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_ : :. • �. �, _ _ <br /> —. _... . <br /> "` —`-�`. . . • _. . „ . . _ ,. _.::s - ;---;' ,°�,:;.. <br /> __ �._ :w�:�' . - - <br /> � �8 . <br /> pa�io�d�urt[�eaa�r nqri+w.,�c�a carri�r povid�dio f�asa�e a�!be sfiews b�r ea�v+�r wt�1eR�1,�r1 <br /> -- � �pNaivd�ici+��ot iN��Y wW�wW. If Bona�r fai�ou m�iot�in dw�rib�d d�o+�s.i rrq►.at <br /> lwlld�tti OpfkMl.� b�1IOkCt 1i011dQti d�M d10�fll 1wl�f��y1�'1. • <br /> �1Y��E{f0�{C�Ot�1�01p1Yid t��f10�ptabk b �1���N�Md�� l�� ' <br /> dwll h�ve ebe rljht w Uold die poiicie��sd nmewali. it lra�der nquira.Baeawer�h1!pna�mpllY fiv�e b LadK ap nal�r <br /> � �P�P�+�d ra�e�w�l notfoe�. Ia�he e+vdit d loa�Batv+ra Rf WI�ive pnompl nadue w tbe ie�o���ud <br /> i.andet. l.endet mry m�ke proof ot Iow jf"naR m�M paripdY by Bar'ower. <br /> Unl�,l.a+der�nd Bnn�er a�timvvbe agroe in w�itina,inw�an�ro tlWl bo applied to r�lasp�ae a iep�ir d <br /> i� <br /> the if tbe rosto�tion or�pa�ir b eooaomically f aqd i.ada�ti �ea�rity b not baened. IP the <br /> • n��c�an or�aot acananiaiUy ta�ible ar l,eaderti�ecurity wauld be le�wied.tbs inwnrroe pooeed�Null 6e <br /> applied w We �oas�a�rrod 6ryr tbl�Security Iaarwnai�wl�or aat dian due.wlth�ay excas�p�id to Bon�wv U <br /> Bamwer�b+ndons the Propmty.or doa na�nswar wlthia 30 dry�a ratke trom I.a�det tlwt the irouraaoe c�rler tu� <br /> ofl'erod w saWa�cl�im�tha�LeMar may colkit tho inaunoca p�oceods. Lander tn�y u�a the pooeal�m or�ea�o�e <br /> the PmpeRy ar ta pay wms secured by thi�Secur�ty Iawtimed.ah�tha ar not Ilwi due. '[Ue 30dtY P�+� �� <br /> tho aoticc Is�iven. ' <br /> Unleca L.ender and Aomower otherwlce a�reo ia w�itia�.�aY iicxio�n of proceed�W prL�cipd�haQ not eale�d ar <br /> poatpona the due due of the mamldY P�Y��efemed ta in p�ra�ra�p is 1�od 2 or ch�nge�ho�nant of the payme�u. It' <br /> u�d.�r pvagwph 2l �he Propeit�► is�cqujred by[.eMer.Barowert ri�t ta�uy ipa�r�nce policies atd p�aceeti�� <br /> fiian danage to the Propeity piar q the�cqui�itiaa ilnll p�es w Lender w We eulmt d'die swns sxwed bY t6it Se�,witg <br /> I�oeat immediwtaly prkr 10 thoacqws�hon. <br /> f. OoQpoc� PraetvatiaM► M�te�rce aod Protectlo+u ot drc Propa�t� 8a�ra�er'� I.oM Ap�litill�: <br /> _ -- — __ _ Le.�a�aWie. B.rmwer.h.��oxupy,waMiRh,,w�+we tne r�operty�s earowerl�pinctvd�rsid�:e+a�n si�►da»+dlar <br /> � �i�e eaecwio�d this Security Inswnaent�nl slw�1 contLwe w occupy tAo P�aperty�Bo�t�nwab priaelp�!mideeee tor�t <br /> leaai one year �fter the date of occupancy. I.ender olberwiae �nees in wriling� whlch ca�sait du�U not be <br /> _ , wmcasa�ably wilhheld�or unlesa eatenwting cincuaut�nces exist which are beyand Barovra�oontrol. Borrower atall not <br />--�,::�� <br />.�:yr- destroy.dam�ge or impair the Propaty.allow thep►vpc�ty u� commit wa4te an the Property. Horrower shull <br />_ _t be in defauU if any forfelture sctlian a prooeeding.w i i ether civil or crinnia�l.i�begun th�t ia L,aderi�good fiith j u d�m a u . <br />:�='`r«' could �sult i� forfeiture of the or otlierwise materially impair the lien cne�ted by this Security In�ttument ur <br /> ;,;;tY�r,� �y <br /> __ l.cmler�security InteRSt. Horrower may cure such a dafault tud�xovldod in pxrAgraph 18.Mi caw i n�t h e a c t lao <br /> -_ or pn-�ceeding m be dismissed with a rulin� Lender�s good fnith determiaation.Procludea furfdwro of the Honoway <br /> lnterest in the Property or WhNr moaterial impaimient of the lien crrAted by thls Security Iasuwnent ar I.eaderl�savrity <br /> _- -�:F,,�►� intercst. Bortnwer shall alsa �c; in defwlt if Bmrower. during the lom applicatian ptoceas. gave materially fWse or <br /> � inaccurate inforniallon or statements w I.ender(w'failed to provide Lender with any mwterial infomwtlon)jn cau�ction with <br /> -- '' the loan evidenced by the Kote. including. but�not limited to, �epresentat�ans canceming Horrowerh occupancy of the <br /> - Pruperty as a principil rcsidence. If this Secwri�rp�trument is on a leasehald.Borrower shall comply with all the provirions <br /> ,:��� of the lease. If Barrower acquires fec Ntle w the Property.�the 9ea�ehol0 end�he fee titie 9ha11 noc mergo unkss I.e�der� <br />- ;: � to themcrger in wrfting. <br /> ` 7. Protectian of I.ender•s Rights ia the PropeMy: Ii Bomower fails to perform the covenants and a�ce+�ents <br />."'`;;''; �, contuined in t�is Secudry Insaument, or thene is a legal proceeding 11�at may significanQy et�'ect l.ender�s rigF� ia the <br /> P�'OpC(Iy(AlICIO 3!S A piOCCCdIIIg III I1811ICfUp[Cy,probate,for wndemnnsian or forfeiture or to anfora laws or neguladons),trien <br /> l.ender rt�ay do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of�he PropMy und Lender�s righfs in tha I'raperty. <br /> - � ienci�er3�actfons may include puying any sums secured by a lien which has pr�ority over this Security Instrumen�a�pearing <br /> � � ?y i�+courb paying reasoneble attar�eys'fees and entering an the Property to make ropairc.Although Lendu may tAke action <br /> -- under ihis paragrnph 7,Lendcr does not have to do so. <br /> _� Any amounls disbursed by Lender under this paragmph 7 shall become additional debt of Bortnwer secured by this <br /> : t ��, Securfry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lende�agroe to other tertns of payment,�hesc amounts shall heu interest from ihc <br /> �.. y�,��., date of disbursement at thc Note rate and shall be payable,wilh intercst.upon not�ce from Lender to Borrowes tequest�ng <br />-";; • �,.,� payment. <br /> _'yr� •- ^' °�:,�1 S. Mortgage Insurance. if Lender required mortguce insurance as a condition of making the loan secureA by this <br /> --' '�`,�4�`��=�;;;t , ' Security Insuument, Borrower shall pay the prcmiumz rcc�ui�ed to mointain ttie mortgage insurence�n effecG ii, for s�ny <br /> .,, � ��y•,�•}, ,, reason, the monguge insurance coverage required by Lendcr lupses or ceases to be in effec� Borrower shall pay the <br /> .;;, �,,, ,,,1� _..'. <br /> � ,; • +;.� �=;� premiums uquired to obtain coverage substnntially equiv�leni to tt�e mortgage insurance previously in effect�ut a cost <br /> . f �y►� <br /> ,,;•���' �� �{;J� ,_ . substantiolly equivnlent ta�he cost to Borrower of the monguge inswance previously in effect,from an alternate mottgage <br /> �'�• • insu�er npproved by Lender. lf substantiully equivnlent mortguge Insumnce coverage is not available,Borrower�hul1�ay to <br /> );'�,,,;,,,�, <br />- r•���t'' Lender euch month a sum unl to one-twelfth of the enrl mon a e insurance remium bein aid b Borrower w�en the <br />-`4� �ti�.���..., � eq Y Y B� P 8 P Y <br /> .;� � • - ` invurance coverage lupsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> � '`N�' •'�� - of mongage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance <br /> - � �; ' - coverage(in the amount and for the periad that Lender requires)provided by un insurer npproved by Lender agaln becomes <br /> �~`� :�i � � available und is obtained.Borrower xhall pay the premiums required to mnintain mortgage insurance in effec�or to provide a <br /> �`' lose reserve,umil the re uirernent for mon o e insuronce ends in acco�danee with nn wrinen a reement between Bc+nower <br /> �`� �. .'S�i�'`"�'��':'','' atM Lender or applicable luw. B g Y 8 <br /> .4C;��:...',p''�.;iY���:: � '.� <br /> � Z,� _ 9. Inspectlon. Lender or its agent mny muke recuonnble entries upon and inspections af the Properry. Lender shell <br /> �- c give Borrower nntice At the time of or prior to un inspe�:tion specifying reasons�ble cuuu:for the inspection. <br /> __ __ _ �,�,..�,,.,1r�f !0. CondcttuuUton. Ti�N�u�ceJ,�if any award or claim far dam:ti_.s,dircct or conscyuentisl,in connection with any <br /> �` �;,. '��'f�,�.:`' `y!' SMgk Famlly--�Lank Mae/Mteddle�tac 4'NIPORb11N.STRUMENT--Unfform Curcnams 9/90 fpupr?oj n pogra� - <br /> �'.�i(3�:.y jt� :';� tiut I�tro BrYew�Yam�.loe.■ <br />_ ` ,4j j�. ,.�).-+ 7b4�GSCY:NiUS1P�'JW O IAitdIt+7Al•1171 <br />_ ' ,�I' "' • 'tj�, - <br /> a:7 ,�.-�, -. .. . . <br /> ';,r. i f� •-�•�• �"""{ _ -- '5���`^ <br /> �. • � �,1 �fr^'��� ♦ . � ��;: - '. • �� �-' ''� � �S � - <br /> �.�' ��.( :�,�,tt'�Si,a_y _ . - , . ,•yr:' .�. . . 't. - •� � �. . � . tatn��. .. i:t �`7 . . 3(�--. n -.Fy��'T��—� ��-_ <br /> . - . 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