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_�^�"� . .. � . . . � y�.�.�,T:-r7r:"° �—?T-�-�-'-_'�'�-" -- -- <br /> , .. . ....��.. c .Y..�`xt":.c'W��atM��1C^J!:=•l•+- -�.�`1�,! ° �i.*�:�'� ..:Y.,i+6.41�-( • . :�� _ . -}�:a�`h� -_— <br />. . .j ' ' , . •_ . _ . . � q. ��-' --- ... . _:._._ <br /> ..: . ' � I ' . . . � � _ .a'l <br /> tpplie���OYI!�R d1M�1M1.�t�Mlf or dM l�p�l�!r!!�11�t lo �Il'��rs����r�- . <br /> . �A► ����d�aOCi�Mr�IIMIk� �IP� �`;...:_... -_ <br /> � ���AA�ri M�!M�` Ii1� �r�M�� �MIfIrMI � M�NOIf M U��dM�Or�' - . <br /> OOC�l�'i��aliw�f��0��'�IK COY'��Ol ��IRi l����11 t1lp���i1Nll�d��bML'��/�06� � : <br /> �w.ow,M�iaai�,'bM�ot a�e �,ra�oMbM y��reM:ana ca)aa.ercl,,cdoa..Lena�x may n�.owelp . <br /> w�a w�rr dw da IM� dt��owMy In�wn�t.�i�drti dM Plopwry�ud Darowrrti abY�M1o�a Mia <br /> �u <br /> �w Merwd b�r Nd� S�writ�In�pumaM dwd aa�w Mncbwed. Upon � b�► �anwwr. � <br /> tns�umeN aad t�e aWlaatlo�LS�„d l�arehy a1W1�as�a Aa1ly ofiacsivo+�+►If no acca3�tio�hW accumd Dicwt,�r.tbla <br /> ei�t a nMruMa�11 no��ply h da caae a��oeterMion uader pwy�h!7. <br /> l!: 8�N af IVadi CM�wN d Leai 8�rrlar. 'I'Iw Nale or�p�q�iMarat in Mie Nate(�a�a�her�ra6 ihi�Searity <br /> • Lrumaent)n��y be ao1�1 oea a n�ae�wi�Uout pdar aotioe to bamwer. A�le tnq�ewlt ln�ch�a�e in tAe eatity <br /> (knowa a�d�u l.a�n Se�vioer'�d�at collecu modhly P�Yn�enn due�mder Ihe IVa�e aM iMi�Securiry lnarume�x. 7i�em�o <br /> m�y b oue ar moro chaya otthe[.oan Savloor ueM�ted to�s�le af the Note. 1P Ihero i4 a chanje of tha Servlocr. <br /> Bonower Miq be�iven�oodce at the clum�a in aRxordmoe wilh p�r�Qh 14�bove and�pplic�ble I�w. 'IUe notice <br /> wlll q�te the a*me uid addrecs of the aew Ww�Swlcer and the addreat w wirich paya�w dwWd be tmda.'I1M�wlia w1U <br /> �bo ca�t�in�ny odxs inf'amadan�aN�bY=PP�ic�ble 4w. <br /> 71� H�t'iara SMWwc�. Bormwu�fall rwt cawe a pe�mit�i�e pre:arco.u�c.dicpoal.uor�e.or nle�ue o�f'wy <br /> 14r�rdor�c Stib�es aw a in Ihe P�ope�ty Bamower�hdl nat do.nor�qow anyaw cl�a to do,anythin��f�ec.�ma <br /> Nopayr dw is i�vio�W:aofi�y 6avhaana�W Law. 'Ibe procedi�twa sdMeaooe d�ll na qiply to the p�exace.we.a <br /> Wor�e m die Nrope�ty oiseu�q qu�itia ot Haa�dau�Subsuroes Wn�e�a�av1Y�ecap�ixed w bo appopriMe to pa�oY <br /> taida�ti�l u�a�ad�o maieleawoe atthe I'ropdny. <br /> Bo�mwer�nll pm�npdy�ive lRnder wotten notioo d any inve�tion,�rwid.l�wwil or o�Uer�ctioa by�ay <br /> gov�tal ar ragukLaiy a�eocy ar piivWa p�►ty 1nw�ivi�dtie lYap�ty aad smy�za�daus Sv�t ar�t�f <br /> l.�w ai which Boaovrer E�s�ct�W kaowledge. It Batrower le�ms.or is tiotifiad by�ny�ovana�aval ar�u�sSary <br /> +wthaitY.ths�t any rcmov�l o�ahe��emedi�don of aay Hu.ardous Subsw�co aft'actiag thc Propaty is t�aascaty.Hanowa <br /> cd�p promptly ake dl neassauy nemedi�l acdons in aceondmcc witd EnvlronmentW L,�w. <br /> As used in thi�paragnpl�20."H�aamdais Subst�nces"Are tho�o sub�tanoes defined a roxic or h�z�►dous subspuioes by <br /> FnvironmentAl l.�w and tbe fdlowing subs�noes: g�solinc. kerosene.dhcr fl�nmable or to�cic petrvlcum pmducts.toaic <br /> pesticides�nd herbicides,vol�dlc solvents.materials conuiining ubestos or formaldehyde.and radiwctivc m�terids. As � <br /> usod in this puagraph 20.'Fnvironmenwl law"rtKans federal l�ws and laws of the judsdictlon where the Piopedy is located <br /> Wt�lue oo a caviroamental protection, <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortowcr and Lender furtt�er covenant and agne as follows: <br /> 21. Aceele�xdon; Reaaedies, Leeder s6ap gire aWice to Barrower prlor to sccekraliaia fdbwi4g Borrower's <br /> b+acb o��ny coveannt a agrcement io I�is Security lu�troment lbat not�10 aaekrpt3en ueder pua�rsph 17 <br /> uele�e appUcabk 4w Qro�e��tbeowi9rl.The n.Nkr..xA�l!+�; (�!fhe w�.�N;(t�!tl��c�R+Wn�qu#�xx!�to cort t�+ <br /> dehulh.(c)�dwte,not less tlun 30 daye hom We date 16e aotke is gtveo to Borrower�by which the detAUlt must be <br /> cured:and(dl t4at tall�m t�cure the detault on ar beforc 16e dwte apeciAaf ta the notke mAy result i�acccleratio�ot <br /> tde sums secured by thi�SecNrity Insdvme�t�nd sale of the Property. The nodce sdnll turt6er iaform 6orrower d � <br /> the rig6t to re�insWte s�f1a Acalerallon aad the riglU to briag s�court pctbn to s�ssert Ibe aoa-existence af a�lefAUlt or <br /> +iny other dePen�e of Borrower to Acceka�:qion�nd sAla If!he default is not curcd on or beP�ore ihe date apeci(kd tn <br /> tde notioe.Lender at Its eptioa n�q reqwJre itnmedl�te paymeot ln full ot�II sums secured by thi�Security Inshument <br /> without �urther denu�md��ad may invoke!he power of sWe and any other re�edlcg permitted by AppNcable law <br /> •i.ender shdl be entitled ta eolk�cl all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provWed in this paragrapb El, <br /> iacludWg,buf twt limit�dta.reASOnabM s�dorneys'kes and costs of title evidence. <br /> It the power af saie b iovoked,7Fa.r•tee sholl record p notice of deiaull in eae1�county in whkh pny part of fhe <br /> Property is Mcuted and �il mvil rnpies aisucb notl�e in the manaer�e.acribed by applkabk law to Borrower nud to <br /> the ot6er persons prescribed by applicAble law. ARer Ihe time recyuired by applkabk law.7�ustee siwll give publk <br /> noHa ot�le ta the persans aad fa the mwmer prescrf6ed by applicable Iww 'il�ustee.wit6out demiwd oa Borrower, <br /> sluill sell the Property at pu blic s�uction to the biglxst btdder at the Nme and plaa and under the terms desiptnated in <br /> the notke M'sale in one a mare pArcels and in any order 7lrustee determines, 'Ilruslee may postpone sate of all qr any <br /> parcel ot the�'roperty by public annouocamen!at Ihe time pnd pPuce ot Any prevbusly schMakd snle. I.a�der or ifs <br /> dasi�nee may purchose t6e Property at Any sak. <br /> Upon receipt of papnenl of Ihe price bid,'I�ustee sh�ll deliver to lhe purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying t6e <br /> Property. The recUals in Ihc 7Fustee's deed shall 6e prima facie evidence of the lruth of the stalements rnade IhereM. <br /> 7lrustee shAll ppply the proc,eeds of Ihe ssde in Ihe faNvwipg order: (al to all costs and expeases of exerclsing the power <br /> �arm 30E8 9/90 Ip��gr S njA fwxesl <br /> � J . — <br /> . . —h}r�r — -----CT-;r"Rf"` i . . '�a �. 'i'?;f��i� �p��i�w}i�.���. <br /> ' i . <br /> . .� . . � . . � � <br /> . <br /> . ���5 �� '- - - 1 - _ ' 1�' f: !'4 � ,j=jy;.rf; � . �j' t i. ' <br /> -• ` _ , <br /> .. . ��S- -.. „ - . . . {.(��. ... � . ���-f 5y 1�' 1 . . <br /> . <br /> t1:1 .r..t,,.... 1 `� - � - f ) �t� _ .. .. <br /> A � � .: <br /> , � , � <br /> �:.w1L 1_;�{1� Li �.t�.�. --" -r-`� --- �_�. .1+i[��..25(ES��' f�������.-lt�[�.lY��� _ �� uzst��•:I,rt_'fb�Y&:- <br />- � T°-- -- .- j-ii,;�—�---- �- ---. - _ :. .. ------ -�---.-- , -_=_. - - -i � /y?�� �..nq�t:,r���. -- . . . _'}.. <br /> r� y 1(�e��-- �t1 � • � 1 . ' �- ' '4 -Sr} °� J1' ��Ft!'!, - ,. ' . - ,ti <br />�a' � � nSSlt , . . �� � 1trf'�,Gt•�l+rt'rF).:,t�.__ - _ -..f4 <br /> .� ?i. .,;,r��,�ti� . . I.,� � •,l 't.y�•J�{,;1, t a�i r1 �: . <br /> .�� ,� : :, ..,.. :�4;�_r:,;���,.:`�.�r;t��ti��;�?5;�. �ft` � .� <br /> , � • . <br /> �ns +�.�. il{ C ,;� . . . �„r. .. _ .a.�` •.t,� t �� , � � I . <br /> ti ! {14.%:aw +;.16.___ _ _ ,g:,�r;..� i��1, . .4 tPti' - . <br /> .�- �i`L• _' , __ ___ "_:• ___. _ . '_ _,� ••�;rn.a�'f"`'_'�)� .{ n ` ._ . _ .. _ � . . � '. <br /> ��iA���� . <br /> �.�;;�, >� .,,i�, � .. , � � ,:: � �<:,� � .. . . , <br /> '��s. ;,.<< . . . . . ;::,,���:�:�� . . - <br /> — . ;s;,,r,. �::;:. .,. . .r,,. . <br /> __ __ ' ' .�!���;� . - . 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