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� ��&T��7Li{�' �.� '1 " -�rs'�rr�w.- <br /> -'-- ' -/1.•,r-c.e�rr11L.�....��ti�� _ _'-r�.J'e:'Y!.*:,�,�'. a.R.�,. .`"". __ _, _- _ <br /> _ �C_J�' ��...� .T.�.ry,n.ql...r • - . � ..••1-.76"�.�..,L�n[l.Wirn-3uflq;' — �-�-� _ . <br /> ♦. ^f G 4� L.I Ll��'�_ <br /> . . ; ; . . .� 1.r, -.. .._ � • � . � • �'+�I 4 .4A.�i:� •_� _ <br /> i'' :� V '��.�.:Yir r.'1�` <br /> . <br /> . . . �t � �. . .. - <br /> ..'' v._ <br /> .. n, � � . � � �.. �_ _ _ _ ._r�� - - .:1�...:. <br /> , • ls��R��1���R� _` - - — <br /> ` -..�- — ,�. _�R_�#_._ _:�.�. ::�.��•....«.:t,.�...�.�:.-__ . r� —_ � =_ <br /> , ���'�#�1�1l���:����rl 'T. � i�� �'�:''�..,�,,�.;.. <br /> ������L� � �Sw1,�Z.."- <br /> • <br /> Mif��idf�IMMt�n�IM d i�?Mqp�ty � dr 1�t�N�I lo ot�i1� _ <br /> . Mew�d 11�WM ��Mwl� y � ir akiy.wb�sorta�rir�11M11t �I� :� <br /> Mie��ob�ed djr ttii�3�o��►1��l�i�er�►IW.�M d thsp�c+�1�ww��h , 1�d� . <br /> . �ac�soq;.(�)t�o to{il u�oT tbe starts.t+ectmd itnri4[rH�eefr l�Ne�a 1l�e tdcin��dividd by @1 N�e �nM4t wbN,`bt'yIM <br /> . M�1�l�n�dNily MI�r dM t�itip�. Any bdrroe�.be pd�d fQ BcMm�ar. M 1� �w�c d:p�ni�t�ib�1M , <br /> in wkiaU 1�fdr a�ri�a v�lwa d the PtopMty imc�edi�le�y 6�l�ore the ekia�la iew dMa�fi��niornit d w�i� . . <br /> N <br /> inpnedi�lnly'Mlo�e the Wcin . unleat Rorrowar Mid I.aNler tidiarwi�e�WWieo in wrilina at unlea�ppikablt 1�Mr • <br /> 'cllww�lre proy,MM,t�e pooeecls ihd6�appliad to ths��ecwed bY diis 9xwity lrotiwrw�t wha�IMr ar nct�M wrua�a � <br /> dwa dw. . . <br /> If tUe Propaty 1��6�r�d'oaed by 8onower,a�it.alEer nodoa by l.endu to Horrawar�hat dis 000demnat affeR w make .�. <br /> aa Kwa�d ar�eple�cldm t'or d�un�es�Hamwer f�tils to�+apand to I.snder wid�in 30 dny�afta tbe d�ta the notioe it�fvaa. <br /> [.ander it�utiiorimd to ooliect�nd app(y th�procoeed:��t ip opia�n.�6e*'�o�eswrntion or�patr of tla Prnpe�ty a w drs ' . <br /> 'wnu secnted by d�Secu�itY Imdumen�whether a not U�on due. ����� ��i�s1ui11 nbt e:�aad ar <br /> Unk+s L�nder�ind Bamwer otherwi�e aaoe ia�writi�.+q��pp�� <br /> po�tpone d�e due d�te of the monthlY WY�s refemod a ia pa� 1 and 2 a,cluu�e Ihe�unowit of wch p�YmnMs- <br /> 11. Rarr�r YVqt R�Ma�ed: Fbtber'�te BY Le�der NW a Waivi�:'..Bxteruion of die t�ime for p�yn�ent a <br /> madl8c�dio�of dm�tizttion of the sums secwod byr d�is Securilr.Ial�mtd�t�p'�ed by !.e»dx to�ny su��oa�ra'in iiuerert <br /> •of Boeo�er Iludl not opewte w rciwe the Wbility of d�e�trigiaal•Batrawet br Barowecl�woc�ors in jateirw.L.ander <br /> riadi�nd i,�s�eyuka►9 w cor�ic.. �rac.ecdlrigs a�air�st ar►y succr�ar tn i�tlxrst ot nf�ro ettend time f�pa�ne.nt pr <br /> dhawl�mo��fy�ano�tiz�tioo of the su�.�s secured by thi9�ca��t�s,l�nmie!u,by�eason of any demmd m�ck by the odgin�l <br /> ilatowu ar Biormwerh wooessas in inurcst. An;:u��by Ler�dek�.u►��+cisin�ony daht or t�cr�odY�hsll�at•be a• . <br /> waiver of ar prcclude�he exerciso of aay right or iey�wti+!.;�' , . � . , <br /> lt Su�ee�ors�d Awip�daM�W:JoMit�d►�qvq�9�;i�pb�i:�si�nax. The cova�ants and ag�oements of t�is <br /> Socurity Instrumpit shp11 bind and benefit the suc�es���a�itY�sst�of l�ender�nd Borrowa,subjoct to the povisionY'af <br /> p���apd !7. Bortower�s oovenmts su�d�groemcnls�join¢�nC)se.ver�1,My Barowu wla casigns thie Seoc�'r•ity , <br /> U nt but doe:not execute the Note: (a)is co-si�ding thi's:���urity,Ins¢rurr�tnt only w mbrtBeBe.Brant uid conve�t�at <br /> Borrowerls interest In tho Pivperiy under tiu tem�u'l';his Secur�t�7�sttume��; tb)is not persan�lly obligalcd tp paY the suma ., <br /> secund by this Sauriry inswmrnt:and(�)agrces that I.ender�nd-a�fY o'l1+er SnmOwer m�y e�ree W ext�dd.�od3fy.farbar . <br /> or mtikke�ny accammod�tians with regard to the temu of th��S�►r�ty�Jns(rument or�he�Note without that Barowa�i <br /> conaent. ' � '•' � <br />_ !�, �n�('h�rgu. If'the loan secu�rd by Uiia Security lnstrument �s subject to a •l�w which sets m�ucimu� lonn <br /> ctwr�es,and that law is fnally i�terpreted so thot the interest or oihet laan rha�es collected or to bo coiioated en conncwiim <br /> wilh the Ic�an exaed 1he pem�iaed limits.lhen: (u)eny�uch loan chp�to s1ia01 ba reduced by the amount necas�c+ry w reduce ,�,', <br /> the charge to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums alreudy collected�fi�Am Horrower which exceeded permitted limits will be � <br /> �fundod to Borrower. Lendar may choose to muke this refund by�ectucing the prlilcipal awed under the Note or by making sl� ; <br /> di�ect payment to Bortower. If a r�efund reduces pdncipul,the•rccJactip�wiil be.uea�ed�A F�i�p�pay�t without.Any ,,t :,' <br /> p�epaynxnt charge under the Nae. ' <br /> 14. Noticea Any notice lo Bomower provided for in Ihis Security Onstrument shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by��st class m�l unless applicnble low requircs use of unather method.The notice shall be directed to the Property <br /> Addtess or nny other ndd�ess Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any rwtice to I.ender shall be given by first class <br /> mait to l.ender's addrcss stuted herein or uny aher addrecs L�nzier designates by nntice�o Bormwer. Any notice provided for <br />- in Ihis Sccudty[nstrument shall be deemed to huve been given ta Horrower or Lenda when given as provided in this <br /> ��1�Governlag Lqw;SevernbNity. This Securiry Instrument xhal➢ bc �overned by iedernl law and Ihe law of the <br /> jurir,diction in which the Property ix located. In Ihe event that any provi+ian or clause of thix Security Ins�rument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable Is►w,�cuch conflict xhall nat uffect other provlsions of ihis Securiry in�trument or the Nae which can <br /> be given effect without the conflicting provi4ion. To this end�he provisians of�hix SecurUy Instrument a�J Ihe Note ore <br /> decla►cd to be sevcrnble. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one conf+�rm�d capy of the Note nnd c�f ihis Securi�y Inatrument. <br /> 17. 7lransfer of the Property or A&neitcla)[nterest in Borrowe� Ii all or uny par�of ihe Propeny or uny interest in <br /> it is wld or transferred(nr iF u benefiriul interest in Borrower is xold or trunvferred and Eiorn►wer iti nat u naturul personl <br /> without Lenderk prior written ronscn�.Lendcr may,ut its c�p�ian, reyuire immediate payment in full of ull sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. However,thi�:option�hull noc be exereised by Lender ii'exen ise is pnohibited by federul law as of <br /> the date of[his Security Instrument. <br /> If Lender exer+cises this op�ion.Lender�hull give Borrower notice uf accelerntion. The notice shall provide u period of <br /> not less�han 30 daya from�he dute the notice i+delivered or muiled wilhin which BuROwer must pay ull sums secured by this <br /> Security In�uument. If Borrowcr fuil� to puy these zumti prior ta the txpira�ion oi thi. period.Lender muy invoke uny <br /> remedies permirted by this Security Instrument without further notice or dem:md on Borrowa:r. <br /> 1& Bortrower's Right to RelnstAle. If Borrr�wer mcets ccttain rondition+. Born�wNr>hull huve �hc right to huve <br /> � enforccmcet af Ihis Securit)�Instn�ment di�r�m�inued at any�ime prior lo the evrlier of: lul S day�lor such other period os <br /> Singlc Family•-Fannle�1ue/Yrcddk Mac U'.YiFOR�1 I�iyTRU�1kNT••l�eifun�Covcnantx 9I90 fpu�e4 nfb�wgesl _ <br /> ry :e:►�a:+,�nwrmcs�r�u�.:eu.c���a�.� —. <br /> -�l.�'i.A�".� ,n"•<..� . �:{f,1}ui.G � 1`:cr. <br /> �S H �3'C"^' ��...�,. �'i�i?T11�S'j�T��'�'�.�+,/;fi r`ira�1�� I 1 t! I �i w -: __ <br /> - '�F.j�.�/� ,t'1` �5 " .�I' tr�yj�1 n�t;�;14�� ��7�3�'�i���`ti,�? � ,.� • �f u_- <br /> ��v <br /> ..♦ :. � - -...... - 4 r .�f 2 {,.��, <br /> $ rll.. L � . -. <br /> �a9.,..t�.i�-_-f...,�.. _S�'. � � �;�, - - ry i� 1���'ys�� �1��:��.:,'f` —�'f i� -- .;Se_ rid+r:'._, <br /> °:�, �,5�.�_ •-i,t!i�f:ft\�tcti _-.Lr�__�� — <br /> A- : s - _ . __ . __ . .__ _ _ -, � ,� � ..__4 . . . _ _F.t,� n. :- _.- <br /> f � � \ � i� � 11''�j�{ !�a �ft�i +..� a w.�.t � �9i' _ . <br /> �, � s� , ,. rk, �'i. � K � f�,ti�i�t � �� 1•�L IY'�'�" , ,��s ,-.. <br /> , `� <br /> -'Y��,.�a.xY!Z.-yr s i. . t� � . ' y�1��r- . . �r 4 . -�.'ftRtk�\1 �i,��ti,��1ti a.�r`�c� f[ n"� �ii.�'- <br /> )1 � t � 1w ;v 1:� a !v <br /> - —:�G14�wt e .. r.�d�� . ��1 .�Y.. . {�.:_ .�8�� ... ... - . � .�i. . .,+ � ;". <br /> .�vmva'---iF.l,t:.�••���-�.• [s5.t� ' ' •�r . �� •�" . ' �. , ._._ . . ...�, <br /> ,.._ ;,�"�,�. M CIY^`•. —'..-^ '' ' �o\ .. ' ' �'r'"' :, '�'' . �„�.. . . . <br /> �t�, .� , . .. . ., . . . . �� . <br /> ,,, ,���,�, . ' .. . �� . .' , .. . , . . . <br /> N' . ���:-- ,'k�.._ . . -' . - . ... , .. " ' . .� i _ . ., <br /> � �..6 Y.z'-��� . , . . _ � . . .. •- , t' � i lA�'Yiel�Yt.d'•- . , r�. .�_p�� . ... . . . <br /> l���qr`ti P"' ) . ` �• " � •'1��l.y'( � `• " . .. <br /> Ld��i.� , • .. ' �S arv a' � :' �ftl.�76 . �;.•, ' • . - . . .1._V(��.f�Ir'�! y..w.. ; . ,- . <br /> .,. j W..�aa2�^4TL�b1, y ti.�i.�t.��lll�.r Y�w. t, CA'�tr• .�jr. <br /> �ll. . .! ._�.`Y3T��F� _ . _ _ . . . . _ , .,�t-.:i���� _ <br /> ..� . , � <br /> ..�':. ..• ' . .�(�] . . - . ' ' ' . . • �.t-Z����l.�l ..�,��: . Y rn�y: , � . �. <br />—— . . . . . . . . .. .� •Nw.:. . . . . _ <br /> ' . <br /> �. �. -� . . u � . . . � . . <br /> � . � . <br /> ._ n - . . . .. , . � ' <br /> � :.�.�;...« .•. �a... .i .... . .• ...�j�4v.�e . . •, e V , ._' . . �-- - '�_ �i. _. _._. ._ _ e <br /> � , '. <br /> - � �Jilre m_. • .., • . <br />