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+►+r.Ln�+.tit,. . -.:�- , . �4Y:.r,� i.e. "= <br /> , ~' 41� �+ay�#���P'.�o:..+����� <br /> _ .. •� . . . ., _ . .. . r . _ .. . y ... .r f� __ . <br /> Taoem�e wrr� �u aw�oc�,�a��«��a aM�ey.�� .�.,.�.��.,�.r' ����• ��� <br /> . �. naw ar n.ea[t�r. pM a aa pnopucy. Au n'i�oNnma .iw .aaRtan� .b�u .la bo ooyer.+ ay d�t„�il�!. . <br /> . Ia�qumeM.Aii d'dr ie�e�nirij is niiwtrd te ia d�it 8rortiey in�aotn�nt�a N»`P�Mety.' , • � ,� - ::. <br /> . AWR��DOM1►BI�{Ai�!'�trt�ataw�b{�y MiNI af NM MfM1�!�!'��d hn tia d�6t to p�t�11 .. �� . <br /> , ' oatvby 1M Prapwty rd tY�t d�t lhropKtr b�M�ou�O.�x�o�lM(br MoM�Mw�oM o�t�eoo�d.9aKKVa�r�ur�rrb�i MM <br /> d�wd�r�lr tbe tlde to the Pn�aty�pdat dl ddra��id dwNwid�.rri�j�ol b�q,'�of roco�d. .� <br /> 17�I8 8BC'iJRY1'Y WS'�RUlrlBIQT oom6Mes uaitaaa aowaNw ihr a�tloMi uM�ad nonatniform oovao�nb Mridi ILritid <br /> v�ri�tioo�br JMriidicxion co ooa�dtuu�uaikKm Mauity Imtnia�rnt ao�►�rly�wl p�op�ty. <br /> UNIFARM COYBNANT3.Bo�mwct w�d t.uukx covcsuu�t wd��ec as folbw�: <br /> l. rr�at ot n�ndpd a.a LMau.�; h�+r�.�rw�M wr�.M. c'M.�.. wrww«� rh�l�pnoapd�Nn► wbea are el�a� ,� <br /> priacip�l of md iaterou aa tho debt evldaioed by the Note�qd�ny qrpr�y�naM�nd Iw clw�er 4ue undar tJ�c lwa�e�,. . ' <br /> 3. P1miM [ar Ta�oes wa Lranu�o�.SubJect to�ppllc�ble I�w or w a wrlaea walwr by I.aKier.Hon+nw�a�:�#i�tt�PpY � <br /> Lender on the daY�Y P�Y���u�e due uMer the Nate.wftf)the Nou in pdd In 1WI��wm("Furdr")ta:'�{i}ym�r��r Wxet...,�,• ' <br /> ,.. , aad+wsoumaua ahich may attain priority ovar ihis Sa;udty Jruttumait w�Ilrn on the Property:(b)Y�Y���:.�Y+�nu . :`'':�!,:�:.,. <br /> . ::`ar grouad�+aua on�ho Properry�if any:(c)Yeuly hautd or ptnpaty ip�tura�o ptKmium�t td)Yearly tlood inairanoe�rrnrm�i�e� .� <br /> . � �€anY;(e)Yearfy awrtg�ge lawnuxe premiurm. if�ny:�nd(��ny wm�p�y�blo by Borrowu co Lendsr.!n�000rd�nce Wl�h ��.���.,` '; <br /> ' '.. .;: the.pruv4iom oi puagniph 8,in Ueu of�he pymau of moM�e inwranoc p�anlunq.Thao Itaro aro c�llad"Banow Itdns." "' ., <br /> ' '. I:erider may,u my dme. vollea and hotd Funds in�n amount na to ez000d lha muimum unount�lender for a feda�lly <br /> �latcd monpgo Iwn may roquiro for Borrower's eacrow�000unt under Ihe feder�l Ral Ei�tuo Settlanenl Procodura Acx of <br /> 19?q as amaidod from dme to dme. 12 U.5.C.Sectioa 2601 ct scq.('RBSPA").unle��nnther uw th�t applia W the Fwd� . <br />' ,' . sw a ta�r ur�ount. lf�o, La�der may.u any Nme.collect�nd hold Fw�d,ia an amoua�na a axaed�be larcr,mnunt: '� � <br /> . L�ender may eatimwto the eawunt of Funds duo on the buis of cutnent dau aad rasoroble admws oP expadlwrcs of tutur� <br /> . �Ucc�nw Itenu or wt�se in�000rrlu�oe wl�h s�pplicable law. . <br /> � ��The Funde ahell be hcld in an Instilution whose depnits w+e insurod by � fala�l wQe�cy, in�tnimentaJity. or e�ity . ' . <br /> (including Lender,if Lcnder la wch�n ir►�Utution)or in any Fod�ral Homc Lorn Bmk.Lende��IW I apply tho Rwids to pay tha ' <br /> Sscrow items.I.ender may not chargo Borrower for holding and applyin�the Fumii,�n�wally uulytlnQ�he acrow�caow�t,or . <br /> vedfying the Escrow Items,unlas Lender pays Barrower interest on the Fund�ard�pplicable I�w petmfls l.rnder w anEe sw� � <br /> a d�ge. However, Lender rwy requine Horrower ta poy a one-time chu�a for an irKlependent rral e�ate tax r�eportin,�aa�vir�e � <br /> used by Lender in connxllon with thls loan, unless applicable law provides othorwi�o. Unlau �n �ncemeot is mde oa <br /> y�plital+le law requirea interest to bo paid,Lender sfwll not be roquirad to pay 8arrawer any inlerest ar earnin�s on the Fwds. <br /> . . Borrower and L.ender:nwy �gra in writing, hawever.thut Intercst sh�ll bo ppid on the Funds. Lender ih�ll�ive w HomuMer. •� <br /> without charge. an an�ual acoounting of�he Funds, slwwing credits iud deblls to!he Fund�pnd Uxs purpo�o for which cach <br /> � debii io ihe FurnJs was inacie. Tho Funds aro piaigoci as a�Witicmai Kxvrity ior di sums savrod by iiris Savrity irwroment. <br /> If the Funds held by I.ender ex000d tho amounts permittod ta be held by applicablc law. l.ender�hall acmunl to Bormwer <br /> for the excxss Funds in accordanoo with the requirementc af uppHcublo Is►w. If Ihe anxwnl of Iho FundA held by Lender at�ny <br /> tlmo is not suftieient to pay the Fscrow Items when due,Lender may w notify Barrower in w�iling, wch caxe Barrower <br /> shall pay to Londer the amoum nocessary to make up tho deflciency.Bormwer aiwll mAko up tho defickocy in no more Iht�n <br /> twelve monthly payments, at Ixnder's sole discation. _ <br /> Upon payment in ful) of nll sums ururod by this Security Instrumenl. L.endcr shall promplly re1bnJ ta &�rmwe�any =- <br /> Funds held by I,ender.If� under paragrnph 21.I.ender shall acquire ar scll the Property,Lender, prior to Ihe a�yulri�i��n or sale - <br /> of the Propctry. ahafl apply any Funds hcld by Lender at the time of acquixitiun ur sala+��a crodil��i�u! the cum�wxurod by <br /> lhis Secvrity Instrument. <br /> 3.Appllcation of Paymente. Unless opplicuble law provldes olhenvise,ull payrnNnt�mceived by l.etKier under pur�r�phs <br /> I and 2 ahall be appliod: f rst,to any prepnyment chargex due under the Note;secand, u�amnuntr pAywble urwler pwrayrqph 2: <br /> third, to interest due;fourtb, to principal due:w�d laat,to uny late churgeti due undcr thc N�Na. . <br /> A.Clwrges;Liere. Borrower shall pay all taxes,ussesymentF, churge.. Gncs unJ imposi�i�mx uttritwwhk tu Ihe Pruperty -_ <br /> which may atlain priority uver this Security Ini�rument, and leaschnld puyn�ems or�r�w�xl rem�., if uny. I��rruwcr �Iwll p�y _- <br /> these obligations in the manner provided in purugr�ph 2,or if not puid in thAt manner, Bnrn�wcr+.hull ps�y�hcm��n�ink Jirectly <br /> to the pareon owed payment. Bonower sholl pmmpUy furnixh to IxnJcr ull nutire�of umount�Iu hc puid un�kr thlK par��raph. <br /> If Borrower mal:cs these payments direcNy.Bnnower tihnll promptly furnish a�l.eixlcr r�ticipt*eviden�f�ig�Ik p;�ynKnlx. <br /> Borrower shall promptly dischurge any lien which hux prioriry ovcr thin Sccurily Imlrument unlc.rc&�rmwer:lu)�gr��cw in <br /> writing to the puyment of el�e abligution secured by�he lien in u manner ucceptuhle a�l.en�ler;Ih)rantc�tr in g�wKl fui�h ihc Ilen <br /> by, or defends against enforccment of the lien in, legnl prac��iing+ whirh in thc lxnJcr'ti opinl��n ���rulc tu prcvent Ihc <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)securc�s from the h��Wer of the lien un ugrecmem w�ial'uctuq� t��lAndrr tiuM�rdlnuting Ihr lien tu <br /> this Security Instrument. I f I.ender deterniines thut any part oi'the Pmpeny i++uhj�tit t�i u licn which nuy allui��pri��rfry urcr <br /> ' this 5ecu�ity In4trumcnt, Lendcr may givc B�rmwer a nutirr idernil'ying thr licn. l��rrower�hull ih�lien ur�ukc�►m��r <br /> more of ihe actions set forth above wlthin 10 days af the giving�►f n�i�i.r. <br /> iWT�OZ� �lip <br />�e <br /> -y�rt}�r i `T �!`C°tc�,v+s -. �,-, `�z . ���:k• . . :� '�3�{;:-•-r-�:, . ., .... .. 'aa'm�r'z''�- <br /> = . 1�t x�� ' � - , °�.�' , - . , - 1 , . ,�-.+. .;�,�_,�,f�,�;.�•'� tr :-�5.,+►I�L.�1.'.. ,,rl�.u./w�at.r,yMCiyilj�cs -- '. <br /> s �. . ... <br /> , <br /> ;�, ,�n , , ., „_ _ <br /> � � ; � ..... �.. ,, � <br /> — � �-_J>.G�`�`+�Tt`.''��n'r`'hVkJ+! . U : •E�I�a��L'7j�i.+ . .w __ .. <br /> . ' <br /> � •. � , .• � • y.feRm r ..3 <br /> - �'L.�1J �` - .!i\_,J- �;�_"'J!'i'�:tiij.�fl�f�J �Y_"Y. l�.` 'it._ _ _Y-_la.`i.}•.. <br /> --- .�-�- — --_" _ _.. '__ __.__—____ ..._ _ . -_".. _ "_ . _____.. _.____'____ . _ '_. _ '�.__- __.__..__ — ___. _ <br /> ���i,�M1� ��V�Ai.:'...� ..tlt l . . <br /> 4!Li]r�Cs���4J.J. r• � . � . . � .. •. . . .'. . .r .. .., . <br /> •S 1�'{�� � ' , • � N <br />�—.�iiTr�F^v.7i�•�'�1) . � . . . .� . <br /> ,r`� ,���,a��1 c.���..y- <br /> nx�'lN���1� .� . -• . „� . - . . . . <br /> °�-.- M-T�� { if.� � - �', . r . . . � - <br /> �.� �"'"S,�'r:� �,.- ,. . , , . <br /> 3�r.�S��t�f"�x ���" _ � ' , , . • . � . ' " - • • <br /> �� r a, ' <br /> �:#� �tf�. .,� t*yfirn • �. - . . <br /> �51 d` � - .r9 � Zi�' � _. .. - . .• . <br /> �'�t��ir+� ,�w.'.�,�'R� ��c; . <br />'y? i-.t�tk�?�:�.s�r.�;., xfY�.4�r . � . .. . 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