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� '� - . ,y..a�•"t.e`7'^P!�� -�%r�r ... ,,,�H" .. � <br /> � . • _ <br /> __.---- ,� .'�y.. �,���� <br /> —_-.-° �. � �_-_b�.-. __,...:.. a� y-•1 . ..��.s.w+ 61�JrR�J51c� . jHf fi�',R •��',' �•�".�.�a <br /> , — <br /> .... r...� <br /> .. . ' <br /> __ . _.� ._.. . _ . -- <br /> .. <br />-----°--- �. . . ., ,.,_. . � e1I6.W , . .. 'k.. . _ .. c.,' �.- ��--- - _--_ __ <br /> ^' " � /�1+ ��M��1�' �Ir11/F Mf1�e��R�11�ri� 1�I11��M'��/L y {r�� _ — <br /> , . �1�r i�11�M Ii�M�1�.,.4��1�10�11 w�.�r1A'�II O011r� M/IA►�t 1� . ,�:_, <br /> __ .. �OOdf�-�:�t�I-�.�.�.-'!�-bsl�w��tir�iri■I.hlr�la�[�t�" .,,�'=. <br />_ i�e i�r w�ei. 'IW Yiw�c+e�► Mu�i N�N e��i��ne�wi��t�o t�iii�i� _°`��' =— <br /> �� " . �- '�`.:.-. <br /> ' wYc�i�a1 M�rorlMa►wiiY1Y.•�iw�r!!i b�wiri�vMw�M 4NOriM�w'�. l,�rMt�. �t t�'� ,.. <br /> a�1io�,aMi ao'v�b p�w�ctt�u�do�'��i�w i�tlie hap�ely Ip aoot�dwo�i�wye,tl7. ; . <br /> • A��P����al.�N+�M So Le�d�t�M�WI i�Nd��a�1rid �oay���. Lir <br /> ,. iN 1NVe t6a ri�At to iield M pdioi��rid n��M.!t[.eM�r rpuira.��aMw irU�1ue�npdy�iw w Lwlar{i11 wo�M�d <br /> pid premiouar�ad taeie�aotioe�:ia tir srMt of iow H�Wrfl�ive p+�tpt notias to tAe lowr�aa car�ier aoa l�nde.r <br /> � 1�1tl�r Nt�y nMka p�twi at'las it sot na�de p�pely 1�Saro�w. <br /> udas sarow�a�oqbc�e.p�e in�rid�.hwranoe pooeedt.b�u be spplba eo neMo.�lioa or r�pMt a die <br /> PropatY dra�od,if tMe nerlontian a np�ir is eoono�(CaNy faiibM aud larler's�eairity U rnt Ia�aNd.U tb NeM�Mioa a <br /> �p�tr i�t not vonnomic�Uy feribie ac I.00der's�oa�cAy w�wld 6e Ic+Ma�ed.M1e iarur�me p��eedt rnl!Ife rpplied b We au000� <br /> �eaued by d�is Saa�rity in�apE,+w1�e�Mar a aa d�n due.�rIW auf►e:oes pid a �ocrv�. U�►rrower�on die <br /> i� das not rrwa wi�i�3a dr�s�wlbe ho�n Imder tlut tl�e inwtanoe c�tti�ar M�dksed w�tik�ddm�dkn <br /> I.�nder may oollect the(�e Po�ee�k.. I.arkr urY u�e the pooeed� w rep�ir ar n�w 1�c P�ope�ty or to pwy w� <br /> �oc��ed by this Security hts��MO�nt.�r1�eWer or oot I�a�e.'!'he 30�d�y paiod w111 be�=rrY�N�aotio�a�,�ira�, <br /> Ude�+t lada aad Baiowe�z oN�xwiu �oee f��rri�os.+nY �PP����P���b P���t�ad a <br /> post,po�p tpe dae dwa af the iaoalldy p�yme�Mi e+cfeno3 b i�p�� 1 �tl 2 ar cR�pe Itie�oo�af tLe p�ymenu. U <br /> under puag�21 t�e lnopaty is aoquirod by Ga�der�Bartow�a's dyht 1a rp►bawr�c�e pa4c�e��od p�ooeed�c�aidde�bow <br /> d�ge w tbe Propaty pria to tUe aoquiddon�Iqll pa W t.aider to tbe e�qait of dis�a ra�ed 6ar d�S�auitY Irt�wt •, <br /> - — �Y Priu�'Iu theac�qoicftian• <br /> f.Ooeop�c�,P�aa�tio�,M�Intap�noe�ad Protectlo�a[tre Ptopert'i Bon�+�er'�l.wi Appilcafio�t Leridiw <br /> Bormwer sh�ll oc�cupy.atablisf�,And use Ihe Pmperty� Bomower•s principd�etideoce withia sixt�C d�ys aRer the e�u�lion d <br /> thi:Security i�uhvment�nd�hall aoMloue to aowpy tho Propetty aa Borrowa's prind{wl reiideacc Wr�t lak one ye�r�1et . <br /> u�e aate or o�cupan�y.maas I.adcr«b�wl�o agrea�A writia�.Wnica��ns�c.n�l�Qa ue w,racon�ly wiwnd�a,o�r w� <br /> eatapuMir�g cinu��tanoes exist which �te beyand Borrnwer'c ooruml. Bonowa �lull �wt datmy. daam�o a' imp�fr die <br /> Property, dbw the l�taperty to detetiorme. or commlt wata an the ProQerty. Bormwa �all 6e in defwlt it aay iu�fe�ura <br /> �ctlon or pmceeding. whethor civil or crirtiinal, is begun th�t in I�aider's guod fdth judg�amt ooald nwlt ia forf+eellp�re ot tbp <br /> Proparty or utl�errvise auteridly impai�the lien oreatad by�hia Sxurity In�ruman or Leadu's�ewdlty iatercat.&xrow�ar a�rp► <br /> � cur�e wrch a defatlt and rei� provided in para,g�h cau�ing the aoUon or proc�eadiag w be ditmissea wlth a�uli� ::;a., <br />- that. in Lendet's determinatfon. Pnxludea forkitura of the Bomower's intetert in the Prope�ty or atfia � : ,� �� . <br /> �...,;� <br /> - imp�aimunt of the licn ct+dted by this Secudty Instromem or l�ender'a axu�lty Interost. tk►rroaer�il dw 6e in de�idc if '� ' <br />�-"` Borrower.during the lan application process.gavo m�terldly false or inaocurrte infornxuian or st�tanaqs to[.ender(or fiiled <br />- '•�'� , ' to pnnvide Lerder with any mate�sl infora�etion)io �fon with the loan cvidenoed 6y the Note� inoluding.but not Ilmitad <br />^'• to,representwtions oonaming Borrower's occupancy of the Pruperty ag a pdncipa!nesidetrce.lf thlc Secudty Iactrumeat ia on� <br /> - leasehold. Borrower sl�ll comply with all.the prnvblona of the lease. If 8omower asquirea fa ti11a w tba Pmpetty�tbe <br /> ' leasehold and tha fx titk shall not merge unless Lendaagras to the merger ln writing. ' <br /> •7.P�+ntectlon ot Lenda's Right�in tbe Properiy,I f Borrower fails ta pert'orm the cova�anta and agrouneAts wnt�ined ia <br />- ��'• �� this Security Inslrumerx,or there is a legal pr+nceedi�{thet may signiticantly afl'ect Lender's�ights ia the PropeRy�(quch rs� <br /> •_;�._ proaeding in b�nkn�ptcy. probate. for condemnation a forf'eiturc or to enforce laws or regulwtiona). that I.ender moy do�nd •' <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the valuc of U�e Properry and Ixnder's rlghts in the Property. [�eader's �ctions a�qr � <br /> � �; include paying any sums secured by a lien which hps prioriry over this Security Instrument, app�ring in rnurt. p�ying <br /> �'•`�`�'; rcasonable attomeys' fas and entering on the Properry to malce rcpairs. Although Lender may wke acdon under thit par�w�pY <br /> � 7,l,ender daes not have to do so. <br /> Any amouncs disbn�sed by L.ender under this p�ragrnph 7 shall become additianal debt of Borrower securod by thb <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and i.ender agrce to other tcrms of paymcnt.these amounts shall bwr interest fmm tLe <br /> dete of disbursement al the Note rate ami shall be p�yable, with intemst, upon natice from Ixnder to Borrower requat�n� <br /> 7�` PeYment. <br /> S.Mo�tgage Insurance. If Lender requireti mongage insarnnce us s�condition of making the loen secured by this Security <br /> � .;�.,�„ Instnrment. BaRawer shall pny the premiume requical to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any rcasan,the <br /> ••«<��:•--r� mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lepses orceases to be in effect. Bormwer shall puy the premiums requirod ro <br /> ,'a�;:....;__. <br />,.-� � obtein rnverage substsuNially equivalent to the mortgage insurunce prcviausly in effoct,ut a cost substontially equivolent to the <br /> :•_ 'r.y, '�'• • ' cost to Borrower of the rnongage insurance previously in effect, from an allerrwte mungage insurer upproved by Lender. (f <br /> '� `�'�r•�5� - substumiall uivclent mon u e insurunce covera e is not available,Barrc►wer shall v to l.ender each month a sum wl to <br />_- _;e�a. ���; Y e9 8 6 8 {�. e9 <br /> _ ... , one-twelfth of the yearly rnortgnge insurance premium being puiJ by B�rrower when the in,uwtce coverage lupsed or eeasod to <br /> � : ��„� • az�, be in effect.I.ender will accept, use und retaia�ohese paymeats ug n loss reserve in lieu of monpage insurance. Lou reurve <br /> ��, '��'`'•:ri 4£�,<;, Form30Z8 9/�0 <br /> , �'� �.i��,�:�.�,.� va�a3o18 <br /> �� r��r4�;i�:;,.� . <br /> , . ti�,.. � . <br /> :;r., r.. ;:� — <br /> '',�4��f A.,�'�',S r _- <br /> e !•, �r+ci'';: ��" f .�..,o�� _ - <br /> s r ttl i .. . i{_� t s f�n. -.-.rr.+-�---�r-�.rc�r•��a+�'�^^^^"R^ . �,�':1 .�� <br /> .''Y}` . . , , .. _ ,,�...� k <br /> � a:�ur�z t-�. � � . � , .�. . �► �;u „ „ <br /> . . , <br /> . , .. <br /> . ... . . <br /> . . -- <br /> _ !:s � .,-,.. n l i ,". .� �<, -r� n-. i, ..I , �� .r�<.1.����Yyfelt� �.��.�a.�.i��m�i..e',,. r.. -- ---. <br /> � . <br /> . � � <br /> `t . • .. , <br /> Y, •�„ - .-. . . . . .....�.� � '_ <br /> .]I�'�mrnL�v�!� �.• • •• ::.,, -_,-----�-- ..�_�—_ <br /> _--; -– -_ �� -.- - -_ <br />