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_� _ _ ___ <br /> -"'� . : : -- _ ���- ��1��� . -��::: ._ <br /> � 17.Tnu�dt�'ot We Propaty ur a Ra�dlcW Intae�t i��a�r+o�+e'.U a11 or put of the Propm'tY or�aY inlae�t in it <br /> i�wld or u�wfe,rned(or iP�tia►eficW intcre�t in 8arrower i�wld cx lrwfcrrod and�rrower i�not�nawra!pa�a►)wjtbont <br /> t lxader'e prior wdttea a�a�t.l.�nder at�!►. �t (p► aptian� t�uire imrnedl�te p�Yment in fbll ot�II aue� reairod by dd� <br /> �. Sxurity Insuumcm. However,d�i�option�b�U aat bo oxenci�e/6y Y.a�da if exaeiio i�pmhibita!by fede��i law a�of the dMe <br /> i of lhit Security Ia�trumap. <br /> � 1f Lender exonci�cs thi�op►fon,Lender sl�il�ve 8nrrower notiae of�000leration.Tho notica rlull provide a period of not <br /> Iw th�n 30 day�fnom the date the uotke i�del ve:nd ar m�iled wit6iin which Bomowcr mua p�y dl wm�soaired by�hi� <br /> $ecudry U�qrument. U 9ortower fplb wp�y these wmv prlot to the axpirulon of thi4 period.I.ender may invoko M'rcmedi°� <br /> perndtted b thi�Secu�i�Uatiumeza witliaut turiha notia or dem�nd on 8orrower. <br /> per <br /> 18. wer'� t to Rdast�k. If Barrower a�xta oeitein oondilions, Borrower ah�ll have tho r16ht w lu�ye <br /> enfarctancnt of thl� Securiry Iasunma�t disoontim�od at any time priar w U�e carlicr of: (a)S days lor such cxher perlad ae <br /> �ppUcAbla I�w mry specify fot r�einct�taneml 6etore ule of tha Proparty pu�swnt w any Power of anle canWmd in thi� <br /> Socu�ity It�strumeN:or(b)entry af�judgment en�+cln8 thia Security Instrument.Ttwsc oonditions aro tlw Borrowu: (a)Wy� <br /> I.ender all sums which tlka would bu due uMer tbfs Sxurity Intuumant end tha Nde as if no aaxkrntion had occurrod;(b) <br /> cums eny defsult of�ny ather oovenants or�groemems: (c1 W ��1�exPences ineurtal in enfo�ing this Socudty In�pumem, <br /> including.but not limited ta. nxwn�blo wtome�s'fas;and(d�takes such action as T-ender maY rcasonab�Y r�eAuiro to assuro <br /> that the lien of�his Sxuriry Insuument. LeMor a�ights in the Proparty and Bomnwer's abligation to pay the sums�ecured by <br /> --- this Secudty Instrument ohall continuo unchimgod. Upan r�einctetement by Bormwer. this Sccurity Instrument smd the <br /> obNgations securod hereby shall�emain fully af�eclivo ss if na aooelaratlon had oocumed.However, ihis ri�ht to�inctate�II <br /> not apply in the easo of acceletation under puagraph 17• <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Clwa�e af I.o�a Servtar. 'tiie Note or a pArtial intenesl ia tha Note (together with thie Security <br /> Inatrutnenq muy be sold oae or mon times without prior notice ta Bomowor. A sala may nxult in a cbange in the entlty(known <br /> as the"l.oan Servfoer")thet collects monlhiY puymenta due under tne Note a�d thie Securlty lnstn�ment. There also may bo ara <br /> or more changaa af the I,oan Servlcxr umelatod to a sale of the Nde.If thera is a chunge of the Loan Serviar.Borrower will bo <br /> - given written notice of the changt jn accordance w�th parngraph 14 abovo and upplic�ble Isw.7'he notice will state thc narn and <br /> address of the new Loan Serviar and the wW�rss 10 which peyments ciwuld be made. The�rotice will �Iw corAain any aher <br /> infom�ation required by applicaMe law. <br /> - 2p. H�►ndou9 Sub�tances. Borrower shali not csuse or permit the presenoo, ur,e, disposal. storage. or nelease of any <br /> Hazat+dous Subuances an or in tho Property. Borcower shall not do, nor allaw anyone else to do, anything affxting the <br /> Property that is in vialation of eny Bmironmental The preceding two santences shall not apply to the presence.use. or , <br /> storage on the Proper�y of small qwmtities of HazArdous Subslanccs that are generally nroguized to be appropriata to nom�al <br /> residential uses and to maintenwnce af the Property. <br /> Bamawer shall promptly give[.ender written noticc of any investigatian,cl�im, demand. lawsuit or other action by a�ry <br /> governmental or regulatory agency or privAte party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> af which Borrower has acival knowledgc. if Borrower leams,or is notificd by any gavernmental or regulotory authority.that <br /> any removal or other remediation of any Hezardous Substance affecting the Property is r�ecessary.Borrower shall promptly ta�e <br /> all nece.gsary rcmedial�ictions fn accordance with Environmental Law. - <br /> As used in�his par�Rraph 2Q,"Ha�andous Subatances' are ti�ose substances detinad as toxic or ha7andcwa substan�'.es by <br /> -.-_= Environmental l.nw and�he following substances; gasoline, kero�ene. aher fiemmabie or toxic �xtroleu�+pr8ducts. toxEc <br /> pesticides and herbicides,+ola�ile solven�s, materials con�aining asbes�as or Pomwldehyde,�nd radioactive materials.As used in <br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws attd laws of the ju�isdictian where the PropertY is �o�ated tt�t <br /> relate to health,safery or env ironmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer und I.ender funher covennnt wxl�gree as fol�ows: <br /> 21. Acceleratiap; Remedies.I.ender slwll give notice to&irrower prlar to accelers�Uan fdlowing Borrower's br+eacb <br /> o(ony covenant or age�nent in this Securlty Instrument (but nat prfor to accelerntion under poragraph l7 unlesq <br /> pppllcabk luw provkles otherwise►.The notice shall specify: �e)the default; (b)the aetion requlred to cur+e the tkfauU; <br /> (c)p date,not les.c than 30 dnys from the date the nottce is given to Borrower,by whicN the defAUlt must be cured;apd <br /> (d)ttutt fallure to cure Ihe defaull on or beforo the dAte specitied in the aotice may result in acceleratlon ot tlie swns � <br /> secured by this Security Instn�ment and sele ot the Pruperty. TMe notice shall iurther inform Born►wer ot the right to <br /> reinstate pner acceleratbn And the right to bring a cauct uction to assert ihe non�exlstence of a detrtult or any otha� <br /> -°=s— defense of Bomuwer to aeceleraibn aad sale. If the default is not cured an or betore the dAte speci0ed in the noUce� <br /> ----- l.ender, al its option. may requtre lmmediete payment In full of all sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument without <br /> iu�ther demand and may invoke the power of sale and any othcr remedies permitted by eppIlcAble law. Lender shpll be <br /> -� entitled to collect aN expensec incurred in pursufng the remedies provided in this paragreph Zl.including,but not limited <br /> - to�reasanable attorneys'fees And rnsts of ti11e evidencc. <br /> - � If thepo wer of 5ale is Invoked.Tructee shall record a notire of dei'uult in cach county in whkh any part at the <br /> - � property is I�cnted ond shall mall copkc of such notice fn thc manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to <br />��p��' the other personv prescrfbed by applicable law.AfYer the Ume required by applicable IaW.Trustee shall give public notice <br />=°�i°� of!wle ta the pen:oas and in the m�nner pr�scrit►ed by applicublc luw.Tructee,wilhaut demand on Borrower.shall scll <br /> ="� the Prnperty at pu6lic auction to the highest biddcr ut thc time and placc and under thc terms designwted in Ihe notice oF <br /> - sale in one or morc parccls pnd in any order Truxtce detrrmin�.�s.Tru�tec may pnstpnne r;ule oP all or s�ny parcel nt the <br />-:T!•�� Pruperty by public annonnrement at the tfine and place oP yny previously scheduled rale. I.ender or itx designee may <br /> --"�9 purcAase the Propctiy sN any sale. <br />.:��:�i� <br /> �a:;._:� <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br />�1:y,}} Paqo 5 M B <br /> r h,_ — <br /> i <br />"r,:tl, _ <br />:Ei+'�• " <br /> � <br /> __ -_�.s � — <br /> '�:� _ <br /> � _�1Y.: <br /> �� �}�' ".', ' \ .r7c,��7r <br /> �r ..a, ��!i, T�.�`i��IF . : , _ ` ,a:s.1. ���...•. . t t. S �i�rrr._-. <br /> .,7�''` T • �r�.;;r�. � �h . f li... , �_j- c.. rC�' 7 . ��' ( i;t��� <br /> �t .e e . ���,�l7i'�(5' e�,���; �+Fi . NS, - .tirf�<<� i. . • ' - - '.��t:�� h7sr.� ..� `•' tir.y.�j����� ��p�^�+(1�}t�� <br /> . <br /> .� �'FY" -� ..�'tt`14�1'�y���t(�E� �+t:�4 „ . . - • .. . .. _ !`h-2�.���)c .. 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