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„,^+rTr�,�__. .._ _ . .._ - a�..:::'�,r..�.�,.._.,.,,�.,,1."__ .et :.F;� . .. . . .. .. _ . .n*�r.n�.0 <br /> �:� � � I U'. . , Y, . .. . . .. . .... . . . . :. . _ <br /> • /' )![ . . ,A,� ��/� .. . <br /> ' �` '.� ` , •�'�” �,V,l��a/l/ . . <br /> f. if�d�e ta�eiy Idiic,�u�oe,��t�c!wa' th�Jl koqQ, d�e Impmve�neaja now e�1rHn� or bKwArr rrw�d ait is <br /> hppNty lawrod ydnst loM by !it'����p���Ip�pd witlii�t�o�am "e�tanded covcr+�c'�nd�ny odMC 6�ra�d�, ieolydi� � <br /> Amd�or Aoadiry,fi�wW�:i►tx�«t��;ra�j�Ii�,i��yi�iiri�d.'�'{Yi�•3�u�iraace�iw11 ba j�wlplpinad 1�1 et�e�mauut��t fiw tA.p.ri�,S� <br /> qrt LM/�aq�lra.'['e�lnaarroe�trlcr.�i�ri�ti�?i!�;�srir:wQca�hat�tx cbo.en t�y earrower wbject W�er`i�p�rovd <br /> r�icb r4MU nol be unneiuoa�bly wlthhcid;..l��i��towe���,iT�t:t�'truint�fn aoveri�e ddcribed above. 1.ernder m�y, �t L�r's <br /> aplioe.obWn ooverye ta protecc�Lo�{d:cr'n irlghi�:fd ttia,Al�trjlprt�in�ccordujce w�1h pu+�8r�ph 7. „ .. <br /> All lmurmoe policlea ind «neth��a]��Iw01:.`6d-. �Ic tt�Lender ad �Il inalude a rhu�da+d mort�e clwae. I.aid�r � : <br /> �Inli hwe the dsht zo hold cho poliaiea su5d��ita�vOf�:`.f 1.;c�►cter"rawina.Bonmvu ahell ptnmhtlY�ive ta i.onier�Il neoeipb of <br /> i'�P��wYa�arcl ra�ewd noticeo.Ui:tho event��t9ASS,�Barrawer�il�ive p�ampt nottce w tire incucw►co carrier aud l�nda. <br /> I�dK eqy m�ke proof ot tou tf not:i�nade proi!!3p11y}by��}o�i+nwer. � <br /> Unlan[,ander u�d Bor�ower oth+er-wise ag�'r•.�dn v�ClHtig:`ieaurana pr000eda�hall be appliod ta reuor�tlon or repir of tUe <br /> Propeny dmr�ed.iP the rcswruioa ai,repais is�Pcodo�ty faiaible and L�ender'a security i�nat les�ened.l[�he r�ttoi�tlon ar <br /> np�ir i�not.aootwmically fauible or�i:entler'� s�cnrhy wajild�bic texcened.the inwrmoo p�ocoeda�11 be applied w Ihe e�ms <br /> socund by thl� SACU�ity[nstrument..wt�ether•or:�nnni i tilett�iue, with Aay exoas p�id to eorrowcr. If Borrower�bs�don t6a <br /> PropenY. or doa tat enrwer wlthin�D days n ncki.e ticcom'Let�ier tlwt the iosutance catrler tw�offere�to settlo a clafm. thd► <br /> La�der mry oolleet tde insu�aace pcoceedt. d.tiul�r�1pay:�us+c cfic+proocx�ds to t+cp�ir or roctore the Pr�ope�ty or w py awa� . <br /> �xwad by this Secudty InstNment.whet�er or r�at t6en d�st. ;'�ho 3�day period wfll begin when tl►e notica i�givai. <br /> UNess I.ender u�d Borrower otberwise agree �1'Wrdtfng, uny",applia�an of pm000ds to princip�l elull not eata�d or <br /> postpone the due dYe of thc monthly pa�m�en'ts reteired�lo in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the�u�►ount of the paymenta• if <br /> unAer p�r�raph 21 the Property is aequired by l:cr�aer,�F�orrawer's ri�at ta uny ineuru�ce policiex ancl procoedc r+esuiting from <br /> d�utwQe to the Propaty prbr to the acquis�lon st��ii peae•to��Lendet to"tbe extem of the wmt securod by thio Socvr�ty ImWrneat _ <br /> inunediately ptior to tf�a ecquisitioa. <br /> 6.Oocu�y,Pra�vvadon.Ma(atena�e npd Prot�cd�aW�a�tbe Prope�tyi BonoK•er't I.oan Applkatloo;L,ewdw�d�. <br /> Bamower shall ao�upy. eatablish.and use the Propcny as Barrawer's principa!residencc wi�hin sixty days afier tha exocudon of <br /> this Securiry (n�uument end�11 continue to�rcupy ihe Prpperty a�Honower's principal residence far at Iwst ane yeu efter <br /> tho datc of occurwncy, unlesa L,ender otherwise agrees in wtlting. which•consent slwll not be unreasonably withheld. ar unleas <br /> extenuutin� circum�lancroa exi�t which a�e beyrond Bonowei's conuol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or imptlr the <br /> Property. allow ihe Praporty w deteriorate. or c�rt�t w�te�n tha Pmperty. Borrower shall be in defwdt if ar�y farFeituro <br /> oction or procoeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun thut in Lcnder's gocxl fafth judgment could result in forfeiture af th� <br /> Property or urherwi�e motcri�lly impeir the lien crested by this Securlty�Instrumcnt or I.cnder's savrity intemst.Bomnwei m�y <br /> cure wch a defaulc and provided in p;uagraph 18,by causing the action or proceeding to be dismlcsed with e ruling <br /> th�t. in Lender's � detertnination, precludes forfeiniu�: of d�e Barrower's iaterest in the Propcny or dher m�tadai <br /> impeim�ent at thc Ilcn crcAted by thic 5ecun[y Instrument or l,ender's secunty imerest. t�orrower siwii also be in defauil if <br /> Bormwer,durfng the laan epplication pracess, gave materi�lly false or inaccurate informatian or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> to pruvide LendM with any material inForniation)in connection w•ith the ioun evidenced by the Note.Including.but nat limitod <br /> w,nprcsentatianR rnnreming 8orrower's accupancy af the Property as u pri ncipal residence.If this Security InstrumeM is on a <br /> leasehold, Borrowcr shall rnmply with all the provisions of the lease. If Sorrower acquires fee dtle to the Propeny. the <br /> leasehold and the fee tltle shull not merge unless I.endcr agrees to the merger In writing. <br /> 7.Prntection ot I.eade�'s RlQhtr In the Property.if Horrower•fails to perform the covenants and agrcements contalned in <br /> this Security Inetrument,ar Ihere ia a legal proceeding that muy significuntly affect I..ender's rights in the Property (such as a <br /> �roceeding i�banktuptcy,probate. for condemnwion ar forfeiture or to enfnrce lewa ot regulations),then I.ender may do and <br /> pay far whatever is nocesgary to protect the value of the P�openy and Lender's righu in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> include paying any sums tiecurnd by u lien which has priori!�r over this Security Instniment, appearing in court, paying <br /> rwsonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repuirs, Al�hough l,ender moy take action under this puagraph <br /> 7,Lender dnes not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender uiulcr �his paragraph 7 shall becor+�e addi�ional debt of Borrower secured by ihis <br /> Secudty Instmment. Unley�Barmwcr nnJ Lender ugrec to ather�erms of p�yment, these amnwNs shell bear interest from the <br /> date of disburaement at the Note rntc und xhull be payable, with intcrest, upan noiice from l.ender to Borrower requesting <br /> PaYment. <br /> 8.Mortg�e'I.cnJer rcyuircxl mortgage insurance as a c�ndni�n af making the loan xecured by thi�Security <br /> InstrumeM. Born�wer ,hall puy Ihe prcmlumti rc�quired ta maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason. the <br /> mortg+ge incurance coveruge rcyuireJ t+y I�:nder lapses ur ceases to be in efiect. Bortower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obwin caveroge subs�antlully��yuivulcn� a�tlie m�mgage insurnncc previously in effect, a�n cast substantinlly equivalent to the <br /> wst to Borrower of ihe m�inguge inwrLnce prcvKwsly in effect, from an oltemat. mortgage insurer approved by l.ender. If <br /> substantially equivulent m�►ngugc in�uruncr rovcrugc iK nut uvailable. Borrower shall pay to Lcrxler cach month a surn equal to <br /> one-twelfth of the yearly m.ingugr in,uranrc prcmiun�being puiJ by&�rrower when the insurauce coverage lupsed or ceased to <br /> be in effect. lxnder will uccep�, uM unJ nwm thex pvymems us a loss reserve in lieu of mongage in�urance. Loss reserve <br /> Form 30T8 8190 <br /> P�3o18 <br /> i" ' <br /> .—✓Ce��,v.i. .i�?d�.�7'� .r..�.G. �'.�,... � • h�. :'1!'r x�T2 � �` J- _ �v_ <br /> k `.__ S S , . -• r • . �:{ O� �5��i. l' �7 : ��; {�lt�.���* - <br /> Y4Y��y� � . `�1�i - � -4F}1,}�- i1� �;/���,����� F {,�`�' ��.t'r rf1„n�.`.'�,iyt �i <br /> � � +c'_ � � j� .� s �, , ' <br /> ... _:.`�R'+R.s7r_ .y:•hy..r.l : . ... f. •,�i -!t � :.,. .! �,7.� �'� .._ <br /> ..�w��,:.i._.. . . . , � �\ r ..�s�a.,.{ Js�_A.:t:. <br /> �r' � � <br /> . ... ,. � �;, <br /> r <br /> ----_,ti �... ._... . _ ..... . .. , . � :� ,< < ���, �:��, ��,�� -- <br /> - -_ __ <br /> .�-. .c�c-a_. . . ._•` _____� -__-___. .. .-___ __-_- . ---'- .( .;� a� TtN��t :1' L)4�+ . ._,.. .,_ . . <br /> ew�l� 1�„ � � � _ _ ��t r'������;2J K I � � � 1 i{ . �_ <br /> ?�r►�� �,tt• � �.2 . - - . . � t��� V}! r` n,-1.;�i���tif/{�1�)f (��� is :•.tr.�.,.,>;.,,;,. `�,�` _ T <br /> Ir � �1 �i� . � -�1 �o t:�- � - Ii/fj . -i�t t�a n���,'1'�L� _ <br /> "'_ t r��., .; -,t�... }�4t �' 4 i711 �P e , v . <br /> r �-,.�avsl+l)�rtti vo �tk..ti.. . � ., ' . .'! 1i{S � .4 i� (%1�'1{r�i 1 'i�r � ' . <br /> -_ } � ' _. e _ • . ��' ` _q�i1 �\��i �,l;r;.�ilt r",�IfkS.,,.:� - , . . - <br /> — :ncE � y-i:.�.rt � . . 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