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.�_ <br /> �r�ew .. • . .:,P-•,, , _,.. ......_..,�•yt�!'d. . .�4+Wy�1!�4''v''+�r..s�•Lr..�^7�—_'.`.-�.-____�_..- <br /> ----' . ..__. . _ <br /> ._.T.__-__—�,.._,,.,_. _ ,.._ .. .._.� x '.'?.;''lt:`:-YI _._ __ -- -=!is. n!i._� - . .._..._. rr1..4•, e - - — - .-..--___--. <br /> - - _- VI w1���M��t��A�i��.�N����A�� . <br /> �� <br /> nbww eo. or Mr./Mr •Nt ar rM �y. AN r�i�e� .� .ewio�. �M.a.f�o a. oowa+ b�r Mo�r . .... '�, <br /> L�.wM./Watr.��'����.�/1al�ii�f�eirlt�l..r..wc,.ia'!l�a�eyr.• .. _ �,_ : _� <br /> � --- �OR� .�'�",:�.�it�rM�y�atdfl�cee�ln.e!+!�►�se�la�die�apr��- �� �;,_ <br /> oo��r Nw l�e�ry�d 14d IM l�r�r�����/�o�o�s d�it,tanoMr wrr�rl r� . <br /> d�wd paa�l�y tbs dd.a dw ti�t�►�i�rt au d�a.�d�tM:wbJrot�o�q►..o�w6� noo�d. <br /> 7li1.9 SBCtyRt1Y L1�IS7'RUI�tBN'1'aorbiMS�nitbnn oo�s fo�rtio�l�s rd w�rrrifaM oiww�M��id�liMi�1 <br /> Ya�i�111qt b�r jIpl�liaiiMl b pO�AIMM11 R�Ibl�100MI�ty h1�11M�110t 001►�f�f�l�I�M1y. <br /> Z7�RI1�C�OVLr11t1Y�.a00ZOWp'�LiC11dG!QOYC1f111!���lE 11s�lA�l�: <br /> 1. !l�M�!w lM�L'1�1 i■r I�lle�ii �l��/ra 1'Mf..CYr�M' pDe011e�aWl� P�a��lly IMqr MMM d�01Mt <br /> prlocipd ot Nad hMa�at oa t�e debt evidenoed tiy d�e Nob�od aay prop�ynba►�ad Ire cl��ps d�e uader d�e lYau. <br /> 2.!ri hr Tia�w a�I�wr�oe.S�je�t m aPP�ic�ble Vw ar w a writlea waiwx by Laider. Bonu�a�rWl pqr b <br /> c�enaler oa die dn►mo�thlY p�y�aea�q�ne a�e w�aer u�o Prote,w�til d�e Nae i�pda ia tnu,•.am('Fwd�")tar(a rsMip a�e. <br /> �snd�masmeob whicb m�y atuia priority ava d�is Sec�i�ity Irot�ument n�lien aa tbe Pnnpa�ty:(b)Y�Y�d P�Y� <br /> or�mund rents on tba Pnopeity,if aay:(c)Yar19 hwtd or ptopaty inwr�noe p�mivan:(d)3"�Y��P� � <br /> lf�ay;(e)Y�Y� ��P���i�wy:md(n aaY�P�Y�ble by Borrowna to I.aMkr. ia a000al�ooe� <br /> ti�o provisio�u of pa�r�ph lioo ot tbe prymed of�ocf�t�e irwranoa pamiva�s.7'hae iteaaR Nro called"F�c�r ile�' <br /> LreMer nnY� at airy time.edleet aad Mid Fuods in an+�oMnt uot b exoaed We rauinowro�ot a ieioder�or a tede�i . <br /> ndatod a�o�e iaaa m�y �aq�dro far Homnw�er'a asn� a000��nt uoder t►o fode+cal Ral Fa�e Senleoaeot Proc�drunes A�e1 af <br /> 197���fram time to dme� 12 U.S.C.Sectioa 2601 er srq.('RESPA').aola�aaoWar I�nr tW�pplit�b d�e 1� ` . <br /> •eu a laser amo�uK.If w. Lader qy.rt�ny tiroe. oo11eG aad hoW Fu�4 u w w�nouot not.W exoeed Iho la�v amo�1.' <br />_ _ [.adK ffiy�t!x��f F�ii�e ou dx!ra':s af cnrieut e�ala mad i+�le�9f e�ntes a�lhteie . <br /> R�,m�v itema or otl�viue in scmndmoe wllth applic�ble law. � ., - <br /> 'tlie Funds sMll be Aeld in an inslitutjon whose depoeit�aro inw�ed by � foderal agd�cy. inap�dity. or a*itr <br />� (including lrader.if Leader is wch�o iastiwtfon)or in my Fedeal Home I.oan Bank.l.ender tball qtply the Fwd�io py�Illo <br /> Escrow I�. Len�la mry not chu�e tlotrower for holding�nd+�p1Yln�the Funds.anmu�y�mly�n�f6e e�no�v ao�ouuMit:�ibt . <br /> — verifying�he Escrow Items. unleu l.rnd�r pays Borrower interost on the Funds snd applic�bk law pem�ib L�endet w m�sa►� . <br /> a chargo. Howeva.Leider m�y roqufrc Borruvrer to pay a one-time chatge for an independent n�sl e�pte�a�c�o�NrK ser►be <br /> -- used by Lender ia oonnection with this loan. unless �p�plicable I�w provides atherwise. Ualas �a �iee�si�dt is mtle ar � <br /> ;- applicable I�w roquircs interat w be p�id.Lender slull not be�oquired to pey Bormwer any ine�rst or a�i�jq an the Ei�od�. <br /> - Bomower and Lender:nay agroe in writ�ng.however. th�t interest slull be paid oa the Fwds.l.ender sl�wll�ive w Harow�a� <br /> :^ without ann�wl a�000unting of the Fwds,showing crcdits and debits w the Fuada�nd the pu�poie fot wfiic6 eaeb <br /> ,�: �w ti�e�un�is w�si�de.'ii�e Fwris are plaiged t�s addidats�!uc�ity far a!!r.tttns xcatsed by sl�t�.l�. - <br /> If the Funds held by Lender eaceed the anwunts permitcad to be held by qrpfic�ble I�w, I�ender sf�ll qooaWoA�to Bonow�a <br /> '�j�t� far the exoess Fu�s in�ccordance wlth the requirrments of applicabk law. If the wnount of the Funda Ge1�4 b�I,eader at aoy � <br />`�"" time is�mi su[fiCierlt W pay lhe Eso�ow Ilems when duo.Lender may so notify Borrower in writi�► spch;a�Barta�wer <br /> "t <br /> `:� .�::�, shall pay ta Lendcr the amount necessary to make up 1he deficienry. Borrower sF�ll mwka urp tbe deficiau,y ia ao'aor+4,�aM <br /> -. +':R� �. <br />_'r. twelve monthNy l.ender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full uf all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shell promptly�fund w Borru�v�a any <br />� Funds held by L.ender. If,und�r parograph 21,L.ender shall acquire ar sell the Propetty,[,ender,prior to the�oquisitian or sde <br /> of the Property.shall apply any Furds held by Lender at Uu time of xquisition or sWc as o crodil o�ai�t thc wm�sea�rod by <br /> , • thiR Securiry Instrument. <br /> ��' ��.x 3.Appllcadon of Payrnents. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments rxeivod by Lender utder p�ragraphs <br /> �,„_ ��^;,'+,, 1 and 2 shall be appliod: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under p4ra�raph 2: <br /> ';�t���"� ��� � interest due; principal due;and lust. to uny late cha�es due undor the Note. <br /> -!�'�'"'���� '�" �` 4.Clwrges: Ltens. Bornnwer shall p•ry all tnxes. assessments, charges. fines and impositions attributable to the P�qx�ty <br /> y,�.,-.'.,.;.�• :•:�: <br />-,w.� �;,��5;;,�;. �v��-, which may ae¢ain priority over this Scrurity Instrument,and lepsehold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower ahall pay <br /> '�•• �����; these obligatians in the manner providod in pamgruph 2,or if not paid in that manner, Borrower shs�ll pay them on time dirextly <br /> ;:5F,: ,,.:••: ; ��;: <br /> � ;�•��`°• y;;;��';,..' ta the penon owed payment. Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender ull noticex af amaunts to be paid under this para�ph. <br /> , .,�t._, <br /> •f"�""" '� ••� � If&►rrower mukes these payments dirertly,Borrower sh�ll pmmpNy furnish to Leac�er receipts evidencing the pAyments. <br /> a,.�y � � • Borrower shull prompUy discharge uny lien which has priority over this Securi�y in�trument unless Borrower:(a)agroes in <br /> 3��'��'�:'�' ,r�'•'i writing to Ihe payment nf the obllgation secured by�he lien in o manner ucreptable w Lender; (b)cuntexts in gaod ititti the lien <br /> i` ��� `�� by, or defends uguinsl enforcement ofihe lien in, legnl prcxeedingx which in the Lender'ti opinion operate to provent the <br /> • t f�,:,;. <br /> - �.. '�'•' "���,.,,i <br /> ,,,r•r : '�' enforcemem of�he lien;nr (c),ecure5 fiom Ihc hulder uf the�icn an�breement su�isfuctary to l.ender subordinating the Ifen to <br /> ' ����:�" +}•°�'�• t this Seeurity Instrument. If Lender determines�hat anc pan of the Pmpeny i,vuh?ect t�►a lien whirh may auoin prioriry over <br /> ,;,�;,,. � •,.° , <br /> ;�, �;;���; this Security Instrument. LenJcr may givc Bnrr�►wcr a n�Nicc identifying thc lien. Bormwer xholl sutisf���he lien or take one or <br /> �: 1,x�•°� more of'the actions set ti►rth above within 10 days of Ihc giving of nonce. <br />. ' . •;;7:�'•+. fotm 3Q28 9rao <br /> `� T��'-----='.yf�i:,- <br />. . vap�7 0�6 <br />- ���'f;�1.�^' . .-,i, � <br />.. � . . . ',,,. <br /> . <br /> , ; , <br />-.. ' .,i.'...�7 <br /> . ' �,.�+�4'r,•F 9 <br /> � \Y �`1'l }�' � <br /> . �r , ; �t�t � i� :Z. �, , . •�"_-�i+r�����t�tlArj I.+_ ' �_ . .. .__..__' . _ . . ___... .. _ <br /> � �'•j��r� �� • -� 1 •� �t ��• .. -�i�_:��� '!:`)• ! r -� 1. -f , 1���. <br /> ' ( •'•Il,� '��i . !� 4�' • :; l.� • �� '�;�;i•i'' 1`i�,�;' } f �. <br /> '{ � ,t' �� .;n' (;.?::i:•;, ! (::{: ) ���! � 4 � � �"'y, rrk.-. �- <br /> ,r1�'. ,� { �- <br /> _� �_�ti;,^. . �,,- � ,.� ' •�f,.. •.I t 111� �����1�� �1� � h�'kti,'•t�- •:..��'i►Jt11�i� Y�,.r- �i.�{:��L�Y..�.ati-"' <br /> --� ' c � . . . �;,'. � .I� . 4 1 r _ � � ct� <br /> _a�_---- _'�._::.:��_ > 1t'ttt .tar' .w�uSi�.�4if1 <br /> .:��` � , , -, - .i.^._.—_'_''_—' " _':r_- '�'_ ' ,� � .7- - i�� � '•�L�t� P. �'���tiau��r;ru.�—aeaawxi�. . . . .. _. <br /> � ".`1,r . � '' ,';'' ' � - '�ii i1 , :;i'T�� �''Fi'�i' t�ftFl� � ���'''' n -._.. <br /> l ..r . � �� � ' � ' � ' � � .. . � � � � ����. ~ ��_;w <br /> :f.;����' ::�;�;�� ,c. �: <br /> .� . .,�j,;; . , - , � .., . -e•�; �a.u..Fl+i-a <br /> �_ ' „ '.. _ _ '. ., � , , � , ���'�.... : ..: ::.'c:`..'w..__ <br /> .j�.. <br /> .�.. �~ � .�.' ~'n= <br /> �� .:i ' " . ... .. , -. .:jaj: <br /> I � ' . .. ' �' ',".• � . . . , . � • ..- <br /> �,� . . : • , . .. .. • ' . ' <br /> '. � : t�� � , ,. ., , . � . 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