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;� • : . . .. . T� ::_.�,��...�..��..»�..o.....�. �.:� <br /> ._ . �.� _ <br /> . .. .-.- � -- : ----- - __ . <br /> . . -. , , . �r *+ �xr,:"��""�,_ - <br /> • - .. .� .q•"- . .--�-- = <br /> t� <br /> ' 4:;,. <br />, ..������a�������� �,.w�l!..�: '- <br /> Mdll��ee�xetlw�wflRa�etdlas M� �MIM.iM� �..�,?=,,.,:��- <br /> 1�1w�t. Aqd��yoM�lt�l'MM�i�o�ll,r#r1111wMt�1M�" „ ,��. , .,::�°:�,- <br /> lOR�O�IIBR CO�YBNAN'!��s S�ro�wr h ia�rhll�r�d lMe�Me harb�r oo�werpd n1d Yr�t1�1 t1�Ilt.. � . � <br /> ��ad oo�v�ey�y aud�1 tlre Prapaty b�Oard.n�aept h�r+�oumbt�eioea af�d D�w�r ran�s�d � . <br /> wYf i�d dle titte q die A�oNrty��q��d d�md�,M�b1�b�q' d�oaA. � � <br /> 't'�DS aeLUR11'Y MS7R1II1�NI' oombiaes dkrm a�vaw� tar n�don�J w�'�nd no��itan�oow�w�b � � � <br />: Wwttod vari�tian�by j�ricdicUm w cawia+te a w�il'onaa�rity imtnroeru oorerin�r�1 p�ap�pyr, , -� . ' <br /> 1.IMPDRM C�OVBNANT3. Barorver�ad[,aMa�r oovpw�t+md�pee as tdiorv�: . <br /> 1. l4U�e rf!h't�ci�l s�+td.�d�l�t.�a I.Re.cM,w�a, saro+wer rMu�pq r pry wbea ea�e d�e <br /> p�incjpl d ad la�ereat an We debt t�lvidencad by tbe Note�ad wY pno�Yment md We ci�e�dw- nnbec We Na1e. <br /> 1 �Yri�Ibr 7�ai a�d 1�n�o�SuDject wspp1ic�b{e N�r ar W a wtipen waivar by Leedea.Bano�ra�luU p�y b <br /> I.a�der aa dw d�y monlh�Y P�Y�+�dus under the Note�umil tho Nota b paid in iWl.a wm("[iad�")far: (�)Y�Y <br /> w�ea Iad a�arKntt whkh mny apad prioriry over tUi�3ean�ity ln�qu�t iu a!kq aq tbe Ptope+�ty;(b)yearly k�eioi� <br /> ymaMs ar�nau�d �nta m tho Ptopaty. if any; (c)Ye�rcIY inz+nd ar psoperty imwaaoe pnyhiums:jd) Bood <br /> �n <br /> P�'emiwn�. if any:le)Y�Y�WBQ�P�tum. it my:�wd(�aqY �Pa9��► M� <br /> I.ender�in aooaodance with the povieiau of pan�raph 8. In lieu of tbe d'Aort�e iro�ranoe� 'I7r�e <br /> iFeais m c�Ued"E�crow[rcros." I.aider m�y.u any Wae.coue�x�nd ho�is an�noum aa�o wuxed d�e m.zimrm <br /> �tnouM�knckr fa a[ednally related matg�e lo�a may nequire !or IBa�t�erl�escrorv aaonit uad�er dre feda�l Fad <br /> Eiqqe Seulement Y�000duiros Act of 1974 as amarded frum Wae w tuoie.12 u.s.C.g 2601 et s[q.('RF.SPH�.unla:�nalYer <br /> l�w�1pt appiios w Ihe 1i��ets�kuer amowu. If s0.l.aider a�y.�t my Wne.cdlact md 6dd fi�odt ia�o aoa�ol�ot 1ax,� <br /> exeeod�o lesxr�ouet. l�ender may amna�e drc aawim� of Faods dme on tha t�i�yf a�unaH aTa�awi raua.��'' : . <br /> atim�ta oiea�d fupao E:cmw Itew ar alhawix ia acoo�nd�noe with�ppIicable law. <br /> The Plulda sbtll bc held in�n ioaitution w6ae depo�its ue in�ued a fe�eral . . <br /> n <br /> (including I.a�der.if LaMer is sudi aa b�stitativn)ar wa my FedeN I�Iome l.o�in B�nk. I.eM�a a�fu11��PUnds pty � <br /> the Escrow Ioepis. Leader may not ch�rge Bormwer for holdiag,and�pplying Iho fiu�ds, amwlly onalyair�the ae�tuw <br /> �ocount, or verifying the F.scrow Items. unlas l.ender pays 9amawa interiest oo the Funds and applipble I�w pea�alts <br /> 1.a�der w m�lc�e such a chargo. However.Lender may requ�ne Sonsower to pay a a�e-time chuga fa An iqdepptdznt re�l <br /> tuate tu reporling servke used by LeMer in conneclion with Ihjs laan�unkss applicable law provldes ot6erwi�e. Unlass u� <br /> ag�cemeat�mmtiide or applic�Me law roquins inte�est w he p�id.l,cnder�1W1 tat be�tquirod to psy Barower t�ay intenesst� <br /> earning�on U�e P�nds. Bortowcr and Lender tnay agree in wriHng.however.tlut inte�est shall be p�td on the P�mds. Lcndcr '�;.- <br /> ahall give w Botrower.w1tlKwt wm�wl sccounting of�he l�nds,ahowing crodils and debita to�he lipids�d�e , . <br /> purpose for which eACh debit to the FLnds wre m�de. 71ie Raid:m pled�ed u�dditian�l cecurfry far all wm9 cecurod by ' <br /> this Sxuriry InstrumenG <br /> it'ihe iiu� i�ki bg LuKkr eaaai 1he amounta pemiitad to be heid iry appiic,�bk l�w.I.ender shaif aceaani m,.. ,.�. <br /> Borrower for the excess E'ywds in accadence wi�h the requi�emrnts of applicabk law. IP the unaunt of the 1"aqds kld by ;`,� <br /> Ixnder at any time is not soi�cient to pay the Escrow Items wlfen due,Lender may so notify Bortower in�rivdng,md,fo ;r�. <br /> such case Bomower ahall pay to Lender the amount neoessary w mdce up the deficicncy. Bonower slull m�lce up I�e <br /> deficiency in�o more than twelve rt�ontiil�payments,at I.ender�sole discc�tion. <br /> Upcm�ayment in PoII of ult sums secured by this Secudry Insvwnent,Lender ahall p�mpdy r�efund W Bamwer any ; <br /> Funds held by Lender. If.under parag�aph 21.L.ender shnll acquiro or sell the Property.La�der.prior to the aoquisiUon or <br /> selc oi the Pnnperty,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at 1he time of acquiailion or sale��creAit agaimt d�e cwas . -� <br /> secwed by this Socurity lnswment. <br /> 3. Applkptbn of Payments, Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: any prepayment charges due under the Note; amounlr payable uatder <br /> parAgraph 2; intercst due;fourth,w principal due;and last,to any late charges due under 1he Note. - <br /> . 4. C6p�es;Lkns. Borrower ahall pay all tases, usxessmenta, chuges. fines and impositions ataibutable w the <br /> Hroperty which may anein prioriry over this Security Instrument.and leasehold payments or ground�+ents.U ony. Horrower <br /> shnll pay these obligations in the marmer provided in pnregraph 2,or!f not paid in that manner,Borrowcr slwll Qoy them on <br /> time direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy fumish lo L.ender all nalces of omounts w be paid under <br /> this puragraph. If Borrower makes these payments dir+ectly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to.Ltnder receipts evidencing <br /> the paymenls. <br /> Borrower shall promplly dischnrge nny lien which has priority over this Securiry Inswment unless Borruwtr.(a)�grees <br /> in writing to Ihe paytrk:nt of�he obligation secured by the lien ln a munner acceptuble to l.ender.(b)contesta in��od faNh the _ <br /> lien by,or defends agaanst enforcement of Ihe lien in,legol proceedings which in the l.ender's opinbn operete¢o prevent the <br /> enforeement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder oi Ihe licn nn agreement sutisfactory to I.ender subordinaNng We lien <br /> w this Security Inawment. If Lender determines thal aay pun bf ihe Property is subject to n lien which muy attein prlority <br /> over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identlFying the lien. Bomower shell setisfy the lien or talce <br /> ane or more of the actions se1 forth above within 10 duys of the giving of noUce. <br /> S. Hazard or Property iasurance. BoROwer shaU keep the improvernents now existing or hereafter rrected on the = <br /> Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included wlthin the term"extended coveruge"and any other hazArds,including - <br /> tloods or t�ooding.for which Lender requires insurance. 7'his insu�ance shell be maintain�d i�1he amounts�nd for 1he -- <br /> Fnm 302i 1/90 fpn�t?oj6ppger/ <br /> ��� �} <br /> _.�111�i"\I*!n•�n'�'�'.'�1 �i - I r, 'f�i�F t� r w .� _ v <br /> , ,:,, . • •{,�_ , r . i; ', �t r.� �t�= Ki ,Y <br /> , <br /> � S -- ' i � '. - - � , . - r 1 ! S _.�'d }6i6nt �15 t`. <br /> 'ti � I , t: -�i, l- • . .. ,_..., -1� q.•�4 +�� `��'���� - t- � � - _. <br /> i � ��5Y1y �tl i� �i, � ;�r� l( � ' c y. '� �: S' �fai ���J.1�i :-: ?v r'Lt- mc�m4�` <br /> �:c:a�:�.Llsh._, ��1l��1. '� � ' , �4` ti, ,7i„i ! + ?�• 4��i3Scie�'1r:�C�r.o�atl�_ <br /> � � . <br /> . <br /> -+.w Ss ,�« tt �,•.i 1 _.._-. . ' ' ---._::_ ^.t5•�'..Li���:sr�21kG5��i�is,._t� <br />��c-`-v�rf�•-•, :- � l��_�1��_' .�'".1.. - : --y — - -_-- -- �_--•- .-- ia .�i'.5.;�;:ii?,�:'v �� � �i ��u°,.i7f�-,���yX,�'qR,o�=. <br /> ii ll r �� . ' i Fk j 1. . y\ <br /> .. � � . 1 . � �))y .�1.��lt`' . Y `_ <br /> `�. ii�. . .. . t t,e,l U.�i. . . . . , . ,a <br /> _ .. ' ' _ :•'��!�� � . ' _ • . . - . .. . �f�: <br /> ��-1'�`7.F'. ._ "' __. .. .�\: r, ; ._ ... ' .- ... . . . .'_ . "' " y '�'w y:.v4'�r.•.M��Z R Jf ���. <br /> ..., . .. , , .. • _ . � ' • . Jjf.:.: <br />-- '' i - • �. . . . .� ... <br /> -�'��a�,r.L,'..,e�. . . „ � . . � „ . . . . . <br /> __— •" i"�i-tM.:.'S'.. ` . . . • � ' � . � . � , . , .� .. .. <br /> :.� ' ~' . � .. " . 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