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_ . , ._ . . <br /> . . - , . ., .,.-.. . ..�,,.. ,_ ..-. _ <br /> _� . . . . . . - , .. , z" _ <br /> . , �q� <br /> � , iv� <br /> . �iOi.,iu�:.�r na�a. �rh.�•�ni�`povia+u�Nn wyy.ia.M.a a.,d�ena�r f�wae�1� . <br /> . �PP�'��s�s�at 1�t��d. N Bc�s f�1M�o�nieyi�ow«�d�•c+ih:d'a�baw. � - - <br /> Laid�tti op�iop,oWdn oowrye�o p�a�t t.wder�ri�IM�Ia iM ia�ooi�d�n� oa�►IIM p�rynpl�7. <br /> . Ap iow�ra polkiw�I emw��k�11 b��to�iod ehrll�alutb��und�nd�o�ttye�I�rw. �,MwMr , <br /> �II hwe dM rl�ht a bold dte palk�ie�r+d ra�w�. lr I.end'er�oqui�BoROw�er�h�ll p�oaip�ly�ive w twMer di roo�h . , <br /> a{�p�iu��ad nmw�l not{oe�, Ip the evau d las�8orrowe+r�hall jive pranM notice to tue i�uuranos�wd <br /> L�ed�r. L+�nd�r ea�y mYc�P�'not at law if'no�a�P'�P��Y bY�� <br /> vel�.[w� ea,ow�et otMawi�e.pee in wrian�,+nwnnoe p.00eed�sna�he�pplba a rwar+wian or nplr ot <br /> d�a d�nyed, U t�ro�Wradoa or nep�ir i�eooaomic�lty fewble and l.awlerl��eciuih is na leaeead. U Itie <br /> ro��ar rop�ir is not aanomM.�lly teribk or l�ende���ocmity wouW be Ies�aied,Ihe inwnnoe pncaed��lulf be <br /> �pplled b tbe wnn�ecuiod by tbit Secudty In�tnunan� wlbther or not tlien due. wiih�u►y exau pid W Hatow�et. U <br /> Banower dNndons Ua does nat�uwer wilhin 30 d�ys+�notice finm l.ender thu Ihe inturance carrier h�t <br /> ofterod to uale�cWm�Ihen Le�der m�y collect�he inwnu�ce proceed�. [.ender m�y u�se�he pnoceeda ta or restoro <br /> �ho ar a qy�wnu�ecw�ed by�hi�Security In�a�unent,w6e�ha ar�wt dia�due. 71e 3�d�y paiod w 11 be�in wt�en <br /> � ���,�. <br /> Unku Lender�nd Bonowu othdvriso�pa in writia�.�ny iculon of pa�aeda�o priacipd sAall not exwend or <br /> postpaK Ihe aue ot m�e mare�y p�rn�ata rore,irca�o m e !.nd 2 or ct�tbe.mounl ot aie p.ym�s. if <br /> under pua�raph 21 the P�o�at�a�cquirod by Let�der.�orrowerti dght to any insum�ncx Polkia wtd proueeds rewhia� <br /> fivm d�ma�e w Ihe PropertY P�b tho�c9uwuon�hall p�ss to I�ender a the exlm�t oi the wnu cecwed by this Soewity . <br /> Inqnuna�t imnxdi�tcly b tbe s�uon. <br /> �, pocup�ac�, �vatr. eance aed Prot�ctioo af the Properl�: Borrov�a`s I.a�a AppMdafon: <br /> Ira�eMoldi. ��wer sl�ll occupy.esqiblish.and uae�he P�oQerty as Borrowerl�principail rcsidence wllhin siaty aLys�Rer <br /> -- tho ex�x:u��uf ti�ir�:urity Msdasstiast a�td shall condasse to otcupy�ht PEogaty aa I��warh principd ne:ideoce far at -- <br /> le�st a�e yeu after the date of accupwncy. unless Le�der otherwlse wgnees in rrritiag. which cansent shaH not be <br /> wue�sonably withtield.or unkss extetwatl�g cireumstances exist which�e beyond Bonuwerl�c�Nrul. Horrower alull not <br /> destmY.damsge or impair�lie Property.allo�v the P,roperty to rnmmit wASte on tbe Property. Bormwer siWl <br /> be in default if�ny Forfeitur�e actia�or pmcading.whether civil or crlmi�wl,ia begun that in Lerder�good fai�h judgmer►t <br /> could result in forieftu�e of the Propnty ur otherwlse materially impajr�he Ikn croated by this Securlty Insmunent or <br /> I.,eaderk security interest. Bom�wer muy cwe such e default and provided in peragraph causing the action <br /> or procading w be dismissed witb a ruling thet,in Lender�s good faitti determination.precludes fafeitu�e of tM�Borrowrrt <br /> inte�st in the Property or othcr mate�al impuimient of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender�security <br /> intercst Borrow�shall ulso 6c in default if Borrower, during �tx loan applicntion process, gave matedally false or <br /> inwocunue infarma�Ion or statemenis to Lender(or faikd to provide Lender with any materi�l inform�tion)in connec�fon with <br /> the low� evldencod by 1he �YuY�e;including, but not limited to, Rprcsenwtions conceming Borrower's occupancy of the <br /> propeAy as a princlpnl residence. If thfs Security Instrumem is on e leasehald.Borrower sh�ll comply wi�h all the provlsions <br /> of the lease. If Borrower acqwres iee titie to the Pmperty.�i�o Ic�seiwid arNi ti+a fea iiti�sh�ll sioi��ttaltss!-tssdes asstes <br /> — to the merger m wri�ing. <br /> 7. Protection of I.eader's Righte in the Property. If Borrower fails to perfom� the cavenunts and ogreements <br /> cantained in thia Secudry Inatrument,or there is u legul proceeding that may significwnly uffat t.ender�s rights in �he <br /> Property(such as u proceeding an bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation or ForFeiture or to enforae luws or regulutions),then <br /> Lender may do and puy for w�eatever is necessary to pruee�t Ihe vulue of the Propen� and Lender's• dghts in the!'roperty. <br /> i,ender�s actions may include paying uny sums secured by s�lien which has priodty over this Securiry Instrument.appearing <br /> in coun,paying rensonable nharneys'fees and ente�ing qn ihe�Propeac to muke repairs. Althou�t+L�nder may teke action <br /> under this parctgraph 7,Lender does not have ta da so. <br /> Any umounts disbursed by Lender under this parugrnph 7 shull becomc additionai debt of 8arrower secutcd by thiR <br /> Security Instrument. Unless IIonower and Lender ugnee tn other terms of puyment,thc.c nmounts shn116eur intemst t'rom the <br /> dAte uf disbarsement at the Note rate and xhull be puyoble,with interest,upon noticr from Lendtr to Borrowe�requesting <br /> �, payment. <br /> °_'- 8. Morlga�e Insnr�nee. If Lender required mortgage in+uruncc a.u rondition of making the loun secured by this <br /> � Security Inetrumem, AoRawer �hall puy the prcmiums rcyuired�o muintuin the mortguge insurance in effect. If, for s►ny <br /> reasan, the mottgage inxurance coveruge rcyui:ed by Lender lap.+es or cev�ez to be in effect.Borrower shnll puy the <br /> premiums reyuired Io obt�in roverAge substuntiully cquivulent tu Ihe mixtguge in,urance prcviously in effect, at n cost <br />-.>:� substnntially eyuivuknt ro the cou to Borrower af the munguge inrurance previauzly in effect, from nn nitemwte mortgage <br /> ,� insurer approved by Lender. If xubstuntially eyuivulem mortguge insumnce coveruge i�noi uvuilaMe. Bomower shnll pay to <br /> ;� Lender eACh mon�h u sum eyunl to une-twclfth of�he yearly mortgabe in+uruncc premium being paid by Borrower when Ihe <br /> insurance covemge lupsed or ceux��d w be in effert. L.enJer will accept,use und rctt�in Ihexe puymems s�s u loss reserve in lieu <br /> .,,;� of martguge insuranre. Loss reserve puymeni,may no longer be rcyuimd,ut �he c�ption of l.ender, if mortgage insurance <br />- covernge(in the nmount und for�he periai that Lender reyuire.)pn�videJ hy un inzurer uppr�ved by Lender ugain becomes <br /> uvuilable nnd is abtuincd.Borrower xhall pay�he prcmiumx rcyuireJ to muimi�in mongugc insuruncc in effect,or to provide u <br /> '' lavs reserve,until �he reyuiremen�for mortgage in,urunce enels in accurd:�nce wiih any wriaen u�reement between Borrower _. <br /> .- and Lcnder or appBcuble law. <br /> °'. 9. Inspeci3on. Lender or its agent mny mukr neuxonuble emric.upon imcl inspertionti uf th� Prupeny. Lender shull <br />—� give Borrower nutire at the time of o�prior to un inspcction sp�cifying rc.�xonahle c:�+ne furih�inspecti�M. _ <br /> 10. Condemnadon. The proceedti of any award ar claim fltt damages,dircct or canxyuentiul, in conneclion with uny <br /> Sin�lr Fmnfly..MLnale MaelMreddk�lac UNIFIIR�I IVSTRI'i111ih'1'-•UniGmi Cuvcnonh 9/90 qaigr J u/n�K+Rr.�� <br />� t.n•N L�kra Eu14mr Yann.I�e.� <br />� T�1 MM CYR t��30D5.9000U0 p Y.1t 61&701•1131 <br />'�� �` <br /> h � ),/A <br /> s,���.^�_��-:�,--:;••� ,� q� . . .. .'�, . . . ., . •1;,/r ��' � ., y;, i �`.��'9������t��*a�'�r..� <br /> .._ .'. 1 u 1 __ �1 !r' ''_•; _ � <br /> t���- ?� rt . >. .. • +4 � r..� _ • .� ��f � ,...1 ...r��di,� �.�. , : ,-,� ��_e �� :� . .. <br /> . <br /> . <br />- vl � _ 1 , . . � �- <br /> ..+1rA,m ur n. �' r'i� <br /> . <br /> . ... . <br /> — �At�k?iribE:dl.;eSymLr-- �'--`---- --_ .° - ----_ - - - _.�_ . _ . '.' _t .�. _ 1._-._�_ _li.._sL.'--._.-.1�J� <br /> �"' -�6r i;4'�]�,i�. � .. - -. --_ - ' - J - �1�.'yYj:,4�:17'.,,=v-t,;;�r <br /> yryys' � ` ��t +�4. ' . . - ' � i �;��n� S)�� f ;'� +T ' �, ! .(t! Ji.•�yt'.L <br />, ..,..:,.,m��� u,t , �,� , ,, a: ;t'� , ' . ?,r�+� .� d • �� " <br /> :Ynw�6-" ��,y��_r1��� 4(t' . .. -:�i�' t}. .f��i,; ' . - -- . . '1:.'.,I^'• •.l�ICi�`���..��.i�........_ �t.a . tl 4 14•)�w�1. <br /> ��+R��...l7191dI6fA.YJet.4t•iGti` I�����•.N� 1 a '11 ';3�(,•� .l . ' l t .• - • . <br /> 'T"'tTw�.�� f', <br /> 1�rr4'°(���'*.+'s^v:'r'y{�?. ,�.�+. (�Fl`�`�1 9 i,�s . - :--._.'--'1 . .r,(�ii;t�� ' - .,,'�? .t , . •-�-� .---_.. � - <br /> l / r.. � i �� i 1� �� � r t( <br /> (511 �'l� ^ �, ' �, t 1 f. . . . 1 f r. , . . , .. 1 <br /> . ��L�iLi}►a:.:'��,:}�1,nY�.,�ti �1 {r� � K i 1�p . . . i;;1.� . � . . <br /> dp� p"��,_1 .r . • S .Y, .J�-yn . -, 3 •'�. <br /> .1r5:k_� 1 - -i !}i'4�'' - � � '7�,. �,�iri•.'�1. - _' ',. ' � �' . . . <br /> �� ti �S r51f;{Iti1 � . .. �... . �� . . •i.,, ��` , <br /> '.rk�i_' '1.�..a. -l1�' . .. � � � . .`�'R��f', ' . . , -1-5. ' d��l• .. . - <br /> -:-ly'L:. __ �„ � - , � .. .. . . . . . ' . ' r" .. ' <br /> � ' ' " ` . 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