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_---�,a„—r _ .,._____.. �__ -_ <br /> _ . . . • � --_•-- --.,-�-fr-- <br /> . .. .. . . . . � . . . ._. . ..- . - . . . .. _11�r �.r�n_.____ _ .. <br /> ., ' • - �• ���� . __' :.�- <br /> ppw�MlpIM�0110r OI�IOr qk�0��Ilji�Mft Of rIR Pl'�Oplft�t�Of�af COIIVnt�100�11�110f Cd11�q�1�Oq.Mr�/I�ly��NI� <br /> �AW Il�pdd a LMdu. � . . ,� <br /> la die ev�+at af�toul t�i3n�of dia PropeAy, the �hdt be�ppliea ro tbe wupp �ec�yed b�► dtk:'+�ecwily <br /> Iemumaft.wbed�er or not then dae.wllb ay eaau. to Bortow�. in the ereru oP a p�rtW ldcips af the Wq�ly ia <br /> whld�tbe t�ir m�ni�ec v�tae of tha Propaty irnmedi�teiy hefane tho W�in�i�aqwl o�or y�+eater thm the amount of�he apm <br /> •oatted by thb 9ecudry L�aq�urne�t immodiaWy befo�o tbe t�kin�,nnk�s 8at+ora` aad I.ende�aUiavv.Iro+�gee In wAdn� <br /> d�e wau securod b�r thb Sau�ity ln�uureiau�ha116a n+�k�oed by�ho uno�mrt dd�e�noeeds nwkiplid by th4 falbwina <br /> fr�i�: (a)1he toW amaunt of tbe wm�iec�ed immeAi�tely befaie Ibe Wclag,divlded by(b)the fiir nwicq v�luo of tho <br /> Pyopaty imnbdi�ely before the Wdnn�. My b�l�noe ih�q be paid w BamcwMa, ln the eveot of�p�rti�lp�n�ot Ute <br /> Arapaty in vvhich dMS fiir nuuket v�lue M the Ptoperty immedl�tely beforo the atin�is le:s dw�the�rnount of�iie wm� <br /> �xurod iit�tnedi�tely bcfae the t�king.unleu Ba�owa�nd l.onder otbeiwlae�gnee in wriNn�or unku applicabb I�w <br /> athawlse p�ovWet,tbe proceeds:hall be�pplkd w the wms cecu�d by thic 9ocwity In�trumant whedier ar aot Ua aaiu ua <br /> IF�due. <br /> 1f the property ia abmdaned by Banower,or iP.aRa�notico by Lender to Bomower th�t the candenuior oiM'en W m�ke <br /> en�waM or setlb a claim for d�m�ges.Homower fi�ls ro icspond w Lender witldn�Q daye�fter the d�te the notkx i��ivea, <br /> l.eedtr it wtdo�zed w vollect�nd apply�he promds.u ita option,eititer b t+eqor�don or repdr of die Property or w the <br /> wm�cocwed by this 3ecurity Tnsdument,wqether a not ihen due. <br /> Udess Lender and Bmrawer wherwice �c In wtiting,any lic�uion of proaedt to princip�l�lull not extend ar <br /> postpone the due d�te of the manthly psyrt�aus refened to in par�l end 2 acla�nges the amount of�uch p�yment�. <br /> 11. ibrro�ver NM Rdested; �a'bear+va By I.ender NM a Waiver. Extensian of dio dme for pa�yment or <br /> modification of�tion of the au�secwed by ti�a Sa�urity Instrument gnn�ed by L.ender w any succexsur in intetCCt <br /> of Bamwer shall nM opa�aco to rek�se th� �iabillry of the original Borrower a Bortowa+�sucoessars in interest.Lender <br /> eha11 nc�t beroq uir�d ta comi�tenCe.procecdings against m►y auccessor in intet�est or rcfuse rn extend tlme for{►pyment or <br /> othuwise moiify miiwiiz�iiaA of ike:s:ssss sec�d b�this Stcasi!y!n!tr��mrM i,y�r,.raw��f any demand made bY the ari�ind <br /> Barowa or Bomowe�b�uax�3ors in interest. My forbeanu�ce by[.enckr in eutciRMg any dght or remedy�11 rrot bo a <br /> w�iver of or p�ludc the exercise of any right or nemedy. <br /> 12. Suoc�apd Ac�w Bauad;ddat and Several LlabiRiy;�o�igaa�s. 'Ihe rnvenants and ag�'eemente of this <br /> Security I�sinunent shall bind and benefit du successore and�.gsigns of Lender md Bornower,sub,jodt roa;the pmvisions of <br /> par�}�h 17. Borroweri�coveiwnts and agra�nents shall b4 joint and several.My Barrower wl�co-�:�gns uus Security . <br /> In mlment 6ut does not execute tNe Note: (a)is casigning Ihis Secudry �nadurnent on�Y��&��•B���d convey that <br /> Bomawer�interost In the Pioperty undcr the tem�s of this'Security Inswment; (6)is not perstKnully obligated to pay the sums <br /> secwed by 1hi�Security Inshument;and(c)agrees Ihat L:aniler and any other Bortower may agree to eatend,modify.forbear <br /> or make Any s�anmodationa with regtud to�F�c terms of thic Security Instrument or �he Note without that Bomnweri� <br /> con:an�. . <br /> 13. I.aa�n Chargea If the loan secured by this Secu�ity Instrtimeni i� wbject to a law which sets rtwximum loan <br /> eharges,end thst law is tinally in�erpretod so that die interest or oti�er lain eh�ga coiiec��d or tu bc�vilra:t�3 in c�oru�ctian <br /> with the loen excxed the permitted limits,then: (n)any such lann charge shall bo rcducec9 by the amount�ecessery to reducc <br /> the charge W the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already callectecl from Bomower whieh exceeded permined limits will be <br /> �funded to Bomowe�. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the princ ipel owed under the Note or by making A <br /> dircct payment to Bortawer. lf a refund reducea principnl�the reduction wili be ueated as a partinl prepuyment without any <br /> propayment chazge under the Notc. � <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for io this Security lnstnment shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by Brst cleas mail unless applicable lew rcquires use oP another methocl The notice shall be directed to the Property <br /> Addreas or any othcr address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lcnder shall be given by first class <br /> mei)ro I.�nder'rs addrcss stnted herein or ony other address Lender designates by notice to Bomowcr. My noticc provided for <br /> in ihis Security Instrument shall be dce�to have been given to Bomower or Lrnder when given a� provided in this <br /> �IaS�Governing; Severa6flily. This Securiry Instrument sholl bc governed by federal law and the luw of the <br /> jurisdictbn in which the Property is locuted. In the event that uny provision or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall na affect other provisions of tbis Securicy Instrument or the Note which cun <br /> be given effect withoul the contlicting provision 'Ib this end the provisionh o(ihis Security Inswment und the Note arc <br /> declated to be severAble. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Bonower shall �lx�;iven one conformed copy of the Note und of this Security lnshument. <br /> 17. 7Fangfer oi ths Praperty or A 8enei9cial Interest In Borrower. If all or any pun of�he Property or any interest in <br /> it is soW tx ttensiernd(or if t�beneficial intercst in Borro���er ix sold or transfemed anJ $otrower is not a nutural person) <br /> without Lender s prior written consent,Lender muy,at its optl�m,reyuire immedate puyment in full of all sums secured by <br /> this Security lns¢n�ment. Howevcr,lhis option�hall oot be eaereised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as�f <br /> the date of this Seciirity lnstrument. <br /> lf Lender exercises this option,Lender shull give Borrower notice oP nccelmtiun, The notice shall provide n period of <br /> . not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or muiled within whfch Bc�rrower must pay ull sums secured by this <br /> Security Iastrument. If Borrower fuils to pay �hese sumti prior to the expira�ion of thi�period. Lender may invoke ony <br /> - remedies permitted by thix Security Imtrumen�wi�hout further notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> , 1& Borrower's Right to Reinslate. If Burcower mcet.cenuin conditions, Borruwcr shall huve �he right to have <br /> enfo�ement of this Securiry Instrument di��ominued nt•rny time priar tu thc eadier ol: (al S duys(or,uch other period ns <br /> ' Sinple A�miry..Faank MadFrtddk M�c UNIFORN 1NSTRl1NEN'T••Unifam Cbvenanu 9/9Y IpuXr,t��j6 r+ap�s! <br /> � . <br /> . __. Y�a-},�. i�s?a'fi•'s:.:kia.�t;.... . - ..��.. :•]';.. ?�Rhi � .j • ,.ti c — <br /> ---�-"'' �.,,5�S''S�y►�`� r ��' �� � ' . . �,: ���[l.•��,�i�,.,��rR���,� .�:�:��ti . 'n . '•J�f�I�� <br /> 'Ss. r, p � ! <br /> �i�7a.'4�l�1•:?cY'Fr:�2 ys}�� II Jp� 1 r it ' '.`., •.' 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