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Mp b�aos�11 b�p�id eo 8onrewor: Tn�Ms weat oP i pw�W I�as of ii� . � <br /> � lro�pwty ia whicl�die hir m�rlcet wiMs d die I��opNty i�di�edy b�tae da akb�it ia�tlw die�nor+t d dN�uws , <br /> a�cwed irna�eely 6afae Ihe � w�N�o sanuwrr�A l,ad�r adienvlb�roe ia �rtitina ar anleM�ppiiW�i�kw <br /> odiawbs pov7dw,the prooeed�dW(iie�ppli�d a dr�wns�rd by thir Seayity Io�Ml�har ar not tM aia�w <br /> �lf d�e Prnperty It ab�k�nod by Bamwer,ar it,altar nodoe by La�det W 8aro�er tl�t c�a co�dpnnor Mkt�to mrke <br /> +u��wud ar�epla�cWm far d�nu�d�Bono�rar tdlt ta n�ond a I.a�der wUhh 3D ti�q�s rAer�e dno�ire nolioe i��iven. <br /> I.ender Is wthari�md�o oollect�nd�ppiy the pooeed�.u iu option,��o roya�ar�ep�ir o4�bis Pro�ty ar m tbo <br /> anu��ocwod by Mb S�ciuity lnqnwnent,whether a not tba�due. <br /> Unlw l.ender md Bomower otlarwbe�poe in writin�,any�pplioation aP pooeods b pincip�l�II not exb�d or <br />: . po�tpono die due d�le oithe monthlY WY��rofarod 10 in p�r�r�phs I�nd 2 a ch�e tbe�ma�nt of such WY� <br /> 11. Barrawet NM Rtle�edi �� ��r I.e� Not • Wwi�er. B�c�sios of die Wne for pyment os <br /> modiRc�t�on At�rpoitizuton of�he:ums�ecurod by th��Security laanuna�t p�aneed br I.ender to�ny a�cowor in in�a�t <br /> d Barower shdl not oper�tn to�ka�o the Ii�bWty ot the arf=irW Bamwa a Bamowerl��uooes�on fn inlaat.Londer <br /> sIWl1 aat be�proquLad to con�ence�xooeedtn8s�►st�ny aroea�ar in intaat a�e�e to exte�d tima far p�ymmt ar <br /> odiawise dify�nordc�lios�f tF�o a�w�w aecw�wi by ti�Se�,�lry 1��'��t by r�ar�an ot any aanmtd msde by�se es'a�S <br /> Bonower a Bamwer�wcaessas in iale�t. My fo�baranoe by Lrnder in exer�i�anY�ht or remedy�11 oot ba a <br /> waiver of ar proclude tho excrcise of any rijht or rcmedy. <br /> 12. SYOa�on�ad Arlp�Ra�ndi Jdnt and Severall.iomflNyi Co��ay. The covcxuuus�ad�of Uds <br /> Secudry lrouument�hall biod�nd bene8t the aucas�an and assi�ns of l.a�dcr md Honower.wbject�o tho pnovuiom of <br /> p 17. Hortrnverti covea�nts and agieement�sl�ll ba joint and sever�l.M�y Barower who co-sigiu thi:Securlty <br /> L�t but doa not execute�he Note: (�)is co-signing thi�Sccurity Iradw»an only to mortg�ge.g�ant�nd oonvey d�at <br /> BaaowerS�intcrt.ct ia the P�+operty w�der the termx of�hi�Security lnstrument; (b)is aot peisaully oblig�tad w pay tbe wma <br /> aacu�ed by this Socurity Instmmen��nd(c)agroes tluit l.tnder and�ny ather Banower m�y�nee to exta�d.modify.fabe�r <br /> or mWce any accan�nad�tlrnts with regard to the tem�s of�hia Security Inctrument a the Note without dwt Bortowat� : . <br /> cunsen� . <br /> 13. I.aa C�e�, If the loen secwed by this Security Instrument is sub,ject to a law which seta m�ximum lan . <br /> ch�ugcn.mwi tiwt tow Ts Mwlly i�er�rctcc!so that tl�e�oslxr loan chsssss��or to bs�!a� <br /> with the Iwn exuad�he pemiittod limits.then: (a)any such loan charge ahall be reduced by�ha amount neces.wy to reduoe <br /> the charge to the permiaed limit;and(b)any sums already cdlxtod fiom Bonower which eaco�ded pe�mitted Wnits will be <br /> �funded to Borrower. Lender may choose to mal�e this refund by roducing the pdneipal owed under the Note or by mWcing a <br /> direct payment to dorrower. If a oefund�educes principal,tl�e reduction will be d+eated�,c a patti�l ptepayrnent wilhout my <br /> prep�yment charge under the Note. ' <br /> 14. Nntices. My notice lo Bert+ower provided for in thig Security Insaument shall be given by delivedng it or by <br /> mailing it by first class meil unless applicuble law requires use of another method.The ndice shall be directod to the Prope�ty <br /> A�Wress or any oUxr address Barrower desigoAtes by notice to Lender. My naice to Lender sh�ll be given by fust class <br /> mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrowec My notice pmvided for <br /> in this Security Insuument shull be deemed to hn��c bccn given to Borrower or Lender when given as providod in this <br /> �l�S.�Governlog Low; Severability This Security Insuument shull be govsmed by federal law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lacnted. In�he event�hat any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> contlic�s with upplicable law,such conflict shull nut uffect other provisions oF this Securiry Instrument or the Nae which can <br /> be given eflect wi�hout the conflicting provisivn. 7b thix end the provisians of this Security Inslrument and the Note one <br /> declered to be sevemble. <br /> 18. Borrowe�'s Copy. BoROwer shull bc given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Inxtrument. <br /> 17. 'Ihanster of the Property or s�Beneficlal Iaterest Ip Bon�ower. If oll or any part of the Property or any lntercst in <br /> it is sold or tran�ferred(ur if u beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transfemed ond Borrowcr is not u natural person) <br /> without Lender'.s prior written conr+ccnt,Lender may,ut its option,require immediate paymem in full of all sums secuned by <br /> this Securiry lnytrument. However.this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by iederal law as of <br /> the dete of thls Security Instrumen�. <br /> If Lender exercisea thi�op�ion,l.rnder shall give Burrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of <br /> not less than 30 days from the dete the notice is delive�d or muiled wilhin which Borrower must pny all sums secured by this <br /> Security In�trument. If Borrower fails to puy these sums prior to the expiration of this periad, Lender may invoke any <br /> rcmedies pertnitted by this Security Instrument without funher notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> l8. Borrower's Rlght to BeinstAte. If Borrowcr meets cen�in conditiuns, Burrower ,hull h�ve the right to have <br />, • enforcement of this Security Ins�rument discontinued ut any time prior ai the earlier of: (al S duys(or such othe�period as <br /> smgle F�mUy•-t�pnk M�HMreddk�toc I;VIE'URM IN1t'I KUMEhT•-Umiwm Covrn�nw 4i4p �poge J�J6 puqe.r� <br /> --- - -- - --�w::;.::i.ur�-u-ir:irj;;,p•���rbr^;y�T"_"""'`�i°ni"_:i„�,-„ "�""t�-" C?`�"� ._ nr_�::-- - . <br /> M t t,s iiit RxM'S�Yqtr�K�'�('�;.•�tti�+�.�tt�RPl (1+,��k,f`s' � r�. <br /> - °+enr�r,��l`"�;��' il�� - �•,. 'S)���!•l•�A�. Jy . •• ��_"�Y� j;.�� ;: �r � "T `�t'.. <br /> };�;�.:i` � r S�, i! i���„ �_i,�. . � , ' ' ,Rir�':G„�lp: �,�;�,� 1 . � � <br /> �. � a. '7 f� ,� ,�,��: ,, � . .. , ._<_��1.-.��� ,s��'���.�.��.;�.�'��:�'��'��'��'...,. <br /> .J.11���.1� 1�..: �lU.. 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