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��M� �0�� <br /> '�$�R Wm�i1l!hQ�111pfOMdlldlt�l�a1N Q�I�lf ErOC{Cd OII(�1C p(Opdty.Nid�1�C�tClll!lMf.�pllffplYfCa• <br /> �i1Q�{AWi'Oi tiOW 01'��pft Of 1�10 pit1�lER�i. N�t0�ii001tiwlii�Ild iddI11011�f�l vi0 flf WYp��i�i{Y SOCiM�lyl <br /> �fll. ��O�f�10�OfE�0�114�{IOfM�ID�I)tfl��SOCYI�Iy�IW�4111CM q 1�10�p(Opoly.� <br /> BORROVYBR GOVBNAM'3 tMt Bamwer is IawfWly�el�ed of tbe estue heneby conveyod�nd lus tbe ri�hs to�nnt <br /> �nd canvey tbe Ptopaty�nd tlat the('rnpeKy is uner�cumberod.ezcept for encumbrances of recoN. Bormwer w�rnuits�ad <br /> wW dafad Sainadly Ihe Ulb ro tbo Ptap�aty�tin�i�!I cl�fnts and de�tw�ds.wbject w iuty e�cumbnncsi af raaQ <br /> TH[5 SECl1RITY INSTRUMBNT oan6inea uoifomt rnvm�nu for ruitiaial usa uid noa-unifarm covenWs wilh <br /> limited v�ri�tlons by jurisdktia�10 co�udWte a unifortn�ecurity in:wment caverin�n�l pnpeny. <br /> UNIppRM OpyB�T►AN7'S, Barower atd Leodercove�wit and sg�eo as folbws: <br /> l. Payp�ed d i'rl�dpd aed I�ta�ti�7��ad Lak Ci�t�ts. Batrawer sh�ll P�P��Y P�Y when due Ibe <br /> pdncip�I of and intercst aa the debt cvidencad by the Nota urd anY p�epayment w�d I�to chaga due under the Nate. <br /> 2, Fln�fi�'7tiutei�d I�sYra� Suhject to�pplicAble law or to a writtpi w�iver by Lender.Bomower ihail pay lo <br /> L,endor on ttee daY��Y W!'�u�due w►der the Nao.untU the Note is p�id in full.a sum l"Punds"1 for.(a1 Yeul y <br /> taxes aad assesamenu which m�y attain priaity over thia Security Instrument as a Ikn on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold <br /> payment: ar gtatu�d rents an Ihe Propehy. if xny: (e) Y�Y ��� ProP�rtS' insurance piemiwns: (dl Yar1Y fland <br /> inwtuue pendwns�if any: (o) Y�9 �BaBe insurance premiums,if s►ny: and (4 any sums payabk by Bornower t� <br /> La�der,in accordutoe with tFa provisions of puagraph 8,In Ileu of Ihe payment of mortgage insurance pemiums. These <br /> itans aa called"Bscrow Items." I.ender any dme,collect w�d hold Rmds in nn amount nat to exceed the mazimwn <br /> nmouat s lender for� feAerAlly rel�tal morlgage loan m�y roquira for Borrower�s escrow account under the foder�l Re�l <br /> Qstate Settkrnent P�ocedu�es Act of 1974 as amended from time to time.l2 U.S.C.$260t�t seq.("RESPA"1,unless anoiher <br /> Inw thAi applies to 1he Funds sets e le�ser amouN. U so.L.ender any time.collect and hald fi�nds in an amount nat to <br /> excxed�he lessct amaunt. l.ender may estimate tho amount of Ponds due an the basis of curtent drta and �sonabk � <br /> estimates of expendltw+es of futuro Escrow Itema or otlierwise in accaclance with applicable law. <br /> Tbe Rmds shall be held in an insHtution wbose deposita are insu�ed by a federal agcncy. instruma�Wity,or enu�y <br /> (including Lender.ii Lender is such an institution)or in any Fedcral Home Loan Bank. I.e�der shall apply the Funds to paY <br /> the �scmw items. I.endi.r may not charge Bo�rower for holding and appiying ihe Funds, annually analyzing Ihe escrow <br /> �ccount, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless LA•nder pays Borrower inte�est on Ihe Funds ond applicable IAw pem�its <br /> l.ender ro malce such a charge. However,L.ender may require Bortower to pay a ono-time charge for an Independent �al <br /> estate tax reporiiag service used by Lender in cannection with this loan,unless applicable law provldes otherwise. Unless wn <br /> agroement is made or Applicable law requires interest to be paid,L.ender shall aot be required to pay Bomower ony interest or <br /> eamingi on the PUnds. Borrower and I.ender may ogree in writing,however.lhut Interest shnll bc puid on�he Punds. l.ender <br /> shall give to Borrower.wiQ�aut annual accoundng of the Plmds,showing credils and debits to the Funds and ihe <br /> purpose for which each debit W tha Punds was made. 7'fie Funds are pledged as a�Witional security for ell sums securcd by <br /> t6ie Security Inswment. <br /> If Ihe FLnds held by l.ender exceed the amounts permitted ta be held by applicable law. Lender shall accaunt�o <br /> Borrower for the excess F�Unds in accordance with the requirements of applicabte law. If the emount of the Funda held by <br /> [.rnder at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so natify Bartower in writing.and,in <br /> such case Borrower ahaU pay to Lender the amount necxssary to make up�he deficiency. Borrower shall rrwlce up the <br /> deficiency In no moro than twelve monthly payments,a[l.endert sole discrerian. <br /> Upon payme�t in full of all sums sccured by this Seruriry Instrument,Lender shaU promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> ELnds tield by Lender. If,undcr paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire ar sell�he Nroperty.I.ender.prior to the acquisi�ion or <br /> sak of the 1��operty,sh�ll apply any Funds hcld by I.cnder at the�ime of acquisi6on or sale as a cr�dit against 1he sume <br /> secured by this Securiry Instrument. <br /> 3. Appllcation of Paymeats. Unless applicable k►w provides atherwise, all pnyments received by L.ender under <br /> puagrnphs 1 ond 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepAyment ch+uges due under the Note; amounts payable under <br /> peregraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;end lest,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. CAargesi Lfens. Borrower shall pay ull taxes,nssessments,charges, fines and imposi�ions wttributable to �he <br /> PropeRy which may attain prfority over ttiis Security InstNment,nnd leasehatd payments or ground renls,if any. Bomower — <br /> shall pay thcse oblig�tions in ihe munner provided in pamgraph 2,or iP not paid in that manner,Bomower shall pay them on <br /> time direcdy to thc person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender a11 nwices of amounts to be paid under <br /> this paragraph. if Bmrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shalZ promptE}•furnish to Lender receipts evidencing <br /> �e payments. <br /> Borrower sholl promptly discharge any lien which hnx priority over�his Security lnstn�menl unless Borrower:la)ugrees <br /> in writing to the payment of the obliga[ion secured by the lien�n n manner acceptable to Lender.(b)cuntests in good faith 1he <br /> lien by,or defends against enPorcement of the lien in,legal proceedings whieh in ihe Leader's opinion operate to prevent the =-_ <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(C)secures from thc holder of�he lien an agreement salisiACtory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Securiry Insdument. If Lender determines that nny pAn of Ihe Properly is suiycct�o a lien which may at�ain priority <br /> over this Securiry Instrument.Lender may give Borrower o�otice identifying Ihc lien. Borrower shall xatisfy�he lien or take <br /> wie or more of�he actions set forth above wit'hin 10 duys of the giving of notice. <br /> S. Hazard or Property losurs�nee. Bonower shall kcep the improvemcnts now cxisting or hercaiter erected on the — <br /> Property insured against loss by fire.hazords Included within the term"extended covemge"and any other hAZards,including __ <br /> floods or flooding. for whicl�Lender requires insurunce. This insuranee shnll be r�ain�ained in the umounts and for the <br /> ibrm J1128 9N1B f►wRt 2 njA/►ngetl = <br /> / ¢ <br /> E_ <br /> �_:. <br /> p;,;'7�_'�`S!;r�Y�t������'� ;;��::,.,��.;,7'�.v'x'fd•��°� n�i,'�� ��;fi�'� . •-�{{:y;, <br /> "-�.�.3,, .. : ..d�;,4���•d,� „1 , ,:;•{r .. . -1 ,--. . .,,; -�- ; 1y(y(y(�� _ , <br /> ♦ t S ` ��/�. -( � � y1�```t - � <br /> � <br /> .:,.,... . r �_ �l�r�t �. •. .. . , a ' �•�)�tl'� Fli�� p��' ' ' <br /> _tils::a:�° + :�,.• � <br /> , � ,, <br /> � <br /> , <br /> .:..y�i,j .,�..a�-t ' '•?-' `- --�•- '--'-. :___. •_ ,L.�.L1��- __/:'�..,.]1�Y r'�i_-�� .� - � _6Y�r�`4`_'.. <br /> -� � -�r � --- � .-�� - t- - -- --- --- ---- -- - --- --------- -- - - --- -- - -� _= - -_----- <br /> y . .. �- ; . . - <br /> �,-.:i� �, . .:, � �i y� S��t "� . . . �. 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