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_ __ .F <br /> . . • , • . .. :��. . .. . r .... _---- -- ---- <br /> � . �'--ti . . . <br /> . . . _. .._. .._ - . . . . . - — ------'— �r�. <br /> . • • � <br /> . � I�' �,Q.�2 <br /> . y peied�Iwt lw�der�equh+et. The�nw�nrc�a11tiM'povfdill=d1s 6a�qaaoe�bdl be cilaen bq BofloM�t b L�Mdlrt � � <br /> r�se�re!e��lal!not be tu��oe�6i}+�il�tld. IP�lon�ow�er fii4 to eai�q�n covays dMCtib�d aio�w.� �q,at � - <br /> ` L.eMhrti apdon,abtdn ooverye co p�wea t�ade�9 dgbq in tbo �e�000nl�noo with p�np�ph�. , , <br /> A!1'iaar�noe poli�ccia ud ron�araL�inl1 be�coep�b1e w L�iud ab�ll fuclude a�nd��d mo�e cVure. Laoder . <br /> .6�1 h�ve tho d�htpw hoa a�e�w�l�.IP LAaaer roynirc�.Borrnw��1�prnmptly�ive to t.eaaet dl nao�pts <br /> o�f pid p�aniuna aM�m�ewRl ootlas. in tbo avaal of lou�Ba�owar�bWi�ive promp!nolioe b tbe fowraaoe caRier�od <br /> I.a�der. I.e�wier may nul�e proof otlas Upot aade pro+nj►t1Y bY�om+�rer• ' <br /> Unkes L.ender aod Boimwer ad�eiwi�e a�ee in writing,hwranoe slull be�pplied to mstantlan or reqi�of <br /> the K the rostaruioa or rcp�ir i�eooao�dcaUy f ble aad I.enda�Y�ecuriry i�not lex�atod. If the <br /> , n��yor�aot awaomkaUy fea�iblo or i.eaderti �ect�rity would be le+�a�ed.tlie imu�moe� pinceedt iiull be <br /> applied w the sums�ecurod by tldt Sawlty lasdua�t,whetha ar not tl�en due.wW� �ny euxai id w Hormwcr. U � <br /> Bamwer abandons tt�e P�opaty. ar daa not mswa whb�n 30 d�ys�aotica fmm[.enda th�t We in�u�noe curier hn <br /> olCaed to acnle a cWm.then Lenderm�y oollect the Inwt�u�oe prooeod�. [.ender may uae the prooeeds to or�euone <br /> the Praperty or w p�y suna�acurod by th4 Soauity Ipstnimau.wbdha a not d�en duo. The 30-0ay perlod be�in�w <br /> tde aodce ls given. <br /> Uala�Lender tnd Bamwer athawtie�groe ia writiag,any applic�on of pocads w piaaipd shW oot onldnd a <br /> poapoac d�c due date of the moathly pwymeras�efa�ed W Ia p�uag�n�hs 1 aad 2 ar cFw�ge tue amount of the p�ymenits. 1f <br /> urder 21 d�e is�oquhed by I.ender.Banowa�righ�oo�ny insu�xx pulicies ud P�nceeds� <br /> riom��1ho Pt�opaty�w tiie+�cquWdaa rh.0 p�ss to t.ender w�he c,o�xm of d�o sums secw+ed to�y u�is sac�ity <br /> Iaanunent imnaediately pri�w d�e�cquWttoa. � <br /> f. Oea�p� Pr+an�tlor, M�tauaoe �ud Prot�ctlan d tMe Propert't Borrower'� La� ApNlpieiow; <br /> I.a�eMoYr. Bartower�hall use tAe Phopatp•sr�Ba�rower's ptlncipal rcsidrnca wlthin sixty d�ys aPoer <br /> the exa�m of thi�Ssctuity Im�em:e�e�she!!co�to o��,;� '�St�rt,y'ss 9o�rowet�pdnclpe!�es�sQCe for� <br /> laut a�o ye�q�,after tAe data of occ�qaacy. unless L�eader dbarWiee agoets m wrlting, which canse�u ahaU �ot bo <br /> unrcaaanably w�tMheld,c+r��enksa exta�wting ci�umuAnces exiat whicb wie beyand Borrowenc�antml. Bamwer ahall not <br /> destroy.d�tge or im}�ta�she Property.�Ilow the Propcity to deteriorate,or commit waste on the P�vpe�ty. Bomower sliall <br /> be in default if any forfaitm�e acNan ar p�oc�eeding,w6ether civjl or begun that in I.enderk good faith judgmrnt <br /> could rcsult in forfeitun of the Pto�e�ty or otherwlse materiully impair the Ikn crcated by this 3xurity Inshument or <br /> I.e�ler�s savrity in� Bormwa may cwie such a default and rcinstate.os pmvlded in paragraph 18,by causing the acdon <br /> or p�oceediag w bc dismissed with a niliag Le�cle��s good faith dete�minadan.P�cludes forfeituro of tha Bon+nwer�s <br /> intercst ia the Poapaty a otha �id imp�lrrnent of the lien c�eated by this Secwity Instiument or I.ender�a security . . <br /> interesc� Borrower ahall also be in defiult if Borrower. duting the lo�n application proxss, gave materially false or <br /> inuxur�ue iofe�mwt[on or statements w l�ender(or failed w provide L.ender with any material infomiation)in cannoction with <br /> the loan evidenad by the Note. including. but not limited to.rep�sentations conceming BomowerSs occupar�y of the <br /> Property u a principal nsidenoe. IPthis Secudry Insuument is on a leasehold,Borrower shall comply with WI the provisions <br /> of the lease. If Bormivcr acqui�s fea titk w the PropeRy.the leasehold and the fee aUe shell not merge unkcs Lender ag� <br /> [o the merger in wridng. <br /> 7. Prutectbo ot Ixnder's W�b in t6e Property. If Borrawer fAiDs to perform tha covenants and xgnx�r�en�s <br /> caNained ia a1�is Securiry Inspumrnt, a thero is a legal proceeding chat may signiticantly att'ect Lender� rights i�the <br /> Prapnty��ta u�a p�oceoding in b�nkrupcy.probate,for condemn.�tion ar fort'eitun or to enforce laws or regulrttiona).the� , <br /> Lender may�o and pay for whatever ia necessary to pmtect thc vAdue of the Property and Lender�rights in the Propeny. <br /> Lenderk acdons may include paying any sums securcd by a lien whlch has priority over this Security Insaume�a,appcar+ng <br /> in court.paying rsasonablc attomeys'fea and entering on the PmpeRy to moke repaiix. Although I.eeder may wlce acdat� <br /> under this paragreph 7.Lender does not have to do so. <br /> Any anrc�unts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 ahall become addidonel debt of Bortower secured by Ihis <br /> Secur�ty Ins�trument. Unless Bomower and Lender agrce to other tem�s of paymen�these am�wnts shall bear intercst from the <br /> dnte of disbursemcnt�t Ihe Nate rate sud ehall be payable,with interest,upon notice f�om Lender to Bcx�ower�equesting <br /> paymen� <br /> S. Morlgage Insuranca If Lender rcquircd mongege insurance ac a candiNon of making the loan securcd by this <br /> Security [nswment,Borrower shall pay the prcmiums requit�ed to meintein the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for a�y <br /> reason, the mortg�e insurance coverage roquired by l.ender lapses or ceases to be in effec4 Bomower shall pay the <br /> premiums required to oMain coverage substanqally equivutent to the mongage insurance previously i�effxt. at a cost <br /> subs�entic�lly equivaknt to the cost�o Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effcet.from an altemate mortgage <br /> insurer upproved by l.ender. If substnntially equivalent mattgage insurance cnveruge is not available,Bortower shall pay to <br /> Lender each manth n sum equel to one-twelfth of the yenrly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insutance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wlll accept,use und retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of mortguge insurance. Loss rcserve payments may no longer be requircd,at�he option of Lender,if moRgage insurance <br /> coverage(in the amount ond for the period that Lender rcquires)provided by an insurer approved by I.ender again becomes <br /> available and is obtnined.Borrower shall p�y the premiums required to muintain mortgoge insurance in effect,or to provide u <br /> lors reserve,until the nequirement for mongage insurence ends in accordance with any wrinen agreement between Bornowet <br /> and Lender or applicuble law. <br /> 9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may mnke reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shaai <br /> give Borrower notice ut the time of or pria to en inspection specifying reasonuble cause for the inspection. <br /> l0. Condemnadon. 7'he praceed+of nny award or claim for damnRes,dircct or conseyuenlial,in connection with uny <br /> Sfngk Famfly•-Funk MaelFredd7Q Mac UNIFORM INSTRUM�NT•-Uniform Covenanu 9/90 Ipu¢�3 r�b pagesl <br /> aca Wa ewMen,be■ <br /> To Rds GL•1�iD69Ppi0 O!AR�167Yt•1131 <br /> ,• <br /> _ . _ ...—� � ;riC�. � - .-��;����„l•, . ��-�{�,� <br /> .\4'i . r � �� �y y d �h q��' � P Y�. '�+ _i ,�fi '147;••�r 'l f���y� _� +e-.���y. <br /> .._�t��I 1 ��5� �.j �. � . 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