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, ..i. �o ' _' _ �' �iu� � ° <br /> _ ._, ' ' �'n.'�• _ � ::- , _ -= __ <br /> . . , ,r� , .. ,nil��.viwn . .. -�:tbqtltnM,!»�9iAe�';�r.,r�[.��-L-� <br /> . ' ., , . , . . ���� wr �+ .�C'n ..o„n�. <br /> � . .. .. � � ,. . .;� .•i..� ► .__; <br /> , � � . ..�-: ' •" ����.,�•s._. <br /> .�'��� �r� ,. •- , ,�«�-j=�...�'�_ _ <br /> � <i.�r�-�. <br /> ' �Id 11�tllwt 1MM At • ����r i�i�i�w�' �lw i� ;;�j._�•;,--,- <br /> '! 1aw�w�nt. All ot��oi��i�wd q Y�b hwitlqr6rlr�w�i�14 Mop�1y." rt .� .. � <br /> �01lRiOW�t OOVBNAN�Irt Sanoww�i�li��whfly Mi�d d�iiitM�6wr'y oa�y'M Mid Iw dis tl�t tu/�I�t" • <br /> � aad oosre�r tl�e �nd d�t qie Fl+opeRy b�e�oepc I�a�d noo�rd. Dono�r w�rws�M/ <br /> wW d�1�d�y�hwhi ddt le i�Plaprq wltrt�q�IMar Md d�.��ct�o�a�►�a�6esrol�d�Mad. . <br /> � ' TEDS SflClJRI�'Y IN37RU�BNT uom6ina�unifiarm aovm�ws tnr�Wlond we and np►-unitona oo�wurM1 widl , <br /> j m�d r« jarGdiWoo a oawi�we i unttan-a�cwity i�aura�ent oov«in�nd propKty. . <br /> � UNlFOIlbt OOV�IAM'S. �anowrx po l�eoda�c oo�vNUUit imd yne�lbllovh: <br /> � 1, !M!�����w�'�i p�l����'1M� &xrow�elail p�ompllyp�y Mien dus Ibe <br /> I p�1 a��nd iata�st an the debt svldenoed by the Noee aad aay►ProP�Y��d We ciur�a dne und�r Mie Nala. <br /> 2 llr�i�IbP'll�tta s�d Iwt�a�o�. Subject w appliable M�r ar b�rripqa walvet by l�+der.6�a�irer�11 pry�o <br /> � l.peder an�e daY�Y P�YmdiMs�ro due wider d�e Na1o.�nuoU�ha Ido�e it pW in 11d1.�sun("tir�'�far.(�)lrewly <br /> ' taes�od u�ese�anaMS which roay Mqu�p�io�ity over dde Saueit�r la�rament�s�lian an die Plajwty;�b)�y Iea�eYoN <br /> �.ym�ar pauod r�onts a qie Propwty. �f amy;(c)yedY ti.�a a�r �oe �ca��r� <br /> �ptewiwn�.if nq; (e)Ya�iY mo�t�e i�u�oe�.if a4y:a�d(��nY am b!►Aon'oM"er b <br /> I�der.�n accord�aoe wqb We pnvi�iais af p�ra�r�ph 8.ia lku d d�o p�ynxnt of ma�t�ale uw�e p�aa�aa. 7h�e <br /> tileats�n Wkd'F�aow[�aa." I.ader rn��ny time.oollect and 6oid R�d�in�n pino�mt aat to excaed We m�ucirnurn ' <br /> amoura a laxla for a fedasUy ralated ata�t�e loan a�aY c�q�re for Barm�werl�e�ciow�unda Nre kden� 11e�1 <br /> BwRa'S�at�a�rProcedttrea Act of 1974 a�amended�rom t6ae oo tune.l2 U.s.C.f 2601 et�eq.("R6SP�►"?.�adat�nolMer <br /> law tb�t�Qila W t6e��w a la�or�mo�wtt, If�0.�+�Y��+�Y W�•4���ad bold Plu�d�ia�n anouot not W <br /> - aa000d the les�er�aowr. Ie,Kier may e�iun�1�the anaatt of Ftu�at��3pa�u,i�w Uaoi� uf��wr�M r]ri+�+aNi r�o�bfe ' <br /> ada�tea of a�pendipua of fiipue B�cmw Ifmu or uthativi�e In ac�oni�ooe wit�!ppptiica►bb l�v. , <br /> n�e� �1�be nela in an instiauion wnoQe aepalta ane i�ea by!,u.�'et�al e�ge�cy�.ia�ihc�ital�tr.a eqdt�► <br /> (Iacludiag L�a�der.�f irender i�suct�xn instiwtion)ar In�ny Federal Hann L.oq�i'�.a.�� L;¢c�er sha9l:ap,p1Y the;R�d�tn�I+�Y . <br /> thc Fscnaw Itans. [.enda auy aot.cJwge Borrower far hold(ng aod applyiag!bd�nds:aRndill�.�naiY.�E� �ti�.b'"� . . <br /> �coant. a vatifying the Facrow itema. unless Laider pay� Borrower intcrest an the Funds �nd �pp2icnb�e Lw p�mits:'!,ti�,.� �-' <br /> (.coder w m�ke such A chuga. However.Lender may roqulra Bamwu tb�puy a oae-ttmo clw�o fa�iJydependpi,i:.tar� ;�r ' .�'�: <br /> esw�c wc rcpoRing s�rvice used b�►I.ader in cunnecdon with U�ia�wn.uab:9a upplkable I�w prnvlde�otLuwl�e. UIIIQ&A ii11. . <br /> ag�oemem it�n�le ar applicable I�w t+equi�s intercst to be p�icr,�.eitdtrr alall not be�equi�od w pry Bort+nwer any iiaero,yt�or. <br /> esrniqgs aa the Amds. Bamnwer and Lender may agree in wdRing,t��t intercat ahall bepaid an die Eiutds. l.qWC'4e� <br /> sh�ll gtve to Bpriowar,without annusl accounting'Of•q?1e 1i�nds,:s'howing credits u�d debiq to the Iinda�nd�tli� <br /> putpoa�fpr whielt euch debit ro the Pbndc waa m�de. 7be Ii�ruls are pie'd$eti as addldaul security fat aU wutu tecur�d by <br /> d�Se�uri�y Inst�iunr�n� . <br /> 1f tSsc�held by L.ender exoeed the amounts penniaed to be held by appllcable law. LenAet shaii aocouqt to <br /> Bomawe:::for�he eacess E'unds in accordance with the roquireme�es of applicabk law. If the amount of the Funds hel�by <br /> Lender u any Wne i�not sutt'icient to pay the Escrow ltems vuhen due.Lender may so notify Bomnwer in wridng,and,in <br />_— such c�.4e Bo�rnwer shalt pay to L,ender the amount sary to malce u�tl�e deticiency. Barower�hal! mak4 up the <br /> deficiency in no more thnn twelve monthly payments,at l.e�der9 sole discrgc�on. <br /> - Upon paymeot in full of all sums secured by t�is 5ecurity Insuument.l.eader shall ptemptly r�efund w Barower epy <br /> — Funds held by[.ender. If.under paragraph 21.Lxnder shall acquire or sell the Prope�ty,i.�nder,pnor co the acqufsidan or <br /> sale of the Prope�ty, sh�ll apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acqui811ion or safe su a credit y�ainst the;swns <br /> secu�+ed by this Security insd�ument. <br /> 3. Applk�tloa d Payments. Unless appllcable law provides athenvise, all paymeats raxived by I.ender-under <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be appliod:first,to any prepayment charges due uader the Note;secand to en►ounts payabk�wider <br /> para�raph 2;third,to inte�est due;fouAh,to principal dtu;and any lete charges due untkr the Note. <br />_— 1. Ch�rQesi Lkos. Bomnwer shall pay all wues.assessments. charges, fines and imposidons atMbutabfe to �he <br /> P�operty which may attain prlority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground t�eMS,if any. Borrower <br /> -°' shall pay these obligatians in the menner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner. &xrower rhall pay�them on <br /> ~ time dircctly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender all notices of amonnts to be paid under <br />_=-- this paragraph. if Boirower makes these payments directly,Bmrower shall promptly fumish to l.ender receipts evideecing <br /> �'� the payments. <br />-;°p� Borrower shall promptly discharge uny lien which has priority over this Securiry Inst�ummt unless Bomower.(a)agroes <br />_..-:-� in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accepteble to l.ender, (b)contes�s in good feith the <br /> -- lien by,ot defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal praceedings which in the Lender's opinion ope�ate to pr�event the <br />_-�:� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to[.ender suiwrdinaUng the llen <br />:T;;� to thia Security Instrumen� If Lender determines ttiat ony part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may anain priority <br />--=-.� , over this Security lnsqument,Lender may give Bomower a no[ice identifying the Iten. Borrower ahall satisfy the lien or wke <br /> � one or more of 1he actions set forth above within 10 days of the glving of notice. <br /> =� 3. H�rd or Property Iosurance. Borrower shnll keep the improvements now existing or heteafter erected on the <br /> _�_�.�� Property insured ag�inst loss by fire,hazerds included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,including <br /> °4",';;,� flaods or flooding,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurence shnll be mainwined in the amounts and for�he <br />' 'LI'.� <br /> ""'`� Yors J028 9/90 (I�uRr 2 oJA pogrsl <br /> ;c� <br />_;�� <br /> ... <br /> i;;ii. <br />::,.x�. <br />-�:si�.A <br /> .._ . ��mY�'{�3r*.�-f.,pr.a..,.r..+..,,�-..r-.��j.�n�Rw.�.�M6i�1�r � -- -- . ...__ .- -=a r ;._ <br /> ,P,v�►�'r� - �_�` ,� 'n ,;�-. . � , r�-. J4� .t�.rr•r��.F;;+ .. ��,-� !.:". :�^Y�., � ,�,� �: <br /> �� �� .n ? 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