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. � , �. .t' ' Tr ��•� �i�n-.+.�� . . <br /> __ a.�,. :��e � —_�� — <br /> — — . � . . . -'r',_'rr-f, . r �j; '*::�'ti�hMr IL �K'1� F_r'.�.iaY�f�t+...=— _'_ � .— .. .__ <br />.__�_�� —`J'-- .. � .. I.'. . . - �. � , . . . ... . . I , •--'r—.)v' -iri •--` <br /> ' � ��' .ir M'—_ <br /> , ,i <br /> ]�1�i�'fM dl�Y lq�ow�ri�ao+r r MwM�s wrtr�a�dM wo�►.��•����0'�+ ; ,*� � <br /> .. . .i�7��Fliiai.�iirw'�ii�i-piK i�f i�t�q�y� A�i'����.?�.---- .. _�'�'��^ <br /> — � INMrwrw� ItI1�M'MNipi�i�/i�{�ie�w��s- i�iir�owil'�I�wW�r�"�re�a"p�q� .. - , <br /> dO�ItO�Y�lt�1!�NAN'!'�dw�+�i�MwlMly Miri d dr ww hei'e�r ao�w�d ad Irr MN e1�ft Ni� � - <br /> Nd oanw�r 1M a�d d�t dis ltap�ty b re�d: Ibr���d �on�owK�r�erand <br /> wW d�Md j��1i tlIM b 11M Aop�etr a�M�t di el�rd�ndt,w�j�t�o wY�d r�oad <br /> IiwiMd v�idkliva fo��� �canainj r�ed QroP�erU'• ���� � <br /> UMPORM C.'�OV6NANT3. Bonnwrr aadlw�rdir oowinqt�nd yroe u idlo�w: ���� . <br /> 1. !��f l�e�i�dpl aMl LM���erti h"ip�l�aM LM�CIMr�.'dar�w�x�11 po�apdy P�Y <br /> �d and iMtneq on tha debt evldwiord by Wo l�ale�qd m�r p�np�yrnent�nd N1e�r�e+due wid�r ibe�Io1a. . <br /> FIMi�r'MM�a a�i L��aa. Subject roapp1 I�w ar a a Mni�x by L�a�der�Banower�bW p�Y b . <br /> I.a�der ao Ihe d+Y�Y P�Y�u�ua due w�the_f�l b�wrUil t6o Nae�ie tuU�t�wm("Ii�ds'�htr:(�)Yaaly <br /> t�uca�ad we�menq�fiid�atiy aqdn priaity avar thi�Secudty Inqtuma►t�s a liea on t6e Prapeny:lb)yeWY leueleold <br /> p�ymmq a Sraund re�w m dre Pr+qia�ty. it any: (c) Ya+ulY hv.�d«P�P�Y firnranve preaaivax; (a)yauly flood <br /> in�u�noe aay: (e) YeariY�f+wEa ��P��� if any; �ad(4� � PsY� bI'Bonowar 10 <br /> t.a�der.ia�000ra.noe wlt6 tne pmri�of pe�,r+pb 8,ia Ueu or d�e pymmt er'mo�tp�e�u�oe P�w�. '11�0 <br /> ioaa�an c�lled"E�cmw Ibma." l�a�der m�r.�t w�time.ooUect and hold�iu►d:ia�n amouat not w exceed tho m�ucLnum <br /> mwunt q kmder fat�fadmaUX �el�ted ionort�e W�n wy roq�ire for Aarowerti rnaav a000ant urda die federal lba�t <br /> F.�tatE Settletnent.thoced�ua Act od 1974 as a�nended from tlmc 1u tiaae, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RESP1�"?.unless Maofl�er <br /> law tlut�pplies a tl�c I#�ndt sets�kaxr aroowG It ma►Landet mgr.M any time.ed�t and IaW Ei�ods ip ao aaou�t oat a <br /> e�cceed �6e les+a �. I.ender rn�y eatimKe the �mouot of E�ak d�c m tbe b�of current d�q��rd�oM6te <br /> _ epuatta of expatdidmes of tLpne Escrow toatu ar otl�etwiro fa a000rd�t�ce with�ppBc�bia iaw. � . <br /> The ii�ndc�11 be hea ia�n iauitution whoQO deposils re inwiod by a fode�al a�ancy�jmtruaiaiuJitY•a�Y <br /> (includiag L.auler.if I.ender is such aa instiwNon)or in any Fakyn�Hame Lan Bmic. L�ender�bdl apQlr We find�w pY <br /> 1he �SCrow Ite�m. Lender rn�y not char�c Batawer for hoWing aad spplyfng the iiudt.annually aml�rzia�Iho� <br /> aa�w�t,or verifying the Fscrow ttemc. uniesa L.ender pays Bomowa intereat on the Wnds aad�pplic�ble law pamia <br /> I,erder w mal�e iuch a chugc. However,LeMer msy�equi�e Aormwer w p�y a one-t�me chnga fcr�o rodepa�dent nal <br /> _ eatatc tu repo�ting savioe usod by Lender in cau�ction witd dus lwn,unkas applicabk 4w paovides otderwi�se. Ualas m <br /> ,,.,. agroement is made or�pplicable I�w rcquires iate�e�to be p�id.Lender slWl not 6e nequired w pay Bo�ruwer�ny inDec�est or <br /> ;',� e�mings aa the H�nds. Borrower u�d Lender miy agroe in writing,howevu.tlut interat alWl be paid on the Piu�ds. l.endor <br /> H <br /> „'� ahali give to Bomower,without cbars�,an annual xxounting of the Ponds,showing crodita u�d debits to the Auids and the <br /> . purpose for which each debit a the�Lnd�wiw m�de. 71�a ii�ndR ue pled�ed�s additional�ecurity for�II wms securod by <br /> — this Security Instnnnent. <br /> if i4e f�ads heid by i..en3zr exc�ccd ihc at�atts gessnfisa! so be held!�y a�lkable� I�w, Lender sh�ll �ecoupt ro <br /> Bornuwer for the e�ss i�nds in ac�cardance with the requucments of applicAble law. If the amount of the Ii�nds he�d br <br /> '?:�°;?� i.cR�sr at any time is not sufficiem ea�pay the Escmw Items wAen duc.Lrnder may so notify Barua+er ln w�lting.u� <br />- such case Bomower dudl pay to 4encler the amount necessary w make up Ihe de8ciency. Honowar�hdl m�ke up 1he <br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at L.ender�sole discrction. <br /> ' � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secudry Mstrumenb L.ender shell pmmptly tefund to 8orrower any <br /> �+` ";:=;t Phndc held by Lender. If.under paragtaph 21.�..ender shall acquire or sell the Prnperty.L.endar,pdor w the acquisition a' <br /> aale of the IRoperty,ahall apply any Funds held by l.encler et the time of$cquisidoa or sale aa a credlt ag�inst the wma <br /> . '[�,� secund by this Security Instrument. <br /> � • • ,�� 3. Appikatba ot P�yments. Unless applicabte law pmvides otherwfse,all payments reoeived by Lender under <br /> � �,�, ���{.T y� puagrapha 1 and 2 shpll be any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts p�yabk w�der <br /> •��'�t"��;,�.�. paraj{raph 2;thi� inteirst due;fou�th,w principal due;and last,to any I�te charges due under the Note. <br /> �+;;,Z;c.,'.� :t� a a� <br /> ,.,���,���`ii?�,;� 4. Char�es; Llena Borrower ahall p�y plf Iaxes, asscssments. charges.Mes and imposidons�taibutable to the <br /> '���,ir,;,. Property which may attnin priority over this Security Instrument.and leasehold payments or g►cwnd renta,if any. Bormwu <br /> ' s.�,;..��� sha1�pay these obligations in the munncr provlded in parngrnph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay diem on <br /> ,, ;,.,..;� <br /> )�� ;r,_•�� r�"'� time dinecd to�he rson owed ent. $orrower shall rom tl fumish to Lender all nodces of amounts to be paid under <br /> ;r;#,�}r�� , Y P� PaYm P P Y <br /> .,,,;� ��'t„Z:.�N� Ihis paragraph. IF Barower mekes these payments directly.Bonower shall promptly furnish to Lender rcceipts evidenciAg <br /> •�¢.; ' • �.�; the ents. <br /> , u% ,�;;��:v�!�;���' . Bo�rrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry uver this Securiry Instrument unless Bosrflwer.(a)ag�+ees <br />' � '. �'"'� - !n writing to the payment of'the obligation secured by ihe lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the <br /> �ts,::�'�'�:•,::';. <br /> �w; ''�' Ilen by.or defends against enforcement af the lien in,legul proceedings which in the LenderTS opinion operate to prevent the <br /> f;;,.;, _. <br /> ,�, �_:���j�r,__, • enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of thc lien nn agreement setisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> �:iS�, �;-..,;, . to this Security Instrument. If Lender detertnines that any pnrt of the Property is subject to a lien which may ettain priority <br /> ?:��: • over this Securiry lnsttument.Lender may give Bonower�notice identifying ttie lien. Borrower shall satiafy the Ikn or take <br />„�i��� ��i�•�'•t,%� one or morc of the actlons set forth nbove within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> , �,_�`� '` t''Rs '� S. f#s�rd or Property Insurunce. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> ��t �.�.�..�.'�P::;. ,. <br /> • I�:;%<�' Property insuned againat loss by flre,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"und any other hazards,including <br /> . �:. <br /> � !��! ' floods or flooding,for which Lender requims inaurance. This insurance shall be meintained in the amounls and for tiie <br />-��r�:� . , .���t. <br />. ,^��`-':-- tbra1307M 9I90 IpoRe2oJopagti1 <br /> ..`., ;,,,r,r.'. <br /> i�t ' _, . �y��r�,!r'. <br /> ,���1p`°,�.,. �e}t�n�;t�„ • <br /> ,�'r,.�..�i�,�,�,.,.: •�;��`v <br /> );��6t1�n'•�.x_�' ..,. . <br /> .�.�,:,,,. v��,.• <br /> °�' �� t..N•r.rn,a. nw...,•.w+Aa...r'v � �:!n <br /> . ' � ��..._ .� "•' ��t4f�p.��}�t'�;",����� .; _ {i,''"�r r4�+vanr=�. <br /> ' ' 1i� r y �. <br /> 1, �(�:. , �g� y .�r� (,'•�l.p��.Y.�'����c:.uiraarr <br />_ . }�, ;J , `�•. - ' .. , .� i l� _ S�:��...' „�r +!^' E ,Y�'�' ` . _t. <br /> . "rm. FY'%' .�\�, . � ,+� ' ! �- -• _?.+.. `� i. / <br /> , ���'�'�:_�z.w�.rwi.°_•s:.,� 1 t.'- - �t-�� - �-� c�{t ..LiL•.i�L�.N3�St,ie�iL.7LIkL���1'.:�s. �'riu�-�__ '... <br /> . . . , . <br /> . <br /> - - . -�.1_ .. . ..�s 7++5��� <br />>i� 7it!7_`tJ.`+�4_.t+. . . ;^?�:F -.._. ___— _.. ___-- P�•:��•,-.;_—. I'� l: --__ �-.__— " ..`'1• . �L�1�� �' "`�'_ A•'S�rgfliT —. <br /> �Vci'ic�illxt�F1�(�'�{`� {, • � }}�l•�{ '.�}�-' . . r���i`f� � !.� i ��._- <br /> 1 r"��F}�}!.�}{R��"yt t' � . �fn��r if ti� �i. , . . � ,� ' , �r �� �Fn iea:�t. � ..! e`�"'.ye.��,�.-�_ <br /> } 4 f. , ., � , � . .. .. � �"�-.' - <br /> y <�`����?;p�i 4��,Ir��.; ; 5���},,:'•' ',�.; <br /> , ___ <br />� 4{ . r' f U-- r.'.i �, ,. 4� . .' • � - - - � a ,�wc"-'-:�`�.. <br /> �..� -;r. �� �41�'`�'�-1:- -- . - --'- ... _- .. "_ ., � - . . . I . . . � x�yrc'a3w.�,,. <br /> -- v �- �t .. _ `i . �i. • - .. . ,, .. <br /> ��� . . .���.�' � .. . . . }��� . , . - . �.;' <br /> .i1...•' , 1 ! <br /> -.,� .'�L; ' }r�. � • � . � . -��,r°;�.. _ , <br /> �.< ;'!. 1 ��',1 ... " ,� . <br /> .�x� t , . . , � . .. <br /> �i� • ' '�.�1�'�} ;�ir: . .. � ... ;' - ' - _Y . ' �t <br /> ��ie���.��Iti' `'il�fK ._ . - .. " .. 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