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-_,..�.,�...-.--____ ___ .. _ .,�,.�,......�---__ . . <br /> , . � .. ..�.�f�'��,:ti' .��tr:x.,��.�:�,;..� wJc^;._,..�.�.. - ... .:. .- - . . --�., , _ <br /> , .. � . •• - � ' � . .. . � ,. � .-_ <br /> ' � 1�-. .:��i9. �,� .�:: � <br /> oo�d�wlon«abr Wci�d�ny p�of W� ta ooawy�aoo b!MW af�aa�No IiprebOt�M�Md+�d - <br /> �iMll b�pid to Lada: . . , - : <br /> In de��reM of�wul t�lcie�o� the Propaty.�p�oo�ed��11 be Mppliad�o the'wnut eecwed by Wii 3�c�lt�► _ <br /> Inarumo�N�whetMt ar not d��lue.�►►ith�ny o�toeu id to Horrower In the evan a1 a p�etW akin�of dw PwpdPtY ia i <br /> which the hIr nMrka value of the Pra�paty immed4toly botae tbo t�t4�s ie eqw!to ar pe�tar tMu►tlie rrw�uic of tMe saan� <br /> aocurad by�hts Secudry in�t.immedi�wely betoro�ho Wcln�.unbu Boerowa�nd�r othe�vvltie�pae in writtaY... �� , <br /> the wim��eaned by thi�Secudty InWnanait dWl bo roducod by�ha amaiu�t ot the�xooeed�muUiplied by thv 1611owin� <br /> fFactiop: (�)ihe tot�l�mount of the wms aecurcd Immedi�taly bofae tlie uk�.dl�ided by(b)the hir m+�rf�et vdue d�6e � <br /> � biune0l�tely betae the W�in�. My b�W�ce �il bo pdd to Bamwer. In tho evem oi'a p�rthl t�kin�of�be <br /> in whkh the fdr mari�a v�lue af the Pmperty immediatoly betoro tho Wda�i�!eu thaa�he�mount af tho saru <br /> �ecured immadiRtely befaro the WcIng.unlcu Hamwer rrd l.ender dherwbe�ree in writin� ar unla��pplicable law <br /> od�avvise pnvWa.the pocood:�b�U be applied m the sutns�ecu�qd by Ihi�Securiry Instnamau wkti�or not the sums n�e <br /> t�due. <br /> !i tla Prope�y Is abmdoned by Borrower.or if.afte�ndlce by I.ender ta Bor�ower th�t�ha condemnar oBe�w m�ke <br /> �n�w�nd or�ottle a cl�im for dun��es,Bamwer fnils to respond to Lerukr wlthin 30 days�Rer the d�te the notice i��iven, <br /> I.ender ts Mqhorixed w collect u�d apply�ho proceods.u its opttoa,either[o�ctor+�tion cx repaf�'of the Pioperty or ta tbe <br /> r�wqs eocwed by�hLs Socuriry Inwumdat.wtkther or not Ihen due. <br /> Unkss L�nder and Bonower otl�eiwisa�groa in writing,any�pplica�ion of proceeds w prircipd slwll not axtend at <br /> postpone�he due d�to of the moothlY pa�Yments nefetred to in pwagraphs 1 and 2 ar chxoge tlrc iuno�d ot auch pqmenta. <br /> 11. Boirr�oiwer Not Ytdeas�d; btorbaranoe By Lender Nrt w Wdvv Exlmsiao of �he time for pymrnt a <br /> modification of�matization oi the sums secw�ed by this Security In�mient g�anted by Lender w�ny successor in inte�est <br /> of Bon�nw�v shall tat operate to rcla�se�e Uability of ihe ariginai�mwer or Bomower�sucoessats in interaw.l.ender <br /> �haU not he re4uimd to c�mmence Qra�ceedings agw�at any suc�,�r�in interest or tefuse to extend time far payment ar <br /> aherwise modify amoAization of thc s�.-m�s Secured by this Securily Insuument Oy rrason of any denund madc by the aiginai <br /> Bosrower ar Bomnwer�suaes.wrs in ixilerrsl. My fo�earance by L.ender in exercisin�any ri�ht or ra»ady ch�ll�wt be a <br /> wdver of or preclude tho exe�ise of an�r�ght or remedy. <br /> li Suoee�ora aad AssiQas BauoHN;Jdnt nnd Several LWblliRy;'Go-si�neta The cavena�MS and agroements of this <br /> Secwity Invhument ehall bind and benefit the successors and assigns oV Lender and Bomower,subject to the provisiona of <br /> pu�gcaph 17. Horrower�s covenants and agreements shell be joint and several. Any Borrower who casigns this Security <br /> Insdument but dces not eaxute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Secur�ty Insqument only to mortgAge,grant and convey thAt <br /> Bomnwerl�intercst in the 1'ropeKy under the cerms of this Security Insaument; (b)is not personally obliguted to pay the sums <br /> secwed by this Secu�ity Inswment;and(c)agnees that l.ender and any aher Borrower may agrce to extend.modify.forbear <br /> or make my aocommodations wilh rcgard to the tem�s of this SecurGy Inswment or the Nate without tlwt Borrower� <br /> canccnt. <br /> 13. Lan Clwrges If the loan secured by thia Secudry Iny�rumrnt is subject to A Idw �vhich sets me�cimum loan <br /> ci��i th�t i,.w ib finally inie�reied sa that the interest ar other i.3an chargcs ct�i�ctcd ar ta be w!lected ia ccssc�ecdon <br /> with the loan eaceed the perniitted I�mits,then: (a)any such loan chaQge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce <br /> the chnrge ta the permined limir a�d(b)any sums already collected ffrom Borrower which exceed�d permitted limits wlll be <br /> refundod to Borrawer. Lender may choase ia make this rcfund by redn��c ing�hc principal owed uader thc Nate or by making a <br /> direct payment to Bormwer. If u r�efund rrduces principal.the reduo�ion wfll be treated as a pariial prepayment without any <br /> prcpayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14. Noticea Any notice to Bo�rower provlded for in�his 5ecurity Instrument shatl be givcn by deliver�ng it or by <br /> mailing jt by flrst class mail unless applicuble law requires use of unother methad.The notice shall be directed to the Property <br /> Addres.g or any other oddresa Bomnwer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class <br /> mail to[.ender R address stated herein or uny other uddress Lender dex agnutes by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> in �his Security Inslrument xhall be deemed to have been given to 8arower or Lender when given as provWed in this <br /> P�B�Ph• <br /> 1S. Coverning Low; Severability. This Security Inswment shull be govemed by federal law and the law of the <br /> judsdiction in which the Property is locnted. In the event that un}•praviaion or cluuse of thix Security Inswment or the Note <br /> conflicts wNh applicable Inw,such conflic�siwll not affect uther pruvisions of thiz Security Instrument or the Note which can <br /> be given effect without the ecmflicting proviaian. 'Ib this end the provisions of this Securiiy Inswment aad the Note arg <br /> declared�o be severuble. <br /> 16. Borrower•s Copy. Aorrower shall be given one confornied copy of the Note und of this Securi�y Inswment. <br /> 17. 7Fanskr ot the PropeMy or 8 Beneficlol lnterest in Borrow•er If all or uny pan of the Propeny or any interest in — <br /> it is sold or transfemed (or if u beneficiul interesl in Borrower is sold ar trun.r•ferred sind Borrowcr is not a nuturul person) ,— <br /> without Lcnderk prior w�itten consent, l.ender may,nt its optinn,mquire immediatc payment in Pull of ull sums secured by <br /> this Securiry Instrument. Hawever,thiq aption shall not be exerci.ecl fiy l.ender if exereise is prohibited by federnl luw as of <br /> the date of this Security In9trument. <br /> If Lender exercises this oPtion.Lender ghull give�orroaer naire af acceleration. The natic�shall provide a periad of — <br /> , not less thon 30 days fron:the dnte Ihe notice ix delivered o�mailad wilhin which B�rcrower mutit pvy nll,ums secured by this <br /> 5ecurity Instrument. If Borrower failti to puy these Sum� priar to ihe expirution of this period,Lender may invoke any <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instcurnen�without funh�r notice or demunJ on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If BormW�er meets cennin conditionx, Bom�wer +hull have �he right to have <br /> � enforCemeM of this Securiry Inst�vment discontinued ut any lime prior in the enrlicr of: IUI S dnys lor xuch other period us _ <br /> Singlc Fnmfly•-Fonnle MpdFYcddle�lae CYIFORM lVSTRUNF NT••Unitixm Cuvenvna 91lIA I/+uXt.l n)6/wgt.0 - <br /> . 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