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_T..��.�.h. .1'.t�'{r, . n_� _ ... . ..T— "._ _ '. __ � ,1. <br /> .. _.�.—w� _'�';_�-��y[� . <br /> ._.__.-'m� ' _ . .. , . .�� .._ .- <br /> .�. <br /> � ���� <br /> p�ympiu a�y ao laqger be raquirod.�t the option o[LaKkr.if marl�e inwr�nce aova�ge qn tho�maunt uM for the paiod <br /> dt�t L.aid�er mqujttia)Provided bY w in�ura approvad by l�ier+�in become�wdl�ble�nd Ir obt�inod. Bo�mnw�thdl pry <br /> IhO p�mluau r�uirad tp m�in m�RaQe itnqirana h�elkct.or to provlde a!a�rex�vc,uMil tha roquirenaent fa mo�t�e <br /> lawr�nor eadK in�eoo�dmoe Mith�nY wriva�a;roana�t betMean Bomowa�aid t.arder a applicable I�M. <br /> !. 6rpulb�A. I,aider or it��a�t nuiy mdce res�o��ble aKr1a up�n�nd ia�pecNoos af the Prope�ly.I.ader�ht�l�lve <br /> �t�t+nwer notice�t tlic dme of or prior to�n iacpection specify[n�na�on�ble cause Por tho lncpection. <br /> 1�. CoaMp�alloq. Tho proceeds of any award or cl�im for d�maga, dina or oon�qua►ti�l, in oonneabn with any <br /> ocMdonuwtion or other Wcin�of�►y prrt of the Property.or for convayu�ce in lieu of ao��iuie hee�eby assi�ned wd <br /> - - — ------ �11 tfc p�fd w l.cndcs. <br /> In the avcnt ota toW Wcln�of tho Prnperty.the prnceed�ciwll be sgp8ed to the�ums socurod by this 5xadty lnstnunau� <br /> whether or nc►t thcn duo,with a�y exopa paid ta Barawer.In tho event af w putid taking of the Proporty Ln whkh the fair <br /> ' mt�icd v�lue of tho P[apMy immodiwtely beforo tho twking ic e�ual to ar gn�tor tiun Iho xm�wat of the wms ai+cured by thit <br /> SecuHly itutrumau Inunediately beforo the wking,unless Aorrower and Lender othenviso agroo in writing.ttie suu�aecurod by <br /> thi� Secudty Itutnunent �Fwll ba roduced by Iho amount af tho pmaeds multiplied by the fallowing fisqion:(a)the toW <br /> �mount ot th�wms aecured immedlutdy bafore the laking,dividod by(b)th�fair marku value of the Property immedWely <br /> b�forc the takin�. Any b�lAnoe cludl ba paid to Bomnwer. In tho event of a paAi�l taldng of the Prop�erty jn which the fair <br /> muket v�lue ot the Pnnpeny irrunedi�tely befaro tho taking i�less tiwn the�nount of ttie aums securod lnuaedi�tdy before the <br /> uikinp,unkcs Burrower and Lende�athenvise Agree in writing or unlas appitcabb I�w otherwiso pmvides.the p�0000d�sh�l� <br /> be�ppNed lo the sums sxund by this Secu�ity Instniment whether ar not the ct�ms are then due. _ <br /> if the P�+operty is abandot�od by Borrowar,or ii,atter not�ce by Lender to Bonower lhat the candarmor offas to tn�ko aa ,, <br /> �wud or�dtle a clnim for damages. Borrawer fails to rrspond lo l.cnder wlthin 30 dwys ofter the tlatc the nodoe is givoa. <br /> ��``�`°- Lende�ic wuthorized to collect and appiy the proceeda,at its option,efQ�er tu rCatu�wt{u�i or�a�wlr of tiw Proper ty a' to.the� , <br /> �equied by thie Security Instrument.wixiher or not then duc. � <br /> Unle�s �.ende� and 8orrower otMrwlse agrec in writing, anY apPlication of procceds to pritwipul sdall nat extend or <br />' po�tpone the due dAte of 1he monthly paymcnts refcrnd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ar change the ar�wunt of such payments. <br /> . ���8on�o►ver Not Rdeatedi Forbearanoe By l.ender Not a Walver.�xtensian of the time for pnyma�t or t�ndificadon <br /> of am�rti�i�n of�he sums securad by this Secudry Instrumem grantod by l.ender to any successor in interest of Bonowu sl�ll <br /> - - nM operate ta telease�he liability of the original Borrower or Borcower's suocessors in interest. I.ender slwll not be requi�ed w <br /> - commrnce pnxeodings r+�ainw any successar in intercst or rcFuse to extend Ume far payment or otherwise modify amortizAtiop <br /> nt'Ihe cums acurcd by thia Secu�ity Instrument by reason of any demand made by the o�iginal Borrower or Borrowa'a <br /> tiucce�cora in intet�.st. Any forbwrAnce by Lender in exerciring any right or remedy shell not bo a wnivec of or proclude tGe <br /> ex�nci�af any�ight or femedy. <br /> - i3. �nxra�n� �+i�i � Souc�d� ,iolsi aad �evera! Ltab!lky; Ca-slgucss. '!'hc caveaastls as�d ass+easssists Qf ihis <br />,�r'.• SocuNty Inss�nwnem shall bind and benefit the sucassors and assigns of Lender and Aorrower, subJect to the provlsions of <br /> paragraph 17. Bormwe�s ��►venants ard aFreementa shall be joint w�d sevcral. Any�Borruwer who casigns this Securlty <br /> `"'' In�lrumcnt bul dcew ixit exctiute the Note: (ui i�co•tigning this Secu�lry [�trument only to moRgage, grnnt aid aoavey that <br /> .� Bom►wer'x interect in the Propeny under ihe tenn,of this Securlty Cnstrument;(b)is not personally abligated to pay tt�o� <br /> • +�curoJ hy thia Sewrity lastniment:ard(c)Agrecti that Lender nnd uny other Borrower may agree to extend.modify,forbar or <br /> moke any uc���mm�du�i��na wiih regard to the terms af thi�Security lnstrument or the IVote wllhout that Bortower'a concent. <br /> . 13. I.�wa ChwrRes.If ihe Inan secural by this Se��uriry Incuumem iK subject to a law which sets maximum bwt chorga. ' <br /> ,' unJ thut luw ix t'irally imerpreted co that the iatcresi or other loan rha�•ges collected ar to be collected in cormat[an with tl►o <br />= k�un exrecJ the pem�illeJ limit�,�hen:(a)any �u�h loan chur�e shall be retlu:ec!by�he amount necessary to redu�e 1he clwrgo <br /> '' la Ihc pemtitt�l limit;and (bl�ny sums alrerxly collctited from Borroa�er which exceecled permitted limits will be refundod to <br /> ' �•� Bom►wcr. I.cmlcr mLy cha�� �a irwkc this rcfund by rc�luring the principal owed under the Note or by meking a diroct <br />.. �t �wynxnt u� &�rrawcr. If u rcfunJ reJuces princip•rl. the reduction will be treuted as u panisd prepaymont widwut any <br /> prep�yment rlwr�tc under the N.NC. <br /> ' .•�J:,, �.- 14.Notken. Any n�nice t��&�rrnNC�pruviJed for in thi�Securiry In,trurnent shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> � � �_�-,;.� it hy tin►1 rlu+�uwN unlc.�uppliraMle law reyuire+ use of rnother method. The nrnice shull be directecl to the Property Address <br /> ,�-r.�• • ��r ony �►tlier u�ldre�� Borri�we� Je.igiwte. by ix►tia to LenJer. Any notice �a I.encl�r shall be given by tirst class mnil to <br /> "�_:'� ,� lAixlcr'.uJJrc�+ �iut��f hrrcin ar any�ithcr adJresx lxnJer Je�ignates by notice to&�rro�ver. Any notice provided for in thfe <br /> �2 ' `"` ti�ru�iry Ui.�runkm,h•rll Ik J«ukJ tu huve iu�n Fivcn to&�rc�iwcr or LenJer H•hen�iven as provided in this paragraph. <br /> ��;�,'µ,. I�.Iiuvernl� I.uwi tieverobiNly. Thi. S��curiry Im�rument shull hc go�•emed by feders►I law and Ihe law ofthe <br />�-. _ `�"'� jurinJfrliun in whlch dic pru�ny i.r I�kat��J. In thc event Ihat any provisi��n ar rlause of this Security Instrument or Ihe Note <br /> � • .'.:�. '.._ _ <br /> ; �,,,,�.��"�ir,. ranllic�.with appUruMe luw.�uch conllicl�hull iNH affitit other pmvi,i�inti of�his S.tiurit�� lnatrument or thc Note which con be -- <br /> �,T .y.�.u��c ..� . Kivrn clli�l wlih�wl Ih�r�►ntlirting pruvi.inn T�i thi. cnd the pruvi+i��m of thi, Securiry Instrument und the Note are Jeclured _ <br /> - �Nh�a'frr.un, — <br /> la Ix•k���r.�Mr. <br /> - ".';" °.: �,;,�' 16.IbN'n�Ner'K l'opy.FA►rr��w�r.hall tn givrnonc runli►rm�d ropy ol'the N�i�e•rnJ iN'this Security InMrun�ent. <br /> •t��• rb <br /> '►�:�• . FOrin 30Y8 8/80 �- <br /> J;?• <br /> ^T-' Ppe.1 ul({ - <br /> e �- <br />. ��`, .`�'. ` ' <br /> ."c;::'.''?��; <br /> ~4',.'l��l:Xr�� A� <br /> L' l,ti " ' .:i. n.. .. . �+i.S.✓.i+l� wts:�.�n:.'A�. .�,ilr`!��'I'�_ <br /> , - . yMjj.�� ,N.J.-.r-. )...hjpi�(. .yv�- . {F � l� �i. <br /> ,� .!, ..r �.• � r . _ . . . '_ . ' . . ' -ti.Kt _:�� { ��t�Ct. <br /> .�` ° `.-�'i^t.-- . , . ., . ., ;",•�.;� , -''s;; i.. :�,,�/�'<,;{;tt�4` <br /> -� l' - , . . � f .\� �f��.i��,'� <br />:��� 1Ra'Wniii J � ' . . . �.�, . .��,,��.:t <br /> ........ . , ... �. <br /> � <br /> u� ''' .__ _ _ _ .'.__._____ __ ' _. _� __'__'_'___-`__ _ '."_'_. _ __.,__._.. �-�'__-_ <br /> _ ._. --_ __--__,_— ._____ _—__.__ _ _-_-- _ __ __— ____ __— __ _- — _ _ ____ _ _ - <br /> ___. '__ -_-..: __.—"_—_. __ <br /> _- .1 •a..' .,�.•_- _ . . __ ._—__..—_.. .-__— .... _ . _. ____— - - ...__ . ___l —_ __ <br />- �.� �tY:1 . . . . . � <br /> , o , . � <br /> _ _ _ _ __,.__ _ <br /> < <br />. lP'��i'. . . .. . .. . <br /> �NN.,!ip�� ♦ <br /> ^i �;T'�{i��... :(F _ _ � .� .. � � .. . . <br /> Y <br /> 4.+�:L,y�._` ..�,.. ���'. __ _— __.__.._ _ . ... . ... __.' _ —. _._____ ' . ' .. <br /> _�____':'i'�?►ry.�Tya,�.1�!;L1''f.+-.� .. ., ' .. .. .. . 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