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; ;� �� <br /> i � . �.C�! � - . . ._. - - �— <br /> _..,r ., . ' ��.. - _' _ ._� . � .�_--_. . . <br /> � �.zt:._';�e�F.c:_� <br /> 93. �o�.� <br /> . .ppi►caMe �.w miu►�r«ndntaemerN)berorr wk of die Propeny punuao�w�ay paw�or wle ooat.ined in d�i,t <br /> � Security Inwamat�ar(b)�try of a jud;rt►p�t eafon�Ws Sav*iq'lnmtu�eni- 7liae ooaditjoas�re d�t 8atsowa: (a) <br /> qyt l.a�det�11 wms which tben wouW bo due utder thla Saurity Instrwneat�nd tbo Note as it no aooeler�ticn had <br /> aceuricd:lb)cura�u�y defwit of any otfier cove�uncs or�:(�)P�Y:all expa►ses incur�+ed in a►forcie�thii SecurltY <br /> Inanmtau.(ncludin�,but not limited to.roawn�Me�ttomeys'foes:ard(d)Wces s ���Y�i m�Y �Y <br /> npuitie b�cau+e Ihat the lieri of thls Security Insuumait.L.eadorti rights la the PropertY Wi� WY <br /> ' sums �ecurod by thts Saurity Insuumau �hall cantinuc uec0utgod. Upon r+dnsutement by Borrower. thi� Socuriry <br /> ��_��---- in�uma�t w�d tlic cblf�ations secuned hcveby shall mnain iuliy effectl�e a4 it no�cceleratian had accu�red. Hawever.t6is <br /> d{ht ta rqi� Ib+lil aot y�WY in the a�se of�ooelaatia�uader p�rag�ph 17. <br /> l!. .�k�[Nab;CI�e of Low 3en'iar. Tho Nato a w partW intaest M ihe Note(tage�der with this Saurity <br /> �nq��)m�!pe�o1d,ope ar maro times without ptiar noiloo to Bcxmwe�. A sat�may�esuft in a clw�ge ia the entity <br /> Qaawn a the"Lo�n Se�vioer")th�t collxls moothlY PuYma�ls due wKkr[ho Nota�a�d lhis Socurity Insmanem. Tdcre�Iw <br /> eyy bo one or mane ch�nga ot the Loan Servicer wuelated to a aak of the Note. If therc is w change af�he Loaa Serviver. <br /> �lorrowtr w1N ba give�wtiaen notke of tho change in accond�nce wi�h puu8raph�4 �bove md a�plicabk law. The iwtic�e <br /> wlll st�to Ihe namc and+�ddress of tha new Loan Serviar and the�ddrcss ro which p�yments RhauW be made. 71ie iwtia wil! <br /> al�o conldn�ny wl�ea iafocmwiio�roquitad by applicable law. <br /> 2p, N�n��$rpq�nces. Bomnwer dwll nut cause or permit the presen�e.uu,dispasW,stoRge,or rcleuse of any <br /> . }iva�dous Svbspnces qn ar in the Property. Barowe�shall not do, p0i eIIOW BIIYOIIC tI80 t0(IO.w►ything affecting the <br /> . prope�tt�t is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preoeding two sentenas shall not apply to the presu�ce.use.or <br />_.._. yaa4ge o�Me Ptiuperty of smaU qumtities of Hazardaua Substanoes that are generally acognized to be app�n}xi�te to nomtal <br /> resld�eatW uses and to maintan�e of the Properry. <br /> - 8anower ahall promptly give Lender w�itten notice of any inves�iga�ion.claim,demu�d.lawsuit or athe�actian by any <br /> - - - �torernnnra!ix regulatory agency vc privute party involving�Fw P�aparly++nd any Hezardaus Substance or Bnvironmensal <br /> �w �v„�fi gorrowe� 1��+ ac�.�1 i:nowledge. It Ho�rower leams. or is noei6e.1 by itlly bUVC111utZi1l� 6P TCgiil�Saij <br /> cr <br /> _- eu��t Any removal or otl�er�en�iiadon of siay Hazardous Subs�ance affecting the Property is necessary.Bonower <br /> . slwl�promptly Wce uU neassa�y�l actions in accordance with Fa�vironmental Law. <br /> =~ As usod in tAis par.,graph ZU.'Na,tardoua Substances"ose ihose subslnnces defi�ed as toxic or ha�ardous substances by <br /> �nvironmental Law aind the fdloxi�,e substances: gasoline, kerosene. other Oammable or toxic petroleum praducGa,toxic = <br />��"�� pesticida�od hefiic�des,volati[e sol.�tnts.materials contnining asbestc�s or forrnaldehyde,and rudioactive materisils. As = <br />-- uscd in�his puagaPh 20."Envimnmenwl Law"mea�.s federa!laws and laws of thc jurisdiction where the Property is Iocated <br /> :;; � Ih�t rela�e w heahh.sef'ety or enviroarnental proteclion. <br /> �: NON-UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Bo�rower and l.eqder funhcr cavenunt and ngree us follaws: <br /> 21. Accekratloai Remedies. I.eader shall givP nMice to Borrower prior to acceleratlon fdbwiag Borrower's <br /> M�ewch of aay cevenpnt or s�gree�uent in tbls Security instremeal(bat not prlor lo ae�ekrntbp ander ps.�agrapb 17 <br /> - ��y��bte law Qrovides otrerwisel. The notice sh�ll epecifyc Io11he defiult;(b)the adian nquired to cure the <br />` defwull;lcl�date,riM less thaa 3p day-s iran the date the aotice is given to Borrowe�,by whkh tiie�eiauh musf be <br /> � cured;awd(d1 tlwt toilure to cure t4e alefault on or befare Ihe diNe apecified In the ootice may t�esull in accekration af <br /> '� tbe sums secured by this Secarity Instrument and s�le oF the Property. The notice shall f1u�ther iotorm Borrower of <br /> . r <br /> f It o <br /> . of w de au <br /> x eoce <br /> Ihe rigMt to re�ost�te A�ter acceterafion And the right to bring s� court <br /> aMion to ass�rl the nan�e ist <br />- • aay otYe�defease oi Ba�ro�Yr to acceleralbn And sale. If the default is nat cured on or before the dpte specifkd in �_ <br />`" the ndice.iRnder pt bls��t3on may require immedl�te payment(a full of all sum.4 secured by this Security�nstrument <br /> wlthwt/1uHher demand and ma} i�nMake the puwer oi s�M an� any other remedfes pe�mitted by applkable IAw <br /> - �..+rt Lender sbaN be entitled lo rnllert a91�xpenses iacurred ia pursuing the remedles providcd in tals pw�graph 2l. <br /> '� iacluding.but not limited to.reasonAbk altnrneys'fee4 And costR oi title evidence. <br /> If the power of sate is invoked.Tru�tee shall record a notice oP dePnull ia each county in which any part ot the <br /> �:,'::,�;.,w;� Property is locnted and shall mail copies u�sueh ndice in the munner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower And to <br /> rl,� =-""�"'t�� IMe ot4er persons prescribed by appUcnbk law. .Ai'ter Ihe t(me reqeired by Lpplkable law,7lrustee shell�ive pubNc <br /> �"�`�'�� notice of sale to the persons and in the inanner prescrlbed by applicnble la�v. 7lrustee,without demwnd on Borrower. <br />_.�r.� J,.�,,..,... <br />,�� . �,���.;A�;.`: :� s6a11 scll the Properly at publtc Aucdon to the hi�hcst bidder ut Ihe tlme s�nd pince and under Ihe terms deslgnwted In _ <br /> � Ihe notice ai as�le in one or more parcels and in any order'lYustee determines. 7t-ustee rtwy pastpone sale of ull or pny ° <br />; �•�� -.'� parcel ot lhe Property by public announcemenl at Ihe tlme and place of any previously rcheduled swle. I.ender or ifs — <br /> � ~���`�+'�.'��� �v��" desigace may parchase Ihe Property al any sale. _— <br />%t «.::1-.ti . -- <br /> . .'., y�r,�.�„�,,. Upon�ecelpt of payment oP the price bid,Trustee stwll deliver to 1he purchuser 7Yustee's deed conveying the _ <br /> ��°�""' ' P�operty. 'Ifhe recitals in Ihe 7lruslee'�c�eed shall be prima iucie evidenre uP the truth uP the statements m�de therein. _. <br />__�, ��••- '1lvstee aha11 apply the proceeds of the sule in the followin�arder: l al tu all costs and expenses of exercking tbe power <br /> ;'_�. w!��..,:L <br /> �.� � <br /> -::�3�; <br />- .,�• <br /> =,r. ��,.. <br />.-=:� -Iti'�r�t..'....., <br /> { •t�'� �?'_.4�.e <br /> { � . /:4 __, <br /> ky�l�' <br /> i� W <br /> - �:�- iM1�_: <br />_—_ '�r...�._._." <br />— f:�ra�3B2% 9l9D i��pr;�•/np�1�.�� _ <br />- , � ; -- <br /> _ t • _- <br /> '`�,•�.y`�• �f� � <br /> r w'2aL'. .s.l.�. /� <br /> _S ` • M • i� , .�.�� !7 ` ��"�"" ��)��•Rl�+•„'`l��f{iOSS�Qa�fC�TM1R'����4'� '�. . .. .,�.' 1')�I���.vR'� �� �(t\•� � .� y. <br /> �..:1�( .. 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