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-rr :. � ,._ , s <br /> _--�-.�,*— _ _ _ . . �. <br /> . ,. - - � <br /> '_ . . .� .. ' R!�__..-' <br /> . 93- �'�3 <br /> � TDaBTf�R WiTH�II dis i�pMOwaaap�now ar hend�er�ncted an die p�npa�ty��d W�w�1�t�p�u�l�o�� <br /> �ad tlaq�uo�v a bere�flet R ptt ot t6e�tty. All repl�cemenai rM�ddtUau�hall da 6e.�ered by ti�S�cadty <br /> � Ia�pmtwn� Ali of the faro�b wfarod b i6 thi�9eau�ty Imtru�a�nt�a tha"Nra�erty." � <br /> � BORROWER COVBNAM'S lhN Baroweot�r 4wfuAy rei�ed ot tbe euate tioteby aouveyed�ad!u�the dsht to�rant <br /> aid convey tha Propaty md du�t tbe Propeity i�w�a�cumbaed.taapt fix a�umbr�of rocanl. B«mwer wanu�u�nd <br /> wW ddeM generally tbe dtle b tbe Propaty�iau�II cWnu and denund�,wbject to my ancumb�xi of racad. <br /> 71313 SECURfI'Y INSTttU[►�iT canbines uniform coven�ntt tor naUonal we�nd non-unifdm wvawits �vith <br /> limited vniatiom byhui�ctiun aoo�ad[ute o unlform iecu�ity inr�trument coverin�rcAl propcny. <br />� UNIFORM CpVBMANTg. gormwu u�d I,cnder covp�uu and ag�ee u follonn: <br /> 1. I�ta�4P PrYiclpl�ud Inter+ati�WY��1 L�te Cluu�e�. Borrowcr shwll pr'omAUY WY Whea dre�he <br /> princ�of u�d intenst nn Ihe debt eviida�ced by tt�e Note aad�aY P''�P*Y�u�d Ute chuge�duo under the Note. , <br /> FYu�dt far 7yuca�ad ia�ra�+� Subjoct w�pplicable law or to a written w�ivcr by I.ender.Hcmonrer sM�ll pur W <br /> l.cnder on tha day mond�lY MY�S�rc due under tde Noto.wuil tt►e Nato is peid in full.a sum("F4nde`)far:(�)�rar#Y <br /> wcea and�sce�menu which mny Mtain prioritf►ovu�his Sociuity Instrwnait as Q lien on tha Prope�ty;(b)7�Y��� <br /> pqrrnents or g�ound c+ente on the Prapa�ty. if any: (c) yearly im.ud or property insunu►se p�miums: (d)yeadY ilood . <br /> inw�at�cc premiwns,iP any: (e) Yeul�r martB�Be inwau�cc pnemiums.if any: and(� my suma payabb by Honowar ao <br /> l.e��dar in�cardance with tha provis�ons af puagaph S,in lieu of the payment of mortgage iasur�noo pemiwns. 71�ese <br /> itaru�uo cailed"Fccrow Item�." Lender m� any time.collect ond hold Iimds in�n amount not w euaeed�he muciaoum <br /> aawunt a Iender for a fedeenUy reated matgage iaan may rcquL�e for Bomower`s escrow account undcr the feder�l R�eal <br /> . Eaata Seplement Pmcodures Mt of 1974 as ameuded from d+ne to ti�ne.12 U.S.C.$2601 e�seq.("RESPA").unless ar�o�her <br /> law Ilu��pplies w 1he Plmds sets a Ieaser amoun� If so.L.ender any time.colloct ind hold Punds in�n anou�t not W <br /> axc�ti We Ie�amount, I.encler may estinmete the amount c►iF Amds due on tho basi4 af cument dua and reace�t�abb <br /> . L'Sl;iii�{iC:a UY GANcnJiiurea of fwure Fscrow ltems or uthcrwian L�auorda�cc wlth appticable law. <br /> • , 'Y'he ii�nds shaU be held in an InsBtudan wlase depoaits are insurcd by a federal�gcncy.instrumrntality.or e�Nity <br /> (inaluil�a�Lender.jf L.endcr la such an institu�ion�or in any Federal Home Lr�:u�Bank. Lender shall apply thc Funds to pay <br /> :�he�E.acrow Items. Lender m�y not cherge Horruwe�for holding and applying the Punds.annually analyzing the escrow <br /> �a�COUnt, or verifying the Esciow Items. unless Lendor pays Borrower iatenest on the Rmds and applicable law p�►mtts <br /> Lender to malce sucb a c6arge. Hawever. I.ender inay require 8omower to pay a one-time charge far an Indepenclen�reN <br /> estate tax repo�tiog sprvlce u.ged by Lender in connecqaa with this loan.unless stpplicable Iaw provldes otherwise. Unless an <br /> ag�ement is m�de or applicabk lAw roquires intcrest to be paid.L.uider shall not be roquircd to pxy Borrower any interest or <br /> '� eairiiugs on the Rmds. Borrower end Lender mng agree in writing,however�that interest shall be paid on tho Fbnds.:I.ender <br /> sfw11 give to Bomnwer.without ch�rge,an annua!accoundng of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the f�nds su�r1 the <br /> putposc fqr whkh each debjt w the F►mda wps made. The FLnds arc pledged as addiNonal sxurity for all rums secur�ed by <br /> Ws�ecurjty Inawment. � � <br /> ii ti►e �u�ds iieid by La�excaui il� ar�wunts pem�itted to tr� hei�by applicable iaw. i.�r�dcr sf:ali �n� ta <br /> Bom�wor for the excess I�unds in sccordwna with the requiremen�s of s�iica'ble law. !f the amount of the F�nds h��tl by <br /> LRnder 8t any ti�ne ia not suffkient to pay the�scrow Items when due.i.en�er may so notify 8ixmwer in writ�ng,a�d,in <br /> such case Borrower shall pay to I.ender the amount necessery to make up the deficiency. Bomuwer shall mai�e�wp Ule <br /> deficiency in no mnre than twelve monthly payments,at I.ender�s sole discretfon. <br /> Upan payment in full of aU sums secured by ihis Security Insuument,Lender shall promptly nefund to Borrower uny <br /> Pbnds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or aell the Property.Lender.prior ta the acquisizion or <br /> e�le of the Pnoperty,shall apply any Funda held by i.ender at tha time of acquisitian or sole as a creclit a$ainst tho suma <br /> se�ured by this Socudty Insprument. <br /> 3. Applkation of Paylaente. Unleu ePPlicable law provldes otherwise. all payments received by Leader,��der <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 slwll be applied;f rst,to any pnepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable uoder <br /> paragrap6 2; interest dee;fourth,to principal due;and uny late charges due under thc Nate. <br /> 4. Clwrges; Liene. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessmen�s.charges, fines and imposit�ons atvibutable to the <br /> Pn�perty which may attain prlorlty over�his Secu�ity Inswment,ond leasehoid payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower <br /> shall pay these obligatians in the manner pmvlded in parugrriph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Bomower shall pay them on <br /> � Wne direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of umounts to be paid uncler <br /> thls paragmph. If Borrower makes these payments dieectly.Bortower shall promptly furnish to I.ender receipts evidencing <br /> the payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly d�scharge any lien which has priarity over this Security Inst�ument unless Bomower:(a)agrees <br /> in writing to the payment of the obligaliun secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the <br /> lien defends against enforcement of the Ilen in,legal proceedings which in the l.ender�s opinion opernte to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from�he holder of the licn an agreement satisfuctory to I.ender subordineting the lien <br /> to this Security Inswmen� If Lenrler determines that any part of Ihe Property is subject tu a lien which mey ottain p�iority <br /> over this Secudty lnstrument,Le nder rnay give Borrower u notice identifyin�the lien. 8orrower shall satisfy the lien or iake <br /> ont or more of the artions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nodce. <br /> S. HazaM ar Praparty InsurAnce. Borrower shnll keep the improvernents now existing on c�reaf'ter crected on the <br /> Property insured agninst loss by fre,hazards included within the tertn"eatencled coverage"and�ny other hezerds,including <br /> tloods ot flooding. for which Lender requires insurance. This insurance stiall be maintAiircd in the amuunts and for 1he <br /> Fbrm J02{ 9A� fpoRe 2 oJb paResl <br /> :��s�".-��'-�`F'4„i«"-a'-.--•r.0,? i , � ,�P""i- '- �P'(,h rr .� .��..�.��� '.�---f^ �-{-- N—�, - �.�'L��.w� r -- <br /> K�f1�a�� � � '•, ] v j►Z',��S$�f� � �c rj�i,f,�.i,. l� • �ryy '�;`1.q,"�i � i <br /> �Lf�Kd�:S�:.s�'�v�i D ''41,i'�.l�i.�.-�.�� , - -�(E�'t�1J11;� tt�•:' _ l� .� ik� 4 i'�l1�•4%w}.�Li•A. ; ` i> . <br /> �y t � { i�. if. �..�:::.�t+;,, t i -f���•u.}1 <br /> .i1�r�'A��.��. ,T ��t.v�fa.,fK. ', . .R / SSI,(. .�•.�,�,���. . � .3. .y V.,��� (`� �� . " <br /> :!.Ssd�".sWLY��ati-_.�k..,i:_ •�. � ,r ;S?5..41.^lili�.�.]ti�.U'�: <br /> ' —1, �.+ ';i`�!�l'.•�ii '�.�na"`"'�� 1k3���wCfF�- <br /> ���y, f s - -•� -- --- – t}F' 1'3 �__� 3� i.,l.�yt�r i.a..t�ttsL_�i r '1 �} i _ <br /> � t <br /> Ym`�'n° jS}t(��G�� - S4�s'' =«+ .}+/lv'b3p,.a - ' � t� �i <br /> . �- �I�Lf��:�'[� _<IL�'�.7� .. . . � �- ,'e r 7 .w - <br /> K ' �t.u;leI C y :�}• 4 <br /> �r�1N1�1ti-41ri �a,�.. .�' � - ' r , J^ .� i``.i,y� *s�..�Y �wi►„�K•.�•yi +! � � ,s.i -,�tP �.. . <br /> .� i ��.- r � �, � ,.t ..S,S t.ti.r ��..;�..,.`.+4.L <br /> . <br /> _ � .� , <br /> -� ��,. _ t�!�}'i��iel+3;:.t.�`" �:._^_'. - �+ -'a' � ' .1� -r` � . _ 'a'2- `.t•`-r, <br /> _ LG i. _ -'�%�-- _' . ____-. .f "'_-'i`r'r'rr—..+r,--r�•..—r.-r ___._ _ —. _ ` _— <br /> � ` �_ . <br /> . _.__ --s = __�� fl'_ <br /> 3 <br /> �_ �s�r�ats��� . . -- ,'_�.._ �... a ... .,....5,..�,�.:,.Lay ' ' " 1 . -, <br /> - :+waerr r.. r�A.?-�y�•��1. .`�- " . . ., � �.... ,� - . <br /> ..y �„'�'� _ . - . . .� ,,e•a . . . . , <br /> r- 4 � - ' •�3.:' . . o - . . <br /> � '.� ..�,J'Z.a,..-��d ._ , -.. .. ... .. . . . . _- , . . . . � � .. <br /> -1�= .aV4 Tt1A ..,.. � . <br /> ' 1L�'[LLL` ��S[�. 1 w.'?:.R'Z �'/F .R- � i . a . 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