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___ _ . ________ <br /> �,:-� ; . . . . �, <br /> � 93• io.�,� �� - <br /> ,� 1�dodr qNt l.�r nq�Yw. 'iU.4�w�a crrMr poddih the�n�II be aboava by Bono+var.ubj�ct a i�enduti <br /> �pp�ova!rrhkh ehdl aot Ee ta�raaon�4lr wld�held. !f BonvMer f�l���lnt�in de�rltred aba�►a.t.a�der ea�y.�t <br /> , t L.�e�rti optian,abtda oaYenu�.la pr�a�ea I.aqaerti e�a in d�..Mopaey in.00ad.nM.n�w th p�uMpa 7. <br /> All M��nt+e polkia�nd nenew�l�tlwill6e�b�e a Lender aad�i Incluae��rd moaRye clane. 1�� <br /> ` �Il hrve 1he rl�M lo hoW 1he poUdo�md ta�eMr�. ]tLaider r�qu4�,Aorrowor dMl1 P�PU9 dve w La�der�II naipu <br /> � �P�P����aolioe:. !a tbe evaat at los��B�rtowar ah�ll jive�arryN natioe to tbe iaaru�oe c�ni�r�d <br /> lw�d��. L.ader a�r tndm�reaf at loa U not m�p�aaptly by Qanawa. <br /> Ude�t Lader�ad Borrow�+t atbe�wi�e�p�ee in n�it�ry,in�ceprove sbt�ll be�pplied ta reqor�tion ar rpiai�ot <br /> a�e arnyea,u tbe�to�tion or rop�b aoonoiaic�uy rau bi lo a�I.a�dat �ocwiey u �a 4eaenea. It mtl <br /> n�q�ix tep�ir is not acanamicaUy fadble or I.a►deit secu�ity wauW be k�ned.the iasannoe pooeed� tb�ll be <br /> qipuea w u�a wa�.�eauea by a�ia secudty la.a�►mm�, wnana or na then aue.wjth.ny exoeu p.W w naru� tf <br /> Aamawrx sb�ndo�s the P�opaty.or does aot iuuwKx witJiin 30 days�aatice fi�om t.eader th�t the Iraunwoe ustler lu� <br /> ottetod to settle�cidm.lhen Lender may odbct Iho iowr�aoo paooed�. Irender may usa the prooeeds ta�r�� <br /> the�y ar to p�y wms secu�+ed by dds Security Iastrumait.whefl�r u�r aot thm due. Tho 30�dsy�iod will <br /> � Unlaa�.etrier and llonqw�er dhEnv{sa�ree in wrltinj. my applicadon of p0000ds to prirnipal ahall aot exq�d ur <br /> postpone the due A�to d�ho mo�Mhly WYma�s reten�d w ia pangnphs 1�nd 2 or change ttie�n►ount of the payrtxau. U <br /> w�dtr pawgrtpl�21 the Pimpeity it�oquired by l.eMer�liarowerY dght to aay inwuan�x policia�aod p+nceeds resWtit� <br /> fran d�nuBe to thc PropeAy pior w tho aaryisjtion�II pas to Lender w the axtmt of tLe w�ns securod by thL Sacurity <br /> Inqruman immodliuelyp� ro the tidon. <br /> f. Ooeqp�oeX F�reservadoo. teatooe �td Protectioa af tbe i Borrower's I.aso Appilcafiori <br /> Laner4lds� Honowar clull oocupy.cst�blbh.and uso�ha Prapaty as Borrowup��pal resideaoe wlthln�ty�yn sfta <br /> tha cxeaution of this Sau�ity Inmun�ent�nd�all condnue W 000upy the Pnoperty as Ba�rowerk ptincipd rdidem.�e[a at <br /> ir,as� onc ycar wfccx tbc date of occupar►cy. unicsc Lcndcr othcrw�sc agrc�s in wridng, which canscnt ::iwtl uut ta <br /> unrcasonably with!►eld.or unless extcnu�L�g cincumstwices ezist whtch are beyond Barrowery oontml. Bam�ver sh�ll not <br /> datroY,dsunage or Impair the Pa+npeAy,allow�he Pt�npeny w deurtarate.or oommit waste on the Property. Borrower shill <br /> be in defauit if any forfeidue�ction or prooeeding,whe�her civil ar criminal.�begun that in Lender�s good fiith judgment <br /> couW i+esult in forfciwm of the Propmty or otl�erwise m�teridly impxir the Uen creatod by thi:Security L�sdumau or <br /> I.u�derh sccuriry intercst liortower may cwa such a dehult u�d�einstate,as provided in gr�p1�lB.bY cauain�the action <br /> or pr000eding to be dismissed with��uli�g th�t,in L.enderB good faith datermitwtbn,Prec�lu�es farfeiture of Ihe Barowet� <br /> inte�tst ia the Propeny ar other nwtedal impiirment of tha lien created by this Security Instnunent ar[.eiderT� sacuriry <br /> interest Bo�rower slu�ll also be in default if Borrower.during the loan appllcution process. gave mate�lly false or <br /> � inw:cw�ate lnformition or statanents to I.ender(or f�iled to quvide Lender with any m�terial iufornu�don)in cau�e�tla�with <br /> tha loqt� evldenced by�he Note. including.but not limiud to.representatlons conceming Narrower�i oecupancy of the <br /> P�upo�ty as a principal residen�x. If thi�Securlty Instrument i�on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with all die provlsiens <br /> of the leasc. if Bormwer�oquues foe titk ro�F�c Pmporty�IO ICi1�101d Wld iI10 ftl0 UIIC iFplf{tWl I11Eq{C Wilf�Wl I.CIi�EY i1�i2Ei <br /> � to the merger in wri�atg. <br /> 7. Protectbn o�I.ender'a Rlgbt�la the Propert�. if Rorrower fails to perfom� the covenants and ag�sements <br /> cantained in thi� Security Irutrumont,or there is a legal proceoding that may significandy af�ect l..enderh rights in the <br /> Prope�ty(such a�a proaeding ln b�nktupuy,probate.tor condem�ation or forfeiture or to enPorce lawe or regulatlons).tMen <br /> Lender mey do And pay for whatover is necessary to putect the vulue of tho Praperty and l.ender�rights in the Pi+operty. <br /> l.enderh actiona mwy include paying any swna secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrumrnt,appenring <br /> in court.paying r�easonable nttomeys'fees and enteriny on the Property to meke rcpairs. A1lhough Lender may teke actian <br /> under this paragreph 7,Lendor dces not have to do so. <br /> My smounts disbursed by Lender under this psuogrnph 7 shell become additional deM of Homower secu�ed by this <br /> Securiry Inswment. Unless Borrower nnd l.cnder agrcA to o�her tertns of payment.these amounls shall bear inter+est from the <br /> date of disbursemen�at the Note rate and ciwll be pay�ble,with interes�upon notice from Lender to Borrower�questL�g <br /> payment. <br /> • & Morfgage Iacurance. If Lender rcquired mortgege insw�ance as a condition of maktng the loan secured by this <br /> Security Inswrnent, Bonower sh�ll pay the premiums required to mainwin the mortgage insurance in effeci. !f. for any <br /> reason, the mongage insurance coverage requined by Lender lapsea or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br /> premiuma required to obta➢n covecage subs�antially equivalent to the mortgage insuronce previously in efPcc�at a cost <br /> substantially equivalent w tho cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an altetnate mortgage <br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substnndally equivalem mortgage insurance coverage is not a�ailable,Borrower shall pay to <br /> L.endcr each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurar�ce premium being paid by Borrower when Ihe <br /> inaurunce coveroge lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lerder wlll eccept,use nnd�eAain these payments aR a loss reservt in lieu <br /> of mortguge insurtunce. Loss r�eserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lendcr,if mortgage insuraace <br /> coverege(in the amount and for the perfod that Lender rcqui�s)provided by un insurer approved by Lender aguin bernmes <br /> available and is obtained.Borrower shal!pay the prerniums required io maintain mortgage insumnce in efFect,or to prwide a <br /> loss reserve.until the requirem�m[for mortgage in�urnnce ends in eccor�dance with any writ[en agreement t�etween Hoirower <br /> and Lender or applicable law. <br /> 9. Inspectiop. Lencler or iis ttgent may make nasoneble entrles upon und inspections of the Property. Lender sholl <br /> give Bornower notice At the time of ar prior to an inspection specifying reusonnblc cause for the inspeclion. <br /> 10. Condem�tion. The proceeds of any awarti or cluim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with any <br /> Sinpk F�mily--F'anok MNdFI'eAdk M�c UNIFORM INS7'RUMEN7'•-Unfform Covcnvna 9l90 (paRt 3 nj6 pages) G <br /> Grex W,es ewia�vamR Yc.■ <br /> To Qldv Cv!ti0Q696YCio3 0 PAII 616791•1171 <br /> . . _ . .___��r�_. _�I[Iyfyp}Lrva1u. .. ...___ . .. _ .. . .._. . _ __ _ —. <br /> J.1HlIIIL�lJ.•�—:a'� a,�` }lYNC�- + <br /> �n- i r_ _. .. �..r i �aiy T'^z"_�'/�,N�}Y/J7.�F�"�'qn�7tS�i4���'�� L. f ` �,RM'f�.J13S �4��'����F- '"- <br /> f�..3�RSasT�r.T' > > � • t ti't� ►1 �y/ {;l �iryi t .� tiw r <br /> - �__ f�i� iu)�� ) � � �'�� 1.!' x u , , f , �, _. <br /> '�'_ �,[���` Iht ,t ��t��, .��E D � . F(�� �`e1tJ�'��i'1�t�P�•� �1�,� i : � .,. t �. <br /> ��,� <br /> tit i�- ' <br /> _.��.�ti.�•, r�5:ie .._..�a�.��tetS,s`)'/fY}.r�ti�lit�._:u_-_.�. ..t.L� -;.�'-��.l�����i.�`LSiabr�'.�4��'�Y�Pl.�iy�i�!;4�'r.:�e'1.r7$ie��^a72�';.Ar_. <br /> __ _. __.._ . ._^ rc,,..,_•r- --' -.- -� --- - --- — -�-..�1,�- -, --r -- - - ------� - - <br /> __� .�.���� �. a . . � . � : � �i 1�� 7 � � - <br /> ��+� j .��. .; . �{r�G�� . . . <br /> _--�-�r g'�"i>�. _ � . .�•;.,,• . , - , �. _ , ' . . . - � .�`' � -1�`` � ' . ' . <br /> '"'� nM � 't S.�'�\ k {r• � - <br /> � _ 4�, _. _ �. - �- • - - - � � 4�'r . .� . , • . � . <br /> - ��.a�m*.� r ;�� ' � � � � �` .'1�!{Z�!'., . . , , _ <br /> ,ku i , -' :C'-' , :' , - �i�-� ,� u Att. • . . <br /> ` J.... y -...tir9��sp.�S..�td710Y�C;/. t4.- •�t.: .� . � ,. '�'�i,`.•`` . . •. v 17 �. 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