce.witbout demanA on Borrower. • -'���;;`;,;_
<br /> ' �"� ' . :�r;'r s6aU sell the Pro rt at.pao�alk�uction to tfie h bWder at the time and tace and unQe�the h�ms desiRnated In � ` , .;J/;;.3F
<br /> . Po 9 � P r.1��.,.t�.
<br /> + ��•;� �•��` � the notles of sak in nne;roQ,�ncs parcels and in any ocder 7lrustee determin�. '[,lrasiee may postpone ssale of Ail o�aay : � ' '����•, .
<br /> ' y��S���t:, �, .,;: ;�," '
<br /> .` .,�,�s 5,;fi;��, •: parcel of t6e Psoprrty��.��it announcement at t6r ttirnee aad place nf anq p��sly ticheduted�ale Leade�o�t�s � 1i..,� . ' .
<br /> �.�lr`7X ti ' ' �,'�'.�.�� .
<br /> desigaee nwy.p�rcMase t�IIt+�Derty at any sale. • , � ��.�°�.�
<br /> .,�:�• '� ' . • Upon.es�mdi�tC ctt paytnent o�the prke 6Id,T►m�a�:��A.�E1 deftv�w the puirc`haser 7lrustee's deed coiv��rfng tde : i �``�'"� .
<br /> .-�;� ��:. . . Property.'L�e i�itala in t6e 7lrustee's dced shall be.�i�a:�e�i'rd�uce at the tcuth of the s7atements ma�e i'bete3r�. • .
<br /> . �r 7Yustee shttf�iy the proceeds of tbe sale in the tal�riar�'..,+qn,�+r:.�ta��io a(1 costs and expen�..w of exerc�si���is�"`.�� � .
<br /> , ':i�• . . . , ,_ . ,; . ,
<br /> . , , .
<br /> �_: '. : � , . ,
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