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..�.._._�.— _ . . . , -� . .. .�.n...• a.� :Fi ..:�ti. :• l;;�wo w�h�. r. _.� ,• ..,.., ..��- <br /> r�=� <br /> .. u M� i .�����.�+�wsa'7�T"��'^"^�� ,�:_ _ ._ '�_�x:-- <br /> , . ,��� _ . �� ���ti�f�iM 4ww N�IR�f �.,.�.�. <br /> ... _��� ����� �� �•��.w�•==�_ <br /> �.n it101 �MMIM�IlM.w=�,x.r--_;:�.,�- <br /> �' " . � . -- ...._. • - <br /> __ � . i�i�d�l�drqt ks�t�■d� � � �M I�po1�i�1 Yq�qkw d i!�q►•��,wM�r ilir�;T,.. ::., <br /> ta�wr aWor�t��Mr otir�p�or a r�olloa�ol(yir�,!I�raMM ewe�c't.dM i�+1b�. " �. <br /> N.��. 71M�a'�ot a�q►�'a�ar d�l� 16r dlrrr�/�a,dir�ot orp���.ib aaaMatlos�wMY�1�r. . ° <br /> oa�d�tlon ar o�aki�af�rq�prt of dM Pro*wq.ait 1er oe�w�►a�o�b lier o[ rn tir�lry wi/�N�111 �`� <br /> �ilt bc paid In Latxler• • .. <br /> M d�o�w�t d s wW ui�i�ot We P�opaty.die pop�k i�lt b�pplbd to li�i�i�a�nd by IW�ea�ity 1a��r. . <br /> wi�ed�er or aollNaa due: ��ry axces p�id b Aorrcwr.I�IM�wst of a prlW airLK d IMs Propeeiy in r�iollMe lYlr <br /> awlret valae of 1bo P�ro�set�r i�tMdiMel,y►betore�ba tdda�h eqwl to a��a1e�tY�n d�s a�nouet at th�Mmr feau�ed b�rtbi� <br /> Searby ItMqumant inrned�dY�fore the 4tln��unleo Baro+�rar and Le�der athenvbe�pee in w�itie�.d�e�Mowed bY <br /> d�i�Securhy Inanunaat �bdl be �ah�ood by the ao�onat ot dia pnc+eedi a4uhipliad by tbe fdbMinj 1Eactioa:(a)dM eoW <br /> �aannunt of the amr wcnr+ed imniedi�tely bdae Ibe Wcins.divided by tb)the fdr m�rlcet v�lue of tbe Prnp�ayr inmed�dy <br /> betore tbc pkias. My b�lu�oe sbd! be p�W to BaroMa.. ln We event ot a patW qkin�of die Pmpiryr iia,+r�ich da bir <br /> a�rica�value of tUe Propaty immedl�tely bdfo�e�Yo b�tin��lea ttna We ivaown of We wm�.a�ot�ed i��odiirMty beloro dM <br /> tvdn�,anlw B�xmwa sna Laid�a ad�cnei�e.�nx i�n wri�ar�as�ppiic+�lc Iw�w�a�.►i.e�aa+�cloR,tlr�e p�oa.dM�11 <br /> be�pptia!a etic suar�eaued by this Sawit�r I�trMmeot w�eN�or�ot tMn s�oa�e d�a dre. , <br /> if'd�e PcoQetty is�b�da�e�by tlorrawer.or if.dla notice by ltadet 10 HorrowsT tMt the oa�de�anor o�to�� <br /> a�r�d or renle��cloim fa dao�ea. Bormwer t�ils w tap�nd tu Lenda witbia 30 days�Ra dre d�te the aotk�a k�i+�. <br /> �st�der is an�Za:ited ta co!lect and�ppty tha pnoc�eedR,at its apiom,sithcs b t�iot�or i+Cptir ot d�a P�opetty x to tde� <br /> �ecured bp this Saca�ity I�ruma�t.wlKttier ar not tbea due. <br /> Udeu tender aad Borrower aherwiae a�roe in wrltiqg. �oY +�Pplicatian of prooeed�w prindp�l �ll not eumd o.r., <br /> pos�pone tb�e due dale of t6e rnonthlY P�Ymr,nts rcfer�od w in para�nrphs 1 md 2 or chaaQe the pa�ouat of a�cY p�ymeds. , ;;• <br /> il.Bon+ow�er 1Wot Rderea;Foebea�s�oe�y I.eMdn'No��Wdvea B:tea�ioo of tbe time for p�ymert�at moditicuiaa <br /> of amonizotioa of Me s�aas soanod by tbls Savrity I�ruiaeat granted by Lender w any suooesaor in iateres�a��orcmvcr�II .;�� . <br /> not opernte w relaue the Ii�biWy of the origiu�l Baro�qvdr or Homnwa's woceawis in u�oe�a�t. �nder ehal)aat be requirod w , :,� <br /> ��ce procadin�s��ury suooes�xx ia iatercst ot refiue to ezteM time for paymeu�at t�thecwlse modjt�amo�tiratjoa <br /> of the cuau xcu�td by tDis Secauity ��t bIr �a�son of any denaM amde by the origioel Borrower a Bormwa'� <br /> wcoessors in i�. My�fabcara�oe tiy L�ender•iq bxercisin�airy dght or raoody.�W1 aat be a w�ivu of a proclwb t4e • <br /> _ exercise otaey riElit or,�xwady. . -: <br /> - 12. �s�!�s�; .�at tsad Se+�e�a! !�!!l�r;���� +eQV�eata agc!egst±�a�ts •�P±�!� , � �,�. <br />- Secw�iry Imnnrarcnt shall bind and benef'�t the wocessors atd a�of i.eader,wo�►tJ.8oarowcr. wbJoct w the provi:ioas� • <br /> �agrap6 f'F. Borrower's coverwnts and �g� sFwll be joint m�d serara4.�,�ay Bonower who co-dgm tbi�SeWr�1y. <br />- �nstrument but does not eaecwe the Note: (a> is oo-signing this Secu�ity Instrutnc�t oaly to martgtige. gratK wid oonvey ttut <br /> ' Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument:(b)ia not personelly abligated to pay the wan <br /> secured by this Secur�ty Inurumenl:and(c)agrees thAt Lender and any other Borrower may agrce to eatend.modlfy.forfiair or � <br />- nwlce any accommodations wi�h regaN ta the terms of this Secur�ty Instrument or the Note wlthout that Borrower'�ooment. <br /> 13. Loan Clwrges. If the loan secu�ed by this Security Instrument ia subject to a law whieh sets nwximum loan chuget. <br /> and that law is tinally interpreted so that 1he interest or other loan charges collected or to 6e collected in oonnxtfon with tl�ee <br /> - loan exceed the permitted lirnlls. Ihen: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount nacessary to reduce the clwge : <br /> to the permitted limit;and(b►nny sums already rnllocted from Borrawer which escceded permitted limits wil l be refurded w <br /> Borrnwer. Lender may choose eo moke this refund by reducing the prfncipal owed under the Note or by mking a direct . <br />. payment to Borrawer. If a rcfund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a pulial prepaymeat wiUaut any <br /> ':� prepayment cherge under the Note. <br />':� •�ii„ 14.Notices. Any nodce�o Horrower provided for in thi�Security Ins�rumen�shall be given by delivedng it or by mailing <br /> it by first class mail unless upplicuble law requires use of another me�hod.The notice 4ha11 he directed to t6e Property Addrasa <br /> r"��:.N;�,1 or any other address Bormwer d�cigtu►tes by rrotice to Lender. Any naire to I.ender shall t�e given by First class mail W <br /> ''�;�i����:�`:� Lender's nddress slated herein or uny other address L.ender designntes by noticc to Bormwer. Any notice p�ovided for in this <br />= Securiry Instrumem shull be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this parogrr,�ph. <br /> 15.Governing; Severabflity. This Securiry Insnument shall !ie govemed by federal law and 1he law ot 1he <br /> ,�,�,:;, ju�isdictian in which the Property is locutod. (n the event that any prov isian or cluuse of this Security Instrornrnt or the Note <br /> y,� •- g'+d��'���• conflirts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affctit other provisiun4 of this Serurity Ins�rument or the Nae which can be <br /> :� , '�"�: given effect wlthout the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument end tl�e Note arc declarod <br /> +•`?"���-� " ' ta bc severable. <br />, • ,. .,..�.., . ..,;" <br /> s.r�;.;�;••�?..�..• l6. Bonrower's Copy. Borruwer.h•rll be givcn une wnfurnuYl capy of the Note s�nd of this Security Instnament. <br /> ?"'':",,:,:•�2a fam 9028 8f90 <br /> r: ��. .-,.-— ,; <br /> . . � 1�'f '.. Pp�4 ef B <br /> Y,'�. .;+�1�4x' <br /> k-:�,':: <br /> ''.� • ;�, <br /> �.. `.l�. <br /> �•.�.L.�1�af. <br /> , i•: .� <br /> , •t , <br /> 1 � �is � <br /> L'R1r� __ - __ _-_ <br />- �� � �/ rF� i . :Lt4 � .« . . • . �t .:F+r i � �) - .. <br /> > . � nZY'� rr-�`" % ++.xi�e��v� - �-- �_ — <br /> a ti�`�OGS� ,.;?:r.� T 1, . r�r_ • . _ _ -j �- . �1 �! '� - ��QSa�a.v _ - . <br /> {�� t � i t. ! :ir�� . �.� �i ��'„ki�9�-��o. Q� <br /> tl �l�)�11���..• ��t'_a �1.������'.t •`r. .��� A !?=VY � � �— <br /> . �� <br /> �� �y. ' ' 1!•� . r /�Yw <br /> � � <br /> lit*�E�_!et�:�s:J ti.�1J '._____ " �.' .t]_ ' .�1.1\,J _ ____-/.,�_ .__ !%._____._ sif!VaL��;a' - <br /> � .' . , � ' • . _ _: -- <br /> -• _ __ <br />-• � - M1 4 � •r�'r�-1-.--_ ' __'__.'___—___. .____ _ ��-,.��»�I-.. ..F �d <br /> ') ,� ��,. 1775,� <br /> t , , ... �.'��: -�� `'�"�' � ,a + �r <br /> �ir;�tc •1 ' :�}`%t. `'• '� ��.�>.� ,;�+ .�*'�`��l �"`-" _ <br /> '� , `�',. I .". J . . . �-! � . ... .. . . . �� ... ���` �L M�`"- '� <br /> ��, �%� �I.�h � ._ x�':. <br />__ t_ c { l��+�i�-1�j '.� ��}� - tO,- :���— , _ .. . '����'_ . .. - - . - ' --' . -_-,- _ 'i_ ,. .e. � . . I��' �.Y�,xn.: <br /> _— - � . ��.�+.-:�'r--. J - - -..,___'.' . _' ._ '._ _. -. <br /> .e�..i`:,.4r'iud1�:'i, ' . ' , . . .. -- .r_ .:'?-. <br /> �:�Cni:.M�.i�[��A�• . . .. ��• .• v . . ' . . 11 „ � � -.. . ���^�� , <br /> ��r..��S'`4-6�. .�;,�-. � - n . . ' . . � . ' . <br /> --- �,,V�� �� y� , , u � .. .. <br /> {rF � �• ;�: . 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