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'M��w.�����w�.�t��b� R�r- � �� � <br /> - - _ � �!` _,w�aa�1�i l�owr Y�a�i��it�t�i,� .- '.- __ . <br /> a�i�ii�. �.a�i�Z+�ii:'"w� ��i _��.�.'���.. , <br /> r <br /> J�q�pOlktM��l�MrM i�ll r�IM�i��'Y�4�i�i b �li� ��■�r ' <br /> idt Awe Oit el�t ioid tl�polic��d�www�wl�. t�r wqrine� . rh ��iw re� <br /> ol p��3d pra�nt and re�ewal Moti�a�. ia�he ewnt of la��.Sart�r�r aA�ll jiv�p�a�mp_ W dw i�era o�wlw�11� � � <br /> l�i�r. 1.wiir iairy n�p�oaf of bw N�ot erd�t P��M�7 bS►�w� ' ' " <br /> lhden I.e�der�ad Honro�rer od�wi�e�pqe jn we�.imura�ae �ba a�plVd.�i ralo��tio�vr wpdr d ' <br /> n�y d�nu�ed,if dio�ion a rep�v h eoonP�llr f bls �d L�ndai� wcwity i�Not M�e�d. V 9w <br /> or�epur i�not eooirwnie�lly tadbb ar L�alderl��eautity w�oakl 6e bae�ed.1b��p�d�ivt 1� <br /> .ppuea w dhe.uau�aoa� 6y ad.securiry tn�nwn,wl�tl►er or nae d�en aua wNn any a�oe�.pw ro 6orraw.r. tr <br /> �n�owa abwado�u.d�e Propetty.or doa not w�wlthin 30 d�y��naticd fbam Lender Ilwt the iaqaanoa aaniR INa <br /> dknd b ae�ie�cl�rt.then l,aKier a�y oollect Ihe inwnu�oe droceed�. La�dor may o�e d►e prooeed�p�ur ieMoro <br /> We Pno�p�aty or eo pa�t�securod I�r t�Sacurity ln�niaaa�t.wMie�h�or nat than dua 7Ue 3I1�►Y P�� �� <br /> Ira�otic,�e iis�iv�n. � <br /> Unkas 1.a�dor aod�ower aharise,�ec in wri�,+Nny �c�tios af pr,aoeeda ro pincipRl e�adl�ot�M�d or <br /> poap000 Wa due d�be of the.,oarhl9 P�Y���o in p�n�1 and 2 a cW�e�he rnow�of�e P�Yo�n�. If <br /> w�der p�agr�pd 2l tbe Ply�ty is�oqaWed by l.ender.Bonewerh ri81u to�W► iosu�ce Polkia�nd poceed��aak�i� <br /> from d�ma�e w the H'a��ty`Ptior to tho aoquisition�hdl p�ss w I.e�der W tbe cx1e�M af tbo+�a e 4 ti�e d by tl�S e a r i t y <br /> _ In�ument immedluely prlar w d�aaoq�itan. . . <br /> -.; ` 6. Ocen�. Pnaer�law► iV•Wntaaaece �d P�ntcd��ot Ihe Prqieryi Baro�rerle I.wi A�Ynfiwr <br /> ...-- �� l�aieehdd�. Bonower shaU acupy.eatabpsh.�nd use the,}'�operty�a Bamwah pir�cip�l raidarca altlt�siatx d�yit�Aer <br /> tme eucWim�•f t!,'a S�ecuti •In�lrun mt md�ba'R o'oonia�e�n occupy Uie Piopr�ry aa Barmwa�princlpd aesidaoce tar u <br /> .° � , � �St ane year after d�e d�reK of occupwicy, uo.:�c it:enda oti�wi�e � ui writir�, wGicL �xwr�ii �iwti �wi ba <br /> -- ' 1�b1Y withheld.�'unleaa extenuating circumstancxs exist which rue bayond Bamwer�caatrol. 8onower eMlt not <br /> �Y.�Be or impair the Property.allow the Property to deteniaf��e,or commit w�ste on the Property. Barower:Mall <br /> 6e In default if any farfeityre acNon or proceeding,whether civil ov,cPinnina,is ba�un Uwt in l,e�derl�good faiW judg�aait. <br /> couW resut[ in forfeiwre'aP 11��nY or othenvise'matedally �nPair the ltaa cie�ted by this Sec�uity Imtmm�ent a <br /> I.a�derh security interest. Barrower may w�e such a default and rei�.wa¢�.ag prov�decl in paragr�pl�18,by cawiqR t�e actfau <br /> or proaediag to be dismissed wlth a ruling L.cnderl�good fafih�terminatimp,prxludes fafejuu�e of tt���brrnwerl� <br /> interest in the Propeny or otha mAterfal im�wimunt oP the lien c�rea� ttds Security Ins4rumrnt or l.en�terh socudty <br /> interes� Bomower ahall also be in defuult if Bamnwer. durin� the Idan applIcation process, gava mateti�lly false or <br /> inaccurate infomiadon or stuements to Lcnder(or failSd ta provide L.ender with any material infum�ation)lq cpnnectiaa wIW <br /> the lam evidenced by the Nae, including. but na'limited ta, r�presentations cancemjng Bo�o,wer�o��aacy of d�e <br /> Pmperty as a principa��esidence. If this Security Instn�ment 1�on a kasehold.Borrowu shall comply wilh Alp:tbe�abviaians <br /> af the lease. !f&xs+orxr acquEces fee dtle w t!x Pro�::�,'3�lessel:old ursd tt:e f�i:tlt sUs!!c�s mesre uNe�,��s+ees <br /> w the merger in writing. . <br /> 7. Pnotecdon of l.euder's RigMts in the Property. If Bqrrower fAils to petform the cdvenente and�agiama�ts • <br /> conWned In this Security Inswment, or there is a legal procoeding iha�',mA� signiiica��tly affeci'Leader�s dghte ia the <br /> Aroperty(such as a procoeding in bnnkruptcy.probate,for co�emnation or forfelture ix to entorce IAws or rcgulatfona).then <br /> l.ender may do and pay for whatever is neccssary to protect the value of the Ft�peny�Lcrrder�rights i�the Aoperty. <br /> Lender5�actions may include paying any sums secured by n lien which has prbrity aver t is Security Insttumetk.appear(ng <br /> _. in court.paying rcasonable attomeys'fees und entering on the fhnperty to make repairs.AUhough Lender may talce actlon <br /> w�der thie perugraph 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under this perugraph 7 shall become addiuonal debt of Barrower se�ured by thls <br /> - Securiry Insdument. Unless Borrower nnd l.ender ugrce Io other tertns af puyment,these amounta shall bear interat from the <br /> ___ date of disbursement at thc Nae rate ond shall be payuble,with intene4t,upon notice from Lender to Borrower teque�ting <br /> — paymcnt. <br /> 8. Mortgage insurana. If Lender required mon�tage insumnce us a condllion of making the loan securod by this <br />